Revision Review Type/Year/Revision New Permit 2021, Fact ...

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FACT SHEET(Pursuant to Nevada Administrative Code [NACI 445A.401)

Permitlee Name: Bell Mountain Exploration Corp.

Project Name: Bell Mountain Mine Project

Permit Number: NEV2020115Review Type/Year/Revision New Permit 2021, Fact Sheet Revision 00

A. Location antI General Description

Location: The Facility is located in Churchill County entirely on public landadministered by the US Bureau of Land Management. Carson City District.Stiliwater Field Office, in the Fairview mining district, within portions of Sections1-3, 10-12, and 15 of Township 15 North (T15N), Range 34 East (R34E); andportions of Sections 2,3, 10, 11. 14. 15, 22, 23, 26. 27, 34, T16N, R34E. MountDiablo Baseline and Meridian approximately 40 air miles east of the town ofFallon.

Site Access: From Fallon. travel east on US 50 for approximately 42 miles toEarthquake Fault Road. Turn south on Earthquake Fault Road and travel south onEarthquake Faults Road for approximately 7.5 miles to the mine entrance road.

General Description: The Bell Mountain Mine Project facilities consist of fouropen pit mines (the Spurr. Varga. Sphinx and East Ridge pits), two waste rockdisposal facilities, a heap leach pad, an activated carbon adsorption (ACA) plant,an event pond. primary and secondary crushers. one downgradient groundwatermonitoring piezometer well, a water supply well, and ancillary facilities foradministrative. operational. and maintenance support. As proposed. the projecthas a life of up to five years and has been permitted at an ore production rate of1 .500.000 tons per year.

All facilities are required to be designed. constructed, and must be operated andclosed in such a manner as to prevent discharge or release of process fluids inexcess of those standards established in regulation except for meteorologicalevents which exceed the design storm event.

B. Synopsis


The Bell Mountain Mine Project is located within the historic Fairview miningdistrict. The property was discovered in 1 914 and a shallow shaft was sunk. In1916. the Spurr adit was driven below the shall. The properly was investigatedagain in 1948. but no production was reported. In the mid 1 960s. the Lovestedtadit was driven below the Spurr adit from the west.

In 1978, American Pyramid Resources acquired the property and drove the Vargaadit eastward under the Varga deposit, but did no drilling. They also drove theSphinx adit in 1982. A feasibility study for American Pyramid was prepared in1982, but the project did not go forward,

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The property was optioned by Santa Fe Mining in 1984, which drilled exploratoryreverse circulation (RC) holes. largely in the Varga deposit, and carried out heapleach metallurgical testing.

Aihambra Mines optioned the property in 1986, and drilled several undergroundlong-holes in the Spurr deposit.

N.A. Degerstrom acquired the property in 1989 and drilled RC and core holes inthe Varga, Spurr and Sphinx deposits. N.A. Degerstrorn also conductedmetallurgical testing, mine design work and obtained full permitting for mineoperations from the Division on 25 February 1992 under Water Pollution ControlPermit (WPCP) NEV0091026 as Bell Mountain Mine. Due to falling metalprices, the project was shelved.

Globex Nevada acquired the property in 1994 and optioned it to ECU GoldMining Inc. in 1995. ECU drilled core holes in 1996. but did not continue. PlatteRiver Gold optioned the property froiyi Globex in 2004 and drilled RC holes.They also returned the property to Globex.

WPCP NEV0091026 expired on 24 February 1997. The Permit was not renewedand was canceled at the request of the Permittee, Globex. The record was closedby the Division on 03 October 2008.

Laurion Mineral Exploration optioned the property from Globex in 2010. Lauriondrilled RC holes in the Varga and Spurr zones during the 2010 year and RC holesin the Sphinx zone in 2011.

Late in 2013, Lincoln Resource Group (Lincoln) executed a Purchase Agreementwith Laurion. Lincoln conducted drilling mainly focused in the Varga area withsomewhat lesser focus divided between the Spurr and Sphinx areas. In late 2014.the title to the claims on the property reverted back to Laurion via quitclaim deed.

In 2015, Boss Power Corp. (Boss) and its wholly owned subsidiary Bell MountainExploration Corp. (BMEC) entered into a Purchase Agreement in which Boss andBMEC acquired right, title. and interest in the property. In July 2015 Bosschanged its name to Eros Resources Corp (Eros). In 2017. Eros conveyed toBMEC all of the right. title. and interest of Eros in the property. BMEC is thecurrent Permittee.


The Bell Mountain property lies on the east side of the Fairview Range. In theFairview Range, the pre-Tertiary basement consists of limited exposures of.Jurassic metasedimentary rocks which are cut by a Cretaceous granodioriteintrusion. These rocks are overlain by a complex series of intermediate torhyolitic lavas. ashflow tufTs, volcamclastic sediments and small dacitic torhyo litic intrusive domes and dikes.

