Revista Consciência Ampla 11ª edição em inglês

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Your Ampla social and environmental responsibility magazine

year 3 I january • february • march 2012 I nº 11

Our way of being sustainable

Ampla launches a book on social projects and shares social and environmental responsibilities experiences – page 7

Ampla closes the year with highlights from citizenship actions –

pages 8, 9,10 and 11

The right to dream




The year 2011 was a year

of major Consciência Ampla

project successes. Over the

months, as shown in the

graph (right), we managed

to exceed most of our goals

reaching a large number

of beneficiaries. This was

possible thanks to your help.

In 2012, we have set new

challenges and we hope we

can continue counting on

your participation.

“I want to say that the work

you are doing is perfect,

congratulations! I am doing a

course at Senai in São Gonçalo.

I’m getting a lot of experience

and I am identifying with the

course. Thank you very much;

truly the teachers are very

professional. Before doing the

course I’d look at an energy

post and I didn’t know anything

about what was happening

but now I understand it all.

I’m very happy with my new

profession. Thank you a lot,

congratulations”. (via blog).

Leonardo de Souza Figueiredo

“Your blog is excellent! I am

an art educator and designer.

You’re on the right track -

recycling forever”. (via blog)

Dalva Paixão

“@Conscienciampla, it’s very

satisfying divulging the

articles on your blog. I follow

up on everything you post

regularly”.” (via Twitter)


“Keep reading @Conscienciampla.

It’s really very good and quite

worthwhile. Okay guys keep your

information flowing: D’(via Twitter)

Daniel Mescouto


Magé on the 10th

Saracuruna on the 11th


Teresópolis on the 2nd

Petrópolis on the 3nd

Macaé on the 9th

Cabo Frio on the 10th


Paraty from the 6th to the 9th

Angra dos Reis from the 27th to the 29th


Angra dos Reis from the 1st to the 3rd

A year of major achievements

Project Beneficiaries in 2011 Annual Goal

Ampla Knowledge 129.324 131.000

Ampla Citizenship 28.405 16.300

Ampla Art 13.667 8.000

Ampla in the Future 113.155 70.000

Ampla on Wheels 57.318 49.000

Ampla Opportunity 1.354 1.300

Ampla on the Screen 12.004 10.600

Ampla Ecology 4.368 4.000

Ampla Cultural 20.993 29.000

Ampla Efficiency 21.419 20.000

TOTAL 402.007 339.200

Consciência Ampla on the Screen Ampla Consciência on Wheels

Citizenship agenda

Stay tuned in to the Ampla Consciência on the Screen Project and the Ampla Consciência

on Wheels Program, plus, nine other 9 Ampla social projects that are bringing culture and

education to residents in Rio de Janeiro. Check out programming by consulting our blog

or the Ampla Consciência Twitter address.

Mobile movie theater visits cities in Rio de Janeiro

Mobile truck-unit visiting many locations with information on rational energy use













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CreditsThis is a quarterly publication produced by Ampla. Ampla Marketing, Creation and Production: Denise Monteiro (Mtb: 21.1407), Tatianna Togashi, Patrícia Gismonti and Pryscilla Civelli; Ampla Social Projects: Aladia Guerino, Cristiane Baena, Felipe Conti, Gislene Rodrigues and Katia Ramos; Collaborators: Ampla External Communication and Social Responsibility: Janaína Vilella, Ana Paula Caporal and Beatriz Stutzel; Reporters: Ana Clara Werneck, Annie Nielsen, Carolina Silveira, Letícia Mota, Lissandra Torres and Maíra Gonçalves. Editorial Coordination: Maira Goncalves. Editing:Eliane Levy de Souza. Graphic Project and Diagramming: Casa do Cliente Comunicação 360º. Revision: Juliana Carvalho. Photos: Antonio Pinheiro, Casa do Cliente Image Bank and Humberto Souza and Mazé Mixo.

Face to Face ............................................. 4Success Story ........................................... 6In the news ............................................. 8Cover Story ..............................................7In Focus ................................................12Special Report .......................................13Learning Network .................................14Digital Awareness ................................15Tips ........................................................16

Responsibility all year round



From January to January, Ampla visits many

communities where the company is present

and encourages residents to participate in

many Consciência Ampla social programs and

projects. Since 2009, these initiatives have

been increasing rational energy awareness

among the population and have benefited

more than 400 thousand people.

At Christmas time, things couldn’t be any

different. Ampla offers community members

the opportunity to join our traditional projects

such as the Christmas Citizen Program that

distributed more than 1,200 presents to

children in 2011. The Ampla Christmas Choir

sings out to people everywhere - festive classics,

for the pleasure of adults and children while

sending out a message of social integration to

everyone. Our cover story gives more details

of other Ampla projects that make year’s-end a

very special time for our clients.

