Retail Catalog Fall12

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    Fall2012Boos, Mgzins,CD Cocions & DVDs

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12




    1 N Boos

    14 Bcis Boos

    30 Mgzins

    32 Spci Issus

    36 CD Cocions

    48 DVDs


    64 N Boos

    69 Bcis Boos

    75 Mgzins

    76 Spci Issus

    77 CD Cocions

    80 DVDs


    86 N Boos

    87 Bcis Boos

    88 Mgzins

    89 Spci Issus

    90 CD Cocions

    91 DVDs

    94 Spinning Boo Rc

    95 Ind

    101 Ordrs

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 1

    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 160 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-488-1


    avib Dcmbr 2012

    Righs: w

    KristenTenDykeis nir nd

    croch dsignr nd

    niing chnicdior. Hr dsigns

    hv pprd in boos

    incuding Weekend Hats

    (2011), Knitting Green

    (2010), nd The Knitters

    Handy Bk Tp-

    Dwn Sweater Patterns

    (2012), s s mny

    pubicions incud-

    ing Interweave Knits,

    Interweave Crchet,

    Vgue Knitting, Knitty,nd Knit Simple. Sh

    rcny unchd

    Crpir knis nd is

    ormr s mmbr

    o Cssic ei. krisn

    ivs in Min.

    Imgin niing buiu sr ihou h srssu obscs o sing,

    sming, nd gring. wcom o nir dsignr krisn tnDys ord

    o Finish-Free Knits. whi poring hs ny dsigns, you i discovr

    sich-r souions o prviousy rusring obscs o nishing dsign.

    krisn i ch you o ni srs ih no ssmby rquird. through

    cvr pnning nd simp chniqus, h projcs in Finish-Free Knits

    r shpd nd joind during niingihou scricing h pocs,

    buonbnds, nd shpd cors h r ccompishd in mos dsigns by

    sing oghr spr pics. In ddiion, rn ho o shp rmhos, join

    pics s you go, nd us shor-ros or shping.

    Onc youv msrd hs srss-r nishing chniqus, you cn ppy

    vriions o ch mhod o projcs byond h boo. wih Finish-Free Knits,

    void h drdd som ssmby rquird phrs orvr.

    Finish-FreeKnitsNo-Sew Garments in Classic Styles

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS

    KristeenGrifn-Grimes unchd hrrnch Gir prn in

    in ry 2005. Hr inspi-rion coms rom hr

    jzz-singing mohr nd

    hr v-yr ov

    ir ih rnc. Sh

    ds rgur niing

    ours in rnc, is h

    uhor o French Girl

    Knits (2009), nd bogs

    krisn ivs in S,


    rom h uhor o French Girl Knits coms cocion o signur rnch-

    inspird nd minin ni ccssoris. krisn Grin-Grims brings o i hr

    signur shic hrough imss chniqus or sunning ncor nid-

    prn boo. Orgnizd ino vigns h rv rom morning o nigh, hscpiving projcs invi nirs o imgin hir on diy ivs nhncd by

    hs ovy dsigns.

    French Girl Knits Accessries incuds sin inrmdi-v niing

    projcs covring u rng o ccssoris or omn. Dsignd ih rnch

    svoir-ir, h projcs incud shrugs, hs, govs nd mins, rps nd

    sos, nd socs nd sipprs. wn o dd mor romnc ih c nd ribbon?

    Dsir prc p or od? Sidbrs nd chniqus incud simp ho-os

    or hs dis nd mor. throughou his cocion o sm projcs, you

    nd n mphsis on cn modrn ins nd sy ovn ih ving nd

    romnic shion inspirion.

    FrenchGirKnitsaccessoriesModern Designs or a Beatil Lie

    Pprbc ih fps

    9 9, 120 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-490-4


    avib Spmbr 2012

    Righs: w

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 3

    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 128 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-562-8


    avib Ocobr 2012

    Righs: w

    lucindGuyis nir nd i

    dsignr s s h

    uhor o svr boos,incuding Nrthern

    Knits (2010). Sh hs

    sod hr nir

    dsigns o edin Rony,

    lur ashy, Mrs &

    Spncr, nd Ron

    Yrns. Sh ivs nd

    chs in engnd.

    In Nrthern Knits Gits, nir nd i dsignr lucind Guy coninus hr

    porion o o-niing rdiions ih sm projcs nd ccssoris. You

    rn mny rdiion niing chniqus o Scndinvi, esoni, Icnd, nd

    h ro nd Shnd Isnds, incuding ind niing, o-coor niing,

    c chniqus, dms, ir Is, mbroidry, nd ry.

    accompnid by nos on hisory nd o cuur, h projcs mbrc h

    Dnish noion o hyggeing psur in comoring nd cozy hings, hich

    is on ssocid ih miy nd cos rinds. th ny projcs incud

    mins, socs, hs, scrvs, nd bgs nd r prc or ring nd giing.

    emphsizing prn nd coor, hs nid dsigns so mbody h id o

    ming uiirin objcs buiu s s usu.

    Immrs yours in lucinds ord ih cooru nid o projcs.

    NorthernKnitsGitsThoghtl Projects Inspired by Folk Traditions

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 160 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-439-3


    avib Ocobr 2012

    Righs: w

    KteGgnonOsborn ndCourtneyKeey

    (righ o ) co-onkbourn woons,

    disribuors o h ibr

    Compnys uniqu

    risn yrns. thy

    couhord h popur

    boo Vintage Mdern

    Knits (2011), nd hir

    bs-sing prns

    hv pprd in

    Knitscene, Interweave

    Knits, Interweave

    Crchet, nd VgueKnitting. Boh iv in


    NovemberKnitsInspired Designs or Changing Seasons

    Sv o h shivrs in h ih rm nd syish grmns nd ccssoris

    rom Nvember Knits. Insid, you discovr spccur cocion rom

    popur nir dsignrs nd uhors k Ggnon Osborn nd Courny

    ky nd group o -sr conribuors, incuding Miss lBrr, Cirii

    Ros, Cciy Goi McDond, krisn tnDy, nd mny mor. Cpur h

    ssnc o ih ny projcs, rom csu crdigns nd scrvs o syish

    rps nd srs. th boo is dividd ino hr scions:

    Farm Hands is lled with rustic, casual, and durable garments.

    Ivy League features sophisticated and smart knitwear with bold colors and

    cssic sying.

    Southern Comfort is ideal for special occasions, bringing warmth and comfort

    o sighy drssir grmns.

    wih nid grmns nd ccssoris by pr dsignrs, Nvember Knits is

    mus-hv sy guid or h sson.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 5

    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 160 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-786-8


    avib Novmbr 2012

    Righs: Na & Uk

    IngiJohnsson() is h chi dsignr

    nd quiy mngr or

    on o Sdns rg-s niing compnis.

    During hr mor hn

    hiry yrs o princ

    in h indusry, sh hs

    ord or o Sdns

    mjor niing compnis,

    hs bn rnc

    dsignr, nd hs crd

    mny prns or y

    pubicions. Ingi

    ivs in Sdn nd runs

    hr on yrn sor inGohnburg. this is hr

    rs boo.

    EwK.andinsson(righ) is hd o

    andinsson Phoogrphy

    nd andin rg,

    pubishing compny sh

    srd in 2009. Sh ivs

    in Sdn.

    Inspird by h subim, sub ons o inry norhrn ndscps, h mor

    hn hiry-v projcs in Shades Wintershocs h nur buy o

    pur undyd oo yrn, phoogrphd gins h Scndinvin inrs sno

    cryss nd cod.

    ths gorgous grmns, rom ops, srs, drsss, nd cos o hs,

    mins, scrvs, nd shs, vo oos rmh nd sonss in mny

    dirn prns nd urs. B nchnd by h possibiiis o grmns

    uring chniqus s simp s grr sich nd socin sich o

    bor cbs, bobbs, ur, nd c prns. You b nhrd ih

    ho h co-rindy undyd oo crs nir rich in visuy orgnic

    hms. Orgnizd by h nur ons o h yrns, hs n oons r

    visuy sunning.

    Discovr syish nis in drmi mosphr, hr oon rmh

    conrss ih icy nvirons.