The principal rock units at Bell Mountain are stratified rhyolitic ashflow tuffs.The ashflow tuff sequence is relatively monotonous. varying only in the intensityof welding. Individual units can be broken out based on lithology. welding

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features, and alteration. The geologic package consists of three surficial deposits,two intrusive units, three extrusive tuff units and features controllingmineralization at the property.

The Bell Mountain deposit has been characterized as a low sulfidation epitherinalvein system. Mineralization at the property is separated into four deposit bodies —

the Spurr deposit on the western end of the Varga-Spurr fault. the Varga depositin the central part, the Sphinx deposit approximately 2,000 feet southeast of theVarga on a northwest trending structure and the East Ridge deposit on an east-northeast trending structure approximately one mile northeast of Varga. All fourare composed of complex structurally controlled veins, stockworks andhydrothermal breccias.

At Bell Mountain, gold-silver mineralization is strongly structurally controlled.The primary control is an east-northeast trending zone of faulting, named theVarga-Spurr fault, which can be traced for more than 6,000 feet. The Varga-Spurrfault dips steeply to the south and has experienced normal and dextraldisplacement. It is offset slightly in a right lateral sense by a set of northwesttrending, steeply dipping faults of similar strike length. Both fault sets havequartz-calcite veins and stockworks, gold-silver mineralization and pervasivesilicification. Minor disseminated mineralization is present in silicified wallrocks.The intersection of the NE and NW vein sets, particularly in the Varga area,localized a significant volume of mineralization.

The quartz-calcite veining is primarily seen as variably intense stockwork zonesof braided veins and veinlets which may be up to 130 feet wide. Within thestockwork. the dips of individual veins are highly variable, but the overall dip ofthe body of mineralization as a whole is nearly vertical.

The Spurr vein strikes nearly east-west. dips 45 to 55 degrees to the south and is10 to 49 feet wide. l’here are several small northwest trending crossing faultswhich offset the vein a few meters. Calcite is the most abundant vein mineral inthe Spurr deposit. with lesser amounts of quartz occurring as 0.4- to 8-inch veinsconcentrated near the vein walls. The calcite vein is generally strongly banded.The vein material is completely oxidized to depths of current drilling.

The Sphinx deposit contains at least two sub-parallel veins with other smallersplits which trend northwesterly. Vein and stockwork widths in the crosscutsranged from 10 to 30 feet. Veins here are quartz with little calcite. are oftenbanded and have a bluish tinge. Minor silicification is present. surrounded byargillic alteration, which is stronger than elsewhere on the property. The veins dipsteeply toward the southwest.

The East Ridge Deposit consists of east-northeast trending quartz-calcite veinswhich dip steeply to the south. Quartz is the predominant vein material with lessorcalcite. The width of the vein is 3 to 13 feet. The vein is exposed in outcrops andsurface cuts for approximately 820 feet. The vein is cut by sparse northwestnortheast trending fractures that locally host quartz-calcite veinlets and may

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continue out into the hanging wall for up to 9 feet. The west and east ends of thedeposit are not well defined and are interpreted as weakening sheeted veinlets andstockwork zones.

All ore and waste at Bell Mountain is oxidized; no sulfidic ore or waste have beenencountered or identified during exploration drilling at the Project site.


Site climate data have been obtained from the Western Regional Climate Centermeteorological stations located at Desatova Mountain. Pan evaporation data hasbeen derived from the Central Nevada Field Lab in the Reese River Valley.

The Desatoya Mountain Station lies at an elevation similar to the Bell MountainMine site. Additionally, the aspect is similar to the Project. Consequently.precipitation for the two sites should be nearly the same. Annual precipitationrecorded at the Desatoya Mountain RAWS station is 5.72 inches,

The average annual evaporation for the site is 62.64 inches, based on evaporationdata from the Desatoya Mountain RAWS station, approximately 30 milesnortheast of the Project site. Penman Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) valuesfrom the RAWS station were averaged for each month during the period January1998 to March 2019. The Desaloya Mountain Penman PET estimates areconsidered comparable to the Bell Mountain site based on similar elevations andUTM northing. The Desatova Mountain RAWS PET data was adjusted for anelevation difference of +100 feet to the elevation at Bell Mountain.

The point precipitation depths for the 24-hour 10-year, 25-year, 100-year and500-year storm events were obtained from the National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates Atlas 14.According NOAA estimates, the 25-year 24-hour rainfall storm event is 2. 13inches, the 100-year 24-hour rainfall storm event is 2.77 inches, and the 500-year24—hour rainfall storm event is 3.58 inches.


The project will generate four pits. All waste rock and ore to be mined isoxidized; no sulfidic material has been encountered in drilling to the total depthsof each planned pit or to the total depth of any drill hole. As currently planned, theSpurr Pit will extend to a depth of 255 feet from crest to toe and occupy an area of6.8 acres. The Varga pit will have a total depth of 360 feet from crest to toe andencompass an area of 14.4 acres. The Sphinx Pit will be 180 feet total depth fromcrest to toe and encompass 6.6 acres. The East Ridge Pit will extend 220 feet fromcrest to toe and encompass a total of 6.3 acres.