The Christmas solidarity spirit also inspired

our Face-to-Face personality, Marcolina da

Silva, better known as Aunt Marcolina. At

78-years of age, this retired teacher maintains

a public day-care center on her small farm

where she lives. Her story is a lesson on life –

a fine example of volunteer spirit and service.

From Petropolis to the Screen; this was

the trajectory that launched young actor,

Leonardo Couto. Through the Consciência

Ampla on the Screen project, this young man

discovered his true vocation as an actor when

the Ampla Project Workshop was held at his

school. Learn more about this dynamic teen

in our report – Success Story.

In the News presents cases that point to the

social and environmental attitude at Ampla. The

article includes some of the results of this work

in a new book called Social Actions, Education

and Sustainability – a relations network between

the company and community.

Happy reading!

Marcelo Llévenes

Responsible for Ampla and

Endesa Brasil

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face to face

Marcolina da Silva

Never too late for solidarity“These children are the angels in my life”. This confession is made by a 78-year-old retired teacher,

Marcolina Alexandrina da Silva who has dedicated the last two decades of her life to social assistance and volunteer work. It all started some 32 years ago after her doctors told her she

didn’t have much time left as a result of a CVA (stroke) and the discovery of an aneurysm in the brain. She firmly believes that her medical situation completely reverted thanks

to the children in her life. She said,” I was in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital and I remember hearing a small child crying close by. It didn’t take long to regain my vision and the use of my other senses “. Once out of the hospital, she decided to keep busy by founding a public daycare center that she named Community Daycare Center Aunt Marcolina which she opened on the small farm where she lives in Monjolos, São Gonçalo, in Rio de Janeiro State. She receives some 40 children from the ages of 2 to 5 years of age. She signed an agreement with the local town hall which helps finance the maintenance four classrooms, a secretarial administrative office, various toilets and a lunch room. She also relies on donations

from companies and other partners including Ampla which helps sponsor this work. Two of Ampla’s programs (Christmas Citizenship, part of the Consciência

Ampla Citizenship Program and the Ampla Compartlihar (Sharing) Program have been implemented at the Center. At the end of last year, the Ampla Xmas program

distributed presents to 41 kids while the second program sponsored other donations after mapping the real needs of the daycare institution. To complete the work, in 2011, Ampla

employee volunteers got together to paint the center and make small repairs.

How did you get the idea to open the Aunt

Marcolina Daycare Center?

In 1980, I had a stroke and then I found out I

had an aneurism in the brain. I was in hospital

for 10 days and needed surgery. My brother

did not let the doctors operate fearing I would

not survive. In the Intensive care ward, I could

hear a small child sobbing, as if it was alone

and hungry; that did something to me and

then the doctors came in and said I had only

a few hours to live – that was more than 30

years ago. Jesus sent me a crying child to keep

me going so I decided to open the center in

1996, I do not charge the families anything

and I would give my life for this place. I guess I

have the children to thank for my life.

Where did you first open your daycare center?

I rented a small house in my neighborhood

but that didn’t last long. We were living like

gypsies; the kids scribbled all over the walls,

the owners didn’t want us there so from time

“This daycare center cannot close down.

We have to keep believing we will

find sponsors from companies to help us pay our people

decent salaries”.

to time, we moved to my own home with all

the furniture and things. After a while, I asked

the community for help and they got together

to start building a daycare center on a small

farm that I own but funds were very scarce

and we were forced to continue renting other

places. During a period of time, we were

operating the center in the parochial room at

a local Catholic church in Monjolos.

So how did you finally finish the work at the

center on your farm?

We signed an agreement with the town hall

government of São Gonçalo but we couldn’t

use the funds for paying teachers’ salaries or for

buying building materials that we needed to

finish the center. We did finally finish it thanks to

José Carlos Coutinho (ex-federal congressman)

who embraced our project. He bought all the

building materials; he also hired the bricklayers

and after the work was done, he gave me the

keys to the center. I was so happy.

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‘I really would like to offer quality education to these young people’

What is the biggest reward you get from

this work?

My biggest joy is my team of employees

who are practically parents to the children.

They put a lot of love into their work; they’re

not really here just for the money they earn.

Sometimes, I’ve paid their salaries well into

the month, late of course. The minimum wage

for this kind of work is also very modest; what

prevails at the daycare center is the affection

we all feel for the children. I would really love

to be able to pay them a respectable salary

but on the budget we have to work with, it’s

just not possible.

You seem very concerned about educating

people. What kind of education do you have?

With great difficulty I managed to finish my

high school at night because I had to work.

