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( 223rd ) SESSION

(1st August to 8th September, 2011)






(1st August to 8th September, 2011)

Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi (Website –


This publication contains a brief resume of the business transacted by the Rajya Sabha during its Two Hundred and Twenty Third Session. NEW DELHI; V.K. AGNIHOTRI —————— Secretary-General. October 24, 2011


1. Summons 1

2. Duration of the Session 1

3. National Anthem 1

4. Oath or Affirmation 2-3

5. Obituary References 4-5

6. References by the Chair 6

7. Introduction of Ministers by the Prime Minister 7

8. Questions 7

9. Short Notice Question 7

10. Statements by Ministers Correcting Answers to Questions 8-9

11. Papers Laid on the Table 10-13

12. Reports/Statements of the Committees Presented/Laid on the Table


13. Farewell to the retiring Members 17

14. Welcome to New Members 18

15. Panel of Vice-Chairmen 18

16. Resignation by Members 18

17. Question of Privilege 18

18. Leave of Absence 19

19. Motion for presenting an Address under Article 217 read with Clause (4) of Article 124 of the Constitution

(a) Observation by the Chairman 19-20

(b) Discussion on the Motion 21-24

20. Motions for Elections/Appointments of Members to various Committees/Bodies


21. Motion for Extension of time for presentation of the Report of the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha on the Wakf (Amendment) Bill, 2010


22. Matters raised with permission 25-28

23. Special Mentions 29-50

24. Calling Attention to Matters of Urgent Public Importance 51

25. Statements by Ministers 52-59

26. Messages from the Lok Sabha-Reported/Government Bills Laid on the Table


27. Recommendations of the Business Advisory Committee 60

28. Statements regarding Government Business 60

29. Short Duration Discussions (Discussions Under Rule 176) 61

30. Supplementary Demands for Grants — Laid on the Table 62

31. Government Legislative Business 63-65

32. Private Members' Business

I. Private Members’ Bills II. Private Members’ Resolutions

66-71 72-75

33. Half-an-Hour Discussion 76

34. Valedictory Remarks 77

35. National Song 77

36. Statement showing the break-up of the time taken by the Rajya Sabha on various items of business during the Session


37. Statement showing the time taken and time lost due to interruptions/adjournment of the House during the Session


38. Highlights of work transacted during the Session – At A Glance



THIRD SESSION (01-08-2011 to 08-09-2011)

SUMMONS Summons for the Two Hundred and Twenty Third Session of the

Rajya Sabha was issued to the Members on the 13th July, 2011. DURATION OF THE SESSION

The Two Hundred and Twenty Third Session of the Rajya Sabha commenced on the 1st August, 2011. The sitting of the House fixed for 1st September, 2011 was cancelled. The House, however, met on Saturday, the 27th August, 2011. The House was adjourned sine die on the 8th September, 2011. The House sat for 26 days and the actual hours of sittings were 81 hours and 25 minutes (excluding recess intervals). The House was prorogued by the President on the 15th September, 2011. NATIONAL ANTHEM

On the 1st August, 2011, National Anthem was played.

(Time taken: 01 Minute)



The following Members made and subscribed oath/affirmation and took their seats in the House as detailed below:—

Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time Taken


1. 01-08-2011 Shri Shantaram Naik


2. -do- Shri Meghraj Jain 0-03


3. -do- Shri Husain Dalwai


4. 02-08-2011 Shri A.W. Rabi Bernard 0-01


5. 19-08-2011 Shrimati Smriti Zubin Irani

6. -do- Shri Dilipbhai Shivshankarbhai Pandya

7. -do- Shri Ahmed Patel



8. 19-08-2011 Shri Debabrata Bandyopadhyay

9. -do- Shri Pradip Bhattacharya

10. -do- Shri Srinjoy Bose 0-08

11. -do- Shri Derek O'Brien

12. -do- Shri Sukhendu Sekhar Roy

13. -do- Shri Sitaram Yechury

Total: 0-12 3

OBITUARY REFERENCES Obituary References were made in the House during the Session as detailed below: —


Date of obituary reference

Person in respect of whom reference was made

Date of passing away

Time takenHrs. Mts.


1. 01-08-2011 Shri M.A. Kadar, ex-Member


2. -do- Shrimati Sushila Rohatgi, ex-Member


3. -do- Sri Sathya Sai Baba 24-04-2011

4. -do- Dr. V.P. Dutt, ex-Member 26-04-2011

5. -do- Shri Dorjee Khandu 30-04-2011

6. -do- Shri M.S. Gurupadaswamy, ex-Member


7. -do- Shri Rao Man Singh, ex-Member


8. -do- Shri Mostafa Bin Quasem, ex-Member


9. -do- Shri Bhajan Lal, ex-Member



The Chairman made reference and the House observed silence, all Members standing as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed.


10. 01-08-2011 Shri M.F. Husain,

ex-Member 09-06-2011

11. -do- Shri Ram Chandra Vikal, ex-Member


12. -do- Shri Chaturanan Mishra, ex-Member


13. -do- Shri Sudarshan Akarapu, ex-Member


14. -do- Shri V. Rajeshwar Rao, ex-Member



15. 11-08-2011 Dr. P.C. Alexander, ex-Member

10-08-2011 0-04 The Chairman made reference and the House observed silence, all Members standing as a mark of respect to the memory of the departed.

16. 24-08-2011 Shri Rafique Alam, ex-Member

03-04-2011 0-04 -do-


——— 0-46




Date of reference

Incident Date of incident

Time taken Hrs. Mts.


1. 01-08-2011 Reference to three Train Accidents involving the Chhapra-Mathura Express, the Howrah-Kalka Mail and the Guwahati-Puri Express.

07-07-2011 10-07-2011

2. -do- Reference to the Victims of Serial Bomb Blasts in Mumbai.


3. -do- Reference to the Victims of Cruise Ship Mishap in Russia.


4. -do- Reference to Tragic Bomb Blast and Shooting in Norway.



The House observed silence, all Members standing, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who lost their lives in the tragedies.

Total: 0-05




On 1st August, 2011, Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister introduced 4 Cabinet Ministers, 2 Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and 5 Ministers of State to the House.

(Time taken: 3 Mts.)


500 Starred Questions were put down in the List of Questions for oral answers, 65 Questions were orally answered and answers to remaining ones were laid on the Table of the House.

(Time taken: 10 Hrs. & 40 Mts.)

3875 Unstarred Questions were put down in the List of Questions and written answers in respect thereof were laid on the Table of the House.


On the 7th September, 2011, Answer to Short Notice Question No. 1 was laid on the Table.


Statements correcting answers to questions as detailed below were laid during the Session: —

Sl. No.

Date Subject Ministry/ Department

Name of the Minister

Time taken Hrs.Mts.

1. 18-08-2011 Correcting the answer to Unstarred Question No.585 given in the Rajya Sabha on the 4th August, 2011, regarding “S-band Devas Deal”.

Space Shri V. Narayanasamy


2. 25-08-2011 Correcting the reply given in the Rajya Sabha on the 11th August, 2011 to a supplementary question arising out of the answer to Starred Question 164 regarding “Indians in Pakistani jails”.

External Affairs Shri S.M. Krishna


3. 26-08-2011 Correcting the answer to Unstarred Question No. 530 given in the Rajya Sabha on the 25th February, 2011, regarding “Radiation certificates from Cell Phone Towers”.

Communications and Information Technology

Shri Milind Deora


4. 30-08-2011 Correcting the reply given in the Rajya Sabha on the 22nd February, 2011, to a supplementary question arising out of the answer to Starred Question 4 regarding “Measures for curbing inflation”.

Finance Shri Pranab Mukherjee



5. 05-09-2011 Correcting the reply given in the Rajya Sabha on the 29th August, 2011, to a supplementary question arising out of the answer to Starred Question 362 regarding “Solar lanterns in rural areas”.

New and Renewable Energy

Dr. Farooq Abdullah


6. 08-09-2011 Correcting the reply given in the Rajya Sabha on the 11th August, 2011, to Unstarred Question 1385 regarding “Rape cases in Bhatta Parsaul”.

Women and Child Development

Shrimati Krishna Tirath


Total : 0-09



1606 Papers were laid on the Table during the Session. Some of the important papers that were laid are detailed below: —

Sl. No. Date Subject

1. 01-08-2011 The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2011 (No.1 of 2011) promulgated by the President on the 10th May, 2011.

2. -do- The Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram Ordinance, 2011 (No. 2 of 2011) promulgated by the President on the 20th June, 2011.

3. 05-08-2011 Sixteenth Progress Report on the Action Taken Pursuant to the Recommendations of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Stock Market Scam and matters relating thereto (June, 2011).

