Respdnse - Treherne · Coul tet· . : .. , . " .'. , . . . . . .. 25.00 . 'Vilsoll'.'.'J. , ... ,"' .... 25.00 Josl\Iurray ..... , .. , ..• Monthly Subsoriptions 1.00. 1.00, 1:00

Post on 27-Aug-2018






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J. A. Hnr"ier.i/,., ..... : ..... . P. Stl·aube. , , , ... , ... , , ,

Thoa Wilson. t,' • , •• " • , , • ; •• 5.00 J. C. Staples .. , .. , ... , . . .. 10.00

tele-I.':A. B. Lloyd .' ....... ,..... 2.00

" • •


..t. [have moved from'Treb,nuo &0 Wlaalp. lIut·IDlead .arrllD8 on my AnetioD Bula .. thrtou,b the Connlry. Caelo"""'wU1.r_I,. Prompt Attention b, wrll'"&I.' a' mr p,-, .ddrellor PboneSberbrooar AS70n reyerM .b..,. I'rle81 .. Ulual. SaU.f •• ,loa Onaran'Mel

II. W""~I M"".A., I I •• "'~". "" WI •• ,. ..

Ne. 21

Splendid Respdnse

Oeo Jones . . . . . . . • . • ..... . . •• 1.00 Peroy N esbi~t .......• ,... 2.00 Do. "id lt~oN eil ...... :., .. , 2 00 \W. H. Stinson ....•... ".. ] 0.00 J. G. l\IoGowan I, , •••• , • • •• 25.00

o.nd 25.00 ht June] U16. Coe ........ I • ~ • • • • • • • 2.00

Pl'C~Vilnoel;1 Wong Bong. , .... , , , ... " 2.0Q

i~j~~~~lilfjlil~~~~Jfi: I1.PIPl'ecjated S. Mengel' .",' •. .-....... ,. 2.00 -J. c. Boles .. " ' , .. I • . • . . • . • A. J. Pal frey ............• Coul tet· . : .. , . " .'. , . . . . . .. 25.00 . 'Vilsoll'.'.'J. , ... ,"' .... 25.00 Josl\Iurray ....... , .. , ..•

Monthly Subsoriptions

1.00. 1.00, 1:00 6.00 1.00

T. J. Lamont ., .... ',. 25.00 R. A, Sanderson ......... . D. Harvie" :1, .. i" • • • • • • • • •• 5.00 J. A. Le\vis ................ .. I I \ \ 500 P 11 B .. 00 JaB. Flaok . ,', .,. : ,' .. , . . ... . 0 qn ros ., ......••.. ,';.6.

'.< 12.00 100 Jns RosQ..,;..I.· . . . . . Dl Diokie ...•...••••••• • • ..'Y • .(,.~ ... '\ ••••••••• I

P. Smith "~l'" ..•..•...••• 10.00 J. A. !lobBon ", ... , .•• ',. Loo " f" rOr. r: 00 C W' I ;, 00 J. R. Sco[,t. :",: ~ . . . . . . . . . . .. o. . 100 luall •••• \ • • • • • • • • ~. Thoe Towns ......... , . ',' . . 5.00 N. Catt ......•• , .•.• , . , • • 1.el

• ," '... ~I'\ Andl'ew ltlp)ee .. ',' .... , , .. C. A. RPllX '" ......• , . , •• 2,00 J. H"Smith ........... /. . 5:00 R. P. Moriison , .....•.• ,' 3.00 Mrs R. Gbrie'. : .. : ... , . . . . . J. Scammell ............. . Mi~a ilcnslewood .... ·...... 5.,00 Geo E. Stap19s ' ............. . U. J. Mills, .'.' .... ' ....... , .. 10.0(1 T. J. Lamont ..........• , •• Rev W~ ?If:;Fee. ' ..... ' ... " 25.00 j, A. Christilaw .. : ...... .

• ~ I 000 . Geo Graham-.. - . . . . . . . . . .. 1. V. L. Anderson ..... " ....• '"ll"lld,R,],lIc ser\'ice'is A. lII~~I(nighll1.n ...... , .... 30.00' F. J. McFarlane ...•. ,.,.,

' ,

1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00


1.00 1.00


of' tele· G. W. Willett· . :" .'.: ..... , 10.00 F. Thoinbel.t ........••. ,. l~pl,IOlle Sllb~lcl~iberll, and is furnished D. ,T. Hird" ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 A. Sandell .. , .....•......

~iil~!I~~ii.!~!~~~~~~~r;~li~i:~~ii~;~ to subscribers by 25.00 F. Rumsey ... , .......... , .;1 Uo\'el~nnl'€ Int Telephones 20.00 1:.. Gorie ,.,' ...•. , • , • ,' ... ,.",',.'U eX~',I~ItlioiJlt:'!~h~~: 1.OC) darter ...............•

1.00 1.00 ,50

1.00 , F. Steele .......•.....• 1.00


J 8S Lee ....... ;-; ....... ' ••. 1.00

Othel' SOlmieR or Re\'enue

••• 0 ••••••••

,~~:13-'-]JC?ll,sl)iel •••••••••• 2!J.50 33.1.