    ShdesoWinterKnitting with Natral Wool

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 10, 90 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-559-8


    avib Spmbr 2012

    Righs: USC, Uk, aU, NZ

    MidoriNishid is prossion cr ris.

    th couhor o The

    Beaded Edge (2011),sh inroducd Boncu

    ya o Jpn, dping

    i ino n ccssib

    orm or crrs. Sh

    hs coninud o sudy

    nd prc h r o

    bdd dgings ih

    CRk Dsign. Sh ivs in


    CRKDesign is

    dsign rm md up osi grphic dsignrs

    ho r h couhors

    o The Beaded Edge

    (2011) nd do vry-

    hing rom dsigning o

    boo producion. th

    rm is bsd in Jpn.

    a squ o h bs-sing boo The Beaded Edge (2011), his guid chs

    bdrs nd crochrs i ho o dd prson ouchs o id vriy o

    bric projcs using gorgous dgs nd mbishmns. The Beaded Edge 2

    pors rdiion turish ya, h dic dgings or bric h r crdusing hrds, nos, nd bds. Dsignr Midori Nishid is scind ih hs

    dgings, hich d hr o cr sris bsd on rdiion mois o fors,

    ruis, vs nd vins, nd gomric dsigns such s scops nd srs.

    The Beaded Edge 2 urs sp-by-sp insrucions or ighn dgings,

    ong ih inspirion phoos shoing hir us s rims or cohing,

    ccssoris, nd hom urnishings. rom inormion bou his uniqu

    chniqu o buiu projcs or hom nd rdrob, The Beaded Edge 2

    givs you vryhing you nd o msr h r o turish oy.

    TheBededEdge2More Inspired Designs or Crocheted Edgings and Trims

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 7

    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 128 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-827-8


    avib Dcmbr 2012

    Righs: w

    BrettBris hormr dior in chi

    o Crchet Tdaynd

    cror o h bogManhattan Crat Rm,

    s s hos o h


    vision sris Knit &

    Crchet Nw. Sh so

    ris rgur sing

    coumn, Sing 101, or

    h popur bog Design

    Spnge. Prviousy sh

    s crs dior

    womns Dy Spci

    Inrs Pubicionsnd rir or numr-

    ous nion mgzins

    incuding Marie Claire,

    Csmplitan, Details,

    Mens Health, nd

    Preventin. Br ivs in

    Brooyn, N Yor.

    Crochrs i sisy hir hungr or coo hings o m ih Clever Crcheted

    Accessries. Br Br cocd ny-v dighu, prcic pics h

    m prc gishough you my b mpd o p hm o yours!

    th id curor, Br shrs rs-r inup o projcs. whhr you r

    bginnr or princd crochr, hr is somhing or vryon: hs nd

    cps, incuding coch, porpi h, nd m; scrvs, shs, nd cos, rom

    chuny o drpy o snug; y-cching mins nd rm rmrs; dic

    c socs nd cozy mn-socs; firy bgs; nd spry jry. ech pic

    is dsignd ih sndou dis nd vriy o chniqus r covrd

    hroughou, incuding tunisin croch, broomsic c, nd Brugs c.

    Clever Crcheted Accessries urs projcs rom op dsignrs such s

    Robyn Chchu, Doris Chn, Mri lynn Pric, krisin Omdh, en Gormy,

    lind Cyr, Vici Ho, nd mny mor.

    CeverCrochetedaccessories25 Qick Weekend Projects

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 9, 160 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-554-3


    avib Jnury 2013

    Righs: w

    KristinOmdh ish uhor o Crchet

    S Fine (2010),

    Wrapped in Crchet(2009),A Knitting

    Wrapsdy(2011), nd

    Seamless Crchet

    (2011). Sh dsigns ni

    nd croch grmns

    nd prns undr

    hr b kRIStIN.

    krisin chs ni nd

    croch chniqus

    or priv ssons nd

    orshops. Sh pprs

    on Knitting Daily TV,crs dsigns or

    vriy o yrn comp-

    nis, nd hs pubishd

    dsigns in Interweave

    Crchet, Interweave

    Knits, Knitscene,

    Crchet Tday, nd

    Crchet!Sh ivs in innoviv cocion o ory sich nd v grmn prns rom bs-

    sing uhor krisin Omdh, The Finer Edge dmonsrs vrious chniqus,

    consrucion mhods, nd vrsi ppicions or crochd dgings.

    whi crochd dgings r cusomriy usd o rim or nish bns nd

    grmns, dsignr krisin Omdh rs crochrs o boh rdiion nd

    nov ys o pnd hir us o dgings, rom cring nir brics o

    ming individu dcoriv mois, nd vn cring hr-dimnsion

    dsigns. ocusing on consrucion chniqus or dgings, h boo is dividd

    ino hr spr scions: op-don, sidys, nd boom-up mhods.

    thr r so v projc prns in muip sizs h highigh h

    dgings, s s chrs, iusrions, nd phoogrphs o croch schs.

    Discovr innovion is ns ih The Finer Edge.

    TheFinerEdgeCrocheted Trims, Motis & Borders

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 9

    IBeR New BOOkS


    7 10, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-858-2,


    avib Ocobr 2012

    Righs: w

    YokoSitopprs rgury on

    Jpns vision

    nd in mgzins. Shhs pubishd muip

    boos nd hods qui

    hibiions nd or-

    shops in rnc, Iy,

    nd tin. In 2008,

    sh oundd h Yoo

    Sio Qui ehibiion

    Msuy dprmn

    sor in Ginz, toyo.

    Sh ivs in toyo.

    JpneseQuitingPiecebyPiece29 Stitched Projects rom Yoko Saito

    rom qui ris Yoo Sio,Japanese Quilting Piece by Piece pors

    rdiion o hms nd inrprs hm ih ving y modrn .

    tny-nin urd projcs us rdiion pchor dsigns such s

    og cbin bocs, hgons, bss, nd srs, sn in so spi nd up

    brics. uring picor, ppiqu, mchin siching, hndsiching, nd

    mbroidry, hs projcs r digh or nyon ho ovs o s. Siss

    i discovr rg quis s s smr projcs, rom bric bss nd

    hndbgs o n pron nd bric cushionsch ih ppr prns ncosd.

    In hr msru sy, Yoo Sio uss buiu nd micuous siching hi

    si mbrcing h wabi sabiconcp o imprcion, using odd-shpd pics

    nd quiing ih r mind.Japanese Quilting Piece by Piece invis qui

    riss o sry rom convnion dsigns nd cr on-o--ind quis nd

    quid projcs.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 10, 128 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-860-5


    avib Ocobr 2012

    Righs: USC

    Bethnash is prossion qui ris

    nd chr ih

    bcground in shiondsign. Hr or hs

    bn idy hibid

    nd pcd in musum

    cocions in h Unid

    kingdom nd Unid

    Ss, incuding N

    Yors Musum o ars

    nd Dsign. Sh is

    mmbr o Qui ar,

    group o inrnion

    qui riss ho im o

    nd h boundriso quiing s n risic

    mdium. Sh ivs in

    Crdi, ws.

    VibrntQuitCogeA Spontaneos Approach to Fsed Art Qilts

    epor his groundbring boo h shos quirs ho o cr uniqu nd

    prssiv quis using improvision cog chniqus nd using.

    Bhn ash, non or hr rich nd cooru qui dsigns, shos ho o us hnd

    nd mchin siching s n mbishmn o h usd nd quid pic.

    lrn o insincivy cu bric shps ihou h us o rurs or mps,

    yr hm on prprd bcground, nd ch hm ih usib b.

    In cr, sy-o-oo , discovr invub inormion on mhods,

    mris, chniqus, nd composiion. Iusrd ih mny o Bhns quis

    nd ddiion mps o s-o-h-r usd quis rom round h ord,

    his boo is visu s o coor nd prn. arisic infuncs r vidn

    hroughou, rom Misss brigh ppr cuous o pop r nd mid-cnury

    dsign. Vibrant Quilt Cllage i hp you pnd h boundris o r quiing

    hrough imginion, inspirion, nd usion.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 11

    IBeR New BOOkS


    7 9, 176 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-862-9


    avib Jnury 2013

    Righs: Na

    lurieWisbrunis n uhor nd bric

    dsignr ho ivs

    in ausin, ts. Youcn nd mor bou

    hr nd hr or


    EmbeishMeHow to Print, Dye, and Decorate Yor Fabric

    Embellish Me is h uim guid or crrs sing o chiv h

    prc surc nishs or hir bric-bsd projcs. Comprhnsiv sp-

    by-sp insrucions r ccompnid by did iusrions h inroduc

    n nsiv rng o bric rion nd mbishmn chniqus, such

    s i-dying, bching, nd shibori; boc, si-scrn, nd digi prining;

    nd bding, mbroidry, nd ppiqu. Gris hroughou h boo ur

    mps o hs chniqus, dmonsring ho hy hv bn ppid o

    bric nd providing rdrs ih h o inspirion.