The school was far away and I needed my

brother to take me and bring me back. I really

wanted to go to university and unfortunately

I believed in a man who said but he would

marry me and after we were married; he

promised he would take me back and forth to

the University. That didn’t happen but he did

give me three wonderful children and after

eight years he abandoned us all. My three

kids, Tito, Helena and Vitor (see the photo at

the top of the page) help me with my social

work. I am very grateful to them.

What kind of donations does the daycare

center receive?

We accept almost anything but mainly, what

we need is money. We have to increase

the number of children but first we need

to repair one of the

classrooms that got

damaged because of

rain infiltration. Last

year we had 60 children

enrolled but this year we

could only accept 40. My big

dream is to find a major sponsor

for the center. This is what I ask the

Lord for every day.

What exactly does this social work represent

in your life?

It is the purpose of my life. The Center can

never close. If that happens I will surely suffer

a lot. We have to believe that we’re going to

achieve our goal which is to find companies

to sponsor the daycare center so we can pay

decent salaries to all our employees. The house

in which I am living could collapse on top of

me; I spend almost nothing on maintenance

or repairs to make sure I have money to

take care of myself during retirement and

the daycare center. I have faith that one day

things will get better.

Reporter: Do you still have a dream that you

would like to see realized?

Yes. I would like to offer professionalizing

courses to the adolescents. I actually paid

rent on an old house in our neighborhood

for six months, I hired some teachers but, I

never came to an agreement with the state

government to help cover costs. This was a

source of great sadness and concern because

I really would like to offer quality education to

these young people.

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In 2009, when the Consciência

Ampla on the Screen was held at

the public school Ciep Gabriela

Mistral, in Posse, District of

Petropolis, Leonardo Couto like

many of his other friends had

never actually seen a movie. The

closest movie theater was 34 km

away in Itaipava. But, being the

curious minded person he was, he

quickly enrolled in the project. The

proposal was to make a short movie

with the participation of students during all

phases of movie production including acting,

under the guidance of industry professionals.

Since Leonardo was very young, he had been

a great fan of Fernanda Brum and dreamed of

one day becoming a gospel singer but then

he discovered his talent as an actor.

He explained, “I turned up late for the screen

test and I thought the only part left in the movie

was to be a tree but I ended up being chosen to

play the part of Zeca, the main character of the

film entitled “Awareness Makes a Difference”;

it was about rational energy consumption”.

The director made a good choice. A year

later, Leonardo won the Best Short Film Actor

Award, competing against four other young

contestants. He became famous in his city

and was invited to give interviews on TV, in

newspapers and on radio talk shows.

From the sidelines to the big screen

Leonardo participated in all phases of

production of the movie, from but what

he said he really loved was acting. He

commented, “The move is a story of a guy

named Zeca, an adolescent who learned to be

more responsible. Through this experience,

I also grew up just like he did”. Leonardo is

plans to move from his city of Posse so he can

First step to successcontinue studying and achieve his dream of

becoming a theater artist.

In 2011, he was chosen to act a Master of

Ceremonies for the second edition of the Short

Film Awards Ceremony. Besides presenting the

event, last November at Ampla head office

in Niteroi, this teenager had the chance to

meet and be encouraged to continue acting,

by someone famous in the Brazilian movie

scenario; André Ramiro, the famous “André”,

from the top rated movie Tropa de Elite.

Leonardo said, “Besides Ampla, I have the

support of my parents who are helping me

every way they can si I can achieve my goal in

life. I didn’t think I would be able to stand up

and talk in front of so many people the Award

Ceremony but my mother encouraged me and

everything worked out okay”. He commented,

“There is an important line in the movie that

more or less sums up

my experience. It

says - Everything

starts with the

first step. After

we take the first

step, anything

can happen”.

‘I turned up late for the screen test and I thought the

only part left in the movie was to

be a tree’(comment by Leonardo

who was chosen to be

the main actor)

sucess story

Leonardo CoutoCertified origin recyclable paper6 Certified origin recyclable paper

Sustainable pagesTell stories based on declarations made by

protagonists. This was the proposal that Ampla

created to share some of the social responsibility

activities that the company is promoting in the

communities where it is present. A collection

of these interesting case studies resulted in the

publication of a book called Consciência Ampla:

Social Actions, Education and Sustainability

– a relations network between the company

and community. Released last November in

English and Portuguese editions, the book

brings together successful initiatives taken by

the concessionaire that have reached out to

more than 2 million people helping them to

understand the importance of rational electric

energy consumption. Gislene Rodrigues, the

lady responsible for the Ampla Social Projects

area, pointed out that the purpose of the book

was to go beyond a simple registry of the

important actions developed by the company.

She said, “We are disseminating information on

the methodology that we use in maintaining

our relationships with our clients living in the

communities where we operate by emphasizing

the benefits we provide the people in these

places. Our desire is to inspire other similar

actions and expand our partnerships”.