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Fi \'e ·Imndrild ~ dollar.~"IiU' 'tiii.n:. .1.· .... ,·1 forwarded to the Cent~BI GOmmitt ..

at WinnipeK, and. there' ia' atill 0.

balance ,on "ho.nd:tlf 8345~95.

The locl1.1 committee' "",QUlIl like have thl8 amount increaeed to

.... ~'~~. "'U seen as possi ble. n that .... _ Bre allY who h~ve not been oo.lled UpOll Bnd would like to, subsoribe', their su bsori ptions will be Rl&<\l" r~eived by the president. Mt. J. Coulter. 01' tbo Secretary-TreNr

- - .'

handIlOin.,: apeouu._

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America his representative to us (we Amerl· cans) His Excellency, Count von Bern· storll, the, German Ambassador, stun· ned us, We had I never received any sucb Instructions before, and oh the positive rudeness at It! ::rhe Iml{erlal aod Imperative manner of the Instruc·

As t1!lns to Americans we, of course, did

tries wort\~ahatr a million tnlles'.1 al"bng tbe line n°irtakfllse;t0uny, f II' Griggs wenl on with his account, tho ,Individual tI e ~~ le·,lnst ul a Itll d

S PUblhlShod no-"Ab t and Insisting c meu a e y ca e to l e allen·

ou a month ago the things tlon at tile G A 'b d? "T I I

develop ourselvos In peaoe, we are erman m assa or, as

was te I ng yOU Clf were hung In the he told th"t he 1 tit I tl t

lib Profoundly Interested In tbe Ileroic " nus ns ant y see 10. rary at a millionaire In this city." no\ barm sbould come ( Wns he told

lIe hitched his chnlr a little clbser to support that Canada Is giving to tile he must avert It? Does anyone doubt the desk nnd lenned forward, lowering nllle~ cause, whlcb In many wnys rep· 1 say our that In the Intervonlng five days a real his voice almosl to 0. whisper all he resents tbe things that we most carll \ I stated bls plan. (or as a nation, In this respect at ptlople advisedly, meunlng to exclul.e I mer can govornment might have per·

leasl the United StnteJ Is, as Mr. De. tho~e whvse "hypbens" still attach suaded the Germans not to murder us? "Let's go afler them.. Tbey were pew put It "associated with Canada," them to their natIVe or ancestral land, ! Think It over. You would never bave

smugglerl, mind you, and no malleI' 'rhe Canadian confederation Is like Had We not, however, a right to feel known It, and the real American who what hnppens he can't sClueal. What another selr to the American union, that back of such sane counsel was a I might have saved those Amorlcan lives do you say?" It Is an InstructiVe thing to study tho strong, brave govornment which wou;d and all others since would have been

Gnrson sbot a piercing glance at In!luences which underlie Canada's alwuys mal_lalll AmerIcan honor even criticized for his rudeness to an Em· lIlary. . action in tills crisis, It Is not so to action Ii necessnry for American peror!

"!t's up to her," he said. Griggs reo many years since the London 'I'lmes, rights and rlghteousnesD betweell man Alas, our travellers, 111(6 tho free gnrded Mary eagorly as she sat with spealting for the British mhldle class and mnn and nation and nation. Americans thoy thougbt they were, set

Tbe German General In America IIlI Indeed a real General.

It approval of our course Is modern Americanism, tben Indeed I am not au. American.

Sball we not redesign our beloved: Uncle Sam? Ougbt we not to depict blm as a blind, bloodless cigar store Indian, with a wooden bead and a wooden heart and woo(len Insides?

Detroit, Mich., Jan. 3, 19i6.

, •

Ung e~,g:ll:s~l~t:;~cl(,l(B 'IOOUUIJllI:5t1: perfectly eyes downcast. and the British middle pOSition as boo We IU1VO remnlne", as a peoplo su· sail on tholr Inwful vocations, with, as

Mary shook Lor bead . decisively. lween tbe grent pOlitical pnrties, de. plnely quiescent under sucb a series lhey thought,ltlle great American peo· "ll's out ot our," she declared. IIberately advised Can ado. to CUt the III incidents as have nevor beforo 11'- plo backing them up III their lawful lovely!" .. .