    Dividd ino hr scions, Embellish Me ors ssni inormion on oos

    nd mris, prn dsign, nd chniqus. aris inrvis nd in-dph

    dvic on mring nd sing n dsigns round ou n inormion-rich

    guid h uy quips crrs o ppy hs chniqus o ny numbr o

    bric projcs.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR New BOOkS


    8 10, 90 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-706-6


    avib Novmbr 2012

    Righs: w

    CRKDesign is dsign rm md up o

    si grphic dsignrs

    ho r h couhorso The Beaded Edge

    (2011) nd do vry-

    hing rom dsigning o

    boo producion. th

    rm is bsd in Jpn.

    YsukoEndoms cr nd

    hom dcor dsigns

    nd producs or

    CRk Dsign. Sh hs

    pprd on NHkprogrm, Sutekini

    Handmade, hr sh

    prsnd bd mbroi-

    dry sich smp ids

    nd chniqus. Sh

    ivs in Jpn.BedEmbroideryStitchSmpes

    Bead Embridery Stitch Samples is jm-pcd dircory h gos byond

    bsic nd rdiion mbroidry sichs o incorpor bds, oing

    rdrs o cr dic nd sriing rims nd mbishmns.

    Sich prns rng rom gny simp sing mois o comp ovr

    prns o hr-dimnsion dsigns. aong ih sp-by-sp insrucions

    r numrous mps o ho o us nd pc h bd mbroidry mois

    on hms, pocs, cus, cors, nd hndbgs or s hom dcor rim on

    pios, curins, nd mpshds. Prns mphsiz bdd dgings nd

    rims rhr hn h hvy, soid bdd bric mois ound in ohr bd

    mbroidry boos.

    Using nohing mor hn mbroidry hrd nd simp bds, Bead

    Embridery Stitch Samples ors bginnr nd dvncd mbroidry

    nhusiss i n ys o s hir or pr.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 13

    IBeR New BOOkS


    5 8, 192 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-598-7


    avib Dcmbr 2012

    Righs: Na

    NicoeVsbinderons nd oprs

    SichCr nd n ind-

    pndn ccssory in,Qun Pu Pu. Sh

    s ounding chr

    Sich loung in Sn

    rncisco, Ciorni.

    Sh currny chs

    Sonmounin nd

    Dughr brics in

    Bry, Ciorni.

    Hr dsigns hv bn

    urd in h Wall

    Street Jurnal, Adrn

    Magazine, JAnnMagazine, Venus Zine,

    nd Crat. Sh ivs in

    Pum, Ciorni.

    SewingSoutionsTips and Techniqes or the Savvy Sewist

    evn h bs siss i ncounr probms, sngs, nd i gichs in

    hir or. epr sis nd uhor Nico Vsbindrs Sewing Slutins

    is n indispnsb rrnc d ih invub dvic or bginnr nd

    inrmdi siss on vryhing rom buying mchin o rding prn

    nvop o consrucion scrs.

    Orgnizd by sgs, you nd:

    Detailed advice for the basics of sewing.

    An easy-to-follow layout with step-by-step techniques for making bias tape,

    sing rims, buonhos, zipprs, hms, nd mor.

    Easy-to-navigate color-coded cross-references available for quick referencing.

    Troubleshooting tips for sewing machine problems.

    whhr siss n o choos h righ oos, rd prns corrcy, or

    vryhing in bn, Sewing Slutins i b n ssni sing compnion.

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR Ba Ck lI St BO Ok S: Gnr Cr/kniing

    CoorStyeInnoviv o trdiion,17 Inspird Dsigns o kniPaM alleN aND aNN BUDD

    Pprbc, 8 9, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-062-3, $24.95

    BgStyeInnoviv o trdiion, 22Inspirion Hndbgs, tos,nd Crry-s o kni ndCrochPaM alleN aND aNN BUDD

    Pprbc, 8 9, 128 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-043-2, $21.95

    TheartoFirIseKnittingHisory, tchniqu,Coor & PrnsaNN eItelSON

    Pprbc, 8 11, 184 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-138-5, $24.95

    150Knit&CrochetMotisanyhing-bu-Squr Shpsor Grmns, accssoris,aghns, nd throsHeatHeR lODINSkY

    Pprbc, 8 8, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-434-8, $24.95

    TheCrtersGuideToTkingGretPhotosth Bs tchniqus or Sho-csing Your Hndmd CrionsHeIDI aDNUM

    ibound, 6710 8710, 192 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-626-7, $24.95

    aroundtheWordinKnittedSocks26 Inspird DsignsStePHaNIe VaN DeRlINDeN

    Pprbc, 8 9, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-230-6, $24.95

    BoutiqueKnits20+ Mus-Hv accssorislaURa IRwIN

    Pprbc, 8 9, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-073-9, $21.95

    CssicKnits:Mrinn Isgr CocionMaRIaNNe ISaGeR

    Pprbc, 8 9, 184 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-115-6, $24.95

    DominoKnittingVIVIaN HxBRO

    Pprbc, 6 7, 96 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-931499-11-8, $16.95

    200FirIseMotisa knirs DircoryMaRY JaNe MUCkleStONe

    Pprbc, 8 8, 208 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-437-9, $24.95

    TheBestoKnitscenea Cocion o Simp, Syish& Spirid knislISa SHROYeR

    Pprbc, 8 9, 144 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-326-6, $24.95

    EssentiyFeminineKnits25 Mus-Hv Chic DsignsleNe HOlMe SaMSe

    Pprbc, 8 9, 152 pgs

    ISBN 978-1-59668-784-4, $24.95

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 15

    IBeR BaCk lI St BOO kS: kni ing

    FvoriteSocks25 timss Dsignsrom InrveDIteD BY aNN BUDDaND aNNe MeRROw

    Hrdcovr ih concd ir-o,

    7 9, 128 pgs

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    IBeR BaCklISt BOOkS: Qui ing

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    TheQuitingartsBooktchniqus nd Inspirion orCring On-o--kind QuisPatRICIa BOltON

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    QuitinglinendCoortchniqus nd Dsigns orabsrc QuisYOSHIkO JINZeNJI

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    TheBestoQuitingartsYour Uim Rsourc orar Qui tchniqus ndInspirionPOkeY BOltON

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    ExporingDimensionQuitartSich, od, embishC. JUNe BaRNeS

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    QuitingModerntchniqus nd Projcs orImprovision QuisJaCQUIe GeRING aND katIePeDeRSeN

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    ISBN 978-1-59668-387-7, $26 .95

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 27

    IBeR BaCklISt BOOkS: Mid Mdi nd Surc Dsign

    artttheSpeedolieMoivion + Inspirion orMing Mid-Mdi arevry DyPaM CaRRIkeR

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    200BridstoTwist,Knot,loop,orWeveJaCQUI CaReY

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    BgswithPperndStitchInnoviv Surc tchniqusor embishing BgsISOBel Hall

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    artCotha Guid o SurcDsign or bricJaNe DUNNewOlD

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    FreestyeMchineEmbroiderytchniqus nd Inspirion oribr arCaROl SHINN

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    TheCothPperScissorsBooktchniqus nd Inspirion orCring Mid-Mdi arBaRBaRa DelaNeY

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  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    IBeR BaC klISt BOO kS : Mid Mdi nd Surc Dsign/Sing

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    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 29

    IBeR BaCklISt BOOkS: Sing

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  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS


    InterweveKnitsInterweave Knits mgzin ors innoviv, sy-ish, nd inspirion dsigns by -non nmsin h niing indusry. rom simp socs o bo-r nid jcs nd shs, ch issu urs

    ovr ny prns ni in odys yrns nd coorchoics or vrydy r o prossion sys. Pus,ch issu urs quic ips, inrsing ni-orhyrics, nd in-dph uoris or bsic o dvncdniing chniqus. edior eunny Jng, h hos oKnitting Daily TV, brings sophisicd, modrn ooo nir h ors rdrs succssu niingprns ih sp-by-sp insrucions, buiuphoogrphy, nd chrs nd iusrions or mordvncd projcs.

    4x / year $6.99 each

    InterweveCrochetInterweave Crcheths bn rcognizd s con-sumr vori croch mgzin or is insighurics, vub ips nd chniqus, rvn crochns, nd bundnc o shionb projcs by -

    non nd rspcd croch dsignrs urd inch issu. edid by Mrcy Smih, Interweave Crchetors n innoviv, syish oo croch r byondh ghn. wih mor hn ny prns pr issuuring modrn yrns nd coor ps, rdrsr givn vry opporuniy o improv nd rn ncroch sis ih sp-by-sp insrucions, chrs,nd iusrions or gurnd succss. Prnsrng rom sy-o-croch ccssoris or bginnrso dvncd c projcs nd grmns.