4. 08-08-2011 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India: Union Government (Commercial): No.4 of 2011-12 - (Performance Audit of Procurement System in Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).

5. 09-08-2011 C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2011: No.11 of 2011-12: Union Government (Defence Services) - Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society.

6. 10-08-2011 Ministry of Home Affairs Special Order dated the 16th June, 2011 increasing the amount under sub-head 'Tour Expenses' of Schedule-II to the Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Rules, 1987, relating to the Governor of Nagaland, for the financial year 2009-10 only.

7. 11-08-2011 Annual Report of the Central Information Commission (CIC), New Delhi, for the year 2008-09.

8. -do- Annual Report of the Central Information Commission (CIC), New Delhi, for the year 2009-10.


Sl. No. Date Subject

9. 23-08-2011 Report of the Independent Inquiry Committee (IIC) on Mumbai High North (MHN) Platform Fire, on 27th July, 2005, (Volume I and II).

10. -do- Action Taken Report on the recommendations contained in the above Report of the Inquiry Committee.

11. -do- Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India – Union Government (Commercial): No.3 of 2011-12 (Compliance Audit Observations) for the year ended March, 2010.

12. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2009: No.10 of 2011-12: Union Government, Scientific Department - Performance Audit of Role of Tea Board in Tea Development in India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

13. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010: No.12 of 2011-12: Union Government (Direct Taxes) Performance Audit of Business of Civil Construction

14. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010: No.14 of 2011-12 (Performance Audit) Union Government (Railways)

15. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010: No.15 of 2011-12: Union Government, (Indirect Taxes – Service Tax and Customs) (Performance Audit) Service Tax on Banking and other Financial Services and Duty Drawback Scheme.

16. 24-08-2011 Annual Report of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), New Delhi, for the year 2008-09 together with Memorandum of Action Taken on the Annual Report.

17. 25-08-2011 Annual Report of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), for the year 2010.


Sl. No. Date Subject

18. 29-08-2011 Forty-seventh Report of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities, for the period from July, 2008 to June, 2010.

19. -do- Two Hundred and Thirty-fifth Report of the Law Commission on Conversion/Re-conversion to another religion - mode of proof

20. -do- Two Hundred and Thirty-sixth Report of the Law Commission on Court-fees in Supreme Court vis-à-vis Corporate Litigation.

13. 29-08-2011 Annual Report of the National Commission for Minorities, New Delhi, for the year 2006-07.

14. 06-09-2011

C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010 (No.13 of 2011-12): Union Government (Civil, Autonomous Bodies, Performance Audit of National Institutes of Technology (NIT) (Ministry of Human Resource Development) (Department of Higher Education).

15. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010 (No.16 of 2011-12): Union Government (Civil), Compliance Audit Observations

16. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010 (No. 17 of 2011-12): Union Government (Civil), Autonomous Bodies (Performance Audit).

17. -do- Notification No. 85/2011-Customs (N.T.), dated the 6th September, 2011, seeking to supersede Notification No. 107/2008-Customs, dated the 6th October, 2008, so as to continue exemption for specified goods already covered under erstwhile Notification No.107/2008-Customs, dated the 6th October, 2008 and to extend the exemption to some additional goods when imported from Least Developed member-countries of SAARC.


18. 07-09-2011 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India – Audit Report No.9 of 2011-12 on Corporate Social Responsibility in Coal India Limited.

19. 08-09-2011 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India: No.18 of 2011-12: Union Government (Civil), Performance Audit of Civil Aviation in India, Ministry of Civil Aviation.

20. -do- Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India: No.19 of 2011-12: Union Government (Civil), Performance Audit of Hydrocarbon Production Sharing Contracts, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

21. -do- C.A.G. Report for the year ended March, 2010: No.20 of 2011-12: Union Government (Defence Services) – Air Force and Navy.

(Total Time taken: 35 Mts.)


Sl. No. Date Subject


REPORTS/STATEMENTS OF THE COMMITTEES PRESENTED/LAID ON THE TABLE The following Reports/Statements of various Committees were presented/laid on the Table: — Date Report/Statement


Committee on Home Affairs 149th to 151st Reports and Evidence

01-08-2011 12-08-2011

Committee on Human Resource Development 236th and 237th Reports and Evidences 238th Report and Evidence

02-08-2011 03-08-2011

Committee on Industry 223rd and 224th Reports 225th and 226th Reports

02-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Finance 33rd to 38th Reports 39th and 40th Reports


Committee on Defence 12th Report


Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas 8th Report


Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers 14th to 20th Reports


04-08-2011 25-08-2011 26-08-2011

Committee on Information Technology 21st to 24th Reports 25th Report Action Taken Statements

04-08-2011 27-08-2011

Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment 15th to 17th Reports Action Taken Statements

05-08-2011 24-08-2011

Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution 12th and 13th Reports 14th Report


Committee on Urban Development 14th and 15th Reports

08-08-2011 19-08-2011 07-09-2011

Committee on Papers Laid on the Table 129th to 131st Reports 132nd to 134th Reports 135th and 136th Reports

10-08-2011 17-08-2011 07-09-2011

Committee on Empowerment of Women 8th Report 9th and 10th Reports 11th Report


Committee on Commerce

98th Report

11-08-2011 17-08-2011

Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture 168th to 170th Reports 171st and 172nd Reports


11-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice 46th Report 47th Report


Committee on Public Accounts 35th to 39th Reports

17-08-2011 29-08-2011

Committee on Coal and Steel 13th to 15th Reports 16th to 19th Reports and Action Taken Statements

17-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Energy 17th to 19th Reports and Action Taken Statements 20th Report

17-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Railways 10th and 11th Reports and Action Taken Statement 12th Report

17-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Water Resources 7th and 8th Reports and Action Taken Statement 9th and 10th Report

18-08-2011 26-08-2011

Committee on Rural Development 19th and 20th Reports 21st , 22nd Reports and Action Taken Statements

23-08-2011 29-08-2011 30-08-2011

Committee on Agriculture 21st Report 22nd to 25th Reports 26th Report


24-08-2011 07-09-2011

Committee on Petitions 139th Report 140th Report


Committee on Subordinate Legislation 192nd to 194th Reports


Committee on External Affairs 9th and 10th Report and Action Taken Statement


Committee on Labour 18th to 20th Reports


Joint Committee on Offices of Profit 2nd to 4th Reports


Committee on Railway Convention 2nd Report

06-09-2011 07-09-2011 08-09-2011

Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 12th and 13th Reports 14th and 15th Reports Action Taken Statements and Study Tour Report

(Total time taken: 42 Mts.)


On 18th August, 2011, the Chairman bade farewell to the retiring Members of Rajya Sabha from the States of Gujarat and West Bengal whose term of office was expiring on the 18th August, 2011. Shri Abani Roy, Shri Surendra Motilal Patel, Shrimati Brinda Karat, Shri Swapan Sadhan Bose and Shri Mohammed Amin responded to the sentiments expressed by the Chairman.

(Time taken: 20 Mts.)


On the 19th August, 2011, the Chairman welcomed the new Members.

(Time taken: 01 Minute) PANEL OF VICE-CHAIRMEN

On the 2nd August, 2011, the Deputy Chairman announced that the Chairman has nominated the following Members on the Panel of Vice-Chairmen, w.e.f. 1st August, 2011:—

1. Prof. P.J. Kurien 2. Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan 3. Shri Kalraj Mishra 4. Shri Prasanta Chatterjee 5. Shri Tariq Anwar; and 6. Dr. Mahendra Prasad

(Time taken: 01 Minute) RESIGNATION BY MEMBERS

On 1st August, 2011, the Chairman made the following announcement in the House:—

“I have to inform Members that I had received letters from Shri Prithviraj Chavan and Shri K.V. Ramalingam, Members, representing the States of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu respectively, resigning their seats in the Rajya Sabha. I have accepted their resignations with effect from 6th of May, 2011 and 20th of May, 2011 respectively.”

(Time taken: 01 Minute) QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE

On 29th August, 2011, Prof. Ram Gopal Yadav raised a Question of breach of Privilege arising out of the derogatory remarks made against Members of Parliament by Shrimati Kiran Bedi and Shri Om Puri during the agitation for Jan Lokpal Bill launched by Shri Anna Hazare at Ramlila Ground, New Delhi.

Shri Mohammed Adeeb and Shri Shivanand Tiwari also spoke.

(Time taken: 5 Mts.)



(i) On 4th August, 2011, Shrimati Kanimozhi (Tamil Nadu) was granted leave of absence from all the sittings of the House for the entire Session of the Rajya Sabha.