Since 2009, Consciência Ampla projects have

been reinforcing the concessionaire’s philosophy

of implementing actions to fight energy waste,

environmental impacts and economic losses.

This basic idea is to multiply educational

initiatives to expand the rational consumption

of energy. In all, 11 different projects make

up the complete Ampla menu of programs,

including: Ampla Knowledge, Ampla Citizenship,

Ampla Art, Ampla in the Future, Ampla on Wheels,

Ampla Opportunity, and Ampla on the Screen,

Ampla Awareness, Ampla Ecology, Ampla Cultural

and Ampla Efficiency. By the end of 2011, more

than 400,000 people were directly and

indirectly benefited from

these programs.

Responsible Technology

As in all Ampla Social Projects

actions, the conception of the

book was based on rational

and responsible production

standards. Even the pages that

fill the books were made from

recycled plastics, a decision

based on the company’s

Sustainability Philosophy.

Gislene pointed out that

the entire editorial process

followed rational, responsible

guidelines. She believes it’s

necessary to give others an

example to follow. She said, “We wanted

to show everyone a practical application of our

philosophy on how to contribute to making the

world better. Our intention was to use a model

easily replicated so that other products can be

created based on the same principles. This is

our way of helping the world to adopt new and

better sustainable technologies”.

in the news

Book Release with great styleAmpla promoted a special event to launch a new book last November.

The happening brought together important public opinion formers such

as Maria Lúcia Pontual, a professor from the Fluminense Federal Univer-

sity; Leila Souza Lima, a journalist reporter from the O Dia newspaper

responsible for an important social column and Marcelo Llévenes, the

Ampla president. The special guests took part in a debate on the role

of companies in the media and in local communities for the building a

better world. The event was transmitted over the Twitter social network.

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cover story

Time to make dreams come true

Raul Seixas, a Brazilian musician, in

his song Prelúdio, written back in

1974, said that a dream can only

become a reality when everyone

makes it happen. These words,

even after so many years, have

not lost their truth and were

translated into actions last year by

another Ampla initiative. As part of

the Ampla Citizenship Program, the

Christmas Citizen Project mobilized

collaborators and employees that organize

a gift distribution event in which 1,245

children received presents in conjunction with

another company program called Ampla

Development that benefited children

from, boys and girls from 10 different

institutions located in the communities

where the concessionaire is present.

Another attraction, the Ampla Christmas

Choir brought the Christmas spirit to

various cities in the state by holding free

musical performances for the public.

A special present“I can say with confidence that the majority of

these children were given at least one present

at the end of the year”. This is the reason

that Aladia Guerino, a specialist working

at the company’s Social Project area works

hard to organize the Christmas Citizen event

every year. The 2011 program called Dream

Christmas actually started getting organized

in October. It was ready to go into play two

weeks before the actual event took place

as a result of the enthusiastic collaboration

by volunteers and employees. Some 1,400

presents were distributed to children up to

12 years of age at various Christmas parties

organized at the company and at institutions

located in the Ampla areas of influence.

The “Godfathers and Godmothers”, the

people that donate the toys and presents

were free to choose the children that they

wanted to give gifts to. The Social Project

team organized a list of names and profiles

of each child and the toys that they wanted

to get from Santa Claus. According to Aladia,

some of the company’s employees give

gifts to the same children every year while

others buy presents for as many children

as they can. As a way of saying thank you,

each collaborator receives a photo of his

“Adopted” child holding his or her present.

Silvana Guerino, responsible for the Ampla

Operation Intelligence area has participated in

the Christmas Citizen program for the last seven

years. In 2011 she adopted four children and

distributed additional toys as well. She said with

a happy sense of satisfaction, “This project is a

great opportunity to do some good in the world.

It’s important to think about other people. Every

child likes to have toys and to play. Watching

their faces break into smiles is very gratifying”.

Another employee who is very enthusiastic

about the campaign, Luã Victor Tavares, a

trainee from the company Invoicing Department

distributed presents to five children; “My family

have participated in these kinds of donation

campaigns for a long time and when I told them

about the company initiative, they all wanted to

join in. It’s a way of providing a happy Christmas

to a lot of people. I hope to be part of all the

company’s future campaigns”.Children having a good time with Santa Clause and their Christmas presents

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The distribution of toys and Christmas gifts was

organized at company installations located in São

Gonçalo and Duque de Caixias. In Magé, a Christmas

party was held at the Sacred Family Church.

Other parties were organized to distribute toys

to children from the J. E. P. Zandonaide Daycare

School, the Dom Orione Community Daycare

Center, Aunt Marcolina Daycare Center, Forming

Lives Municipal Daycare Center, the New Start

Institution, São Gabriel Daycare Center, Ana

Clara Community Daycare Center, Friends of

Gandhi Residents Association, Sacred Family

Church and the Children’s Pastoral Center.