    4x / year $6.99 each

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    KnitsceneKnitscene mgzins un nd criv vib ocusson sy o inrmdi niing projcs or hspirid nir. wih nsorhy rics, vubips, nd inormiv chnic insrucion, hisspci-issu mgzin so urs ovr nyprojcs by opnoch nir dsignrs in chissu. edid by lis Shroyr, Knitscene mgzin isn ccssib projc mgzin o innoviv dsignmns, un dis, gr rs projcs o c,nd rb, syish projcs rom ciy-orhybrs nd ngrss mis o comy srs!

    4x / year $7.99 each

    QuitingartsQuilting Arts Magazine covrs id rng o sis,incuds cpion ho-o rics, ris pros,urs gus chrs, nd pors conmporryi ors, surc dsign, mbishmns, ndmois. addrssing h inrss o h conmporryquir, br ris, r quir, mbishd quir, ndrb-r ris, Quilting Arts srs hr rdi-ion quiing vs o.

    Qui riss i nd h mos innoviv r quiingchniqus, ips nd uoris on mchin siching,nd pros o conmporry qui riss rom roundh ord.

    6x / year $7.99 each

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS

    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 31

    CothPperScissorsClth Paper Scissrs covrs yps o br rs ndcog or, incuding mid mdi, ssmbg,rd boos, r dos, visu r journs, rubbrsmping, criv mbroidry, nd boo rs. or h

    bginning ris/crr s s h dvncd, ClthPaper Scissrs hs pyu, posiiv on, ncourg-ing is rdrs o ry n chniqus nd shr hiror nd pris ih grr udinc.

    Bringing is rdrs odys ding nd rissnd uhors nd poignn soris bhind hm, CPSso provids h highs quiy sudio phoogrphyshocsing h s chniqus nd projc ids.

    6x / year $7.99 each

    HndwovenHandwven is mor hn cocion o nicingprojcsis i rvogu, prn boo, shocog, v srucur boo, nd rsourc oring shvs ih yrns, boos, nd inrsing oos.

    Is h prmir go-o sourc or vryon inrsdin ving, rom bginnrs o ssond prossionsi. In ddiion o inroducing op ving prsrom round h ord ih n innovions ndcriv ids, ch issu ors h s ns on hving ord, ooms nd suppis, prns, ips, ndchniqus.

    5x / year $7.99 each


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    PieceWorkPieceWrkcbrs nd honors h hndoro our hrig ih -rsrchd nd dpyhumn soris, ong ih hnds-on projcs hcovr mbroidry, ndpoin, cross-sich, niing,cming, croch, bdor, nd ohr nd-or chniqus. ech issu pors h prsonsoris o rdiion mrs, h hy md, ndho hy md hir crions, nd invsigs hsoris bhind hm. In-dph ho-o chniqus ndsp-by-sp projcs m h rdiions com ivor odys nirs, mbroidrrs, cmrs, ndcrochrs.

    6x / year $6.99 each

    Spin.OSpin.ofis hr, vry spin o h y, ih ips ndchniqus or bginnr o dvncd spinnrs on spcs o spinning, rom choosing h righ h oundrsnding h bsics o scing, prpring, ndspinning brs. ech issu spoighs spinnrs shringhir nodg nd princ nd shos hondru hings h cn b md ih hndmdyrn. Pssion bou ming hings rom scrch,spinnrs nvr ir o rning bou h inriccis ohir crhy n o no hr h br cmrom, h hisory, ho o us i mos civy, ndhr o buy i.

    4x / year $7.99 each

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS


    InterweveKnitsHoidyGitswih ocus on hndnis or h hoidys, his im-mnsy popur spci issu ys ss ou inrcord im! rom h diors o Interweave Knitsmgzin, Interweave Knits Hliday Gits urs

    quic-o-ni nd ssh-busing projcs or s-minu gi ids, projcs o hiroom quiy o bpssd don rom gnrion o gnrion, un yso dcor your hom ih yrn, nd mor. ur-ing ips nd chniqus nd prns rom -nonnir dsignrs, his 144-pg spci issu hssomhing or vry mmbr o h miy, rinds,nd vn or nirs o m or hmsvs his up-coming hoidy sson!

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss Spmbr 2012

    NEWKnitsceneaccessories2012this supr-sizd spci issu rom h diors oKnitscene mgzin ocuss on spirid hndni c-

    cssoris, rom socs nd hs in vrying sizs, smpurss o crrys nd hndbgs, o gr rps,scrvs, nd mor. Knitscene Accessries incudsprojcs rom quic-o-ni bsics or bginnrs omor dvnc dsigns. uring prns dsigndby odys ding nir dsignrs, his spci is-su so bors on ips nd chniqus spcic ocring h ccssory prns sn in his issu.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99Rss Jun 2012

    Knit.werthis popur spci issu rom h diors oInterweave Knits mgzin ocuss on innovivnir dsign or csu o prossion rdrobs.wih h id h simp dsign mns cn m h dirnc, h prns urd in knit.wearor houghu, syish pprochs o niing h rsy o ni nd sy o rih cssic, imsspp. uring vub ips nd chniqus ndopnoch indusry-ding dsignrs, his spci issuis n pprochb oo modrn nir or si vs.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 2x / year $14.99

    Rss Jun, Spmbr 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS

    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 33

    InterweveCrochetaccessoriesInterweave Crchet Accessries is n r-rgspci issu dvod o croching dcoriv,uniqu, nd cssic ccssory prns. rom bsicprojcs h r siy crochd in on vning omor sophisicd nd dvncd projcs, his issuurs prns or hs, socs, scrvs, bgs, rps,crochd jry, nd mor. edid by h s oInterweave Crchetmgzin, his spci issu soshocss vub croch chniqus nd inorm-iv rics or succssu croching.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss Novmbr 2012

    KnittingTrditionsPieceWrkprsns projc-pcd spci issuh s rdrs on n dvnur round h ordnd cross h cnuris o spoigh niings richhisoric con. Knitting Traditins ss ou h

    bs dsigns, h mos inrsing chniqus, ndh mos curious soris. I vn incuds porionshrough im sinc h invnion o niing nds.this buiuy phoogrphd cocion hs imssprojcs h nirs i ov, ch ocusing on c,coor, ur, nd chniqu.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 2x / year $14.99

    Rss apri, Ocobr 2012

    JneaustenKnitsJane Austen Knits urs ovr hiry projcsinspird by Jn ausns irur nd ms. Jnausns im-honord irur inspirs nirs ongg in simpr isy hr qui rfciv

    momns r spn sipping nd ming hingsby hnd. Pus, cpiving rics i inorm rdrsbou h im, pc, nd rdiions surrounding Jnausn.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 2x / year $14.99

    Rss My, Ocobr 2012

    CrochetTrditionsthis 148-pg spci pubicion rom PieceWrkmgzin pors h rich vriy nd chniqus ocroch ih mor hn ory-hr projcs or doiis,pios, purss nd bgs, nd cocion o fordgings. a compnion sory rms ch projc inis cuur or hisoric con. In ddiion o hisbuiu rsury o rdiion nd dsign, crochrsrom novic o dvncd i ov h spci ocus onchniqus, rnging rom Irish croch c nd ps-ry croch o croch.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss Juy 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS


    QuitingartsGitsQuilting Arts Gits conins hopping 148 pgspcd u o quiing nd br rs projcs, ch-niqus, oos, nd ips rom vori qui nd mid-mdi riss. uring siv mus-do gi nd

    dcor projcs, oos nd gdgs vry qui risi cov, nd un nd uniqu rbs, hr issomhing or riss o si vs.