(ii) On 11th August, 2011, Dr. Ram Dayal Munda was granted leave of absence from the sittings of the House, from 1st to 19th August, 2011, during the session of the Rajya Sabha.

(iii) On 18th August, 2011, Shri P.R. Rajan (Kerala) was granted leave of absence from the sittings of the House, from 1st to 19th August, 2011, during the session of the Rajya Sabha.

(iv) On 6th September, 2011, Dr. Ram Dayal Munda was granted leave of absence from the sittings of the House, from 23rd August, 2011 till the end of the session of the Rajya Sabha.

(Time taken: 5 Mts.)



On the 17th August, 2011, the Chairman made the following announcement detailing the procedure for considering (i) Motion for presenting an Address to the President under article 217 read with clause (4) of article 124 of the Constitution and (ii) Motion for considering the Report of the Inquiry Committee constituted to investigate into the grounds on which removal of Shri Soumitra Sen, Judge, Calcutta High Court was prayed for:—

"The House will now take up the Motion for presentation of an Address to the President for removal of Justice Soumitra Sen, Judge, High Court of Calcutta, from his Office together with the Motion for consideration of the Report of the Inquiry Committee constituted to investigate into the grounds on which removal of Shri Soumitra Sen, Judge, High Court of Calcutta was prayed for. Before calling the mover to move the Motions, I wish to inform the Members, the procedure that I propose to follow. After the Motions are moved, and the mover of the Motion has spoken, I shall call Justice Soumitra Sen to present his defence. After the presentation, Justice Sen shall withdraw. The House will then proceed to consider the Motion and Members will participate in the discussion on the Motion.


I would urge upon the Members to make precise and short speeches restricting themselves broadly to the findings of the Inquiry Committee as contained in its Report. I also seek cooperation of Members in maintaining dignity of the House during the presentation of Justice Sen to the House in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.

After all the Members have spoken, the Mover will reply to the discussion. Thereafter, I shall put the Motion for presenting an Address to the President received under article 217 read with article 124 (4) of the Constitution and the Address to the President, together, to the vote of the House, in terms of Rule 16 (4) of the Judges (Inquiry) Rules, 1969.

I may inform the Members that the Motion and the Address are required to be adopted by a majority of the total membership of the House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members of the House present and voting, in terms of clause (4) of article 124 of the Constitution and presented to the President in the same Session.

The matter pertaining to the removal of a Judge is very serious and may be dealt with in a careful and sound manner. I request the Members not to repeat the points and not to bring in any extraneous matter while speaking on the Motion. Since the time allotted for the discussion is four hours excluding the ninety minutes which is the time allotted to the Judge for his defence, I would request the Members to restrict themselves to the facts mentioned in the Judges Inquiry Committee Report and the reply of the Judge. Both the documents have been circulated to Members on the 10th November, 2010 and on the 21st February, 2011 respectively."

(Time taken: 05 Mts.)

(b) Discussion on the Motion

Date Brief Subject Name of the Member who moved

Time taken

No. of Speakers


17-08-2011 18-08-2011

(i)“This House resolves that an address be presented to the President for removal from Office of Justice Soumitra Sen of the Calcutta High Court on the following two grounds of misconduct:—

(1) Misappropriation of large sums of money, which he received in his capacity as receiver appointed by the High Court of Calcutta; and

Shri Sitaram Yechury

6-58 16 Shri Sitaram Yechury moved both the Motions. Mr. Soumitra Sen, Judge, High Court of Calcutta presented his defence on 17-08-2011 and then withdrew. After discussion on the Motion and the Address, the House divided (subject to correction):


(2) Misrepresented facts with regard to the misappropriation of money before the High Court of Calcutta."

Motion for considering the Report of the Inquiry Committee constituted to investigate into the grounds on which removal of Shri Soumitra Sen, Judge, Calcutta High Court was prayed for

(ii) "This House do consider the Report of the Inquiry Committee in regard to investigation and proof of the misbehaviour alleged against Shri Soumitra Sen, Judge, High Court of Calcutta which was laid on the Table of the House on the 10th November, 2010.”

*Ayes - 189 * Noes - 16

The Motion for presenting an Address under article 217 read with clause (4) of article 124 of the Constitution along with the Address to the President were adopted by a majority of the total membership of the House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members of the House present and voting on 18-08-2011.



————————— * Final tally — Ayes - 186 , Noes - 16 For reference and record 1. The Message of Rajya Sabha regarding passing of an Address for presenting to the President praying for removal from Office of Mr.

Justice Soumitra Sen of Calcutta High Court was reported in the Lok Sabha on 19.8.2011. 2. The Motion and the Address for removal from Office of Mr. Justice Soumitra Sen of Calcutta High Court was listed for consideration in

the Lok Sabha on 5.9.2011. However, due to the resignation of Mr. Soumitra Sen as Judge of Calcutta High Court w.e.f. the afternoon of 1st September, 2011, it was decided not to proceed with the matter.

3. The Message of Lok Sabha not to proceed with the matter was reported in the Rajya Sabha on 6th September, 2011.

The Motion moved by Shri Sitaram Yechury and the following Address to the President were put to the House:— ADDRESS TO THE PRESIDENT UNDER CLAUSE (4) OF ARTICLE 124 OF THE CONSTITUTION "WHEREAS a notice was given of a motion

for presenting an address to the President praying for the removal of Shri Soumitra Sen, from his office as a Judge of the High Court at Calcutta by fifty-seven members of the Council of States (as specified in the Annexure 'A' attached herewith);

AND WHEREAS the said motion was admitted by the Chairman of the Council of States;

AND WHEREAS an Inquiry Committee consisting of —

(a) Shri B. Sudershan Reddy, a Judge of the Supreme Court of India;

(b) Shri Mukul Mudgal, Chief Justice of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh; and

(c) Shri Fali S. Nariman, a distinguished


AND WHEREAS the said Inquiry Committee has, after an investigation made by it, submitted a report containing a finding to the effect that Shri Soumitra Sen is guilty of the misbehaviour specified in such report ( a copy of which is enclosed and marked as Annexure 'B');

AND WHEREAS the motion afore-mentioned, having been adopted by the Council of States in accordance with the provisions of clause (4) of article 124 of the Constitution of India, the misbehaviour of the said Shri Soumitra Sen is deemed, under sub-section (3) of Section 6 of the Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968, to have been proved;

Total Time: 6-58


jurist, was appointed by the Chairman of the Council of States for the purpose of making an investigation into the grounds on which the removal of the said Shri Soumitra Sen from his office as a Judge of the High Court at Calcutta has been prayed for;



Sl. No. Date Name of the Committee/Body Time takenHrs.Mts.

1. 04-08-2011 Coir Board 0-01

2. 16-08-2011 Committee on Public Accounts 0-01

3. 30-08-2011 Committee on Official Language 0-01

4. 06-09-2011 Joint Committee to Examine Matters relating to Allocation and Pricing of Telecom Licences and Spectrum


Total: 0-04


On the 2nd August, 2011, Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz moved the following Motion:—

"That the time appointed for presentation of the Report of the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha on the Wakf (Amendment) Bill, 2010, be extended upto the first day of the last week of the Winter Session, 2011 of the Rajya Sabha".

The motion was adopted.

(Time taken: 01 Minute)


1. On 5th August, 2011:—

(1) Shri Moinul Hassan raised a matter regarding situation arising due to forceful eviction of farmers from their own land in various parts of the country.

(2) Shri Kumar Deepak Das raised a matter regarding suspension of train services on certain routes in Assam.


(3) Shri Prabhat Jha raised a matter regarding fraud of crores of rupees by the company 'Speak Asia' in the country.

(4) Shri M.V. Mysura Reddy raised a matter regarding closure of University of Northern Virginia in USA affecting Indian students.

(5) Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri raised a matter regarding non-giving of relaxation to the dalit students in admissions in Chatkara University in Punjab.

(6) Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap raised a matter regarding delay in launching caste-based census in the country.

(7) Shri Tapan Kumar Sen raised a matter regarding country-wide strike by the employees of Banks in the country.

Shri D. Raja also spoke.

(8) Shri K.N. Balagopal raised a matter regarding serious issue of aggravating fever and other epidemics in Kerala.

(9) Shri P. Rajeeve raised a matter regarding problems of rubber farmers in the State of Kerala.

(10) Shri S.S. Ahluwalia raised a matter regarding sharp fall in the Indian stock market.

Shri N.K. Singh and Shri Ramdas Agarwal also spoke.

Shri Rajeev Shukla, Minister of State in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, responded.

2. On 12th August, 2011:—

(1) Shri Rajniti Prasad raised a matter regarding reported news of stopping air conditioning in underground metro railway stations in Delhi after 8.00 p.m. in the night.