A pit slope stability study was prepared to provide open pit slope designrecommendations for use in mine pit planning. The recommendations for pit slopeangles were used for the mineral resource model pit optimizations and pit designs.The pit slope recommendations are relatively comparable to many active open pitmining operations in the region. The Permittee will monitor pit wall stability

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throughout the active life of each open pit. Geotechnical monitoring of mine high

walls and pit crest is required periodically to verify stability and to make sure thateach pit is operated within geotechnical design parameters.

Ore will be mined employing conventional drilling, blasting and front—end loadinginto haul trucks from 20-foot (ft) blast height benches resulting in final 40-ft highdouble bench pit faces. The ore will be loaded into end-dump trucks for haulageto the crusher area. An average of 5.000 tons!day of ore will be mined anddelivered to the crusher. and then placed on the heap leach pad as crushed ore.

The groundwater table has not been encountered in modern drilling at the mineraldeposits to the limits of drilling. Drilling completed at the Varga Pit area indicatesthat groundwater is greater than 280 feet below the planned deepest level of theVarga Pit. No groundwater was reported in the drill hole log to its total depth. Nodewatering is therefore planned, and no pit lake is expected to form at the VargaPit.

Three rotary holes were drilled in the hanging wall of the Spurr deposit in 1965.Groundwater was encountered approximately 300 feet below the deepest level ofthe planned Spurr Pit. No dewatering is therefore planned. and no pit lake isexpected to form at the Spurr Pit.

In December 2019, a groundwater depth test hole was drilled in the area of theplanned heap leach pad nearby to the Sphinx pit. The hole was drilled to a totaldepth of 5 10 below ground surface. No groundwater was encountered to the totaldepth of the hole confirming that groundwater is deeper than 5 1 0 feet in the area.No dewatering is therefore planned. and no pit lake is expected to form at theSphinx Pit.

Waste Rock Disposal Facilities:

The mine pits will generate an estimated total 3.8 million tons (2 million cubicyards) of waste rock. The waste rock disposal areas (WRDAs) were selected tominimize disturbed acreage and haulage distance. Topsoil suitable for growthmedium will be scalped from the waste WRDAs footprints and removed tostockpiles and stored for use in final reclamation.

Waste rock will be deposited at the Main WRDA and the East Ridge WRDA.Initially, waste rock from the Spurr and Varga pits will be placed as fill materialfor haul road construction. Waste from the Sphinx Pit will be used for fill materialfor construction of the ACA Plant pad during initial pre—stripping of overburden.

As the haul roads reach their design configuration, waste from the mine pits will

be used to partially backfill the eastern portion of the Spurr Pit with the remainderhauled to the Main WRDA for disposal. As mining advances, waste from theSphinx Pit will be hauled to the Main WRDA with the remainder used as fillmaterial for haul roads. The last pit to be mined will be the East Ridge Pit in Year4 of the operation. Waste from the East Ridge Pit will be disposed at the EastRidge WRDA with the remainder used as fill material for the East Ridge haulRoad.

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The area set aside for waste rock disposal covers approximately 1 ,060.000 squarefeet and will be graded on all sides to maintain maximum slopes of’ 2.5 horizontalto 1 vertical (2.5H:IV). Stability analysis of the Main WRDA resulted inminimum static factors of safety of 1.9 during operation and 2.6 in reclaimedcondition. Mininnim pseudostatic factors of safety are 1 .07 during operation and1 .76 in reclaimed condition.

During placement of waste rock in the Main WRDA. large portions of the facilitywill be at the angle of repose. However, most of the waste facility footprint willbe buttressed against the opposite hillside and crusher access road fill. As theWRDA expands down gradient, waste rock from the Spurt’ and Varga pits willmerge and form a down-gradient slope of about 2.5H:1V. Based on existingroadway fill slopes, the angle of repose of the waste rock will be approximately40°.

Stability analysis of the East Ridge WRDA resulted in minimum static factors ofsafety of 1.9 during operation and 2.5 in reclaimed condition. Minimumpseudostatic factors of safety are 1 .07 during operation and 1 .76 in reclaimedcondition.

During operations, the physical characteristics of the WRDAs will be monitoredregularly by mine personnel with periodic inspection by a qualified engineer.Operations personnel will be instructed to look for unusual signs of settlement.seeps and erosion. A qualified engineer will conduct formal safety inspectionsusing a checklist contained in the project Monitoring Plan.

During reclamation, the WRDAs will be graded to a maximum slope of 2.5H:lV.capped with a 1-ft growth media cover and revegetated.