    Projc ids r no imid o h hoidy ssonnd m id hndmd gis or nnivrsris,birhdys, nd grduions.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss augus 2012

    InterntionQuitFestiv:QuitSceneInternatinal Quilt Festival: Quilt Scene is ground-bring coborion bn Quis Inc. nd

    Quilting Arts Magazine nd pps o brod rngo quirs. I cpurs h nrgy, buy, nd com-muniy o odys qui scn. this 148-pg suprspci issu provids n chniqus, rd-inningquis, gry-sy rics, ris pros, nd inspir-ing quid projcs.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss Ocobr 2012


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    CothPperScissorsPaGESClth Paper Scissrs PAGES is spci pubicioncrd spciy or r journrs nd boo rissooing or n chniqus nd inspiring ids. this148-pg spci issu urs projcs nd grisin gnr booming, boo covrs, boo binding,insid pg dcorion, nd r journing.

    rom oring ih inrsing mris o ndinginspirion in ppr cips nd pocs, PAGES hs hinsrucions, phoogrphs, nd iusrions ncssryo cr yps o booming nd r journingprojcs.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

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    StudiosClth Paper Scissrs brings you his supr-sizd spciissu ddicd o cring buiu, inviing, uniqu,nd uncion sudios or ming cogs, quis, hnd-md boos, nd ohr yps o br nd mid-mdir. this mgzin is i sp or h criv sou,inspiring rdrs o cr spndorous y uncionspc h hy n o d nd cr in.

    ech issu incuds orgnizion ips, urs risssudios, sudio urniur ids, nd budg sorgsouions. aso urd in vry issu r cos-up vi-brn phoos o h bs ys o sor nd shocsmris o inds.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 4x / year $14.99Rss brury, My, augus, Novmbr 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    IBeR MaGaZINeS

    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 35

    StitchGitsStitch Gits brings rdrs 148 pgs pcd u oconmporry sing projcs prc or gi-giving.evry sis i nd gi projcs or h nir m-iy, ih ocus on sm projcs nd ssh-busing

    projcs h cn b quicy compd.

    Oring muiud o projcs nd ids, Stitch Gitsso urs imsving ips or hoidy sing, m-bishing ids or sor-bough ims, hoidy dcorprojcs, pus much mor!

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x / year $14.99

    Rss Novmbr 2012

    Stitcha bou cring ih bric nd hrd, Stitch o-rs rsh prspciv on sing. Is odd ihcvr projcs nd modrn dsigns or h rdrsrdrob, hom, ccssoris, nd gis. a ocus on

    projcs ih ousnding dsign i inspir rdrso pnd hir sing criviy. wih buiu pho-ogrphy nd conmporry dsign shic, Stitchsps o n gnrion o sing nhusiss.

    ech 148-pg issu urs mor hn hiry proj-csboh rndy nd cssic sp-by-sp insruc-ions, chs ih inspiring dsignrs, nd h s insing noions, brics, nd prns.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 4x / year $14.99

    Rss Jnury, Mrch, Jun, augus 2012

    NEWModernPtchworkMdern Patchwrkis spci issu o Quilting ArtsMagazine or odys quirs nd siss. uringquic nd syish ims ih modrn-dy pp,Mdern Patchwrkis pcd ih inspirion! this148-pg issu urs buous gi ids, ciinghom-dcor projcs, ims o nhnc cooing nddining princs, pus os nd bgs o sors!Cbr h modrn rviv o pchor ih proj-cs uring rsh shic in his ondru issuo Mdern Patchwrk.

    SPeCIal ISSUe 1x/year $14.99Rss apri 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    InterweveKnits2008CoectionCDuring ur nis, shping

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    his CD cocion incuds ourissus prviousy pubishd in

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    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN28

    ISBN 978-1-59668-320-4, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2005CoectionCDth 2005 cocion CD o

    Interweave Knits shocss hbrioch sich, nir cooris

    Nncy Mrchn, mor bou

    shor-ros, gr niry gi

    ids, nd mor hn 100 prns

    or nirs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 08kN20

    ISBN 978-1-59668-158-3, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2007CoectionCDenjoy our issus, pus h

    bonus spci issu o InterweaveKnits Hliday Gits 2007. this

    CD so urs mor hn 100

    prns, incuding h popur

    tid Dusr sn on h

    2007 covr, uori on s-in

    svs, boo rvis, nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 08kN22

    ISBN 978-1-59668-160-6, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2006CoectionCDuring ovr 100 prns

    or nirs o vs, hisCD cocion so incuds

    uori on sing, c primr,

    gr dsignr prois, nd h

    bonus prmir spci issu o

    Interweave Knits Hliday2006.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 08kN21

    ISBN 978-1-59668-159-0, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2010CoectionCDCssic cooror, cozy nis,

    ighigh prns, nd

    morh 2010 Interweave Knits

    Cocion CD urs ovr

    100 prns or inrmdio dvncd nirs nd h

    bonus diion o Interweave Knits

    Hliday Gits 2010.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11kN11

    ISBN 978-1-59668-487-4, $19.99

    NEWInterweveKnits2011CoectionCDlivn your niing ih sy c,

    sophisicd cbs, nd much

    mor ih his cocion CD.

    enjoy our issus o Interweave

    Knits mgzin pubishd in 2011,pus h supr-sizd spci issu

    o Interweave Knits Hliday Gits

    2011 .

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod 12kN26

    ISBN 978-1-59668-847-6, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2009CoectionCDth 2009 cocion CD urs

    ovr 100 prns, ips or ming

    cooror sy, ur sichs,

    jogss srips, orgnic yrns,

    rvrsib cbs, nd mor. Pus,his CD incuds h bonus spci

    issu o Interweave Knits Hliday

    Gits 2009.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11kN16

    ISBN 978-1-59668-567-3, $19.99

    InterweveKnits2004CoectionCDM dsignrs Dbbi Biss nd

    Jo Shrp, rn di rn yso hod yrn, rn ho o ni

    shor-ros, nd mor ih our

    issus o Interweave Knits 2004.

    Pus, you g h popur Simpy

    Mriyn sr prn, shon

    on h covr o h Spring 2004


    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN19

    ISBN 978-1-59668-308-2, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : kn i ing

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 37

    InterweveKnits2003CoectionCD2003 s gr yr or

    nir! this CD cocion

    urs our issus rom 2003,

    ssons in niing inrsi in h

    round, our humb gusss orgovs nd mins, ving chic

    nis, nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN20

    ISBN 978-1-59668-309-9, $19.99

    NEWInterweveKnits1999CoectionCDenjoy our issus o Interweave

    Knits pubishd in 1999, ih vriy o prns or nirs

    o si vs nd h ips nd

    chniqus h his imss

    mgzin is non or.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN25

    ISBN 978-1-59668-846-9, $19.99

    avib Jun 2012

    InterweveKnits2002CoectionCDth 2002 CD cocion urs

    our prviousy pubishd issus

    pcd ih quic-nis or inr,

    romnic puovrs, ips nd

    chniqus, nd n bundnc oprns or nirs o vs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN21

    ISBN 978-1-59668-310-5, $19.99

    NEWInterweveKnits1998CoectionCDthis CD conins our scnnd

    issus o Interweave Knits cys hy r pubishd in 1998.

    wih prns or crdigns,

    puovrs, hom dcor, nd mor,

    hs mgzins so incud

    chniqu nd ni-orhy


    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN24

    ISBN 978-1-59688-845-2, $19.99

    avib Juy 2012

    InterweveKnits2001CoectionCDuring prns or nid

    puovrs, srs, ccssoris,

    nd mor, his CD cocion

    incuds our issus prviousy

    pubishd in 2001. lrn bouoic ibrs; m dsignrs

    Mgs kndis, ion eis, nd

    Chrin lo; nd div ino

    chniqus such s incrss,

    binding o, bocing, nd oring

    ih srips.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11kN12

    ISBN 978-1-59668-485-8, $19.99

    NEWInterweveKnits19961997CoectionCDenjoy h irs iv prmir

    issus o Interweave Knits cys hy r originy pubishd,

    incuding h irs-vr 1996

    spci issu. ths mgzins

    incud prns, ips, chniqus,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN23

    ISBN 978-1-59668-844-5, $19.99

    avib Spmbr 2012


    enjoy h si prmir spciissus o Interweave Knits

    Hliday Gits, incuding h irs-

    vr prind 2006 issu. wih

    hundrds o prns, rom quic-

    o-ni o hiroom-i pics,

    hs spci issus ocus on ips,

    chniqus, nd projcs or gi


    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN27

    ISBN 978-1-59668-848-3, $29.99

    avib augus 2012

    InterweveKnits2000CoectionCDth our cronic issus on his

    CD cocion incud vrious

    prns, ips or mbroidring

    on hndnis, uori in rding

    symbos nd chrs, dsignrprois on Shiry Pdn, nd


    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11kN13

    ISBN 978-1-59668-486-7, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : kn i ing

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    Knitscene20052007CoectionCDuring h prmir issus

    o Knitscene mgzin, his

    cocion CD hs our cronic

    issus ih ovr 100 prns, ips

    nd chniqus, nd mor. romrocr gir, mod, nd minin

    nd iry prns o nur nis

    nd rro sys, Knitscene is

    pubishd ih h spirid nir

    in mind.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN29

    ISBN 978-1-59668-321-1, $19.99

    Knitscene20072009CoectionCDenjoy our issus o Knitscene

    mgzin rom 2007 o 2009,

    incuding ovr 100 prns

    nd ips nd chniqus or h

    spirid nir. lrn bsic cs-ons, ho o rd c chrs,

    buonho bsics, irs-vr

    sr prns, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10kN30

    ISBN 978-1-59668-322-8, $19.99

    Knitscene2010CoectionCDuring o issus o Knitscene

    mgzin nd h spci issu

    Knitscene Easy, his CD cocion

    ocuss on quic-o-ni bsics

    or bginning nirs, sy cpics, smr nd chic ribbing,

    simp socs nd hs ni in-h-

    round, nd mor.