(2) Shri Rudra Narayan Pany raised a matter regarding outbreak of dengue in Orissa.

(3) Shri Moinul Hassan raised a matter regarding situation arisen due to sudden fall in prices of raw jute.

(4) Shri Prasanta Chatterjee raised a matter regarding devastating floods in West Bengal.

(5) Shri Prakash Javadekar raised a matter regarding killing of farmers in Pune in police firing.


3. On 18th August, 2011:—

(1) Shri Birendra Prasad Baishya raised a matter regarding flood situation in Assam.

Shri Kumar Deepak Das also spoke.

(2) Shri Kalraj Mishra raised a matter regarding flood situation in Uttar Pradesh.

(3) Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi raised a matter regarding flood situation in Bihar, Uttarakhand, Assam, West Bengal and other parts of the country.

(4) Shri Moinul Hassan raised a matter regarding killing of an RTI activist and safety issues concerning whistleblowers.

4. On 26th August, 2011:—

(1) Dr. T.N. Seema raised a matter regarding issue of long pending complaint of sexual harassment of women workers in Doordarshan Kendra, Thiruvananthapuram.

(2) Shri Prabhat Jha raised a matter regarding pathetic condition of National Highways in Madhya Pradesh.

(3) Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri raised a matter regarding floods in Punjab.

(4) Shri Moinul Hassan raised a matter regarding reported letter from the Ministry of Human Resource Development to the Aligarh Muslim University on administrative matters.

(5) Shri Prakash Javadekar raised a matter regarding naxal killing of tribals at Bijapur, Chattisgarh.

(6) Shri Syed Azeez Pasha raised a matter regarding release of Central share of funds to States for payments of arrears to college and University teachers.

5. On 27th August, 2011:—

(1) Shri Jugul Kishore raised a matter regarding pitiable condition of weavers in Uttar Pradesh.

(2) Shri Kumar Deepak Das raised a matter regarding kerosene stove and lamp blasts in various districts of Assam.


6. On 29th August, 2011:—

(1) Shri Rajniti Prasad raised a matter regarding resentment among the employees of Air India due to non-payment of their salaries.

(2) Dr. T.N. Seema raised a matter regarding increasing attacks on women passengers in trains.

(3) Shri Ganga Charan raised a matter regarding derogatory remarks against freedom fighters.

Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development and Minister of Communications and Information Technology, responded.

7. On 30th August, 2011, Shri Arun Jaitley, Leader of the Opposition, raised a matter regarding appointment of Lokayukta in the State of Gujarat by the Governor without consultation with the State Government.

(Total time taken: 1 Hr. & 50 Mts.)



The following matters of Public Importance were raised/laid on the Table with the permission of the Chair during the Session: —

Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

*1. 03-08-2011 Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap

Demand to formulate a policy to increase the number of BPL beneficiaries in proportion to the increase of population in the country.

2. -do- Shrimati Maya Singh Demand to take effective steps to remove the difference in sex ratio in the country.

3. -do- Shri Motilal Vora Demand to start operations in the Raoghat Steel Project in Chhattisgarh.


4. -do- Prof. P.J. Kurien Demand to take steps for early completion of Sabari Rail Project in Kerala.

5. -do- Shri Shantaram Naik Demand to withdraw the proposal of privatization of Mormugao Port Trust in Goa.

* Special Mentions from Sl. Nos. 1 to 29, 60 to 122 and from 134 to158 were treated as laid on the Table of the House after taking sense of the House.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

6. 03-08-2011 Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Demand to withdraw the fake cases registered and check the atrocities against dalits in Punjab.

7. -do- Miss Anusuiya Uikey Demand to take steps for repair of National Highways in Madhya Pradesh.


8. 05-08-2011 Shri P. Rajeeve Demand to stop the biometric enrolment of citizens for the database of the National Population Register.

9. -do- Shri Syed Azeez Pasha Demand to include dalit Muslims and Christians into SC category.

10. -do- Shri Prakash Javadekar Demand to give freedom and functional autonomy to the public sector banks.


11. -do- Shri Moinul Hassan Demand to accord permission to start functioning of three new medical colleges set up in West Bengal.

12. -do- Shri M.V. Mysura Reddy Demand to upgrade the Project Directorate on Poultry in Andhra Pradesh to the level of a National Institute.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

13. 05-08-2011 Shri Tiruchi Siva Need to frame a rehabilitation policy for sex workers.

14. -do- Dr. Janardhan Waghmare Demand to declare Mumbai the Financial Capital of India.

15. -do- Shri Mahendra Mohan Demand to improve the condition of the Chakeri Airport in Kanpur.

16. -do- Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan

Request to strengthen trade and cultural relationship with Myanmar.

17. -do- Shri Rudra Narayan Pany Demand to stop the activities of land acquisition until the enactment of new legislation.


18. -do- Shri K.N. Balagopal Demand to make stringent laws to ensure food safety in the country.

19. -do- Shri Rama Chandra Khuntia

Demand to take steps to ensure the availability of safe drinking water in the country.

20. -do- Shri Naresh Chandra Agrawal

Demand for speedy approval of pending projects under the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme in Uttar Pradesh.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

21. 05-08-2011 Dr. Gyan Prakash Pilania Concern over horrendous scenario of children missing in the country.

22. -do- Shri Ganga Charan Concern over the new fertilizer policy.

23. -do- Dr. Ram Prakash Demand to erect statues belonging to the period of Mahabharata on the route from Pipali to Jyotishpur in Kurukshetra.

24. -do- Shri N.K. Singh Concern over the adverse effects of global economic crisis on the Indian Economy.

25. -do- Shri Kumar Deepak Das Demand to update the National Register of Citizens in Assam.


26. -do- Shri Prabhat Jha Demand to take steps for prevention of brain fever in the country.

27. -do- Shri Ramdas Agarwal Concern over the threat posed by illegal migrants in the country.

28. -do- Shri A. Elavarasan Demand to enhance the allocation of kerosene under PDS to the State of Tamil Nadu.

29. -do- Shri Ambeth Rajan Demand for speedy implementation of the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

30. 12-08-2011 Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap

Need for construction of a six-lane service road along the Express Way from Nizamuddin to Meerut via U.P. Gate, Vijay Nagar and Dasna.


31. -do- Shri Ram Vilas Paswan Need for CBI inquiry into the Forbesganj police firing case and give compensation to the families of victims.


32. -do- Shri Natuji Halaji Thakor Need for adequate supply of kerosene oil to the State of Gujarat.


33. -do- Dr. K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao

Need to conduct public hearings at the earliest on the Indira Sagar Polavaram Project on river Godavari in Orissa and Chhattisgarh.


34. -do- Dr. Ram Prakash Need to give financial assistance to the families of the martyrs of struggle for independence of the country.


35. -do- Shri Shreegopal Vyas Need to include the people belonging to Sanvara and Saura castes into the Scheduled Tribes category in Chhattisgarh.


36. -do- Shri Prasanta Chatterjee Need to scrap the Shyamala Gopinath Committee Report on the Post Office saving schemes.



Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

37. 12-08-2011 Shri Avinash Pande Concern over the water pollution off the Mumbai coast.


38. -do- Shri Syed Azeez Pasha Need to withdraw the decision of clubbing the caste census with the poverty survey.


39. -do- Shri Moinul Hassan Need to reduce the price of medicines for treatment of cancer.


40. -do- Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Need to give reservation to dalits in MBBS course in Punjab.


41. -do- Shri Rama Chandra Khuntia

Need to take steps to protect people from spread of dengue in Orissa.


42. -do- Sardar Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa

Need to take action to protect the state of Punjab from the adverse impact from the construction of the Hansi-Butana canal by Haryana.


43. -do- Prof. P.J. Kurien Need to run special trains on the occasion of Onam Festival from metro cities to Kerala.


44. -do- Dr. Janardhan Waghmare Request to launch the second Green Revolution in the country.



Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

45. 12-08-2011 Shri N.K. Singh Need to take corrective fiscal measures to boost the economic growth of the country.


46. -do- Shri S. Thangavelu Need for early clearance to the pending railway projects in southern Tamil Nadu.


47. -do- Shri Rajkumar Dhoot Need for the establishment of a separate Development Board for North Maharashtra.


48. -do- Shri Kumar Deepak Das Need to confer the 'Bharat Ratna' on Dr. Bhupen Hazarika.


49. -do- Shri Shantaram Naik Need to incorporate the required provisions in the software used for assessment of property tax in Goa.


50. -do- Shri Motilal Vora Need to connect Dalli, Rajhara and Raoghat to Jagdalpur by railway network in Chhattisgarh.