,oIalpu bet It ,lovely! elliJ' i,le turned to Mary hi~i with 'satfsfiicllon, ' 1~1M\lry,': hn, ,said.

hlmaymoon trip all tl\)lla'salls at 6 In

. \y:\H-" 1~~\1.hel'~ Is your [atbelr?"

nSKcli, without ',~'Qi,'Lord! ,

a.qd.· I'll tell you ll8Ytd! dad' 0. ,wlrol t~lT\twrlt\l hll}!. Crom .l'a.~IB,;,~;

. W.llnt \1 Its your ylill \l.hat I.wouldn't gO ~ QU ,had brought you nlill 'Ile l11id vJlsl\od us' ·,t:~~I'ary ," Dick said

"YOU,I are not golug to )ll'!l1'lIlse ?" ;~~1' nln going ~o

promise, Dlcll." li>.(l!l right.' You paole ·;It;;:,""I·;"

yQu .need, glrllo-just 'tlieY."sell clothes In '-11."R,

U~~&~I'II run down h!l:Vo" blm bnck h YO\l 'will be all

,"X6H, yes, I'll be bring your father."

f'You bet 1 willi" Iy, 'lie woul(l hnve IIrms again, but she OS8, : ,

'IJ\1st ol1el" DIck "No" the bride , '

mln~tlon. 'I'I\jlro was sl

rettlllY untll'tbe tWO c\pslng be. the l1\enL 'I'hen, at hoI' p~nt.up n~nll~n'; was noar a gronn,

"Oh, gosb:'. sho ,,".D"~U, simp! "

Garson,' learning Dick <;lIlder bad lert, rI'lT.lllrn.,l.

, 'Mllry;, was glnnclng , wlth which General 1'I,,'RI.:lm"

IJP COmpCI[l.SDCWU turn' ot $tO,OOO Iss '''olll'~

Mnry spoke crls now you must get rencllV. he ,at Harris' cfflco l11().\lt nt 4 o'clocle, YPu 0.1'0 to let the o>'erylhlng."

'''1 don't see lho Itoy buslne~s," sho pr'Otl!st,ed, want Is lhe coin,"

"LlstClI,' Agnes, tried to mnke a mnn his money Il rosulted prison for lwo

"But thal wns "A ml th Is way

joined sharply, yOU \voultl nol' get way will. IIl1ne' Is not,

11011, Bure!" on bel' ~vny to the nOI:lr,'

"Mr. Griggs." There was a maid, which later, when the drawlng:,."n"" '.

" wns of arl~,ellel:t:l1lce as' to lLLI.ralal mlrlh

"I don't see any casler way to get cord that binds her to t110 empl!'o ani! rltatod'the patrlotlo Sl-Irlt of any peo· rights and guaranteeing their safety. hnH a million," Griggs said aggres· go bel' own way. Canadn not only did pie without bolng soundly and thor· Five daYs' later they were murd,ered, slve1y. . not go, but Is today contributing her oughly resented and, redressed. and not a finger have we lifted In de·

"It It were fifty mllllol1s It would treasure ,and her young manhood to American self respect Is being bar· fense our Americanism, \Ve talk nutke nO difference. It's against the defend the moth or country In a great tered thlOUgh tbe means of high t ' law,': emergency, 'l'here must be something sounding words for tbe !lesh pots of a hundred Innocents, Illcludlng . "Oh, I know nil that, of course," besides the "call of the blood" 111 this temporary soft and dellghdul peace women and children nnd 'bablos, were Griggs returned Impatiently, "But If attitude, rhe Canadians, In p at and prosporlty which we all so much drowned by Imperial order 187 being

can-" fact. are convinced' that they love when It. can be ours righteously. Americans. Our I'resldent is negotlat· •• ;'111)' friends an(1 I never do any- 111uch at'stalle, as a free counlry 'I'he pen Is Indeed mightier than the Ing to send milk to bnbles In Ger· thing thnt's !1Iegn!. Thank yoU-- to-r. and Imtlng militarism, as BrUI~t·."L ..... ,.... except only when we uSIl our many. . comlllg to us, Mr, Griggs, but we can't nln herself. Pnrticlpatlon In the war pen and the otber fellow uses his The German Ambassndor, howovor, go In, nnd there's (\11 end of the mat. Is really a far.seelng detenslve pro. sword, Is still In Washington, though the ter." " ceedlng on the part of Cnnadn. We 1 have always, until the historical fasblonnble botel In New YOI'll wblch I "But walt 0. minute," English Eddie are' not politically or militarily rocord of the past few years, especlal- barb aI'S blm when In that city has lost expostulated. "You see, this chap Gil. clated with bel' In this warfare, ly the last eighteen months, been the patronage at red blooded people, del' Is-" we also have our In,terests In the con. proud of being an American. I had There are some who understand and

"GUder?" Mary exclaimed question- !llcl and for much the' same reason.- felt that there was no serious blot resent belplessly, Ingly, \ Boston Transcript. upon our record as a nation. I had Does anyone thlnlc £61' a moment

