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Date: 24 March 2014 from 10.00 to 17.00, Brussels

Agenda: see document uploaded on CIRCABC

Chair: Laure Ledoux, Deputy Head of Unit ENV B2

Participants: 45 participants, representing a broad range of interests, including from Member States

ministries and institutions, NGOs, industry and stakeholders associations, European Commission


Resources: All participants of the Working Group have access to a restricted CIRCABC site (which is

only accessible for WG members) with the documents shared and the presentations held on The wider public will be

informed on the outcomes of the WG through a publically accessible CIRCABC site on Policy and background

information on GI is accessible via

I. Introduction

François Wakenhut, Head of Unit ENV B2, welcomed the Working Group members to the first

meeting of the Working Group and welcomed the level of participation and the good

representativity of different stakeholder groups. He highlighted that active contribution of all

Working Group members is essential for GI development and to maintain restoration as one of the

priorities among biodiversity targets. He clarified that this WG has no defined closing date.

Members were asked whether they felt that relevant stakeholders were missing; the Commission

agreed to explore the added value of water engineering experts in this WG (compared with existing

WG on PoM related to the WFD). The Commission will seek to increase the participation from MS in

forthcoming WG meetings.

Presentations started with a description by Marco Fritz from ENV Unit B2 (MF) of how the work of

the group will be managed. The objective of the Revised WG on GI Implementation and Restoration

is to support the implementation of actions of the GI Strategy as set out in the Commission

Communication, to provide a platform for sharing best practices on GI deployment, and to address

the linkages between the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the deployment of GI.

Participants introduced themselves and their involvement in Green Infrastructure during a tour the

table. The meeting was divided in two sessions: the first part was focused on the exchange of

information, whilst the second part was devoted to discussion on the tasks of the WG. All the

presentations were available on CIRCABC (

4303-a6b0-0fd17e2e393d). Speakers agreed to publish their presentations on a part of CIRCABC that

would be accessible to the public:

2d9c9d6889fe. The Commission asked to be informed about any changes to be made to the

presentations within two weeks after the meeting.

II. Progress on implementation of Green Infrastructure in its policy context

MF presented an overview of progress on the implementation of the GI strategy on European level,

recalling that the integration of GI into the 2020 agenda on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

and the access to finance of GI received a very positive response by all European institutions. The

aim of the WG is to mobilise these benefits also at regional and national levels, creating synergic

actions, through a productive exchange of information amongst group members. For further

knowledge and analysis, GI news and documents are available online on the dedicated Europa

website. A list of available material is included in annex to these minutes.

A GI factsheet published in 2010 had been translated in all EU languages. A list was circulated for

those members who were interested in ordering copies in various languages.

MF added that the upgraded version of BISE, Biodiversity Information System for Europe

(, will be launched officially on May 22nd, at the occasion of the MAES

High Level Conference. This portal, related to data and information on biodiversity in Europe, will

contain a library of GI documents. It will work as an information sharing mechanism on GI policy,

which should subsequently be linked to developments at national and regional levels. This would

give Member States the opportunity to upload appropriate material for sharing best practice and

exchange information between stakeholders.

The meeting followed with five oral presentations summarised hereafter:

OGINSKI Przemyslaw (DG ENV.B.3 Nature)

"Linking GI to the Implementation of the Nature Directives":

Natura 2000 is the backbone of GI and GI offers important opportunities for improving coherence of

the Natura 2000 network particularly with regard to connectivity. The goals of Natura 2000 and GI

are also the same: protection of biodiversity and delivery of ecosystem services. For these reasons

both initiatives should be implemented jointly. This is particularly important now, in the context of

programming different financing instruments (OPs). Several of the MFF thematic objectives (TOs)

offer opportunities for synergies and joint approach; particularly TO6 (environment), but also TO4

(climate change mitigation-relevant adaptation measures), TO5 (climate change adaptation) and

TO7 (transport). These synergies should be explored for all relevant funds: ERDF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF,

LIFE. With regard to LIFE, integrated projects offer particularly important joint implementation

opportunities. At the end of the presentation a water retention project was presented as a case of

good practice and example of win-win scenarios for GI and Natura 2000

ACHILLEOS Evdokia (DG ENV C.1 Water)

"Linking GI to the Implementation of Water Directives":

There are many links of GI and Restoration with Water policy:

The Blueprint communication recognised the role of Green Infrastructure for limiting the

negative effects of floods and droughts, as well as for improving water status, in particular

through NWRM, and made proposals for increasing their uptake in the next RBMPs and FRMPs.