An extensive characterization program was conducted on the waste rock usingMeteoi’ic Water Mobility Procedure (MWMP) — Profile I, Acid NeutralizingPotential: Acid Generating Potential (ANP:AGP) testing in accordance with theNevada Modified Sobek Procedure. and humidity cell testing. A total of 75 drillintervals were sampled and composited into 35 samples for MWMP and AcidBase Accounting (ABA) testing (i.e., static testing) to assist with predicting thelikely response of the Bell Mountain rock system to exposure to the weatheringenvironment in a post- mining scenario.

The ABA testing of’ the 35 composite samples selected for the static testingprogram showed that the total AGP of all of the 35 samples was at the detectionlimit of 0.62 kg CaCO3 eq/t, and the ANP ranged from 1.76 to 374 kg CaCO3eq/t. and averaged 25,1 kg CaCO3 eq/t. The Net Neutralization Potential (NNP)ranged from 1.14 to 373.0 kg CaCO3 eq/t, and averaged 24.5 kg CaCO3 eq/t.Paste p1-I values ranged from 8.08 to 9.5, and averaged 8.82. The Bell Mountainrock system is acid neutralizing. not acid generating.

The M\VMP testing in the static testing program indicated that aluminum. arsenic.manganese, nickel. antimony. and thallium were elements in the waste rock. ore.and the ultimate pit wall that may be mobilized briefly by the proposed action.

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Most of these elements were mobilized at levels that would be anticipated fromthese types of rocks, and at levels no greater than those from the surroundingrocks.

During modern exploration drilling, the groundwater table was not encountered to

the limits of drilling, approximately 600 feet below ground surface. The proposedfour mine pits would not encounter groundwater; no pit lake formation isanticipated. With low annual precipitation and the absence of shallowgroundwater associated with the Project area, implementing the proposed designfeatures would likely preclude trace elements in mined materials and pit wallsfrom mobilizing into the subsurface environment.

Kinetic testing consisted of five composite samples of the Lithic Tuff unit thatwere determined to have some of the lowest neutralization capabilities coupledwith highest contributions of Constituents of Concern (COCs). During testing,one sample had to be discontinued, because it could not be evaluated accuratelydue to excess clays which resulted in a lack of infiltration. The discontinuedsample contained stockwork quartz-calcite veinlets.

The other four samples were found to contain enough amounts of mobilized clay’minerals that very fine-grained particles were mobilized. The analytical resultsrespective to aluminum. iron. and manganese exceeded the NDEP Profile 1reference values. Removal of the clays using finer filters prior to analysis resultedin reduction of all COCs well below the NDEP Profile I reference values for thefinal four samples.

Operational monitoring of the waste rock facilities will be done in accordancewith the Permit requirements. Randomly selected locations on the surface of theWRDA will be collected monthly to determine the potential for acid rockdrainage and mobilization of potential contaminants.

Heap Leach Pad:

The heap leach pad (HLP) will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will be thelower two thirds of the proposed HLP area (approximately 1,440,000 sq. ft.) andPhase 2 will be the upper one third of the area (approximately 808,000 sq. ft.).

The Phase 1 portion of the I-leap Leach Pad will terminate at the top of atopographic peninsula oriented northeasterly approximately 1 .200 feet up the padand then will go across the pad in a northeasterly direction. The Phase 1 liningsystem will terminate in an anchor trench along the boundary, except in the firsttwo valleys encountered where the lining system will be extended into the Phase 2area to a fixed elevation to provide temporary storage of meteoric water above thepad liner. In these two areas, the liner system will terminate in an anchor trenchconstructed on contour at the designated elevation. This configuration willprovide a lined pool where runoff will be temporarily impounded until it isdrained by a 12-inch Advanced l)rainage Systems (ADS) pipe that has beeninstalled as a future solution header for Phase 2 operation. The runoff will beimpounded by a temporary berm of crushed ore placed on overliner at the

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upstream side of Phase 1 The temporary ore berm will be approximately 15 feel.

high and will be removed during Phase 2 construction and possibly be used asoverliner in the transition area.

A dilute cyanide (NaCN) solution will he applied to the heap via drip emitters at aproposed rate of 600 gallons per minute (gpm) at 0.004 gallons per minute persquare foot (gpm/sf). The nominal application rate of barren solution withadjusted CN levels is also 600 gpm plus estimated seasonal adjustments forevaporation. The maximum area under leach for the HLP is 150.000 square feet.

Run-of-mine (ROM) ore will be delivered by 35 to 45-ton haul trucks to astockpile in the crushing area. Ore transported from the mining areas will betemporarily stored at the ore stockpile. The ore stockpile will be loaded by enddumping the ore onto the footprint of the ore stockpile. All ore is oxidized.Stockpiled ore will be loaded by a loader and fed into the crusher. The crushedore will be delivered to the HLP by trucks or conveyors. A dozer will be used tomanage and place the material.

Ore will be stacked on the HLP to a maximum heap height of 160 feet from toe tocrest. Based on a crushed material tonnage factor of 100 pounds per cubic foot,the HLP will accommodate approximately 6.2 million tons of crushed ore.