:'Yes, You know who be Is-the felt thnt I could travel the world that It our American Ambassador In dry goods man." I ' around and be respected as an Amerl· Berlin were to publish a similar notice

nmnuoo", bad regained her can by reason of what our generation 'the Germnn people he would be per· no nr,I'OL bel' voice was trun. and thoso gone before had written In· milled to remnln In'Germnny except as

ns she replied: to the recorgs of the United States ot a hostage. I

"I lcnow; but just the same, It's lIle- or impover. America, sometimes even with 'the But wby gO on with further Incl· 1'":t.I, and 1 won't touch It.' Thnt's aU cllcrefllll to take onlv good red blood of renl men. dents and the dctatlls of the "firm at· thdre Is to It." ., 118 Dr: Pierce's Today, however, on what can be tltude" and "strict accountnblllty" of

"But hnlf 0. million t" Griggs ex- \.HlIwen'!V1'OOICf\IDiJicovei'v is lind has been based ,a feeling of pride In being an our International correspondence? ITbe clnlmed disconsolately. "'I'here's a American, In view of recent history? murders of Americans' continuo 'I'he stakiJ worth plnylng for. Think of It!" to truco this The tragedy of Mexico, Incontrovert· correspoIjdence continues and evory-

He turned pleadingly to Garson, ~~i~~i~i1f£:~~:~;~~~6f~~£~~~ and 110- Ibly from the records of George 'Hal" body seems to love tho flesh pots of a million, Joel", the blood In the North American Review, Is pence{ul prosperity, disgraceful lleace r'I'he telellhono rt:ng, and Mnry ox. the Liver, 0. pitiful picture of American dlshon· and disgraceful hnpplness,

herself. The Instant she wns or. J , We demand tbat the captain at the the room Griggs t .. 'rned to Gar. Yetllt Is a mere sbadow to the great· submarine who murdered tho pass·

, anxiously,' er dishonor' heaped upon us by the engel's on the Ancona shall bo "slap· "It's a cinch, Joe," be ploaded, "I've records of the Europenn war. ped on the wrist." We aCClulesc


In the gaL 0. plan of the hQuse:" He drew a Do we really want lo be a discredit· so·callod execution of Miss Cavel. We papor from his breast pocket and ed and dishonored nation? Do our are I} great people, handed It to tho forger, wbo studied people really understan[1 what Is being With what submissiveness shall we It with Intent, nvnrlclous eyes. ' done to them as a whole? Do they the next Instructions to Amerl·

"It looks easy," Garson agreed. Imow, I asic, that th'e honor of Amerl· en published by His Excel· "It Is easy," Griggs agreed. cans Is being sold for 'dishonorable cy?' "I promised Mary never to-" quietude? We hnve had our lesson-we better "But 0. chance IIIle lbls! w~:~~tl;~~r;;~:i?nl Do they know that all·the American bow down' low ami obey. We nre doing

come nround to tho back room at Hl1n-'1 C oal~Kn,cllll, people bave striven 'for from the dnys so. EverY,thlng Is perfectly sutlsfac· key's tonight and we'll bave a ot Washington through the times of tQry.· . Will you 7" Lincoln and McKinley Is slipping "Babbling fools". continue to bnbblo

"What time?" \ througb our fingers? of peace and neutrality when there Is "lIfnlre I~ early, say 0." ' <,;.We are not a warlike people. Yet neither. The onef!1Y C\lrrlos on war In

r "I'll' come," Garson wll bave never before In history lived coul!lr~ aI;ld ~ve ,tblnk It Is peace, guiltily. And .In tl~e sam undet a regime of "watcbful ,waiting" Washington officials call It Inrrac· Mary re.entered. or been counseled by our readers to be o,f, our' neutrality. 'I'ben more

Griggs rOSe and spolle with "too prond to fight," no maller what dynamite. ,maI'o mur.lers, and more of regret. • .. I tbe dishonor" " • diplomatic correspondence.

"It's 'follow .he leader,' he snld, H ever on earth was a man of peace, "and since you are against it that set. was Llne'oln:'Ye't not for a moment ties It," , l~l~~~~~:~~I~i;~n~~~~ he hesitate to meet the policy of k~:~n~r~t.~~d )tnb!~~.~:~II":JIJIOod.:.aIld 'Iron" like for IIke;-Wo reo

'I: ·.A'";'~'" sainted memor1. nnd we also ,. the memory of the men who against him. We bold' In dis·

dlsrepect tbe paclfiolstll of as we ,dO and ,will tbose of , ,

New Trench Caps Are Issued The 7~th battalion 01 Ollawa Is th~

first In Canada lo bo Issued tho now trench caps which aro sUPO! Selling, tho time honored fur wodgos as a. soldier's head dress In tho wlntol' time. 'rhe men made their appear­ance recently wtlh tho now calla. which aro In appearance a great 1m· provement on the fur wedges and are much preferred by tho men, They­nre made at 0. wool mlxturo, khaltl COIOI', vory similar In shape to hat~ worn by tho soldlors In sumlller, but or much heavier material. Thoy all! provided wllh oarlaps and keep the­hoad warm without tho uncomfortab.<1 heat and weight of tho fur caps,