    1 dis, 3 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN17

    ISBN 978-1-59668-995-4, $19.99

    Knitscene2011CoectionCDenjoy our issus o Knitscene

    mgzin in is dbu yr o

    bing qurry mgzin.

    uring prns or h spirid

    nir, hs issus ocus ongypsy romnc, mod-inspirion,

    un ir Is, smss yo

    dsigns, nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN18

    ISBN 978-1-59668-996-1, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : kn i ing

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 39

    InterweveCrochet20062007CoectionCDenjoy our issus o Interweave

    Crchetrom 2006 o 2007,cy s hy r originy

    pubishd, incuding ips nd

    chniqus, dsignr prois,

    nd ovr 100 prns. this

    CD urs opnoch croch

    dsignrs Doris Chn, Cro

    Vnur, tv Durhm, ann

    Pvy, nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10CR04

    ISBN 978-1-59668-294-8, $19.99

    InterweveCrochet2008CoectionCDuring simp croch prns

    or si vs, minin dsigns,

    ips or h prc sm, nd

    much mor, h 2008 Interweave

    Crchetcocion CD hs ovr100 dsigns or croch srs,

    ccssoris, nd hom dcor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11CR08

    ISBN 978-1-59668-551-2, $19.99

    InterweveCrochet20042006CoectionCDuring h prmir croch

    suppmn nd irs-vr spciissu o Interweave Crchet, his

    CD incuds ips nd chniqus

    or hirpin c, rding chrs

    nd symbos, psry croch,

    nd rsh croch prns or

    si vs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10CR03

    ISBN 978-1-59668-293-1, $19.99

    InterweveCrochet2009CoectionCDthis cocion incuds quic

    gi ids, crochd c

    dsigns, syish covr-ups, on-

    sin projcs, nd oo

    dsignrs croch inspirionsnd chniqus. uring our

    issus pubishd in 2009, his

    CD hs n bundnc o croch

    prns or si vs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11CR09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-522-9, $19.99

    InterweveCrochet2010CoectionCDth nir 2010 cocion o

    Interweave Crchetis vib

    on on inrciv CD, uring

    projcs or chidrn, tunisin

    croch chniqus, ocus onsh dsigns, ighigh nd

    iry prns, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11CR12

    ISBN 978-1-59668-557-4, $19.99

    NEWInterweveCrochet2011CoectionCDenjoy our issus o Interweave

    Crchetcy s hy r

    originy prind in 2011, pus h

    spci issu Interweave Crchet

    Accessries 2011 . th 2011 ssonurs Cons c, tunisin

    croch, n ys o croch

    socs, croch or chidrn, nd

    ovr 100 prns.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 12CR09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-573-4, $19.99

    I N T E R W E A V E

    I N T E R W E A V E








    I N T E R W E A V E


    aNeWBck-t -Bscs






    I N T E R W E A V E


    PlusMake PatternsinreliefU poch

    CrOCHet s fcco



    Cozy ProjectsforCool Days20

    I N T E R W E A V E



    PerfectyourGarmentFinishinGTakeaCrashCourse inGaUGe

    Pojc forWinterWarmth20

    Plus Crochet & Politics Mix It Up

    Tips onChanging Colors

    Crochet Awayin the Twin Cities



    r v r x:

    , , ,


    ,, ,


    r v .


    , ,, .


    . ,

    , ,


    . .


    2008 Collection CD

    I N T E R W E A V E



    r v r x


    , , ,


    ,, ,


    r v .


    , ,

    , .

    , ,


    ; ,.


    . .


    2009 Collection CD

    r v r x:

    , , ,



    , ,,

    r v r.


    , ,

    , .

    , , ,



    . .

    . v

    2010Collection CD

    IBeR CDs : Croch

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    CothPperScissors2008CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 2008 is

    u o rics poring un n

    chniqus. lrn o dsign

    ppr ih rubbing ps, cr

    rcycd bric rsurs, brnchou ih digi prins, nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 10QM07

    ISBN 978-1-59668-331-0, $19.99

    CothPperScissors2010CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 2010

    urs vs moun o hpu

    ips nd inormiv rics.

    lrn cvr uss or vrydy

    mris, cr grii pprquis, dd dimnsion ih ood,

    dsign r journing pgs in

    sgs, nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM22

    ISBN 978-1-59668-587-1, $19.99

    NEWCothPperScissors2011CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 2011 is

    pcd ih urs such s

    rvrs cog pining, br cp

    bds, on pi, prsonizd

    pprming, cynoyp journs,mid-mdi mosics, nd so

    much mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 12QM14

    ISBN 978-1-59668-880-3, $19.99

    CothPperScissors20062007CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 20062007

    ors inspiring rics u ocooru phoogrphs. Cr

    ppr ih poymr cy, rn o

    us bric nd ibrs or nsic

    cs, m pchor cogs,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 10 issus

    Produc cod: 10QM20

    ISBN 978-1-59668-389-1, $29.99

    CothPperScissors2009CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 2009 is

    pcd ih criv mid-

    mdi projcs nd cooru

    grphics. lrn ho o m chic

    hndbgs rom rcycbs, himsic pio, 3-D pinings,

    ccic hngings, nd so

    much mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM21

    ISBN 978-1-59668-586-4, $19.99

    CothPperScissors20042005CoectionCDClth Paper Scissrs 20042005

    is pcd ih mid-mdicriviy. Go pcs ih rd

    uggg, py ih rnsucn

    rnsrs, dvnur ih coor

    or rd boos, hro n

    udcious r pry, nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-401-0, $29.99

    2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 C O L L E C T I O N

    ., v



    .v v

    ,, v

    , ,, .



    y v .y .

    v .v .

    y : ,; , ;, y y

    v , V , ,, .

    / /

    IBeR CDs : M id Md i

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 41

    Quitingarts2008CoectionCDQuilting Arts 2008 is u o

    inspirion your ingrips.

    lrn digi dsign princips,

    ho o or ih bric nd ppr

    rnsrs, siching ips or grdgs, nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 10QM06

    ISBN 978-1-59668-347-1, $19.99

    Quitingarts2009CoectionCDQuilting Arts 2009 ncompsss

    vriy o quiing chniqus nd

    sis. Discovr hrd pining

    md sy, dsign brics h

    burs ih coor, rnsorm yourschs ino coh, g sy

    sichd-gi ids, nd so much


    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM19

    ISBN 978-1-59668-584-0, $19.99

    Quitingarts2010CoectionCDQuilting Arts 2010 is odd

    ih origin nd usu conn

    poring hrd sching md

    sy, rorm bric cog, si

    scrning brics ih vrydyobjcs, cooru ssh-busing

    projcs, nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM20

    ISBN 978-1-59668-585-7, $19.99

    NEWQuitingarts2011CoectionCDQuilting Arts 2011 urs ips

    or quiing on h go, ho o

    mbish ih ound m

    objcs, m porri-sy

    quis, dsign your on bricsih un chniqus, rnsorm

    sudio scrps ino n bsrc

    composiion, rn simp shibori

    chniqus, nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 12QM15

    ISBN 978-1-59668-881-0, $19.99


    . ,




    , .


    , x ,


    v ..

    v .v .



    , V ,, , .


    Quilting ArtsM A G A Z I N E




    2001 C O L L E C T I O N



    / /


    . ,




    , .


    , x ,


    v .

    .v .

    v .

    - .

    , V ,, , .