The work in support of NWRM is carried out in CIS through WG PoM and is supported with a

Pilot Project. The WG on AGRI, Floods, and Groundwater are also contributing to this. The WG

AGRI is also working on how to improve use of RDF to deliver WFD objectives and reduce

impacts of Agriculture pressures through multifunctional measures.

The work on the NWRM builds on earlier work that was done jointly from water and BD policy in

relation to Floods Risk Management. There are many links to the FD implementation based on

the considerations that are required for the Flood Risk Management Plans.

Improving Hydromorphology is an important aspect of restoration of Rivers and Lakes, and the

WG PoM will continue previous work done on Hydromorphological measures

WG EFLOWS is working on guidance to stimulate a common/coherent uptake of ecological flows

to allow for better implementation of WFD in terms of establishing – ensuring EFLOWS in the

next RBMPs

The WG ECOSTAT is working on the intercalibration of Good Ecological Potential which involves

intercalibration of measures and targets of protecting and enhancing state of Heavily Modified

Water Bodies.

The good status of Groundwater (GW) can only be achievable if terrestrial ecosystems

dependent on groundwater are not damaged and if quality of surface waters dependent on

groundwater is not diminished and these aspects are important for designing measures to

improve or maintain the GW status. The WG GW has worked on groundwater dependent

terrestrial ecosystems and issued 2 technical reports. An activity on surface waters associated to

groundwater is now ongoing.

FICHTER Mathieu (DG REGIO A2.G.1 Smart and Sustainable Growth)

"Linking GI to regional and cohesion policy":

DG REGIO highlighted the links to GI on 2020 agenda on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Main indirect investments are focused on the shift to a low-carbon economy and to climate change

adaptation/and risk management, while main direct investments are used for prevention,

Environmental protection and resource efficiency:

Supporting energy efficiency and smart energy management in public infrastructure, including in

public buildings, and in the housing sector (e.g. through green roofs/walls).

Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas,

including the promotion of mitigation-relevant adaptation measures.

Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management by supporting

investment for adaptation to climate change (including ecosystem-based approaches) and to

address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems.

Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, through Natura

2000, and taking action to improve the urban environment, revitalise cities, regenerate and

decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas) and reduce air pollution.

Biodiversity/N2000/GI are included in most of PA's from EU-13 and many for EU-15 for the ERDF

and CF.

Furthermore DG REGIO is helping authorities and stakeholders in the Member States and regions

with practical support to enable an efficient and successful implementation of measures on nature

and GI through Cohesion Policy (Guide to multi-benefit cohesion policy investments in Nature and


FERSTL Alexander (DG CLIMA C.3 Adaptation)

"Linking GI to Climate Change adaptation policy":

DG CLIMA underlined the importance of green infrastructure to meet both mitigation and

adaptation targets. In particular the EU adaptation strategy (adopted in 2013) highlights the

potential of green infrastructure, e.g. for flood prevention or for combatting the urban heat island

effect. A special focus of the current work is given to urban adaptation. CLIMA briefly presented its

latest initiative in the field, "Mayors Adapt". The initiative was launched on 19 March 2014

( and foreseen as action 3 of the EU adaptation strategy.

Concerning financing, CLIMA highlighted the enlarged funding opportunities for cities in the 2014-

2020 period, notably the European Structural and Investment Funds (where adaptation is one of the

"thematic objectives" and a 5% budget share has been ring-fenced for integrated urban

development in Member States) and the LIFE programme (where the 2014 call for proposals will

encourage urban adaptation projects). In both areas, green infrastructure projects could be funded.

In addition, the Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF, drawn up jointly by Commission and EIB) will

offer financing opportunities for cities.

PERES Adrian (DG RTD I.3 Sustainable management of natural resources)

"Linking GI to European research policy":

DG RTD highlighted the ongoing research (FP7 Green Surge and BiodivERsA – URBES) and introduced

the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 that support the GI Strategy. [The importance of

both Horizon 2020 and the ERA on biodiversity (BiodivERsA) were underlined in delivering the

knowledge base for policy making.] It was emphasized that there is innovation potential into the

concepts of "semi-natural areas and other environmental features” that require to be designed “to

deliver a wide range of ecosystem services" and this potential needs to be explored to identify

innovative nature-based solutions for green infrastructure and other policies. Innovating with nature

[will produce proof-of concepts, deploy demonstration activities and promote solutions that use

nature while protecting it, are based on or inspired from nature and] will create win-win

sustainability solutions by meeting simultaneously economic, social and environmental objectives.