51. -do- Shri Ambeth Rajan Need for adequate allotment of railway catering units to SCs/STs in Railway Catering Policy, 2010.


52. -do- Miss Anusuiya Uikey Need to take measures to ensure the availability of coal and power in Madhya Pradesh.



Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

53. 12-08-2011 Shri Kanwar Deep Singh Need to provide financial aid for development in the State of West Bengal.


54. -do- Shri Rudra Narayan Pany Need to take immediate action to check deforestation in the region proposed for setting up a steel plant by POSCO in Orissa.


55. -do- Shri K.N. Balagopal Need to conduct detailed study on Pentavalent Vaccine before its introduction in the country.


56. -do- Shri P. Rajeeve Need to set up an All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Kerala.


57. -do- Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan

Need for co-operation with relevant UN organizations for rehabilitation of Tamils in Sri Lanka.


58. -do- Shri Avinash Rai Khanna Need to take steps to revamp the financial condition of Air India.


59. -do- Shri R.C. Singh Need for enquiry into the alleged transfer of land to Tata Steel Ltd. in the Hurdag Coal Block acquired by CCL.



Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time takenSubject Hrs.Mts.

60. 18-08-2011 Dr. Gyan Prakash Pilania Concern over the vacancies of teaching posts in top technical and management institutions of the country.

61. -do- Shri Tapan Kumar Sen Demand to enhance the amount of pension given under the Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.

62. -do- Shrimati Viplove Thakur Demand to enhance the amount of financial assistance given to widows living under Below Poverty Line.

63. -do- Shri Motilal Vora Demand for speedy disposal of health insurance claims of weavers of Uttar Pradesh.


64. -do- Shri Birendra Prasad Baishya

Concern over the delay in implementation of Assam Accord.

65. -do- Dr. Janardhan Waghmare Demand to take suitable measures for the industrial development of backward regions of the country.

66. -do- Dr. Ram Prakash Demand to provide reservation to people belonging to backward classes and other backward classes separately.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

67. 18-08-2011 Dr. K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao

Demand to increase the storage capacity for foodgrains in the Food Corporation of India.

68. -do- Shri Kumar Deepak Das Concern over the deteriorating financial condition of the Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd. in Assam.

69. -do- Shri S. Thangavelu Demand to allocate adequate funds for laying of a new railway line between Tuticorin and Madurai.

70. -do- Shri Ambeth Rajan Need to take effective steps for propagation of Hindi throughout the country.

71. -do- Shri A. Elavarasan Demand to allocate adequate quantity of fertilizers to the State of Tamil Nadu.


72. -do- Shri Anil Madhav Dave Concern over the danger to the country due to China having obtained approval for exploration in Indian Ocean from the International Seabed Authority.

73. -do- Shri Kalraj Mishra Demand to take effective steps for early disposal of large number of pending cases in the courts of the country.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

74. 18-08-2011 Shri M. Rama Jois Demand to grant Presidential assent to the Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Bill.

75. -do- Shri Mohd. Ali Khan Concern over the delay in making refunds of cancelled tickets and excessive cancellation charges being imposed by the private airlines in the country.

76. -do- Shrimati Maya Singh Demand to review the decision of allowing foreign direct investment into retail sector of the country.


77. -do- Shri Kaptan Singh Solanki Demand to restore the availability of coal and power to the State of Madhya Pradesh.

78. -do- Shri Prabhat Jha Demand to set up a regulatory authority to monitor and set parameters for safe energy drinks in the country.

79. -do- Dr. C.P. Thakur Concern over scarcity of power in Bihar.

80. -do- Shri Sanjay Raut Demand to strengthen the security of Mumbai.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

81. -do- Dr. Bharatkumar Raut Demand to make provisions of staff with salary on Government servants' pattern for the staff of Parliamentary Party Offices of Political Parties.

82. -do- Shri Y. S. Chowdary Demand for early completion of Cuddapah-Bangalore railway line.


83. -do- Shrimati Kusum Rai Concern over rotting of foodgrains in the country.

84. 19-08-2011 Miss Anusuiya Uikey Demand for early construction of Railway Overbridge in Chindwada District of Madhya Pradesh.

85. -do- Shri R.C. Singh Demand to stop the allotment of coal blocks to private companies in the country.

86. -do- Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap

Demand for early construction of the proposed Airport at Jewar in Gautambuddha Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh.


87. -do- Shri Rudra Narayan Pany Demand to provide essential passenger amenities in Odisha bound trains.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time takenSubject Hrs.Mts.

88. 25-08-2011 Shri K.N. Balagopal Demand for introduction of more Trains in the Punalaur-Shencottai sector in Chennai and early conversion of rail lines into Broad Gauge in Punalaur-Kollam sector.

89. -do- Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan

Demand to focus on agricultural investment during the 12th Five Year Plan.

90. -do- Dr. Bharatkumar Raut Demand to withdraw the proposal of increasing FDI in insurance sector of the country.

91. -do- Shrimati Maya Singh Demand to give employment to the dependents of para-military forces personnel on compassionate grounds.


92. -do- Miss Anusuiya Uikey Demand to provide additional food grains to the hostels of SC, ST, OBC students, Madrasas and other similar institutions in Madhya Pradesh.

93. -do- Shri M. Rama Jois Demand to incorporate value based education in the new curriculum of the schools in the country.

94. -do- Shri Prasanta Chatterjee Demand to frame clear policy regarding the creation of new states in the country.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time takenSubject Hrs.Mts.

95. 25-08-2011 Shri Nandi Yellaiah Demand to merge the Waltaire Railway Division into the South Central Railway.

96. -do- Shri Tiruchi Siva Demand to take measures to improve sports facilities in the country.

97. -do- Shri Syed Azeez Pasha Demand to release and rehabilitate the Muslim youth falsely implicated in various terrorist cases in the country.

98. -do- Shri A. Elavarasan Demand to ban the export of cotton to ensure adequate availability to the domestic textile industry.


99. -do- Shri Ambeth Rajan Demand to grant adequate funds to Uttar Pradesh for development of road infrastructure in the State.

100. -do- Dr. V. Maitreyan Demand to extend the Agricultural Debt Waiver Scheme, 2008 to all the farmers.

101. -do- Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Demand for strict implementation of MTP Act, 1971 and PNDT Act, 1994 to check female foeticide.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

102. 25-08-2011 Shri Moinul Hassan Demand to take effective measures to ensure the safety of RTI activists in the country.

103. -do- Shri Tarun Vijay Demand to take steps for protection and conservation of a Shiva Temple on the border of Thailand and Cambodia.


104. -do- Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy Demand to expedite the setting up of a world class university at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.

105. 26-08-2011 Shri Naresh Gujral Demand to simplify the laws relating adoption of children in the country.

106. -do- Shri M.P. Achuthan Demand to set up a judicial inquiry into the alleged police atrocities against the peaceful demonstrators and widespread corruption in Lakshdweep.

107. -do- Shri S. Thangavelu Demand to take necessary action to give Tamil language the status of official language in High Courts and the Central Government offices.


108. -do- Prof. P.J. Kurien Demand to take measures to check the hike in the airfares of various Airlines.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time takenSubject Hrs.Mts.

109. 26-08-2011 Shri R.C. Singh Demand to withdraw the office order issued in relation to the Coal Mine Workers' Pension Scheme.

110. -do- Shri Kumar Deepak Das Demand to take steps to control the problem of floods in Assam.

111. -do- Shri Naresh Chandra Agrawal

Concern over the frequent increase in the Bank Repo Rate by the Reserve Bank of India.

112. -do- Dr. Gyan Prakash Pilania Need to enact an anti-stalking law to protect women.

113. -do- Dr. Janardhan Waghmare Demand to evolve strategies for equitable development of minority as well as majority communities of the country.


114. -do- Shri Mohammed Adeeb Request to upgrade the Delhi Centre of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad as the north campus of the University.

115. -do- Shri Kaptan Singh Solanki Demand to make strict laws regarding clinical trials in the country.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

116. 26-08-2011 Shri Prabhat Jha Concern over the entry of big corporate houses and MNCs in the foodgrain market of the country.

117. -do- Shri Rudra Narayan Pany Demand to introduce reforms in the Banking Sector of the country.

118. -do- Shri Thomas Sangma Demand to grant financial assistance to the State of Meghalaya affected by heavy rains and floods.

119. -do- Shri Avinash Rai Khanna Concern over the incident of beheading Indian soldiers by the Pakistani soldiers in Kupwara District on Indo-Pak border.


120. -do- Shri Parimal Nathwani Demand to take steps for rehabilitation of slum dwellers in cities of the country.