    Quilting ArtsM A G A Z I N E




    20022003 C O L L E C T I O N



    / /

    Quitingarts20062007CoectionCDQuilting Arts 20062007

    urs rics poring nips nd chniqus. ind c

    cs ih sich nd , rn

    bou nding by mchin,

    primn ih n mris,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 10 issus

    Produc cod: 10QM19

    ISBN 978-1-59668-388-4, $29.99

    Quitingarts2001CoectionCDQuilting Arts 2001 is h irs

    yr o Quilting Arts Magazine.Don miss ou on mbishing

    ih cigr sis, hr-

    sich mbroidry, burnd sich

    ppiqu, cooring ibrs, nd

    much mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM17

    ISBN 978-1-59668-582-6, $19.99

    Quitingarts20022003CoectionCDQuilting Arts 20022003 ors n

    rry o nsic rics. enjoymbishing ih rdin ribbons,

    using h gun ih bric nd

    sich, bric pining, hrd

    sching, nd mor.

    1 dis, 8 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM18

    ISBN 978-1-59668-583-3, $29.99

    Quitingarts20042005CoectionCDQuilting Arts 20042005 is u

    o cooru phoogrphs ndun rics. Cr uny ibr

    dos, mbish ih si cocoons,

    por pining ih prn

    sichs, m n brics ih

    scrps, nd mor.

    1 dis, 8 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM08

    ISBN 978-1-59668-400-3, $29.99






    , .


    , x ,


    v ..

    v .v .


    , V ,, , .


    Quilting ArtsM A G A Z I N E




    2004 2005 C O L L E C T I O N



    / /

    IBeR CDs : Qu i i ng

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    QuitingartsGits20072010CoectionCDQuilting Arts Gits 20072010 is

    h uim cocion o gi nd

    hoidy dcor ids. Cr joy

    socings, buiu crry

    md rom scrps, sy bricornmns, srndipiy brcs,

    rsy prons, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM29

    ISBN 978-1-59668-859-9, $29.99

    Studios2010CoectionCDStudis 2010 is jm-pcd

    ih uniqu sorg ips nd

    orgnizion chniqus or h

    sudio. lrn ho o m h

    mos o sm spc by usingmuiuncion urniur, g

    im-sving ips or h busy

    ris, choos h bs ooring,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM36

    ISBN 978-1-59668-869-8, $19.99

    Studios20082009CoectionCDStudis 20082009 urs

    buiu nd uncion spcs

    o h vrydy ris. G

    inspirion souions or

    mimizing spc, ind ys oorgniz hn on h go, choos

    h bs ighing iurs or ny

    spc, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11QM35

    ISBN 978-1-59668-868-1, $29.99

    Stitch20082010CoectionCDStitch 20082010 is odd ih

    cvr projcs nd modrn

    dsigns or ny rdrob or hom.

    M on-o--ind mosic si

    scr, ring sorg pics oryour sudio, ribbon rp drss,

    modrn y pios, hobby

    pron, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11Sw09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-603-8, $29.99

    IBeR CDs : Qu i i ng

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 43

    Hndwoven2008CoectionCDHandwven 2008 urs

    cooru c prns, rp-cd

    nd -cd vs, ips o

    sho o novy yrns, sy

    indigo dying, co-coon, ndh you cn do ih coh r i

    vs h oom.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 10wV03

    ISBN 978-1-59668-367-9, $19.99

    Hndwoven2009CoectionCDarics ur uing nd ing,

    ving ih bds, oring

    ih nur ibrs, orgnizing

    your ving sudio, nd mor.

    Projcs ocus on chniqus suchs cring honycomb, corduroy,

    v, nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV08

    ISBN 978-1-59668-609-0, $19.99

    Hndwoven2010CoectionCDHandwven 2010 is pcd ih

    chniqus or cring ur,

    doubv, oring ih

    novy, si, pc, bmboo,

    nd ohr yrns. Projcs incud d scr, b runnrs,

    smprs or sudy groups, -

    v bh s, nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-610-6, $19.99

    NEWHndwoven2011CoectionCDHandwven 2011 urs rics

    on cring c nd c cs,

    cuur ving rdiions,

    undrsnding boc srucurs,

    nd mor. ind ons o projcsor os, pios, b inns ,

    nd mor. Pus g h irs nnu

    -grmn issu.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 12wV05

    ISBN 978-1-59668-657-1, $19.99

    Hndwoven20062007CoectionCDarics ur nuno-i ing,

    3-D doubv, ovrsho,cring n coor ps, nd

    projcs o rn rom nd us or

    ching ohrs. Projcs incud

    bgs or vry occsion, sdd

    bns, ovn rus, doggi

    bds, nd sho-sopping pics.

    1 dis, 10 issus

    Produc cod: 10wV06

    ISBN 978-1-59668-374-7, $29.99

    Hndwoven2005CoectionCDHandwven 2005 urs ibrs

    such s bmboo, soy si, sinsss, nd hic yrns h provid

    uscious urs. aso incudd

    r rich cocion o summr

    projcs, h oos o dsign nd

    v yps o bric in rp

    rp, h scrs o ving og

    cbin nd shdo v, nd

    projcs or cops vs nd

    ohr unusu urs.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV03

    ISBN 978-1-59668-380-8, $19.99

    Hndwoven2004CoectionCDthis 2004 cocion urs

    guid o i rv (incudingh id ving vcion

    spo), dirn ys o rping

    your oom, mbishing ih

    si, mic, bding, nd mor.

    Projcs ur shdo v,

    c, i, ovrsho, nd mor.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV05

    ISBN 978-1-59668-606-9, $19.99

    Hndwoven2003CoectionCDHandwven 2003 urs

    rics on ving by nd orchidrn; c: huc, Bronson, no,

    Sdish, d; nd h diniiv

    hndboo on dsigning srips.

    tchniqus incud ho o us

    uing nd ing or ur nd

    dvor (burnou) or s-hrough

    prning nd cring hos in


    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV06

    ISBN 978-1-59668-607-6, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : Spc i y ibr

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    NEWKnittingTrditions20102011CoectionCDthis CD ors h irs hr

    spci issus o KnittingTraditins. arics por h

    hisory nd imss niing rom

    round h ord, rom pcs

    such s esoni, Pru, Nory,

    h Unid Ss, lihuni, nd

    mny mor. Projcs rng rom

    govs nd hs o scrvs nd

    shs o srs.

    1 dis, 3 issus

    Produc cod: 12kN28

    ISBN 978-1-59668-849-0, $29.99

    Hndwoven2002CoectionCDHandwven 2002 CD urs

    doubv; ichn ccssoris

    such s os, prons, nd mor;

    dsign hndboo; nd sm

    projcs prc or ccssorizingny oui.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV07

    ISBN 978-1-59668-608-3, $19.99

    Hndwoven2001CoectionCDHandwven 2001 CD discusss

    chniqus or -inishing,

    cring dirn yps o i,

    nd ving rugs. Projcs

    incud scrvs, shs, ndos in i; ops, jcs, vss,

    nd ohr grmns; hr is so

    spci hoidy ocus.

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV10

    ISBN 978-1-59668-611-3, $19.99

    NEWHndwoven2000CoectionCDth Handwven 2000 CD

    incuds rics on inrpring

    od ving s, ving ih

    coor, cring boc vs, nd

    miing v srucur nd yrnsin h sm coh. ind projcs

    or pcms, scrvs, shs,

    os, inns, nd mor!

    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 11wV11

    ISBN 978-1-59668-612-0, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : Spc i y ibr

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 45

    PieceWork20042005CoectionCDths v issus incud

    ovb inr dos oni, ho o mbroidr

    si pcoc, dic

    sno, rm nd

    rus your rsurs, ni

    cshmr hr scr, ys

    o rcyc od c, nd

    much mor.

    1 dis, 12 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw01

    ISBN 978-1-59668-343-3,


    PieceWork20082009CoectionCDths o yrs o PieceWrk

    ur nid dding govs,

    m-hrd mbroidry, nid

    nd crochd c, nid

    dding govs, is orhisoric rncmn, hoidy

    gis o m, nd much mor.

    1 dis, 12 issus

    Produc cod: 10Nw03

    ISBN 978-1-59668-375-4, $29.99

    PieceWork2010CoectionCDPieceWrk2010 incuds

    vrydy is, croching

    Russin c sh, h ords

    bs ghns, nd min

    dsigns rom ovr h ord.Insrucions r incudd or

    niing chin mi hood, h

    hisory o Drsdn c, nd n

    cusiv Brbr wr prn.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw03

    ISBN 978-1-59668-345-7, $19.99

    PieceWork20022003CoectionCDths o yrs ur

    ho o cross-sich ciphr, mbroidr npins,

    ndpoin sr moi,

    mbroidr n nchning

    coc ins, ndpoin

    unicorn purs, ni pry

    socs, nd s hr

    Chinri mbroidry.

