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Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


My name is Joseba Díez (

I work as a webmaster

in the Internet Dissemination Area

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

• European data (what we have) • A day in the running of our website (how we update statistical data)

• The RSS news service • IMF indicators (International Monetary Fund. Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB))

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

European data (what we have)

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Brief introduction to the classification of statistical data in INE website according to the source of the information:

• Compiled in-house• From Other Public Organizations of Spain• From the European countries (Eurostat)

An example with the Education Statistics.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The biggest part of the statistical data disseminated in INE website is compiled with

information obtained from INE surveys

But, there are some areas of statistics thatare not under INE control, like “Physical

variables (territory, climatology,...)”, “Culture and Leisure (archives, museums,...)”

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


To complete the contents of our website, we collect information (±1000 tables) from the Statistical Departments of the Ministries, the Bank of Spain and other Public Offices with statistical responsibility


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


To close the cicle we have got an increasing selection of tables (±300) from Eurostat. Most of them are based on the contents of the predefined ones.

And after that?• Frequently reviewed and updated.• Two persons part time.• Aim: complete all the subjects that we have in INEbase.

What we do then is … • Download selections: spreadsheet • Conversion to PC-axis format.• Data in English and Spanish.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


How do we put together these pieces of information?

Let’s see an example with Education data

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Territory distribution of Spain:

Spain is politically organized into 17 Autonomous Communities (comunidades autónomas) (equivalent Eurostat NUT2) and 2 Autonomous Cities (ciudades autónomas) - Ceuta and Melilla.

Administratively Spain also comprises 50 provinces (equivalent Eurostat NUT3). Seven autonomous communities are composed of only one province: Asturias, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, and Navarre.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

A day in the running of our website (how we update statistical data)

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Coordination between the different data dissemination channels to update

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update

Press section,

Homepage: Most demanded data … direct access, news flash, charts

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Coordination between the different data dissemination channels to update

– Other sections: RSS news service, IMF indicators (International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)), etc…

– INEbase

• Structural Statistical Information: published once a year or less

• Short-term Statistical Information: published monthly or quarterly

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Structural Statistical Information- The statistical calendar sets the tentative month for its launch.

- There is no mandatory day for the publication of this data.

- In a year around 70 structural statistics are published.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The day-to-day of Structural Statistical Information (1/2)

- More or less 10 days before D-Day

(D-Day=when data is updated) (Normally that day there is no short-term indicators update)

• The correspondent Statistical Department sends the information :

– To the Press Office to prepare the press release

– To Dissemination Department in order to prepare the PC-Axis files in a development website (this information can include methodological files, questionnaires, etc)

• The correspondent Statistical Department checks this test website, says OK and confirms the date of publication.

- One day to D-Day

• The Press Office confirms to the Dissemination Department that the next day there will be a press release.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The day-to-day of Structural Statistical Information (2/2)

- D-Day. (Between 09:00am and 12:00am)

• Uploading of the data (detailed results, methodology, questionnnaires, etc.) from

the development website to the production website (

• Uploading of the Press Release in the Press Section.

- D-Day. H-Hour

• When data is in the production website, Dissemination Department notifies via

e-mail to a list of users that might be interested in the data (Press Agencies, Central

Bank, Public Offices, etc.)

• An item is added to the “News flash” section of the homepage and also to the RSS file with the RSS news service tool. At that moment, a new feed is ready to be added on the client side of the users with an RSS Feed Reader installed.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Summary of Structural Statistical Information update

More or less 10 days before D-DayStatistical Department

Press Office Dissemination Dept.

Development website


One day to D-Day Press Office confirms release

D-Day. (Between 09:00 and 12:00) Upload of data and Press release

D-Day. H-Hour Dissemination Department publishes


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Short-term Statistical Information- The statistical calendar sets the mandatory day for the publication of this data.

- At 09:00am the information must be accessible on the website.

- In a regular month, about 20 short-term statistics are released

- English and Spanish versions are updated at the same time.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The day-to-day of Short-term Statistical Information (1/3)

- The day before D-Day

• The corresponding Statistical Department prepares the contents of the press

release (commentary, tables and graphs).