121. -do- Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar Demand to rename the Armed Forces Flag Day as Martyrs' Memorial Day or Veterans' Day.

122. -do- Shri Vijay Jawaharlal Darda

Demand to take steps to stop the loss due to corrosion of metallic material used in infrastructure projects in the country.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

123. 27-08-2011 Shri Shreegopal Vyas need to increase the amount of financial assistance to be given to the widows under BPL in the country.


124. -do- Shrimati Bimla Kashyap Sood

need to increase the budget for laying of Nangal-Talwada Railway line in Himachal Pradesh.


125. -do- Shri Ram Vilas Paswan need to exempt the minority educational institution from national eligibility tests for entrance in MBBS and PG Courses.


126. -do- Shri Govindrao Adik need to take immediate steps to expedite the development of infrastructure in border areas of the country.


127. -do- Shri Ali Anwar Ansari need to take steps to ensure implementation of reservation for OBCs in the University of Delhi.


128. 29-08-2011 Shri Moinul Hassan need to take steps to conserve the cultural heritage sites of the country.


129. -do- Shri Praveen Rashtrapal need to stop the practice of mentioning caste in application forms for recruitment of jobs in the country.



Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

130. 29-08-2011 Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri need to take effective measures to check the problem of malnutrition among the children in the country.


131. -do- Shri Mohd. Ali Khan need to improve facilities for the passengers of Air India at IGI Airport on the lines of Private Airlines.


132. -do- Shri Rama Chandra Khuntia need for proper implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the country, particularly in Orissa.


133. -do- Shri Ram Kripal Yadav need to fill up the vacancies of engineers in National Productivity Council at Chennai.


134. 07-09-2011 Shrimati Hema Malini Demand to take measures for treatment, rehabilitation and compensation to the workers of mines and factories suffering from 'Silicosis'.

135. -do- Dr. Janardhan Waghmare Demand to take steps to bring electoral reforms in the country.


136. -do- Shri Kalraj Mishra Demand to take steps for conservation and renovation of Bharat Mata temple in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Time takenSubject Hrs.Mts.

137. 07-09-2011 Miss Sushila Tiriya Demand for preservation and proper utilization of the Amarda Airstrip in Orissa.

138. -do- Shrimati Jharna Das Baidya

Demand to replace the defective water meters of the residents of Sector 9, R.K. Puram in Delhi.

139. -do- Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap

Demand to make strict laws to check the increasing number of accidents due to rash driving in the country.

140. -do- Shri Prasanta Chatterjee Concern over the huge losses incurred due to failed trials to introduce double decker air conditioned trains in Howrah-Asansol route.


141. -do- Shrimati Maya Singh Demand to make laws for protection of the rights of domestic labourers in the country.

142. -do- Shri Motilal Vora Demand to provide additional fertilizers to the State of Chhattisgarh.

143. -do- Shri Rudra Narayan Pany Demand to set up a Medical College and Hospital in Mahanadi Coal Fields region in Orissa.

144. -do- Shri Parimal Nathwani Demand to take measures to strengthen the Panchayati Raj Institutions in Jharkhand.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

145. 07-09-2011 Shri Syed Azeez Pasha Demand to exempt the backward regions like Telangana from the provisions of the Mines Act, 2011.

146. -do- Shrimati Kusum Rai Demand to make strict laws to stop the business of spurious medicines in the country.

147. -do- Shri Ambeth Rajan Demand to shift Republic Day parade from Delhi to other State capitals on rotational basis.

148. -do- Shri Ram Vilas Paswan Demand to abolish the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Manipur.


149. -do- Dr. Gyan Prakash Pilania Concern over alarming scenario of marital violence.

150. -do- Dr. Bhalchandra Mungekar Demand to take effective safety measures on the route of Konkan Railway.

151. -do- Shri Mahendra Mohan Demand to give financial package to the flood hit State of Uttar Pradesh.

152. -do- Shri Tiruchi Siva Demand to take steps for abolition of death penalty in the country.


Sl. No. Date Name of the Member Subject Time taken

153. 07-09-2011 Shri Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Demand to make effective policy to check the increasing air pollution in the metro cities of the country.

154. -do- Shrimati Bimla Kashyap Sood

Demand to connect the Rohdu region of Himachal Pradesh with the railway network.

155. -do- Miss Anusuiya Uikey Demand to take steps to stop the exploitation of tribal women in the cities of the country.

156. -do- Prof. P.J. Kurien Demand to apply frequent increase in the rate of interest on home loans to the fresh applicants only.


157. -do- Shri Shreegopal Vyas Demand to encourage the use of bovine products to protect their slaughter and enhance the prosperity of farmers.

158. -do- Shri O.T. Lepcha Demand to give permission for the visit of 17th Karmapa to Rumtek Monastry in Sikkim.

Total: 2-02



CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE Calling Attention Notice on the following subject was admitted and the Statement in respect thereof was made in the House: —

Date Name of the Member

Subject Minister-in- Charge

Time taken Hrs.Mts.

04-08-2011 Shri Prakash Javadekar

Situation arising out of frequent rail accidents and the action taken by the Government in regard thereto.

Shri Dinesh Trivedi




1-59 ————



(I) The following Statements were made/laid by Ministers during the Session: —

Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time taken Hrs.Mts.

1. 03-08-2011 Visit of the Foreign Minister of Pakistan to India. Shri S.M. Krishna 0-01

2. -do- Commonwealth Games (CWG), 2010. Shri Ajay Maken —

3. 04-08-2011 Situation in Sri Lanka. Shri S.M. Krishna 0-01

4. 11-08-2011 Issue of Nuclear Enrichment and Reprocessing Technology.

Shri S.M. Krishna 0-01

5. 17-08-2011 * Situation arising out of the agitation launched by Shri Anna Hazare.

Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister


6. 27-08-2011 * Issues relating to setting up of a Lok Pal. Shri Pranab Mukherjee 7-26

7. 02-09-2011 Court cases relating to elections to the SGPC. Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal


8. 07-09-2011 Bomb blast near Delhi High Court. Shri P. Chidambaram 0-22

* Converted into General discussion.


(II) The following Statements were laid by Ministers in pursuance of the Direction of the Chairman, Rajya Sabha, dated the 24th September, 2004 in accordance with the provisions of Rule 266 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Council of States: —

Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

1. 08-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Two Hundred and Fourteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Department of Biotechnology.

Shri Ashwani Kumar 0-01

2. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Two Hundred and Seventeenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests.

Shri Ashwani Kumar —

3. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Seventh Report (Fifteenth Lok Sabha) of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment on Demands for Grants (2009-10) of the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

Shri Salman Khursheed


Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

4. 08-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Twelfth Report (Fifteenth Lok Sabha) of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

Shri Salman Khursheed

5. 10-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs on border fencing and floodlighting projects along Indo-Pak border.

Shri Mullappally Ramachandran


6. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs.

Shri Mullappally Ramachandran

7. 11-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Thirteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development.

Shri V. Kishore Chandra Deo



Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

8. 11-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Two Hundred and Fifteenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests on Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Department of Space.

Shri V. Narayanasamy

9. 18-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Twenty-eighth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance on the Demands for Grants (2010-11) of the Ministry of Planning.

Shri Ashwani Kumar 0-01

10. 25-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the First Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment.

Shri Mukul Wasnik 0-01

11. 26-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Seventh Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology on Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11.

Shri Sachin Pilot 0-01


Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

12. 29-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Sixth and Eighth Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution.

Prof. K.V. Thomas 0-01

13. 30-08-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Twenty-sixth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance on Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11, relating to the Departments of Economic Affairs, Financial Services, Expenditure and Disinvestment.

Shri Pranab Mukherjee


14. 02-09-2011 Status of implementation of observations/ recommendations contained in the Eighth and Nineteenth Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture on Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11, of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education.

Shri Kapil Sibal 0-01


Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

15. 05-09-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Fifth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture on Demands for Grants, for the year 2009-10, of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries.

Shri Charan Das Mahant


16. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Ninth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture on Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11, of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries.

Shri Charan Das Mahant

17. 06-09-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Eighth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development pertaining to Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11, of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Shri Jairam Ramesh 0-01

18. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the One Hundred and Ninety-second Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests.

Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan


Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

19. 06-09-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, Forty-first and Forty-second Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare on the Demands for Grants, for the year 2010-11, of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay

20. 08-09-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Tenth Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Coal and Steel.

Shri Beni Prasad Verma


21. -do- Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the First, Fourteenth, Nineteenth, Thirty-first and Forty-third Reports of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice on Demands for Grants, for the years 2004-05, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2010-11 respectively pertaining to the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

Shri V. Narayanasamy


Sl. No.

Date Subject matter of the Statement Name of the Minister Time takenHrs.Mts.