    1 dis, 12 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw02

    ISBN 978-1-59668-344-0,


    PieceWork2001CoectionCDPieceWrk2001 incuds

    Romnin poin c, mdiv mnuscrip

    smpr chr, Russin

    punchnd mbroidry,

    nid smprs, Vicorin

    quis, nd hoidy projcs.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw04

    ISBN 978-1-59668-570-3,


    PieceWork20062007CoectionCDPieceWrk20062007 conins

    cosums, esonin mins,

    Uzbc dory cohs, ho o

    sich miniur grdn, ving

    hndbgs, quis, sris, shs,ndor or cbrions, nd

    much mor.

    1 dis, 12 issus

    Produc cod: 10Nw02

    ISBN 978-1-59668-376-1, $29.99

    PieceWork1999CoectionCDPieceWrk1999 urs

    amricn si pchorquis, Myn-sy nos,

    mid-ninnh cnury

    or mois, i croch,

    arrioos sich, Vicorin

    cozis, esonin

    niing, Douhobors vs,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw06

    ISBN 978-1-59668-572-7,


    PieceWork2000CoectionCDPieceWrk2000 urs

    sinh-cnuryndpoin dsign, h

    nid Priri Sh

    inspird by h amricn

    ws, Huri shr

    hndrchis, mbroidry

    rom h Oomn empir,

    nd mor.

    1 dis, 6 issus

    Produc cod: 11Nw05

    ISBN 978-1-59668-571-0,


    NEWPieceWork2011CoectionCDPieceWrk2011 urs hisoric

    niing, cooru is in

    nur hus rom round h

    ord, vrious ys o cr

    c, dding dcoriv diso pics, irry-inspird

    ndor, oo rom

    ndngrd brds, nd mor.

    ind projcs or mins, socs,

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    1 dis, 5 issus

    Produc cod: 12Nw04

    ISBN 978-1-59668-743-1, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : Spc i y ibr

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    Spin.O2009CoectionCDtchniqus ocus on spinning

    soc yrn, undrsnding is,

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    dring, andn pying, nd

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    nur ibr scrvs, nd mny


    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP13

    ISBN 978-1-59668-473-7, $19.99

    Spin.O2008CoectionCDSpin.o2008 CD urs

    rics on buying spinning

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    nd gunco ibr, nd mor.tchniqus incud bnding

    coors h h nd spinning

    surdy cb yrns, cshmr, suri

    pc, smiorsd, nd smi-

    oon yrns.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 10SP02

    ISBN 978-1-59668-357-0, $19.99

    Spin.O2005CoectionCDtchniqus ocus on dying

    ih lns, ming coidbss ih hndspun, sor

    dying, croching cooru bd

    rops, nd mor. Projcs incud

    mounin go sipprs, bd-

    ringd bgs, d c scr,

    h-mins, nd mny ohrs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP05

    ISBN 978-1-59668-469-0, $19.99

    Spin.O2004CoectionCDSpin .o2004 chs ho o

    mbroidr ih si, dy ih oodcooring, spin si bric, m

    hr-py cbd yrn or socs,

    nd m lord o h Rings

    hndspun co. urd ibrs

    incud lincon longoo, pco-

    vicu, nd Min Isnd shp,

    mong ohrs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP09

    ISBN 978-1-59668-470-6, $19.99

    Spin.O20062007CoectionCDthis o-yr cocion urs

    rics on dying ih koo-aid,spinning cm don, doub

    dring, s-sriping yrn, nd

    mor. Prns or 24-hour

    mins, zigzg scrvs, si

    hnis, esonin hnd pupps,

    nd mor r incudd.

    1 dis, 8 issus

    Produc cod: 10SP11

    ISBN 978-1-59668-365-5, $29.99

    Spin.O2003CoectionCDurd chniqus incud

    pining sins ih Sbrsdys; shor orrd dr or so

    yrn; pining hndspun coh;

    nd procssing, spinning, nd

    ving mid. Insrucion

    on ho o m c cu mohir

    mins, rug hoo oc o shp,

    m si scrvs, nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP10

    ISBN 978-1-59668-465-2, $19.99

    Spin.O2010CoectionCDSpin.o2010 CD ursrics on nur ibr, h

    minnnc, rping ih

    sings, spinning bouc yrn,

    nd mor. tchniqus incudspinning pump nd siy sings,

    dring, cor spinning, nd

    oring ih nur dys.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP14

    ISBN 978-1-59668-474-4, $19.99

    NEWSpin.O2011CoectionCDurd chniqus incud

    spinning muicoord yrn, ing,

    minining spinning hs,

    ming boucs, nd mor.

    Projcs incud wnsydscr, crochd spring

    scr, ndd iry

    do, Snsborough c snood,

    nd mny ohrs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 12SP05

    ISBN 978-1-59668-673-1, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : Spc i y ibr

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12


    INteRweaVeRetaIleR.COM 47

    Spin.O2002CoectionCDSpin.o2002 chs Croc-Podying, coon ginning, niing

    ih hrs, spinning coon,

    nd mor. lrn bou ibrs such

    s ngor, cshmr, qiviu, nd

    mohir. ind projcs or socs,

    shps hd sipprs, ovn

    scrvs, nd mny mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP11

    ISBN 978-1-59668-471-3, $19.99

    Spin.O2001CoectionCDurd chniqus incud

    spinning cshmr, od-ord

    croch, hndcrding, ving

    ih sings, nd mor. Projcs

    incud coon piocss, hndovn si vs, spind-spun

    unic, coon drsring bg,

    c-ind mins, nd mor.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP15

    ISBN 978-1-59668-665-6, $19.99

    NEWSpin.O2000CoectionCDtchniqus ocus on rdiion

    Nigrin indigo dying, shing

    oo c, spinning Suri pc,

    spinning on Hohom-sy

    spind, spinning on spindsrom round h ord, nd mor.

    Projcs incud cross-sichd

    si moh, ovn bn, shp

    hnd pupps, nd ohrs.

    1 dis, 4 issus

    Produc cod: 11SP16

    ISBN 978-1-59668-666-3, $19.99

    IBeR CDs : Spc i y ibr

  • 7/31/2019 Retail Catalog Fall12



    KnittingDiyTVSeries700DVDuring hirn pisods

    nd o nvr-ird bonus

    uoris ih hos eunny Jng,

    his sris o Knitting Daily TV

    pnds virs sis ihsp-by-sp niing insrucion,

    niing ips nd chniqus,

    croch cornrs bsd on ghn

    croching, nd mor rom -

    non ni nd croch dsignrs.

    4 diss, 13 pisods

    Produc cod: 11kN15

    ISBN 978-1-59668-566-6, $39.99

    KnittingDiyTVSeries400DVDHoss eunny Jng nd prs

    Shy Pndry nd krisin Omdhguid virs on ips nd

    chniqus or ni nd croch

    si vs. lrn bou yrn

    is, ho o ni using niing

    mchin, h bs y o inish o

    your grmns, nd mor. ech

    pisod so urs Croch


    4 diss, 13 pisods

    Produc cod: 10kN14

    ISBN 978-1-59668-254-2, $39.99

    KnittingDiyTVSeries300DVDthis DVD incuds hirn

    pisods ih hoss eunny Jng,Shy Pndry, kim wrr, nd

    liz Gipson. Virs i rn

    vriy o cs-on mhods, h

    bsics or mnging your yrns

    in cooror, ho o ni jogss

    srips in h round, ips on

    bcoming dsignr, nd mor.

    4 diss, 13 pisods

    Produc cod: 09kN16

    ISBN 978-1-59668-206-1, $39.99

    KnittingDiyTVSeries200DVDJoin eunny Jng, Shy Pndry,

    kim wrr, nd liz Gipson on hscond sson o Knitting Daily

    TV. lrn bsics o ni socs, i

    common niing miss, dsign

    smss nir, rn o spin,

    div ino tunisin croch, por

    nding, nd mor.

    4 diss, 13 pisods

    Produc cod: 09kN14

    ISBN 978-1-59668-165-1, $39.99

    Series 400

    Episodes 1-13



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    Eunny Jang on

    Knitting Daily TV,

    where yarn and fiber

    take center stage.

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    make time for yarn every day

    KnittingDiyTVSeries600DVDHos eunny Jng nd prs

    Shy Pndry nd krisin Omdh

    dmonsr mor ni nd

    croch ips nd chniqus

    h Knitting Daily TVis nonor. M sr-suddd cs o

    guss, rn ho o subsiu

    yrns nd sich prns in

    nir, ho o cn nur

    ibrs, nd mor. this DVD

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    KnittingDiyTVSeries500DVDlrn hr sy buonhos,

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