The HLP will be constructed as a valley-fill type pad. The grading plan calls forminor cuts and fills to smooth the subgrade prior to placement of the underliner.At the southwestern end of the heap leach pad, up to 1 5 feet of fill will be used toflatten the grade of the pad to enhance stability. In this area, up to 3 feet of finegrained soil may be removed and stockpiled for production of bentonite-amendedsoil underliner.

The HLP will have a composite liner system. The composite liner system consistsof an 80-mil high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane placed above aprepared 6-inch-thick amended soil/clay layer with a maximum hydraulicconductivity of 1 x I 06 centimeters per second (cm/s) (prepared sub-base) or ageosynthetic clay layer (GCL) in accordance with NAC 445A.415 and NAC445A.434 and related subsections.

A 24-inch-thick protective layer will be placed over the geomembrane to protectthe geomembrane from damage by vehicles and/or conveyors working within theleach pad limits and/or during ore loading. The 24-inch-thick protective layer willconsist of minus 2-inch crushed and screened ore or waste rock.

A network of perforated pipe is located on top of the leach pad liner within theoverliner. The pipelines will promote leachate and stormwater collection and flowfrom the pad area to minimize solution build-up over the liner in areas of activeleaching. The pipe network. drainage material, and the ore lifts have beendesigned to limit hydraulic head on the leach pad to less than 1 -foot.

The solution collection piping consists of 4-inch-diameter perforated ADS pipesspaced on 40-ft centers. These pipes have been sized to collect and convey 100percent (%) of the solution flow plus coincident 1 00-year 24-hour rainfall

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concentrated in a 2-hour period. The lateral collectors transport leachate to theheader pipes.

The header pipes will be constructed of 8-inch-diameter N-12 perforated ADSpipe in areas above the 1% sloping pad and 10-inch-diameter perforated ADSpipe across the 1% sloping pad.

These will then carry the solutions to the pad exit point where they dischargeindividually into an open tank where the flow can be observed. The dischargefrom the open tank will be routed to a horizontal pregnant solution tank in aHDPE pipeline. Overflow pipes will be provided for the open tank and pregnanttank so that excess flows can be routed to the event pond. Similar to the lateralpipe system, the header pipes have been sized to collect and convey l00% of thesolution flow. The pregnant solution pipes convey solution to the ACA plant forprocessing to remove precious metals. Barren solutions are sent to the barrensolution tank where cyanide and p1-I levels are adjusted and then returned to theheap in the barren solution pipeline with pumps.

The HLP leak detection system will consist of 1-inch diameter, Schedule 80. PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) perforated pipes installed in pea gravel below the primaryliner under each solution collection header pipe on the pad.

At HLP closure, ore lifts placed at the angle of repose, with 30-ft wide intra-liftbenches. built at an overall slope of 31-l:1V. will be graded down to allow forconstruction of the cover system. With this design. the slope faces of the heap willbe 3H:1V average.

For reclamation and closure, the HLP will be covered with growth media andrevegetated. The cover system for the heap leach pad will be designed to removewater via evapotranspiration that is not removed as runoff from the system.. Thecover system has been selected to meet the prescribed requirement of 2 feet ofgrowth media. The cover system for the facility would consist of the following(from top to bottom):

• Vegetation consisting of native grasses and sagebrush.

• A 2-foot-thick layer of onsite soils consisting of gravelly silty sand.

• Existing spent ore (varies in thickness).

• Existing leach pad solution collection system ADS pipes surrounded by

drainage aggregate).

• Existing leach pad liner system (HDPE and amended clay soil or GCL).

• 6-inches of compacted native subgradc

HLF Se/sin/c S/ability:

An assessment was made to establish seismic parameters needed for I—ILP slopestability analyses.

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The Fairview Fault is the closest active fault in the vicinity of the project. Theclosest portion of the Fairview fault trace to the HLP is about 1.3 miles (2.1 km)west of the HLP site. In 1 954, there was dip-slip movement on the Fairview Faultof up to 15 feet, related to a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. which produced a faultscarp 30 miles long. The selected earthquake event recurrence interval for theestimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) was I in 500 annual frequency ofexceedance (approximately 10% probability of exceedance (PE) in 50 years). ThisPGA value meets the requirements for input to the pseudo-static stability analysesfor heap leach pads per the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. I3ureauof Mining Regulations and Reclamation (Division). The estimated PGA for the10% PE in 50 years is 0.27 gravity in the central area of the proposed HLP.

The seismic stability of the reclaimed heap leach facility was reviewed forcircular or planar failures of the reclaimed heap using a horizontal groundacceleration of 0.27 gravity. The minimum static factor of safety against slopefailure was estimated to be 1 .3 and the associated minimum pseudo-static factorof safety was found to be 1.05.

No active or recent faulting (1-lolocene). older Quaternary faulting. or inferredfault traces have been identified within the I-ILP site. Therefore. potential groundrupture from seismic activity in the area is not a concern with the 1-ILP design andsolution containment.