22. 08-09-2011 Status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Sixty-second Report on Management of funds by the Department of Posts through Banking and Insurance Activities relating to Department of Posts of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology for the Ministry of Communications and IT.

Shri Sachin Pilot —

Total: 10-41


Secretary-General reported to the Rajya Sabha, 20 messages received from the Lok Sabha and laid on the Table, 9 Government Bills, as passed by the Lok Sabha, during the Session.

(Time taken: 11 Mts.)

RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 Meetings of the Business Advisory Committee were held during the Session to allocate time for Government Legislative and other Business. Recommendations of the Committee in respect of five (5) meetings reported to the House on the dates mentioned below: —

Sl. No. Date Time taken Hrs.Mts.

1. 02-08-2011 0-01 2. 05-08-2011 0-01 3. 11-08-2011 0-01 4. 25-08-2011 0-01 5. 02-09-2011 0-01


4 Statements regarding Government Business were made in the House on the following dates during the Session: —

Sl.No. Date Time taken

Hrs.Mts. 1. 05-08-2011 0-01 2. 12-08-2011 0-01 3. 19-08-2011 0-01 4. 27-08-2011 0-01

Total: 0-04

SHORT DURATION DISCUSSIONS (Discussions under Rule 176)

Sl. No.

Date(s) Name of the Member who

raised the discussion

Subject No. of Speakers

Minister who replied

Time takenHrs.Mts.

1. 03-08-2011 04-08-2011

Dr. Manohar Joshi

Situation arising out of growing incidents of terrorism in the country with special reference to recent blasts in Mumbai on 13th July, 2011.

17 Shri P. Chidambaram


2. 09-08-2011 Shri Arun Jaitley

# Statement laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 3rd August, 2011 by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports regarding Commonwealth Games, 2010 and the developments that have taken place thereafter.

8 — 2-17

3. 24-08-2011 Shri Arun Jaitley

Growing incidence of corruption in the country.

23 Shri V. Narayanasamy


4. 25-08-2011 Shri D. Raja raised a discussion on the situation arising out of the problems being faced by Sri Lankan Tamils.

14 Shri S.M. Krishna


Total: 15-44


# Discussion remained inconclusive.



Date Particulars Minister who laid on the Table Time taken Hrs.Mts.

02-08-2011 Supplementary Demands for Grants (General) 2011-12.

Shri Namo Narain Meena 0-01


0-01 _________




Title of the Bill Date of Introduction /laying on the Table as passed by Lok Sabha

Date of discussion in the Rajya Sabha


No. of Speakers

Time takenHrs. Mts.


1. The Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry (Amendment) Bill, 2010.



Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad



Passed, as amended.

2. The Coinage Bill, 2011.

01-08-2011 11-08-2011 Shri Pranab Mukherjee

8 2-07 Passed

3. The Appropriation (No. 3) Bill, 2011.

08-08-2011 -do- -do- 14 2-56 Returned

4. The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Bill, 2011.

18-08-2011 — Shri Mallikarjun Kharge

— 0-01



5. The Border Security Force (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

18-08-2011 — Shri Jitendra Singh

— 0-01 Introduced

6. The Administrators-General (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

-do- — Shri Salman Khursheed

— 0-01 -do-

7. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2010.

16-11-2010 19-08-2011 Shrimati Krishna Tirath

7 1-06 Passed, as amended.

8. The National Council for Teacher Education (Amendment) Bill, 2010.

16-04-2010 25-08-2011 Shri Kapil Sibal

5 0-58 -do-

&9. The State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks Laws) Amendment Bill, 2011.

12-08-2011 25-08-2011 30-08-2011

Shri Namo Narain Meena

6 1-02 -do-

& Amendment moved by Shri Piyush Goyal was adopted.


10. The Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

16-08-2011 26-08-2011 Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad

18 2-55 Passed

11. The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

19-08-2011 26-08-2011 29-08-2011

-do- 18 3-12 -do-


The Commercial Division of High Courts Bill, 2010.

— 29-08-2011 Shri Salman Khursheed

— 0-24 Under Consideration

13. The Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram Bill, 2011.

26-08-2011 07-09-2011 Shri Kapil Sibal

7 0-21 Deferred

14. The Customs (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2011.

-do- -do- Shri Namo Narain Meena

— 0-02 Returned

Total: 16-20

# The Bill, as passed by Lok Sabha, was referred to a Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha on the 22nd December, 2009. The Committee presented its report to the Rajya Sabha on the 29th July, 2010.



I. Private Members’ Bills

Sl. No.

Date Title of the Bill Member-in-Charge

Minister who participated

No. of Speakers

Time taken Hrs. Mts.


1. 05-08-2011 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (to amend article 348)

Shri Prabhat Jha

— — 0-01 Introduced

2. -do- The Unorganised Workers’ Social Security (Amendment) Bill, 2010

-do- — — 0-01 -do-

3. -do- The Media Council Bill, 2010

Shri Prakash Javadekar

— — 0-01 -do-

4. -do- The Public Liability for Non-Nuclear Industrial Mishap Bill, 2010

-do- — — — -do-

5. -do- The Consultation and Ratification of Treaties Bill, 2011

-do- — — 0-01 -do-


6. 05-08-2011 The Learning of Devanagari Script (For National Unity) Bill, 2011.

Shri M. Rama Jois

— — 0-01 Introduced

7. -do- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (Amendment of the Tenth Schedule).

Shri Thomas Sangma

— — 0-01 -do-

8. -do- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (Amendment of article 324).

Shri Mohan Singh

— — 0-01 -do-

9. -do- The Distressed and Neglected Widows and Divorced Women (Maintenance, Support and Welfare) Bill, 2011.

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta

— — 0-01 -do-

10. -do- The Prevention of Trafficking of Girl Child for Commercial Purposes Bill, 2011.

-do- — — — -do-


11. 05-08-2011 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (insertion of new articles 80A and 171A).

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta

— — — Introduced

12. -do- The Farmers (Removal of Indebtedness and Welfare) Bill, 2011.

Shri R. C. Singh

— — 0-01 -do-

13. -do- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (insertion of new article 24A).

-do- — — — -do-

14. -do- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

Shri P. Rajeeve

— — 0-01 -do-

15. -do- The Endosulfan Pesticide (Prohibition) Bill, 2011.

-do- — — 0-01 -do-

16. -do- The Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2011.

Shri D. Raja — — — -do-


17. 05-08-2011 The Anti-Corruption, Grievance Redressal and Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2011.

Shri M.V. Mysura Reddy

— — 0-01 Introduced

18. -do- The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Amendment Bill, 2011.

Shri Mahendra Mohan

— — 0-01 -do-

19. -do- The Right to Shelter Bill, 2011.

Shri N.K. Singh

— — — -do-

20. -do- The Prevention of Extravagance and Unlimited Expenditure on Marriage Bill, 2011.

Prof. P.J. Kurien

— — 0-01 -do-

21. -do- The Special Financial Assistance to the State of Madhya Pradesh Bill, 2010.

Shri Prabhat Jha

— — 0-01 -do-

22. -do- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (Amendment of Eighth Schedule).

Shri Tarun Vijay

— — 0-01 -do-


23. 05-08-2011 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (to Amend article 15).

Shri Tarun Vijay

— — 0-01 Introduced

24. 05-08-2011 19-08-2011

The Illegal Immigrants (Identification and Deportation) Bill, 2006.

Dr. Manohar Joshi

Shri Mullappally Rama-chandran

10 2-52 Withdrawn

25. 19-08-2011 The Girl Child (Free and Compulsory Education) Bill, 2010.

Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy

— — 0-01 Introduced

26. -do- The Special Financial Assistance to the State of Uttar Pradesh Bill, 2011.

Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap

— — 0-01 -do-

27. -do- The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (insertion of new article 16A).

-do- — — 0-01 -do-

28. -do- The Prohibition and Eradication of Ragging Bill, 2011.

Dr. Janardhan Waghmare

— — 0-01 -do-


29. 19-08-2011 The Prevention of Dreadful Superstitious Practices Bill, 2011.

Dr. Janardhan Waghmare

— — — Introduced

30. -do- The Special Financial Assistance to the State of Sikkim Bill, 2010.

Shri O.T. Lepcha

— 12 1-47 Under Consideration






II. Private Members’ Resolution

Sl. No.

Date Name of the Mover

Subject Minister who participated

No. of Speakers

Time taken Hrs. Mts.


1. 12-08-2011

Shri N.K. Singh

“This House resolves to redefine the contours of the food security proposals to include minimum entitlements for health and education consistent with human dignity and to restructure the proposed Food Security Bill as the “Food and Social Security Bill.”

Prof. K.V. Thomas

12 1-24 Withdrawn by leave of the House. (The discussion on the resolution commenced on the 4th March, 2011)

2. -do- Shri K. N. Balagopal

"Having regard to the facts that:

(a) the issue related to self-financing Colleges was addressed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the TMA Pai Case and in 2005, its Constitution Bench in its decision in the Inamdar Case stated that a comprehensive legislation should be made by the Legislature;

— 4 1-05 Under Consideration.


(b) since the self-financing professional colleges come under Entry 66 of List 1 of Schedule VII of the Constitution, Parliament is the competent Legislature but during the last 6 years of the judgment, no effective steps have been taken by the Government to enact such a legislation;

(c) reports of suicides of students due to inability to pay high fees in private self-financing institutions are very common as in the existing system the private managements control a major chunk of the available opportunities;

(d) the exorbitant tuition fee and capitation charges have made these institutions much more lucrative than what their name, self-financing suggests;


(e) factually speaking, they are a source of profit greater than what other investments can provide;

(f) many of the teaching and non-teaching staff of these institutions are under qualified due to which the quality of education in them is also a matter of concern; and

(g) today, various High Courts and even the Supreme Court are hearing a plethora of petitions regarding self-financing institutions and to put an end to these endless litigations, the Government must step in and play its designated role of protecting the interests of the student community and the people at large;

this House urges upon the Government to enact a comprehensive Central legislation to regulate Fees, Admission and


Academic Quality in private professional institutes and private Deemed Universities in order to:

(i) ensure social justice in admissions, fees, and academic quality;

(ii) ensure excellence in education through merit based admissions;

(iii) ensure academic excellence through qualified teaching faculty;

(iv) prevent capitation fee and commercialization of education; and

(v) set up a higher education fund for giving assistance to the needy students."

Total: 2-29


Date Name of the Member who raised the discussion

Subject No. of Speakers

Minister who replied

Time taken Hrs.Mts.

25-08-2011 Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy

Points arising out of the answer given in the Rajya Sabha on the 12th August, 2011, to Starred Question No. 183 regarding ‘Development of higher and technical education in underdeveloped States’.

5 Shri Kapil Sibal


Total: _______

0-29 ———




On the 8th September, 2011, the Chairman made valedictory remarks on the conclusion of the Session.

(Time taken: 03 Mts.) NATIONAL SONG On the 8th September, 2011, 2011, National Song (Vande Mataram) was


(Time taken: 01 Minute)




Sl. No.

Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.

1. National Anthem 0-01

2. Oath or Affirmation 0-12

3. Obituary References 0-46

4. References by the Chair 0-05

5. Introduction of Ministers by the Prime Minister 0-03

6. Questions 10-40

7. Statements by Ministers Correcting Answers to Questions 0-09

8. Papers Laid on the Table 0-33

9. Reports/Statements of the Committees Presented/Laid on the Table


10. Farewell to the retiring Members 0-20

11. Welcome to New Members 0-01

12. Panel of Vice-Chairmen 0-01

13. Resignation by Members 0-01

14. Question of Privilege 0-05

15. Leave of Absence 0-05

16. Motion for presenting an Address under Article 217 read with Clause (4) of Article 124 of the Constitution

(a) Observation by the Chairman 0-05

(b) Discussion on the Motion 6-58

17. Motions for Elections/Appointments of Members to various Committees/Bodies


18. Motion for Extension of time for presentation of the Report of the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha on the Wakf (Amendment) Bill, 2010


19. Matters raised with permission 1-50


Sl. No.

Subject Time taken Hrs.Mts.


20. Special Mentions 2-02

21. Calling Attention to Matters of Urgent Public Importance 1-59

22. Statements by Ministers 10-41

23. Messages from the Lok Sabha-Reported/Government Bills Laid on the Table


24. Recommendations of the Business Advisory Committee 0-05

25. Statements regarding Government Business 0-04

26. Short Duration Discussions (Discussions Under Rule 176) 15-44

27. Supplementary Demands for Grants — Laid on the Table 0-01

28. Government Legislative Business 16-20

29. Private Members' Business

I. Private Members’ Bills II. Private Members’ Resolutions

5-00 2-29

30. Half-an-Hour Discussion 0-29

31. Valedictory Remarks 0-03

32. National Song 0-01

33. Points raised 3-34

Total: 81-25



Time Taken

Time Lost




01-08-2011 0 56 4 05 The House was adjourned and question hour and Government Business could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of Land Acquisition in Uttar Pradesh and Corruption.

02-08-2011 0 10 4 50 The House was adjourned and question hour and Government Business could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of Price Rise.

03-08-2011 4 13 0 45 The House was adjourned for some time due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of land allotment to the Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust.

04-08-2011 6 55 0 00 –––––

05-08-2011 4 28 0 00 –––––

08-08-2011 0 06 4 55 The House was adjourned and question hour and Government Business could not take place due to demand by Opposition Members for the resignation of Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi in view of her indictment in the CAG Report on Commonwealth Games, 2010.


Taken Time Lost




09-08-2011 2 53 1 00 The House was adjourned and Question Hour could not take place due to demand by Opposition Members for the resignation of Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi in view of her indictment in the CAG Report on Commonwealth Games, 2010.

10-08-2011 0 04 4 55 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of Police atrocities on farmers in Pune and BJP Party workers in Delhi.

11-08-2011 6 13 0 00 –––––

12-08-2011 4 59 0 00 –––––

16-08-2011 0 11 4 50 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of the agitation for Jan Lokpal Bill by Shri Anna Hazare.

17-08-2011 5 37 0 30 The House was adjourned and Question Hour could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the issue of the agitation for Jan Lokpal Bill by Shri Anna Hazare.

18-08-2011 5 54 0 00 –––––

19-08-2011 4 44 0 00 –––––


Taken Time Lost




23-08-2011 0 09 4 55 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place due to demand by Opposition Members for a statement on the growing incidence of corruption in the country especially in the context of the nation wide agitation against corruption and plea for introduction of a strong Lokpal Bill launched by Shri Anna Hazare and discussion thereon.

24-08-2011 6 12 0 00 –––––

25-08-2011 6 09 1 00 The House was adjourned and Question Hour could not take place due to protests by Opposition Members on the situation arising out of the fast launched by Shri Anna Hazare against rampant corruption in the country.

26-08-2011 4 31 0 00 –––––

27-08-2011 8 01 0 00 –––––

29-08-2011 5 33 0 00 –––––

30-08-2011 1 33 3 25 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place due to demand by Opposition Members for recall of the Governor of Gujarat on the issue of appointment of Lokayukta in the State without consultation with the State Government.

83Date Time

Taken Time Lost



02-09-2011 0 18 4 50 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place due to demand by Opposition Members for recall of the Governor of Gujarat on the issue of appointment of Lokayukta in the State without consultation with the State Government.

05-09-2011 0 09 4 50 -do-

06-09-2011 0 14 4 45 -do-

07-09-2011 1 02 2 30 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place on the issue of the Bomb blast at Delhi High Court.

08-09-2011 0 13 1 30 The House was adjourned and Question Hour and Government Business could not take place on the issue of recent developments in the Cash for Vote scam.

Total 81 25 53 35


Highlights of work transacted during the 223rd Session – At a glance


Date of issue of Summons 13-7-2011 Duration of the Session 1-8-2011 to 8-9-2011 Number of actual days of sitting 26 Actual Hours of sittings (excluding recess

intervals) 81 Hrs. & 25 Mts.

Time lost due to interruptions/adjournments 53 Hrs. & 35 Mts. Time made up by late sittings/skipping lunch

recess 14 + Hrs.

Date of prorogation of Session 15-9-2011 Questions No. of Starred Questions listed 500 No. of Starred Questions answered orally 65 No. of Unstarred Questions answered 3875 Government Bills No. of Bills introduced 3 No. of Bills withdrawn - No. of Bills passed/returned 9 No. of Bills under consideration 1 No. of Bills deferred 1 Private Members’ Business No. of Bills introduced 28 No. of Bills part discussed (Under consideration) 1 No. of Bills withdrawn/negatived 1 No. of Resolution part discussed 1 No. of Resolution withdrawn/negatived 1 Oath/Affirmation No. of Members made and subscribed

oath/affirmation 13

85Statements by Ministers No. of suo motu Statements made/laid by

Ministers 8

No. of Statements laid regarding Repots of Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees


Matters of public importance raised No. of Calling Attentions 1 No. of Short Duration Discussions 4 No. of Special Mentions 158 No. of Matters raised with permission 31 Submission by Members - Papers Laid on the Table 1606 papers


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