Bringing families togetherIn São Gonçalo, the Christmas party was held

on December13th and brought together many

families from the city and from the neighboring

town of Itaborai. Games were organized as

well as theater presentations, art workshops,

drinks and snacks and finally, the arrival of

Santa Claus, much to the joy of the nearly 100

children present at the event.

Citizen Concessionaire The Consciência Ampla Citizenship project is part the of the Consciência Ampla social program platform focusing on social

inclusion initiatives. Through these and other projects and programs at the concessionaire important information and services

are offered to people living in socially vulnerable situations as indicated by local company collaborators or by church partners.

Each family is evaluated and selected to receive various social assistance benefits including, for example, the substitution of

an old or broken refrigerator or upgrading domestic electrical wiring to reduce risks of fire. Through the organization of

monthly workshops built around specific themes, program beneficiaries also receive orientation on how to improve rational

energy consumption practices. Program participants are also registered for receiving public health services and for issuance

of citizenship documents such as birth certificates, ID cards and workbooks. They are eligible to participate in programs such

as the Electric Energy Social Tariff Program offering energy users special deductions on their monthly energy bills.

Aladia explained, “Our efforts are centered on a citizenship inclusion concept which is the focus of monthly workshops

we organize to inform community members of their rights and obligations from an ethical point of view. We point

out the importance of controlling their budgets, especially energy costs and to contribute to the sustainability concept

by reducing stress on family expenses. All our actions are designed to increase self-esteem among these typically

underprivileged people. It’s a way of helping them to wake up to a new and better reality”.

Consciência Ampla Citizenship actions are organized in conjunction with the Secretary of Social Action and the Social

Assistance Reference Centers, part of the municipal governments in the Ampla concessionaire areas of influence.

For the last three years, housewife Andréia Baptisita,

a resident in the Apollo III neighborhood, in Itaborai,

has participated in the Christmas Citizen program.

Mother of two young boys, Afonso (6) and Nathan

(7), she told us that they wait the whole year for the

presents they get at Christmas time. She declared,

“For me, it’s a great privilege being invited to the

event. It makes me so happy to see my children

with their new toys. It’s a dream come true”. A

resident from São Gonçalo, a housewife, Claudia

da Silva from the Jardim Catarina neighborhood

also participated in the event as well as the Ampla

Development program. She said, “After being part

of the program my live improved significantly. I

started looking at the future with different eyes.

Ampla is a family that embraced me”. Her three

children are also benefited by the Ampla projects:

Priscilla (22), Douglas (11) and Vitória Letícia, 10

years old. The two youngest children were each

given brand-new Christmas action dolls.

Aladia declared, “The joy we see on the faces

of the children is the biggest reward for our

efforts. The work demands a lot of dedication

by everyone on the team but the smiles we get

gives us the strength to continue every year”.

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Traveling stage


The young and enthusiastic voices in the

Mané Garrincha Choir presented many

traditional Christmas songs to the residents of

18 municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

For the second consecutive year the Consciência

Ampla program organized the Christmas Song

cultural project for the public promoting live

performances by the 14 members of the choir

under the direction of a maestro that circulated

in the state on a traveling–bus-stage especially

adapted to put on the performances. Ampla

marketing analyst, Patricia Gismonto explained,

“Ampla wants to transmit to adults and children

the magic of Christmas while promoting

citizenship values from a platform of social

and cultural integration actions. All the

performances are free and open to the

general public”. During the months

of December and November of

this last year, the custom-adapted

bus drove through the streets and

squares of many municipalities

in the state including: São João

da Barra, Campos, Carapebus,

Macaé, Santa Maria Madalena,

Cantagalo, Casimiro de Abreu,

Silva Jardim, Búzios, Teresópolis,

Cachoeiras de Macacu, Magé, Cabo

Frio, Paraty, Maricá, Itaboraí, São

Goncalo, Niteroi and Saracuna.

During the tour in Niteroi, the bus

stopped at Ampla Headquarters to

make a special performance for company

employees and their families. The children

were enchanted by the presentation and

were excited to finally meet Santa Claus

who traveled around the state with the choir

bringing joy to the communities they visited.

Bianca Silva Costa, an Ampla employee

working in São Gonçalo was not able to

participate in the party in her city but made a

point of bringing her two-year-old daughter

to the festivities held in Niteroi. She said,

“The event was fantastic. It brought many

families together. My daughter, even though

she’s very small, had a great time and just

loved the toy she was given at the event”.