HLP Slope Slab lilly

A geotechnical report was prepared to evaluate slope stability at the HLP area.Based on the findings of the geotechnical report, the downstream end of the 1-ILPis defined by an 11-ft high stability berm constructed with compacted mineoverburden. This berm has a 2H:1V upstream slope and a 3H:1V downstreamslope. It divides the Phase I heap leach pad from the ACA plant and event pondplatform.

Three smaller stability enhancement berms will be constructed approximately 250feet upstream of the southeastern end of the heap leach pad and parallel to thedownstream stability berm. These berms are approximately 5 feet high and willbe constructed as compacted fills with local borrow. The upstream anddownstream sides of these berms will be constructed with 3H:IV slopes.

The southwest side of the HLP is an existing hillside that has a natural slope ofapproximately 18 degrees (3H:IV). This slope will be reconstructed in placeswith fill generated from haul road construction along the southwest side of theHLP. The fills will be constructed at a 3H:IV slope. The edge of the haul roadwill be used to anchor the I-IDPE liner and will have a 24-inch high safety berm.

The operational monitoring program for the HLP will include regular visualinspection by operations personnel and measurement of significant displacementat the crest of each lift by the mine engineer. Engineering, survey, and operations

staff, as well as equipment operators, will observe the facility frequently and will

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be trained to look for and recognize signs of instability. The mine engineer willmaintain an ongoing assessment of the accumulated data.

Solution Processing.

The Bell Mountain solution processing plans consist of an ACA process plant andan event pond. Gold bearing solution (aka pregnant solution) will be collectedfrom the bottom of the HLP by a drainage collection system and delivered viagravity flow to the Pregnant Solution Storage Tank located in the Process Area.

The ACA Plant and sodium cyanide (NaCN) Storage Area will be housed in alaminated vinyl-insulate covered 105-ft x 80-ft Sprung fabric building on aconcrete slab floor. The slab and 3 feet beyond its perimeter will be underlain at adepth of 1.5 feet by an 80-mil 1-IDPE geomembrane and amended soil underliner.The geomembrane will be graded to drain to the Event Pond.

The pregnant solution will be pumped from the Pregnant Storage Tank to a seriesof five carbon-in-column (C1C) tanks. where the gold in solution will berecovered by activated carbon as the solution flows by gravity through the seriesof tanks. Each tank will hold approximately 3 tons of carbon. The solutionflowing from the last tank in series will be non-gold bearing (aka barren solution)and will be pumped to the Barren Solution Storage Tank. The Barren SolutionStorage Tank will have a nominal capacity of 6,000 gallons. Sodium cyanide willbe added to the barren solution prior to the Barren Solution Storage Tank. Fromthe Barren Solution Storage Tank, the barren solution will be pumped to the HLPfor irrigation of the ore. The maximum solution flow rate for the processing plantis 600 gallons per minute.

The carbon will be moved in batches upstream through the circuit to replenisheach tank as gold-rich carbon (aka loaded carbon) is removed from CIC Tank #1.

Loaded carbon from CIC tank #1 will pass through a screen before reporting to asupersac. The screen undersize water will be returned to the process. Thesupersacs will be allowed to further dewater within containment prior to beingshipped to a third-party off-site for processing.

The platform for the ACA Plant and the Event Pond will be on a 360-fl-wide x630-ft-long valley fill immediately downstream of the heap leach pad. The areabetween the HLP stability berm and the event pond will flow into the event pond.The plant site, solution tank pads, and pipeline corridors will be lined and gradedto drain into the event pond for collection and return into the process circuit.These non-impounding areas will be lined with 80 mu HDPE on a single layer ofGCL. An assay laboratory will also be housed within the ACA Plant structure.

Event Pond:

The 312-ft-long x 232-ft-wide x 16-ft-deep Event Pond is double lined withHDPE with a drain layer between the liners. The drain layer will either be a1-IDPE drainage net or HDPE drain liner which is constructed with a dimpledsurface to allow drainage between the solid liners. The drainage layer will

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discharge fluids to a leak detection sump in the north side of the event pondadjacent to the plant. The leak detection system will be 35-ft x 35-ft x 5-ft-deepsump in the pond consisting of pea gravel covered with geotextile. The calculatedvolume of the sump is 4,490 gallons assuming a 30% void space in the pea gravel.A perforated PVC pipe will be installed within gravel, and a solid PVCmonitoring pipe will extend to the surface between the primary and secondaryHDPE pond liners.

The calculated safe (2-ft dry freeboard) storage capacity of the Event Pond is15.3-acre feel (ac-fl) (667.632 cubic feet). Brim-full capacity is 18.5 ac-ft(806.016 cubic feet). The full 100-year 24-hour event, totaling 2.77 inches, wouldgenerate 12.5 ac-ft (546,791 cubic feet) from the leach pad. The event pond wasdesigned to accommodate this full inflow, while providing for 24-hour emergencydraindown and 2.65 ac-fl (115,508 cubic feet) of operating fluid storage capacity.

