Return of Greco-Roman Influence. Humanism – what can humans achieve Secular period w/ a religious connection Catholic Church would be a large patron of.

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Return of Greco-Roman Influence

Renaissance – “Rebirth”1350-1550

Humanism – what can humans achieveSecular period w/ a religious connection

Catholic Church would be a large patron of arts

Italian vs. Northern RenaissanceNot a mass movement – still social class

limitsWill span 200 yrs and affect Europe at

different timesTime period will coincide with start of

religious wars, new political structures and an age of exploration


TradeBanking – Medici of FlorencePatronage – did not just sit on money

Economic Factors

Northern cities – communes dominated by merchant guilds – wealthy families – oligarchiesPopolo – disenfranchised

Merchant families used condottieri w/ mercenary armies to rule

Some cities became signoriRivalries and lack of rights for poor

= instability

Italian Politics

Italy’s advantage: geographyProsperous c-s

emerged b/c of trade

5 Major Powers dominated by 15th centuryMilan, Florence,

Venice, Papal States, Naples

Florence: Cosimo de’ Medici: wealthiest individual, took control of oligarchy

(Medici maintained republican forms of government for appearance sake but controlled behind scenes)

Despots: job was to maintain orderFrequently assassinated

Ambassadors: created to negotiate among c-s

5 major city states controlled smaller states competed for land

Feeling isolated duke of Milan invited the French to intervene1494 French King Charles

VIII occupied NaplesItaly became battleground

between Habsburgs – ValoisNo unification til 1870

Form of Education and culture based on the study of the classics – Greek and RomanLiberal Studies or Liberal Arts

Petrarch – “father of Humanism” – recovered old texts

Platonic Academy – Marsilio Ficiino lectured under patronage of Cosimo de’ Medici

Pico della Mirandola – On the Dignity of Man – man can achieve all thingsVirtuL’uomo universal


Schools with Latin grammar and rhetoric, Roman history and political philosophyNot a means to an end –

theology/philosophy and training for lawyers and physicians – medieval

Goal of education became civic humanism

Women excluded except wealthy who could afford private tutors

Castiglione – The Courtier


Machiavelli – favored republican government but saw first hand power politics in Italy

The Prince – function of ruler is to preserve order and security First to abandon morality as basis

for analysis of politicsFounder of modern secular power


Political Thought

Became a vehicle to push the Protestant Reformation

Used “wisdom” to challenge injustice in societyLargely the struggles of the Catholic Church

Thomas More – Utopia – perfect worldErasmus – Praise of Folly – satire urging for

simpler Christian faithGutenberg’s printing press increased literacy

Christian Humanism

Emphasis on secular themes but did not totally lose religious connection

Classic Greek and Roman idealsRealism – use of perspective and proportionPatronized by wealthy merchant class and


Renaissance Art

Van Eyck most popularNorthern art more concerned with

Christianity than with Greek and Roman themesReflection of turmoil of Protestant Reformation

Northern Renaissance

Arnolfini Wedding (Jan van Eyck)

1450s: attempts were made to reestablish centralized power of the monarchy

monarchs obsessed with the expansion of political power & landNot new concept, but defined beginnings of extension of centralized royal authority

Effected by 100 yrs. WarLoss of lifeDestroyed farmlandsUnruly nobility

Charles VIIEstablished royal army

Levied taille (annual direct tax on land)

Gabelle (tax on salt)

Louis XIKnown as the “Spider” king

Typically called founder of the French national state

Attained parts of Burgundy

Encouraged growth of industry & commerce

War of the RosesBroke out in the 1450s

Civil war, placing house of Lancaster (red rose) vs. house of York (white rose)

1485: Henry Tudor defeated last Yorkist King

Henry VIIWorked to reduce

internal disorderCreated Court of

Star Chamber: tried to eliminate unfair tactics

Avoided wars (also avoided calling Parliament)

Encouraged commercial activities

Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon marry in 1469

Dynastic union, not politicalBoth kingdoms

maintained own parliaments (Cortes), courts, laws, etc.