• The Press Office writes the press release and the person in charge of the

corresponding Statistical Department authorizes its publication.

- D-Day. H-Hour (minus 30 minutes) (sometime the previous day)

• The corresponding Statistical Department sends the main results (Excel/Word) to

the Press Office and to the detailed results to the Dissemination Department to

prepare them until publication.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The day-to-day of Short-term Statistical Information (2/3)

- D-Day. H-Hour (minus 15 minutes)

• The Dissemination Department Secretary prepares and sends a PDF file with the

press release and the annexed tables to the “Internet Dissemination Area”

• The Press Office sends to the “Internet Dissemination Area” a set of HTML pages with

summary results to place in the Press Section.

• The Internet Dissemination Area prepares and updates:

– the Press Releases List page

– the INEbase menu

– the INEbase Main results

– the RSS news service that includes the News Flash on the homepage

• The Databank Dissemination Area updates the database with the statistical detailed


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The day-to-day of Short-term Statistical Information (3/3)

- D-Day. H-Hour

• The Internet Dissemination Area publishes in the website:

– the Press Release List page

– the INEbase menu

– the INEbase Main results

– the RSS news service that includes the News Flash of the homepage

• The Dissemination Department Secretary sends an e-mail announcing the release

with a link to the data.

• The Databank Dissemination Area publishes the database with the statistical detailed


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Summary of Short-term Statistical Information update

The day before D-Day Statistical Department Press Office


D-Day. H-Hour (- 30 minutes)

D-Day. H-Hour (-15 minuntes) Upload of data and Press release

D-Day. H-Hour Dissemination Department publishes: Press release, INEbase, RSS, email …

Summary data

Statistical DepartmentOtherfiles

Press Office

Dissemination Dept.

Dissemination Dept.

Press release

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / Update INEbase

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

The RSS news service

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

The RSS news service

• RSS = Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, etc.

• Always informed. No connection to webpages is necessary.

• Automatic notification at the moment of publication.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service

What it is and how it works

• The RSS document is a small text file written in the XML language.

• It’s used to distribute news on the Internet in a very simple way

• The file contains a set of news, called items, ordered and structured: a title, a link and a short


• It is stored on the news generator webserver.

• It is possible to have as many RSS files as you want. One file = One channel.

• Main advantage: to be inmediately informed.

• No need to surf the web to look for this news.

• An Internet connection is mandatory.

• A feed reader program is necessary on the client side.

• The user has to add the RSS link to the feed reader program to be notified when the file is updated.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. (Updating)

- How we generate the contents of the RSS news file of the INE: Use of the program ListGarden (1/4)

1st. Select the Channel (Canal) (previously defined) to update and click the button Añadir (Add)

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. (Updating)

- How we generate the contents of the RSS news file of the INE: Use of the program ListGarden (2/4)

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

2nd. Fill out the fields Title, Link and Description and click on Salvar (Save)

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. (Updating)

- How we generate the contents of the RSS news file of the INE: Use of the program ListGarden (3/4)

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

3rd. Once the information has been saved, we select Publicar (Publish) and click on Publicar FTP. Now we have the RSS file updated and ...

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. (Updating)

- How we generate the contents of the RSS news file of the INE: Use of the program ListGarden (4/4)

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

4th. … at the same time, we’ll have created an HTML file on the fly, with the last 25 news items.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. (Updating)

- Let’s have a look at the INE RSS file

1st. Header (Version)

2nd. Description of the Channel:• TITLE• LINK• DESCRIPTION• LASTBUILDDATE

3rd. Channel’s image information

4th. List of items with the mandatory fields for each of them: • TITLE• LINK • DESCRIPTION

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Number of visits to the RSS channel













May 0


Jul. 0










May 0


Jul. 0










May 0


Jul. 0








How can we know the number of syndications to our channels and the use of them?

• It is difficult to know the real use of this service • Log analysis can tell us the number of clicks to the rss files• But … the RSS system lies on a frequent visit to the site and click of the rss files

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service

Shortlist of the most popular RSS Readers, Feed Readers or RSS Aggregators

There are basically two groups of RSS-readers, web-based readers and desktop readers, but latest versions of web browsers also have that function.