The event pond composite-lined system will consist of the following componentsfrom bottom to top:

• Compacted fill surface.

• 80 mil smooth (or textured) HDPE geomembrane secondary liner

• Drainage layer (dimpled primary or secondary liner) or geogrid draining toleak detection sump.

• 80 mu textured HDPE primary liner with a textured side up.

Stormwater Diversion Controls:

There are three stormwater diversion channels that will be implemented prior toconstruction to protect the integrity of the project facilities.

The West Diversion Channel will he constructed above the northwest end of theHLP to divert surface flows during storm events from entering the leach pad.This channel will be constructed to divert a 500-year, 24-hour precipitation event(3.58 inches) around the HLP facility. The channel is small with a depth of 3.0feet and a bottom width of 2.5 feet and will have 2H:1V side slopes. Themaximum flow rate following the 500-year event is 41 cubic feet per second (cfs)and will flow at a maximum depth in the channel of approximately 1 .5 feetleaving a freeboard of 1 .5 feet to the top of the channel. The duration of flowfollowing a 500-year event will be approximately 24 hours, with the period ofelevated flow rates less than 4 hours.

The East Diversion Channel is predominantly a series of three natural drainagesthat will be diverted around the growth media stockpile and northeast corner ofthe plant site platform during operation, This channel will not be neededfollowing closure because the growth media stockpile and the portion of the plantsite that lies within the existing drainage will be removed with the excavatedmaterial used for cover material. A 100-year. 24-hour precipitation event (2.77

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inches) will generate a maximum flow rate of 440 cfs. The duration of theelevated flow rate will be approximately 12.3 hours.

The channel will have 2H:1V side slopes and will have a depth of 6.0 feet. Thealignment of the channel will be adjusted so that the bottom is in bedrock wherepossible to minimize riprap requirements. At predicted flow rates, the maximumflow depth will be 4.0 feet leaving approximately 2,0 feet of freeboard.

The East Diversion Channel will discharge into a stilling/detention basinimmediately downstream of the plant site. This basin will reduce the peak flowrate to approximately 200 cfs during operation so that it can be passed under theSphinx haul road in two 48-inch-diameter culverts. During closure, these culvertswill be removed and the road will cross the streambed in the same location that itdoes now.

The Sphinx Diversion Channel involves moving the existing streambed andaccess road against the hillside southwest of the Sphinx Pit. The relocatedchannel will be a minimum of 20-ft-wide x 4.0-ft-deep. The channel willgenerally be excavated in the streambed alluvial material and hillside colluvium.It will be located adjacent to the Sphinx open pit and may require fill on the sidenearest the pit for safety. The natural gradient of the existing streambed is 3.8%in the reach below the plant site to the Y below the location of the Sphinx pit.The velocity of flow for the 100-year event will be approximately 18.7 feet persecond (ft/s) with a maximum predicted flow of 650 cfs. The velocity of flow forthe 500-year event will be approximately and 19.7 ft/s with a maximum predictedflow of 764 cfs.

The Sphinx Diversion Channel will accommodate a 500-year event followingclosure. Additional riprap may be required along the embankment between thechannel and the Sphinx pit. The Sphinx Diversion Channel terminates in anexisting drainage channel approximately 300 feet south of the Sphinx pit.

/lflCillaly Each/lies:

Ancillary support for the Project includes hut is not limited to a water conveyancepipeline, an administrative building. a warehouse building, a contractor’s yard, 3fueling areas on containment, and a truck wash bay facility.

Water for the mining operation and dust control will be sourced from a water wellin the Stingaree Valley approximately 8 miles north of the Bell Mountain minesite. Water will be conveyed along a buried pipeline beginning at the well andtraversing along a water pipeline corridor to the mine site. Water qualitymonitoring of the well water will be done periodically in accordance with theWPC Permit.

Above-ground diesel and gasoline fuel storage tanks will be located at theadministration area, crusher/contractor’s yard, and the ACA plant areas. Theground surface of the fuel storage areas will be lined with a single layer of 60-milHDPE liner overlying prepared subbase. Spill containment will accommodate110% of stored volume of the tanks. Operating personnel will make daily

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inspections of ground conditions surrounding lined containment areas for fuelstorage areas. Any fuel leak captured on the containment will flow to a sumpwhere it will be collected and removed to a Nevada state approved disposalfacility.

The wash bay, located on the Main WRDA, will be lined with 80-mil 1-IDPE lineroverlain by 18 inches of protecti\le aggregate base rock. A 1-ft high berm willsurround the perimeter of the wash bay pad. The wash bay liner will be sloped todrain to a drop inlet. From the drop inlet, water and fluids will drain along a 6-inch N12 ADS drain pipe to the lined heap leach pad. The wash bay area will alsobe used by contractors to perform minor iehicle maintenance.

C. Receiving Water Characteristics

The Project is primarily located within the Nevada Department of Conservation &Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources (NDWR) 1-lydrographic Regionnumber 10 (Central Region), Administrative Groundwater Basin 124 (FairviewValley).

Additionally, a small portion of the East Ridge Haul Road lying east of the EastRidge deposit is located within Basin 126 (Cowkick Valley). Groundwater Basins124 and 126 are classified by the State Engineer as “Designated” under Order 0-715 as ground water basins coming under the provisions of Chapter 534. NRS(Conservation and Distribution of Underground Waters).

The Project is located near the east side of the Fairview Valley basin which is aclosed basin draining to Labou Flat lying west of Fairview Peak. GroundwaterBasin 124 is typical of arid drainage basins in Central Nevada where precipitationis generally insufficient to support perennial stream flow. Small ephemeralchannels begin in the higher elevations and convey water to the low valleys.

NDWR data was used to determine recorded groundwater depths within 5-milesdowngradient to the Project facilities. A water test well was drilled 3.4 milessouthwest and downgradient to the Project facilities, to a depth of 648 feet bgs.According to the well log the well is listed as a dry well and was abandoned. Noother well logs within 5-miles downgradient were available for review.

Groundwater has not been encountered in modern drilling at the mineral depositsto the limits of drilling. In December 2019 a groundwater depth test hole wasdrilled in the area of the planned heap leach pad. The hole was drilled to a totaldepth of 510 below ground surface. No groundwater was encountered to the totaldepth of the hole confirming that. groundwater is deeper than 5 10 feet in the areaof the planned heap leach pad and processing facilities.

Because of the absence of groundwater at the Project area, no groundwater to aminimum depth of 510 feet below ground surface is available for water qualitytesting. During construction of Project facilities a monitoring hole will be drilleddown gradient of the planned heap leach pad and processing facilities to serve as agroundwater detection hole. A piezometer will be installed at the maximum depthof the hole to detect. any groundwater infiltration.

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I). Procedures for Public Comment

The Notice of the Divisions intent to issue a Permit authorizing the facility toconstruct, operate and close, subject to the conditions within the Permit, is beingpublished on the Division website: https://ndep.nv. gov/posts/category/land. TheNotice is being mailed to interested persons on the Bureau of Mining Regulationand Reclamation mailing list. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposedPermit can do so in writing within a period of 30 days following the date thepublic notice is posted to the Division website. The comment period can beextended at the discretion of the Administrator. All written comments receivedduring the comment period will be retained and considered in the finaldetermination.

A public hearing on the proposed determination can be requested by the applicant,any affected State or intrastate agency, or any interested agency, person or groupof persons. The request must be filed within the comment period and mustindicate the interest of the person filing the request and the reasons why a hearingis warranted.

Any public hearing determined by the Administrator to be held must be conductedin the geographical area of the proposed discharge or any other area theAdministrator determines to be appropriate. All public hearings must beconducted in accordance with NAC 445A.403 through NAC 445A.406.

E. Proposed Determination

The Division has made the tentative determination to issue the new Permit.

F. Proposed Limitations, Schedule of Compliance, Monitoring, SpecialConditions

See Section I of the Permit.

G. Rationale for Permit Requirements

The facility is located in an area where annual evaporation is greater than annualprecipitation. Therefore, it must operate under a standard of performance whichauthorizes no discharge(s) except for those accumulations resulting from a stormevent beyond that required by design for containment.

The primary method for identification of escaping process solution will be placedon required routine monitoring of leak detection systems as well as routinelysampling downgradient monitoring well(s) and surface water. Specificmonitoring requirements can be found in the Water Pollution Control Permit.

H. Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16 U.S. Code 701-718. it isunlawful to kill migratory birds without license or permit, and no permits areissued to take migratory birds using toxic ponds. The Federal list of migratorybirds (50 Code of Federal Regulations 10, 15 April 1985) includes nearly everybird species found in the State of Nevada. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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(the Service) is authorized to enforce the prevention of migratory bird mortalitiesat ponds and tailings impoundments. Compliance with State permits may not beadequate to ensure protection of migratory birds for compliance with provisionsof Federal statutes to protect wildlife.

Open waters attract migratory waterfowl and other avian species. High mortalityrates of birds have resulted from contact with toxic ponds at operations utilizingtoxic substances. The Service is aware of two approaches that are available toprevent migratory bird mortality: 1) physical isolation of toxic water bodiesthrough barriers (e.g., by covering with netting). and 2) chemical detoxification.These approaches may be facilitated by minimizing the extent of the toxic water.Methods which attempt to make uncovered ponds unattractive to wildlife are notalways effective. Contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 1340 FinancialBoulevard. Suite 234, Reno, Nevada 89502-7 147, (775) 861-6300. for additionalinformation.

Prepared by: Shawn Gooch. P.E.Date: 28 October 2021Revision 00: New Permit.

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