Had best army in Europe by 16th century

Ferdinand & IsabellaRecognized importance of controlling the Catholic ChurchSecured from pope—the right to select most powerful church officials

Wedding portrait, Ferdinand & Isabella 1469

Ferdinand and Isabella cont.

Introduced Inquisition in 1478…1492 expelled all professed Jews (approx. 150,000 out of 200,000 fled)

1502 all professed Muslims expelled

“To be Spanish was to be Catholic”

Maximilian I cont.Real success:

marriage of his son Philip of Burgundy to Joanna (daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella)

Philip and Joanna had Charles (through a series of deaths, became heir to the Hapsburg, Burgundian, and Spanish thrones)

Europe divided into 3 Estates“pray, fight and work”

Nobility 2-3% but dominateBook of the Courtier

Fundamental handbook for aristocracy

Social Classes

Social ClassesThe Book of the Courtier—


Described 3 attributes: • 1. grace, character, noble birth• 2. participate in military, follow standard of conduct

• 3. receive a classical education, play instruments, draw, paint

Third Estate - 85-90% of populationMost worked land – little to no

powerSome found advancement in cities –

but key to understand majority did not benefit from Renaissance

Social Classes

Second half of the 15th century: Italians introduced slavery on a large scaleUsed as skilled workers, or household

workersMost slaves were girls: serving as

nursemaidsPrimarily obtained from the eastern

Mediterranean and Black Sea regionsBy 16th century slavery had declined


Querelle des femmes gains ground during RenaissanceChristine de Pizan Printing PressElizabeth I

Isabella de’ Este – Patron of Arts

Gender Question

Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503)Openly supported 4 sonsCesare BorgiaNepotism

Julius II (1503-1513)Warrior PopeTears down St. Peters Erasmus will criticize him in -

Julius Excluded From HeavenLeo X (1513-1521)

Son of Lorenzo de MediciConflicts with Luther

Europe had been isolated for hundreds of years – now prompted by 3 Gs

New Tech provided the muscleCompetition in Europe led to

competition abroad

Age of Exploration

3 Gs – Gold, God, GloryResources!!!

Central and South America for silver and gold

North America for natural resourcesAfrica for Slaves

Pre 1517 focus –Europe fighting the Muslims After 1517 focus—spreading Christianity to new lands… you can’t let the heretics get to

them first!

The more wealth a country had = more power in war!

Victory over your enemies was everything!

Compass and astrolabeCaravelPtolemy’s GeographyPrince Henry the Navigator of

PortugalPatron of geography and navigation


1487 Diaz1498 da Gama

Portugal Leads the Way

ColumbusItalian90 menReached Hispaniola

(thought it was Asia)100,000 - 300

Columbian Exchange

The contact between the “Old World” and the “New World” that led to an exchange of

plants, animals, and diseases that changed life

on both sides of the Atlantic.

Squash Avocado Peppers

Sweet Potatoes

Turkey Pumpkin

Tobacco Quinine

Cocoa Pineapple



Peanut TOMATO Vanilla MAIZE Syphilis

Olive COFFEE BEAN Banana Rice

Onion Turnip Honeybee Barley

Grape Peach SUGAR CANE Oats

Citrus Fruits Pear Wheat HORSE

Cattle Sheep Pigs Smallpox

Flu Typhus Measles Malaria

Diptheria Whooping Cough




World Economy Begins

Population Growth70 million in 1500 – 90 million in 1600New foods support growing pop

Price Revolution16th century Europe experienced inflation in pricesInflux of gold and demand from pop growth

Nation-centered economies as opposed to guildsJoint-stock companiesPutting out or domestic systemMercantilism – nations’ power depends on wealth

which is tied to favorable balance of trade

Commercial Revolution

Decline of traditional trade networksHanseatic League and Italian city-states lose

out to nation-statesRise of Capitalism

Capital is invested to establish wealthPrivate ownership

Rise of BourgeoisieCommercial capitalism creates a new middle

classExploitation of “inferior people”Rivalries develop between competing nations


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