• Desktop readers

• Web readers

• Users of Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2 browsers can read RSS contents directly in the browser.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


The RSS news service. An example of Syndication with “Awasu” (1/4) How can INE RSS news be accessed?To ascertain what INE has released without connecting to, a few steps have to be followed. These steps are called ‘Subscription’ or ‘Syndication’:


1st.- Download and install the program Awasu (

2nd.- On the page containing the information about RSS on the INE website (, click on the image with the right button of the mouse and then select Copy shortcut (Copiar acceso directo ). Doing this we have got in the clipboard the link to INE’s RSS channel (

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


3rd.- Open the software Awasu and in the menu File select New channel.

Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

The RSS news service. An example of Syndication with “Awasu” (2/4)

4th.- In the window which appears, paste the shortcut copied in 2nd step.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

5th.- Click Next and a window with the details of the header of the RSS file will appear.

The RSS news service. An example of Syndication with “Awasu” (3/4)

6th.- Click Next and finish setup.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

From that moment on, it is neccessary to have the Awasu icon in the toolbar and an Internet connection to be automatically notified of the news updates.

The RSS news service. An example of Syndication with “Awasu” (4/4)

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / RSS Update

RSS. Number of channels in EU countries














36 to 3 1+ Info page 1- No info page No RSS

Number of Channels



er o

f C




Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data

International Monetary Fund (IMF) indicators

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)

Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS)

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / IMF SDDS Indicators

An introduction to IMF SDDS *

“The SDDS is expected to enhance the availability of timely and comprehensive statistics and therefore contribute to the pursuit of sound macroeconomic policies; the SDDS is also expected to contribute to the improved functioning of financial markets”.

* Source: The Special Data Dissemination Standard: Guide for Subscribers and Users

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / IMF SDDS Indicators


The International Monetary Fund launched two data transparency standards: the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) in 1996 and the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) in 1997.

Both initiatives have been successful in enhancing the range, quality, and timeliness of country data available to the public, providing better information to underpin the operations of international financial markets and economic policy assessments in general, and thus facilitating public and private decision making.

As of March 2007, 64 countries and territories are SDDS subscribers and another 88 are GDDS participants.

* Source: The Special Data Dissemination Standard: Guide for Subscribers and Users

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / IMF SDDS Indicators

European Union countries are SDDS subscribers.

( 2/3 of the countries have this information on the Statistical Offices websites and the rest are on the Central Banks websites )

The information presented in this section is divided in five groups:

• Real Sector: To this sector belongs all the economic sectors, except for financial and monetary.

• Fiscal Sector: Incomes and expenditures of the Government.

• Financial Sector: This sector includes all the organizations related with finances and bank activities, insurance companies, pension funds, etc.

• External Sector: Term used to identify economic transactions on goods and services, revenues, etc. among the country and the rest of the world.

• Population: Population Now-Casts based on the 2001 Census.

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / IMF SDDS Indicators

International Monetary Fund (IMF) indicators SDDSSpain economic and financial data at a glance

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Value added information: “On the fly graphic draw option”

Four steps:1st.- Select the number of observations2nd.- Select the format of the graphic to be displayed: PNG, JPG or SVG 3rd.- Select the items to be drawn4th.- Click on the DRAW button

and …

In an average month there are 4.000 visits to this page and 350 graphs drawn

Data presented in this page follow a process before been available:

- In an INE mailbox are placed the emails with the attached files in ascii format from the different organizations implied in the supply of data- The information contained is added to an Oracle database- A program in Java writes html files in English and Spanish- Other program in Java generates graphs when demanded

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Internet dissemination: Serving and publishing data / A day in the running of our website / IMF SDDS Indicators

SDDS page: Sources of information ordered by number of datasets incorporated:

• The Central Bank of Spain (Banco de España).

• The National Statistics Office of Spain (Instituto Nacional de Estadística).

• The General Comptroller of the State Administration (Intervención General de la Administración del Estado).

• The Spanish Tax Office (Agencia Tributaria).

Disseminating statistics: Internet and PublicationsMadrid, 3-5 March 2008


Thank you for your attention

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