Some I clllarlmble facts IIbout the metal requlrod to fill tho ordors C01" shrapuel and other shells that l~uroJle­has placed In tho Uulted States \\'010 given recently by the l>llnlng lIud mn· glneerlng World. A British 3,6 Inclb shrapnel shell requires 6 pounds 15 %. ounces of steel, and 5 llount:s 0% ounces of brass that contains Cram 66, to 70 per cent. of COPPbr, or about :1'),' pounds; and round the shell Is a small copper band that weighs ~ * ounces. A shell of that slzo rl'Clulres 1 87 pounds or spellor, Its contenls con­sist 01 702 pouuds of bu!lets, compos- ' ed of sevell pnrts of lead nnd ono part of nntlmony, Now, Europe hilS order­ed not less than 25,000,000 shells of nil kinds To malle them will uso up 101,-000,000 pounds of copper, 46,750,0(J() pounds ot spelter, and 173,260,OO() pounds of , lead. ,

, . ~ra'l~n~.

• • ,

'hwo,:»a. Wor",en Tell How' They" :'~;:~S,C~Pled the D.·eadfUl' Ordeal of

" Operations. ' .

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an ci:peril~tiou for a female 11.8 I had been.

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annot Depend on Germany !

'J\'-'-joo i,WOMEN·

. ~

one'clin say causes condl·

."·nn'·. trom other

a as Dr. . D.

thlma i.c'Remtldy, Uncl-r-cause, but th.ere

·:nlj':'iiilce':rtalnl:y regarding a


Don't waiL till night. Get after your cold now-this very

minute, boforo It grows dangerous ~ou should apply old·tlme "Nervlllne."

Rub your chost and throat, rub them thoroughly with Nervlltne. Ro­lief will be ImmJdlate .•

Nervlllne will ~ave you from lying awake tonight, coughing, cholting and sulTerlng from congestion In the chest and acute pain in tile throat

Nerv!l!ne will break up that dull neuralgic headache-w!ll k!ll the cold and chil! at Its very beglnning-wll1 sllve you from porhaps a serious ill­ness.

To take away Il0arseness, to break up a grlppy cold, to cure a sore throat or bad cold tn the clj.est, you can use nothing so speedy and elTective as Nervlllne. For forty years it has been the most largoly ured family remedy la the_ Dominion. Time has proved Us merit, so can you by keeping handy on the shelt. tbe large 600 fam­!iy size bottle; smal! trial size, 26c., sold by any dealer anywbere.

The Might of England \ ,-

U.S. Senator Does Not Wonder That • J' British Subjects Love Their - ' Coun~ry , Tile following splendid tribUte to

Great ~rltaln was delivered by Sen· ator Frye, spealting In his own coun­tryon the (IUestion 'ilt tbe Armenian outrngesa to.. l r 1

Germany as a Rehabilitator of Bel­gium Is a Mockery. Say. Amerl·

can Press "Germany a8' a rehabll!tator of Bel­

gium is a mockery and a bye·word, and 0. hissing on tho lips of history," says tho l'hlladelpuia Public Ledger, in editorial comment on • the \/ay In which the 10\ aders have aSSisted the people of Belgium In the pal ts of the country under occupation

"A hissing on tbo lips of history," This strong language coming !10m a noutral paper In a neutral COuutl y should brlug bomo forcibly to Can· adlaus the real stato of atJ:alrs Bel· glum noeds rehabIlItation. That Is evident by tbe statements of the Ger­mans tbat tbey are looking after It, but the mannor in wblch they bavo done It Is, as the Public Ledger says, umockery." •

What Bolglum needs Is material aid -not the tanclful or oven fancied as· slstanco that Germany says sho Is gl vlng. What do the Belgians care about the restoration of the 1"lemlsh language when there Is but 0110 "orll to them-broad 7 What do they care about the revival of industries tor German benol\t when their children are crying bitterly with tbo cold 7

Belgium and the world cannot de pend upon Germany to attend to the rohabUitation or tho caro ot tho Bel· glans. The fllends and the allies of the sutterlng, horolo little country must look atter that and tho need Is a dire one. "Give us bread" Is toe plea ot starving Belgium, and Canad· lalls must answer the cry and send the wheat to make the flour needed

EI'ery community in Canada today has Its Belglall relle! workers and all donl\tions, gO through tho one great channel-the Belgian Relief Commls· sloll-\vhlch not only guarantees the honest and equitable distribution or the toad supply, but sees that the Ger· man "rehabllltators" do not got an ounce ot tilo food for tho Belgians.

Ask thom what thoy think of Eam. Buk and you will be surprised hoW'

I mllny of them would toll you It Is the best known healing balm, and thllt It should be In every home.

,A contest In "Everywom .. n's I World N recently proved this! J

• Women from coast to coast havs proved by actual tost timt Zam­Buk Is unequalled for the skin dla­easos and InJuries' of children a8 well as of Ildults. They havo found Zllm-Buk different to ordinary ointments In that It allays the Irri­tation I1S soon as applied, prevents fostering, Inllammlltion, blood pol­Bonine, etc., and jOermanently heals In a Tary short ~me As .. mother and head of 11 lamlly you owe It to yourself to have Zam-Buk &1-ways handy I

If you have not yet tried Zam .. Buk, get a box nt once. I

Dru«glstll and stores, SOc.


~ 8harpcQ your _ •• Dr DaUer and Oukkn •

han CRn be doae in aAT oUler way .... t. _ I If.tI.... &.tbfac:tlon ~r.nt«d or mODe,.

refunded poet free ZII oen'" Pou7- Roze!" E:P' 711 cente, 0 It Strops .1.lIo-B .. ~ .d •• -C.n .... He ... C ... Waliraac. MAaJ,:

e",·"" l I


re:me,llY a generation

"I do not love Great Britain partlcu· larly and could not give my askont to the marvellous euloglum upon Great Britain, delivered tbe day be­fore yesterday In tills senate; I ad· mit the greatnes3 of Great Britain, I admit she Is the greatest power on earth, and tile moat magnificent pow· er ever seen In tbe history ot the world on the ocean, but I do not ad­mit that she Is a trlend of the United States But, Mr. President, I think that one ot the grandest things In all

A Complete Breakdown f!; Th. GrfCt/; Ellol/," nc"'rrlr,' Itt Wood's l'hosphodi:ll.lJ. ,

~ 'rODel and inTll:Oralea til" 1'; ho. ' ~ nervout' ~y!lemt makes new Dlood

IQ old Veins, ('urtS J'ervou. this 3courge It Is, Bold

Beart After La GRIPPE

history ot Great Britain Is that sbe It Leaves the Sufferer

Dtbilill/ lIfenl"l alld Bram lVorrJl. J)e,'pon­dellc1l. T~ORB 0/ FlIerml, l'alplia.trnn Of the IJeart, Fa {Unp., 111e711orJ/. Price $1 p~r boy, .t. for 15 One Will pir.nso, ... ix "ill cure. Sold by aU : drUI&i!'lh or mailed in plnlo pk,_ on rf'l('ript or ~rlcc l\~"'11 pnmphlrt mcrUtd fret. THE WOOD a /WEDICINE CO .. TOIONTO, ONT. (For."I, Wi .... ," ..

does protect her subjects everywhere, Victim of Many I10rms anywhere and under all clrcum-stallces. I do not wonder tliat a Brit· of Weakness Isb subject loves bls country. This little Incident with whIch you are all Ask those wbo lia ve bad la grippe familiar Is a marvellous lllustration re~al ding the present conditIOn ot of tile protection which Greut Britain tholr health and most ot them \VIII 3U' gives to ber subjects The King swer "1:ilnce.4 had the grip 1 ha~(l Abyssilla took a British subject never been well." There IS a persist· named Campbell, 'about tWUlty years ent weakness ot tbe limbs, bad dlges ago, carl led him up to tile tortress of tlon, sllOrtness ot breath and pa\lJlta· Magdala on the heights of a rocky tion ot tbe hl.llllt caused by the tUlll' mountain and pnt him Into a dUllgeon blooded condition In which gllp al· wltbout cause assigned. It took six ways leaves ItB victims after tho months for Great Britain to Dnd that tever and Inlluenza have subsided out Then Great Britain demanded his l'hey are at tllo mercy ot relapses Immediate release .. In less tllan ten and complications, olten VOlY serious days after that refusal was received, 'l'hls condition wlIl continuo until the 10,000 Blitlsh soldiers, Including 6,- blood Is built up again, and lor this 000 Sepoys, were on board ships of pnrposo notlilng can equal a fair ,var and were sailing down'the coast treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Wllen they reached' the coast, they IJ lllS, which quickly make lhe blood disembarked, marched across that rich and red, drive the IIngermg terrible country, 0. "distance' of 700 germs trom tile system and tlansform miles under a burning sun, up th~ despondent grip VICth,ps Into cheellUI,

t I I healthy, bappy men and women. Mr molin a n, up to ,t Ie very heights in John valtl.lrs"y, London, Ont, says: (ront ot the frowning dungeon, then ~ gave battle, bat.terlng down the iron "Just before Christmas, 1914, 1 II as . I."""'~ down with an attack ot !:\ gates and stone walls, Teached cillllpe; lind hhe trouble left me In a over and' lifted out deplorable condition I was almost ot it subject, King too wcalt to walk about, as I was then

self with his I

working on a fal m In Western On-t len carried blm tar to, 1 was quite unable to follow

L.UOO:'WU'UULU,n, across the lund, my usual worlt I tried several kinds ,tl)e white fwlnged ot medicine, but i~ did not help mo As

and sp ,him to his home In a matter ot tact r telt steadily glow-~a[ety, That cost Britain 25" Ing woaker, I\.nd In this condition,

when reading a paper, I saw Dr Will· lams' Plnlt Pllls advertised and de· clded to try them. I got a supply and by the time the second box was IInlsl1· cd I felt better than I had done tor months. This wal my first experience wltb Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but you may depend upon It that If 1 lind medlctne necessary again I will knOll just what to talte"

You can get these pills trom any dealer In medicine or by mall, post

l1~llglt1tS,1 paid, at 60 cents a boX' or six boxes

• , . ,

for $2.60 from Tbe Dr 'Wllliams' Med· iclne Co.,, Brocltv!lle, Onto _

• • • , • . · 0

0 •

. . ....;~--~


" 0 e • e '

. • . ,

• • • ,


looked were all con­

observed e small

.\Vatcl] tho

• •




Even in a match you should consider the "Little Things." the wood-. the composition­the striJ<eability-the flame.

EDDY'S , .


are made of strong dry plOe stems, with a secret perfected composition that gUarantees "Every Match A Light." 65 years of knowing how:"th.t'~ the reason I

, . " All Eddy products are de­

pendable products-Always. ,

THI! Haw FRENCH ftEMEDY. N:, N.2 N.3. THERAPION Us.dln~r.D,b I llospltals Wltla creat success, CUIlES CIlItONIC' WI!AK:{KSS t.Q!'IT VlaOR tt: VIM, KIDN&Y. ULAl)OKM. DISKASJl.K KLOOn rOI!iOH. PIt-F.! EITIIJ':1t No UKUGOISrS or MAli il POST 4 crll FDUG!RA Co 90 8!tl!:KldAN tiT Hr.\\ 'IOtlK Dr LYMAN IUtn~ TORONTO WHITIt FOR FREE nOOK TO Olt l.a ct.~a I MfW Co IIAVI!KSTOCK Ro IIAMI'STKAO, LONDON, EHO. TRY HK\V DRAO&K.\TAHTKI KS8J rUtsMOJl' EASY TO TAK.


CharlO!! 1\1 Schwab, congratull1~ed in Plttsblirg 011 a largo Will OHler con­tract" which he had just 1 ecelvod from one ot Lhe warring nations,' saId' "Som~ people .cu1\ It luclt, but they

are mlstaltOn Whatever "UCcOSS I have Is due to hard work nnd not to luck. .. .. -' J d ...... ...,

"I remember a New Ylll'lt buslne~g lUan who_ crossed the ocean wllh mo ono wlnler when tbe whole country was sutrerlng from hard times '

"'And you, Mr. Schwl1u,' Lho' New Yorker said, 'are,~lIke the rost of us, I ~~popse, hoping' for boltor tlmett?'

No, my {llend,' I replied .. 'No, I nm not hoping for be,tter things. I've got my ~levees rollod up, and I'm working for them.' " . ._' r ( , I

• • . ' • 0

• • • • •

Liniment Curell Olph. \

• • • • -.

• • ' . o· • • • • o 0

0 •

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" "



• • • • • . • • '. .


" ...

, , . . , ... ~i; !

.. . . . ' ..

, , . ....


The . TJ!eh~rne "Times M: n: MoCAUSLAND ... , . PUBLISHER \, \

GEO. NORIUEJ,D, EDIT~R ~, . \ . l; ~

, '

.' ..

I ,,,, A

'J""- L\11.11:,), -C;(I:' l1"actOrloa, lD our OItlea , o.ud our Homes all ov'er thlJI fair laDd, lhe'pl''Jdl1cto that Canadian labor pro .. duces': so' that 'when ',the Boys come marchIng Home they \vlll be welcom'ed back to II. Pr6sperous l1nd' Happy (lan.

.. ~,. A

ada. ' ,~' " ..' . " '

'. " "

.. ,t SUGGESTION BOX'" . . ,--

, A woman wr\tl!~c In a recent lasul af tbe' '~Canadlan Courier," '. sa)'lI:

" , ,.

, , . SUBSCRIPTION RA'fB:-Ono year. 'III

vw.oo, ,1.00; IIlx months, 1100; UIl1l0 months U. S; WId rorelirn. per rear •• 'I.50

~ All news Intended ror publlcntlim Hnoulel roocb tblll 0lil00 no later than Tuel!<1ny.1 '

Advertl81u!i rate1l made known 011 appllcn

"Their sacriflce 10 v.:orthy or our , ' . ireatest 'eflort-Our Duty Is p~llI;

"We wer!! talklDr; tli~ . day, about buylnc Canadian ma,nutacltulreS, when a wom'an wbo prides b.felt her' llmartllels of attire said: 'Tbere

A first~class Livery and Feed· Business; good

, , ", Reliable I-!orses; sty· lish rigs,; everything .. up-to-date.

tIOD. ' • Yearlr contract advmtlslnlr to be paid lor al

• e0411f1. eiwlh month. Four ""'uea to constitute a month. extra lMue.! wlll be chru-gcd ror. '_ .

Job work 'or IlDY description lIeatty Dromptiy oxocuted •.

Advertisements tllll\COOOlllnlllcd with Ill' wllctions inllCrtcd untlllorliid and cl.L\rgcd 00 llOrdlnlllr. Notl"". of OIcetillg8 and cntortalp· mentl!, tJ·OOl which .. reYOUUO Ia'derlved, In local columos. 10 coot. pcr 11110. ' '

N.D,_AdvertlaomentH with solid or hooyy oJDpOllltion wUI bu oharlled tor oxtm at rate ~I.IU pcr hour4

"FRIDAY. Fl{lI' 11m, 1916'


; ,. Canad&- with Canadian Labor nnd Capital can' Ploduce, lllanuraoture and , . dlltrlbute, prod''!cts sufficient to I,oop the Wheels ot l!i,lusbry turnhlC to tho limit. Tho Song ot Prosperity :i'nd Happir.l)is 9110u1d ring out all over tI,lo' land. . I

'''Let us sincerely pledge, to t)le ex· tent' ot our needb, ttl purcha~e. mil.' lerlals produced In Canada ~y Can. adlan c\Vorkmen, and lhe result of OUt IUorts wlll' return lo us t~e_Blorslns~ IIf a Prosperous and HUPIlY NaUon." . . ~

• • .' • ' • .. ;JI'

Queen Remembers Canadian.

-are' certalll things' 'you Ilmlll), cawlot get In Canada-that III, If 1011 'wllIb tu wear the best' " "

"We admitted that Ihe WU quite right with regard 'to one or .two' Item. mentioned, iUla then one of Ill, who Is mOlt earuest In the campal. for Cnnadlan goodll, I&ld:' • At lea8t. we should r;lv!! everything Canac11&n'1I tnlr t1'lal and even make lun-llons whera we think' Improvementl :nlllb t be mnde. We can help w0ll4erfully 'by encouraging our own mallutactur. ero. l' 'llnY!! otten been albame4 01 tlie caroles5nells of, Clnad" women In regard to their own C41na41a1:l pro,

, , Prompt·· and

, sel.vice: . I

DravinK a"d Teaminl, . • \ I

Special ,attention to CommerCials. \

" Automobile 'for Hire.

J. H. Smith .Phone 17


- AND HOME' PRODUCTS Queen Mary has sent a box or cand1

lo each ,Koldler In tho Canadian Hos­pital at Shorncll!1'o. Princess Louise 11160 ,sent cigarettes to each In male of the Canadian Hospital at ClIvoden

ductlonll." ' ' . WOlild It not be a r;ood 14_ to have --------------~



"'bmarkable 8peeoh'-Home Produc· ,tlen Makel Por National Con·

.. ~atlon RelOuroe.

r-- I Olle of the stronllest pleas tor tho

aUlliPart lof hom Industry was, made by JIi.r. AlquUh recently III the HOU&0 of C,...ou. Dlirlng his IIpeech he 8ald:

with an autogrnllh Inscription on each, Ninety thousand stalionel'Y wnlleta were sent to the Canadians In !<'ranca, Ule usunl character of' this ~lrt hav· Wit been especially nppre!:lated, . ~.. .

~alller'. III nells Exaggerated Alarming rumors. probably or an

.saggerated nature. ara !lelng clrcu· lated' In switzerland concerning Em· .,erOl' \VlIlIam's Illness, , Tho rumors state tbat the Emperor's condillou' II causing profound anxiety In Berlin.

.~ InteIltion antI ollject with wWch tbelle taxes are Pllt rorward Is "',. VMY different kInd, 'and o!'Uroly / ;'cot I/rejudice to the general quos, The Turle nnnouncements that two

1 suggestion box of some kind Into which every 110fal Canadian' could drop II. word or encouracemeut or help· . , htl criticism to be paseed on for the benellt ot others. What do 70U tll1n1l

\,boutl It? Wlll you co-0lleruia? .'

Feet{ an4 Livery , I

, "

First class teams for Hire

Careful drivers furnished UIa between tree ,trade and what III ~lU8h monitors had be'en sunk Is U11' '~ ftacal I-2fonn. 'rile 'obJeGt-and klle. