Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Benefit From An “Intelligent Approach” To Acquiring Customers Using the Internet


Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Respect sales prospects as you would have them respect you.

The Golden Rule of Sales Prospecting

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Dissecting Sales Prospects

Business people go to the Web wanting to become victims of ad targeting and data mining privacy invasion.

Myth One

RealityB2B professionals go to the Web for information to become better informed on the issues, problems, and solutions that can make their job easier and business more successful.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Dissecting Sales Prospects

Data mining, now combined with predictive marketing & native ads are called the Holy Grail of Web marketing.

Myth Two

RealityThe only things we know about data mining, predictive marketing & native ads is that they are costly, violate ethical business norms and are potentially illegal.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Dissecting Sales Prospects

Permission marketing protects business people from unwanted and annoying advertisements.

Myth Three

RealityPermission marketing is now another advertising scam. Providing your name and email is now de facto permission to continue to receive an onslaught of emails and contextual ads in your web pages.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

• You view a piece of what you think might be interesting content, so you decide to relinquish you basic contact information. You have not however given permission to what happens next.

• Then unknown to you, algorithms are hard at work searching databases to identify what other pages, forms, and personal information exist in cyberspace. Then once they have mined sufficient personal data about you, hold on to your seat.

How Dissecting Sales Prospects Works

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

• You will start receiving more emails, banner, and native ads will appear on almost every content page you visit that match your assumed subject interests

• Finally, your accumulated information from data mining is repeatedly sold to any number of unknown companies that want to sell you something, too.

How Dissecting Sales Prospects Works – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

How to Stop This Insanity

As the game of online advertising gotcha continues we can only hope that:

•We will all-wise up and refuse that enticing free content lure, which often is not quality content and never free. •Ad-blocking software will continue to grow in its use and become even more sophisticated as explained by Doc Searls in his blog series...

Beyond ad blocking — the biggest boycott in human history:

How Dissecting Sales Prospects Works – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

How Did We Get Here A Quick History Lesson

Remember when we all wanted to be advertised to when banner ads were our first experience with web advertising. Yeah Right!

Just as in 1999, we learned how to cope with banner ads.

“We know where banners are located, and therefore, we know how to skip over them since we aren’t *looking* for ads. We are looking for information. Thus, there is banner “blindness”.” Source:” Usability Perspective on Banner Ads, by John S. Rhodes June 1999

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Freedom of the Web to empower people versus harassing them remains under attack like never before.

The Web is not just another “pipe” as radio or TV was to send relentless waves of advertising down to the other end of which waits a brainless audience. Unlike radio and TV, the Web was not founded to entertain people and sell products. The Web was originated to allow people to find and share information.

Web Freedom

How Did We Get Here A Quick History Lesson (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

A Brave New World of Web Advertising

Now that the Madison Ave “MAD Men” have gone techno wild. We now have the latest version of we can sell you anything. They will send you, hundreds of disguised ads (called native advertising), with deceptive messages and by building a personal databank on everyone they will know exactly what you want at all times. Do you believe that? They do.

Native Ads

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

More importantly do we truly find “helpful” the intruding ads centered on the last web page we viewed or does it make you feel creepy?

Are We Only the Web Pages We View?

A Brave New World of Web Advertising – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Advertisers Say, Just Want to be “Helpful”Today’s, soccer Mom can also be a working business professional and have parents that have a debilitating disease. Her interests and her need for information are as varied and changeable as her life.

Try to put today’s sales prospect in a box and you run the risk of either insulting, scarring or missing their real interests all together.

A Brave New World of Web Advertising – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Buyers Are Really In ChargeWhat the Madison Ave crowd does not want you to know is that buyers are in charge not sellers in the Internet Age.

They do this because, if you accept that buyers are in charge, then your approach to advertising to those buyers must change from the old advertising ways when sellers were in charge.

They prefer the old ad ways with the new technology of native advertising and data mining in an attempt to keep the control of selling products and services in their hands serving sellers.

A Brave New World of Web Advertising – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Convert Sales prospects to CustomersThere are five common sense reasons to respect your sales prospects. The new power shift in the b2b buyer/seller relationship makes converting sales prospects to customers easier & more profitable.

1.Respect How Your Audience Wants to Receive Information on Your Products & Services2.Stop Profiling & Data Mining Your Potential Customers3.Customers Now Are Targeting You!4.Always Put Your Sales Prospects First5.Respecting Your Prospects Is the Better Way to Market on the Web

Respect Your Sales Prospects

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

1. How Your Audience Wants to Receive Information

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

Source: 50 Stats You Need to Know About Content Marketing – NewsCred

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

2. Stop Profiling & Data Mining Your Sales Prospects

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

Offline target marketing produces results of 2-5% in terms of turning suspects into prospects. Online the results are the same or worse.

•The average click-through rate for B2B marketing e-mails in Q2 2013 was 1.7% – Mark The Marketer.

•Across all ad formats and placements Ad CTR is 0.06% So, this is less than 1 click per 1000 impressions. – Smart Insights

With these levels of “success”, why dissect your potential customers.

Alternatively, write blogs and high-quality content that provides useful information to your sales prospects and when they search for answers to their business problems they will find you. When they call you, that is a real sales lead.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

3. Customers Now Are Targeting You!

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

• Viewers indirectly and directly “target” advertisers that provide information and solutions that satisfy their needs.

• Sales prospects that sign-up for your Blog or request contact not before, but after they have read and learned about your business solutions is the only way to respect prospects.

• Learn to become a target of your sales prospects and stop targeting them. Sales prospects will let you know when they want to engage, they will contact you.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

4. Always Put Your Sales Prospects First

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

• Avoid mind dulling content be sure your content is quality & relevant to your audience.

• Insist that the environment surrounding your content be professional.

• Be sure the web page your content resides on does not draw attention away from your content with annoying ads or inappropriate images. These distractions discredit your content quality and disrespect your viewer.

• Remember your objective is to attract and inform a prospective client that you have solutions to their particular business problem.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

4. Always Put Your Sales Prospects First – (continued)

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

• Do not use a hard sell approach and tell them how great your company is and your products or services.

• Demonstrate your firm’s value through stories how you have helped others overcome similar problems.

• Look to forge a marriage of self-directed discovery where two parties find each other based on an intelligent exchange of customer-centric communication not meaningless ad slogans and embellished capabilities.

5. Respecting Your Prospects the Better Way to Market

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

• The Internet has put the Viewer in charge and has all but excluded the possibility of cost-effective target marketing.

• Embrace Viewer control as a central Web reality. It gives you a simpler and affordable marketing alternative that maximizes your sale prospect’s ability to “target” you.

• Get control of your marketing. Invest in content marketing to produce high-quality content in the form of blogs, articles, application stories, and white papers.

• Create content that will convince viewers that you have smart, proven business solutions for companies like them.

Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

Bottom Line

Respect Your Sales Prospects – (continued)

B2B marketers need to stop targeting and dissecting sales prospects and start finding ways to respect prospects in their marketing approach and focus on turning them into customers by satisfying their needs.

About IndustryArchive.OrgIndustryArchive is a B2B Resource Community that helps business professionals get quality information & high-quality B2B sales leads that call you. Learn more here.

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Respect Sales Prospects Do Not Dissect Them

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