More than 100 toys were distributed during

the party. Nilza Costa Barcellos works as a

General Services employee at the company

Legal Department; she brought her daughter

(Roberta) and Laura, her one-year-old

granddaughter. She explained, “I’ve worked

at the company for nine years and I simply

love the Christmas parties. We never had

Santa Claus parties when I was a child so I

really have a good time with my family”.

After the musical performance held at the

company head office, the special bus drove

through the streets of Niteroi and stopped

to perform in front of a shopping center

where hundreds of people stopped to listen

to the Choir. Teacher, Denise Souza was one

of the spectators. She commented, “I was out

doing my Christmas shopping when I heard

the music so I came over to see the show. It was

really exciting to see the young people singing

Christmas songs. The children stood by watching

and shouting when Santa Claus appeared. A

really great event put on by Ampla!”

Nilza Costa Barcellos, took her daughter Roberta and granddaughter Laura to see the show

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In the MediaThe Ampla Christmas Song

project was commented in more

than 20 media articles including

newspapers, TV and digital

sources throughout November

and December of this last year.

On Christmas Eve, the Choir

put on a performance in Rio de

Janeiro’s picture postcard Lagoa

district that was shown live b y

the RJ TV news show. The Búzios

performance became a top story

in the Globo Network affiliate

TV channel; TV Serra e Mar.

Many other regional newspapers

praised the Choir’s performances

including: O São Gonçalo Extra,

O Dia, O Diário da Costa de Sol,

Folha dos Lagos and the Tribune.

Various news media websites, not

to be outdone by other media

sources, also featured the Choir,

sites including: the Teresópolis

Jornal Online, O São Gonçalo

Online, JB Online, Macaé Cultura,

Cantagalo Municipal website, the

Carapebus Municipal website,

SJB Online and the Folha da

Manhã Online, all important

news media sources in Rio de

Janeiro and Brazil.

Social inclusion through musicThe Mané Garrincha Choir includes 45 public school children enrolled in a school with the

same name located in Mágé. (“Garrincha” was a world-famous Brazilian soccer star who

dazzled the sports world with his brilliant, crooked legs). The musical project started 17

years ago under the organization of maestro Marcio Bonfim (see photo on right), who has

transformed the lives of many young people through music. He teaches 12 to 22 year old

students play instruments such as the violin and the classical guitar. He also gives classes

on vocal techniques, music theory, body percussion and even tap dancing.

He stated, ”I work as knowledge and culture multiplier and my hope is that the kids do the

same thing, passing on what they learned to others. The partnership with Ampla started

some four years ago; it has motivated me to keep moving forward. The students themselves

comment that I’m helping turn stones into diamonds but for me what is more important

is that they are growing, developing and helping their families. The rewards have been

fantastic. Proof of our program’s success can be demonstrated by the fact we have been

invited to participate in the opening ceremonies of the 2014 World Cup games”.

The musical Christmas menu organized by the Choir includes such traditional favorites

as Jingle Bells, Silent Night and the Bells of Bethlehem. With help from Ampla, musical

instruments were purchased to complete the Choir’s talents. The group also puts on

shows at other special event and program sponsored by Ampla.

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Culture and innovation within reachEverything that’s good can even be better. Ampla

understands this concept and has developed

a new program called Amplitude. The project

consists in providing free access to culture,

technology and innovation. The event is held in

a partnership with State Secretary of Culture of

Rio de Janeiro and receives tax incentives thanks

to the Law of Cultural Incentives (ICMS-RJ).

Diving into the digital universeAmpla Marketing area analyst and project

coordinator, Patricia Gismonti, explained to

our reporters. “We first idealized the Amplitude

program as another way of bringing us closer

to our clients. We want them to incorporate

our brand into their daily lives in a positive

way. We hope to do this by offering them

special programs full of interesting cultural

and technological attractions.”

She added that the program was expanded

in its last edition.”Up to 2000, the event

was restricted to our internal publics

and students. It was always held in the

Ampla building however in 2011 we

invited other companies to present

what was new in terms of universal

digital innovations - this was the first

time we took the event outside Ampla

installations. The last Amplitude edition

was held in October, from the 25th to

the 29th, of 2011. It was organized on

the Fluminense Federal University Gragoatá

Campus, in Niteroi. The fair was set up in a

huge tent on the university’s football field for

the general public to check out the multiple

interactive activities, lectures, workshops,

music shows, films and digital inventions

that were on display. One of the attractions

The public was able to check out multiple interactive activities

in focus

that captured the attention of many visitors

was the Mobile Art Workshop organized by

Giuliano Chiaradia, director and author from

the Globo Network. During the course he

taught participants about the art of recording

videos on movable electronic equipment such

as telephones, iPods and smart phones.

Another superstar at the event was the Real

Break, a kind of puzzle that captured images

in movement and transported visitors inside

the experience through a touch screen table.

Participants had the experience of digital

interactivity through a series of iPads that were

placed in front of them so they could navigate

through an intelligent house conceived in

3D, full of important tips on rational energy

consumption. The lectures covered topics

on public lighting systems, rational energy

use, intelligent cities and the advances and

challenges of the telecommunications industry.

Music lovers were given a fantastic surprise: the

Transformasons Show, organized by the XPLAU

group; a mixture of electronic and classical music

performances. For lovers of the seventh art, the

audience could watch a debate on technological

innovations. The protagonists in the debate

panel included cineaste Nevile D’Almeida and

the famous director Fernão Ciampa under

the mediation of journalist, Rodrigo Fonseca.

Visitors were also able to watch 20 short films

that were part of a creative animation project

called Baixada Animation. The results of the

Amplitude Micro-Short Films Contest were

also announced. The winning video, entitled

– Rational Consumption – You Direct this Movie,

was produced by Ana Luisa Carvalho; she

received a new iPad as first prize winner.

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Ampla participated in the VII Ciertec Seminar

– New Practices and Technologies for a

Sustainable Energy Sector, held in the south

of Brazil, in Porto Alegre, from November 21st

through to the 23rd. This edition focused on

promoting responsible business practices and

advanced technology and energy efficiency

themes. The seminar promoted by Bracier

(Cier Brazilian Committee) is one of the most

important events of its kind in all Latin America

and brought together representatives from

private and public companies and institutions

who participated actively in courses, debates,

lectures and exhibitions.

Gislene Rodrigues, responsible for the Ampla

Social Project area presented a lecture entitled

“Efficient Energy Management - public policies

designed to promote energy efficiency:

reflections on energy efficiency programs

for social and environmental sustainability

in Brazil”. Throughout her presentation, she

talked about social actions integrated with

energy loss combat techniques adopted

by the company. She also talked about the

creation of the Consciência Ampla Program

and the many awards that the company has

received over the years.

Gislene said, “Our participation in the Cier-

Bracier was very important as this is one

of the most prestigious events of its kind.

Our experience proves that it’s possible to

build, in connection with other companies

in the sector, a modern electric industry

based on the sustainability philosophy when

embraced by companies and society to

make important gains for the country. She

pointed out that this was the first time that

Ampla social projects were incorporated into

the topics at the event.

Ampla’s Gislene Rodrigues giving a lecture at the

VII Ciertec Edition

Consciência Ampla, a Ciertec Highlight

Bracier president director, Sergio Souza Dias,

affirmed that the debates presented served as

a base for developing new projects by energy

companies, generating more benefits and

improving the quality of sectorial products and

services. During the seminar, smart grids were

also discussed; intelligent networks containing

large-scale automation systems designed to

perfect energy consumption meter monitoring

as one of the improvements to be incorporated

in the electric system in Brazil.

Another event held in 2011 in which Ampla

participated was the Quality Management and

Social – Environmental Responsibility Seminar.

The two-day event was held in November (9th

-10th) at AES Eletropaulo and was organized

by Abradee (Brazilian Association of Electric

Energy Distributors). Ampla, a highlight

in the Ethos Questionnaire,

presented lectures on

waste management

models and the

C o n s c i ê n c i a

Ampla social


special report

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The most important resources at any company are people, in other

words, collaborators, employees and contracted personnel.

The more these people are prepared, the better the

results of the company will be. But, like anything else,

an efficient management system is essential. In

1998, 26 key electric energy organizations created

an entity called the Coge Foundation (Business

Management Committee Foundation) for the

purpose of promoting and improving business

management procedures and at the same

time, create added value by building a modern

technical and organizational culture.

Eduardo de Souza Pereira, Director Superintendent

of the Coge Foundation stated, “We understand the

important role that the Brazilian energy sector plays in

the country and it is our responsibility to disseminate our

experience and knowledge. We regularly organize research

surveys and training programs and provide consulting services

and assistance. We promote special courses and seminars.

We also develop projects for the continuous improvement of

our methods and procedures because what we need to do is

organize electric sector companies in a more efficient manner”.

Eduardo mentioned a successful example of the actions taken by

the Foundation by pointing to the expressive number of member

companies and associations. Over the last 13 years, Coge grew

from 26 associates to 67 private and public organizations that

are collectively responsible for more than 90% of electric energy

production, transmission and distribution in Brazil.

The director superintendent also highlighted the work done to

disseminate good business practices. He said, “We created the Coge

Foundation Award which is given to companies for creating the

best projects and most successful business practices in the country.

Over the last 11 editions, we brought together some 500 projects

and initiatives that clearly demonstrate how the Brazilian electric

sector has made important contributions

to the social development of the

country. This patrimony is

certainly a reason for

pride and satisfaction

for everyone in

the industry. The

Foundation not only wishes to recognize the enormous efforts

made by our professionals; we also want society to appreciate the

initiatives we’ve made to improve the energy area in the country”

A success story at Endesa BrasilMr. Pereira went on to speak about a project created by

Endesa entitled “Knowing how to live – a Management

model”, which won first prize last year for its “Work Safety and

Health Management Model. The program was the result of a

reformulation among the companies in the Endesa holding group

targeting zero accidents on the job and expanding awareness

among its employees about the importance of adopting accident

prevention attitudes and actions. Eduardo explained, “The focus

of the program was to change people’s attitudes toward job

safety and set guidelines to teach people how to improve the

everyday things we do related to health, job safety and quality of

life. The Respect for Life concept was incorporated into Endesa

Values and as a result, the organization has attained significant

reductions in the frequency and severity of work accidents. This

kind of information must be made available to society as it serves

for a working model for every other company in Brazil”.

Eduardo said that the Coge Foundation perspectives for 2012 are

the best possible and include continuity of the relevant work done

for the sector and Brazil over the last year. Some of the priorities

in 2012 include the expansion of training programs organized in

partnership with various technical entities in the electric energy

sector as well as the continuous development of consulting

services projects to respond to specific needs in the industry.

Another target is the organization of an Accident Statistical Report

for the Brazilian Electric Sector and will include action proposals to

improve employee job safety as well as the safety of contracted

personnel and the population in general. In 2012 attention

given to energy efficiency will be intensified and of course, the

organization of the 12th edition of the Coge Foundation Awards.

He concluded by saying, “We are sure this will be a very

productive year in which Brazilian Electric Sector companies

and organizations will implant and expand best management

practices so that the services they all provide to Brazil will be

safer and more efficient. For us at the Coge Foundation, we

will continue with our mission of encouraging the creation

and dissemination of business practices to encourage

sustainable growth in Brazil”.

learning network

Efficient management in theory and practice

Eduardo de Souza


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digital awareness

Ampla virtual channels reach more than 4 million people



















Canal Futura e Ampla apresentam a série “Barrinhas”

O Futura traz uma novidade durante os intervalos da programação, a série “Barrinhas”. Produzida pela Giroscópio Filmes, a animação com massa de modelar dá dicas sobre consumo

consciente de energia, segurança e responsabilidade socioambiental.

Assista “Barrinhas” durante os intervalos da programação do Futura e nas lojas da Ampla

Futura Channel and Ampla present an animated series – Barrinhas




The Futura TV channel is bringing viewers something new and different during program intervals, a short, animated series called Barrinhas. Produced by

Giroscopio Filmes, the personalities are made of colorful modeling clay sticks and give consumers

tips about rational energy use, electric safety at home and the importance of social and environmental responsibility actions.

Be sure to watch Barrinhas whenever you can during the intervals of Futura TV channel programming also available at Ampla stores.

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Vacations with lots of No-risk Fun


•Do not fly kites near overhead energy lines. Contact with an energized cable can cause electric shock and burns as well as short-circuits in household wiring and appliances;

•Never use wax and ground glass on kite lines - they can cut electrical overhead lines and cause shocks and burns;

• If a kite gets tangled up with overhead electrical cables – do not try to release it;

•Do not fly kites or play ball close to roads and highways. Avoid becoming a traffic accident victim;

•Stay clear of high places like roof-tops – falling from a high place can result in serious injuries;

•Never fly kites or play ball close to electric substations. Never go into a sub-station area to retrieve a ball or a kite.

School vacation time for children is a time

for fun and games – safe, responsible fun

and games, especially when playing around

electric energy installations. According to

statistics collected by the Brazilian Association

of Electric Energy Distributors, contact with

electric lines and installations caused 304

deaths in 2010. To combat reoccurrences

of these accidents, Ampla has created the

Vacations with

No-risk Fun

C a m p a i g n

thing of a series of

lectures given by company

employees in state and public

schools. The objective is to

warn children and young

people about the risks of flying

kites or participating in other

playtime activities at locations near

electrical system installations and

substations. Pamphlets are distributed at

the lectures to reinforce the message. The

Share these tips with your family:

company professionals who organized

the events also talk to the children giving

them important information about how to

avoid accidents.

The project includes a well-planned

awareness campaign for the population

living in energy distribution areas for which

the company is responsible. Monthly electric

energy bills also carry messages for parents

about how to protect their children during

vacation periods. The municipalities where

the campaign is implanted are normally those

with high accident rates and include São

Gonçalo, Niteroi, Petropolis, and Teresópolis,

Angra dos Reis, Campos, Macaé, Maricá,

Cabo Frio, Búzios and Saquarema.

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