III. Presentation of good practice examples in GI Implementation

This agenda item was taken at the beginning of the afternoon session. Mr Edin LUGIC (Croatia

Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection) delivered a presentation on the workshop held in

Zagreb on November 27th, 2013 on the following topic: "Green Infrastructure: a policy instrument for

providing ecological, economic and social benefits through natural solutions – Current situation and

existing opportunities for sectors in Croatia". The GI workshop aimed to promote and foster the

implementation of the European Commission’s in the context. Key points are to raise awareness

about GI among the relevant stakeholders in Croatia, as the newest EU Member State; present the

concept supported by a number of case studies from across Europe; present the funding

opportunities for potential GI projects; identify the existing key elements of GI in Croatia and identify

potential new projects that could protect/restore the key ecosystems and benefit from the

ecosystem services they provide.

The workshop audience included representatives of the Ministry for Environmental and Nature

Protection, key sectors (e.g. spatial planning, water management, forestry, agriculture, etc.),

scientists, and national environmental NGOs. Also, interested representatives from relevant

institutions from the neighbouring countries (Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) were invited

to attend so as to facilitate the possibilities for trans-boundary cooperation. The participants showed

great interest in the subject and the feedback was very positive. Mr.Lugic highlighted the importance

of EU Macro-Regional Strategies as a fundamental platform for GI, as in the case of the Danube and

Adriatic Strategies could transmit knowledge and inputs also towards non-member states.

MF expressed his strong appreciation for the Croatian initiative and stressed his interest in being

informed of future outcomes of this process. The Chair encouraged the members of the WG to

volunteer for such kind of demonstration of good practice from MS and proposed the inclusion of

such item as a regular presence in the future agendas of the WG. Belgium, United Kingdom and

Slovakia, and EFB volunteered for the next meeting.

IV. Possible outputs of the Working Group

The agenda item on possible outputs of the WG opened a discussion on the points outlined in the

Options paper. Possible outputs included the following:

A. The exchange of information between EC, MS and civil society on the implementation of tasks

mentioned in the GI COM and

B. Giving added value to EC actions by transferring them to the national context and vice versa;

Regarding linkages between GI and No Net Loss (both part of Target 2), the Commission

agreed to provide a schematic explanation on the linkages within T2 (see scheme below;

source 1st MAES report). How can compensation measures (as part of NNL) be usefully

integrated into GI strategies?

Regarding possible difficulties in reading Commission documents, the group proposed that

Education Authorities should test for this kind of documents, to see if they are

understandable by the general public. Members are invited to provide contact details for

any relevant authority willing to screen documents on their comprehension.

Resources should be specifically targeted, the message of GI should be tailored depending

on the subject that has to be reached. This tailoring should be done by member states, as

they are aware of their national audience.

There is a need to introduce "landscape" and "urban" references in future documents. An

agreement on terminology should be useful to improve the communication and deliver a

clearer message to a wider range of stakeholders. The working group is invited to reflect on

whether a glossary of relevant terms could be elaborated in the further work of this WG.

An information exchange platform on GI to encourage investments would be useful.

Create Factsheets with common structures and standards or brochures explaining the

different overlapping of the different policies involved in GI.

As GI covers a lot of sections in Member State policies, it should be interesting to have a

horizontal guidance on how to get access to all these information. The Commission hopes

that the recent BISE section on GI could partly answer these requests.

A stock-taking exercise once the respective OPs are in place was proposed; this could

minimise negative impacts on biodiversity from other sectors and ensure the use of better

environmental options such as GI e.g. in water policy. The Commission reminded in this

context that joint meetings of Nature and Water Directors could help addressing this


C. Measures/processes which MS/civil society can undertake to support the deployment of GI on

national/regional and local levels, in particular on capacity building, training and education and

participatory processes:

Need for technical training on common aspects, to translate the global principle to the

local level.

Federations and Associations of specific sectors could be aware of the way to implement

and translate GI on the ground. These organizations would be useful to expand the

knowledge on GI. A GI European Charter was suggested, to be signed by the interested

sector to commit on GI and then disseminated on a wider scale.

Commitment of experts in the process of delivering GI to governments and local

organizations, to bring local knowledge and better understanding of the issues, was felt


Consultation with users, to assess their level of understanding.

Workshop on methods to gather awareness amongst experts from different sectors. WG

members are invited to reflect on how this could be best organized.

D. The exchange of information on best practice in relation to ecosystem restoration and its

contribution to GI deployment:

Develop factsheets with examples and best practice sharing on the link between

restoration and ecosystem services. They should illustrate that restoration indeed

provides benefits, at the same time it must be clear that implementation of restoration

is always site-specific – local decisions would however need scientifically based

evidence/data for making the case for restoration.

More examples to be used for GI were reports on Natural Capital or local case studies to

remediate derelict land, the study on the 4-level concept for restoration prioritization

( or as well the

LIFE database with practical projects targeting the restoration of degraded habitats.

There might be a large number of cases where GI and the Restoration Prioritisation

Framework could possibly be considered together. The group had different opinions

whether they should be in practice considered together or whether it would be better to

separate both concepts.

Glossary of terms to make the topic clear for the WG (see above).

E. Developing useful indicators to monitor the uptake of GI, and on descriptors on which GI should in

particular be funded by public and private funds:

Useful to know the state of the art (also by getting information from other sectors),

what is already present or what it is missing, through applying existing monitoring


Partnerships between administrations and associations could help in mapping and

showcasing good examples.

Monitoring will be discussed in more detail during the next meeting.

The Commission encouraged participants to express their views on the tools that could be

introduced to promote GI in their countries and sectors, to complement the products already

delivered by the EC (including the guidance documents on main policies which might be useful on

European level but would need to be further adapted at national or regional levels).

The Commission reminded that Member States are responsible for the legal framework and good

spending of shared EU funds – this includes the spending for GI. The EC is available to help and

facilitate this process; however a strategic approach is needed at national and sub- national level to

develop actions to help achieve local, regional and national targets.

The following table intends to summarize the main inputs linked to the main actions of the GI

strategy (rows) and to the topics listed in the mandate of this WG (columns). The Commission

proposed that this table, pre-filled with EC inputs so far, should be completed/updated after each

meeting, with additional inputs from members of the WG.


the GI



(EC, MS and civil society) on

the implementation of tasks

mentioned in the GI COM


value to EC ACTIONS by

transferring them to the

national context and vice



which MS/civil society can

undertake to support the

deployment of GI on

national/regional and local



ON BEST PRACTICE in relation

to ecosystem restoration and

its contribution to GI



monitor the uptake of GI and

DESCRIPTORS on which GI should in

particular be funded by public and

private funds.

Promoting GI

in the main

policy areas

EC: Existing information on EC

GI website (related to policy).

EC upcoming: Information

sharing/exchange mechanism

on BISE (related to data and


EC: Next to existing

guidance, new guidance

document to be released

by DG ENV on GI

Agriculture and Climate


MS/EC: WG of experts.

MS: Ex. EIP (European

Innovation Partnership) with


EC upcoming: Series of

workshops on supporting

implementation and

gathering experts

BA: Tool of examples and best

practice sharing (2/3 page fact

sheet) ex. "Conservation







base and



EC upcoming: BISE will be

upgraded/implemented with

virtual library relevant to GI

EC/MS/BA: Glossary of

GI/restoration to be elaborated


access to


EC: Information by the EC on

the deployment of NCFF

EU-level GI


EC: List of GI elements of

European importance

EC upcoming: service contract

assessing the possibilities for


EC: European Commission and European Environmental Agency; MS: Member States; BA: Businesses and associations

V. Conclusions

The Chair suggested to shift the remaining agenda items which could not be covered to the next

meeting of the WG (on the EEA report on Spatial analysis of GI in Europe, and presentations of EHF

and IFLA-EU/ECTP-CEU). Participants were asked to express their timing preferences for the next

GIIR WG meetings. This should be done through the following doodle links by May 11th at the


2nd meeting, June potential dates:

3rd meeting, November potential dates:

Participants proposed to create a WG member list in order to facilitate the exchange of information

amongst the members. The EC agreed to upload a list with all participants and their coordinates on

the restricted part of CIRCABC. A participants list of the WG, limited to name and function would be

uploaded to the publically accessible CIRCABC site. Participants are requested to consult the experts

Privacy Statement (which will be attached to the covering email), and to inform the Commission

about any objections to its contents by sending an email to

Participants were asked to provide views on the possible outputs of the Working Group, and how

they could contribute to them, based on the mandate and the meeting discussions before the next

meeting. The participants were also asked to consider what support could be provided by the WG to

make these contributions most effective. The list of outputs would then be reviewed at the following

meeting to agree on a more structured approach. The nominations of volunteers for leading on the

tasks foreseen by the WG would also be sought.

Annex: Links to GI material:

Link to GI website, including recommendations of first WG and with brochure on GI for the wider public: Two reports on methodologies regarding the mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services which might help with the definition issues: (April 2013) (February 2014)

Regarding the availability of guidance documents: • Better environmental options for flood risk management • Guidance on connectivity

• Natural water retention measures (link to adaptation)

• Integration of biodiversity and climate change into SEA and EIA

• Connecting Smart and Sustainable Growth through Smart Specialisation

• Smart guide to multi-benefit investments

Next upcoming guidance: • Agriculture/Climate adaptation

Links of Green Infrastructure to the European Semester process are uploaded on the EC GI website, background section. The ENEA paper on funding possibilities for nature and biodiversity (including GI) is on

top related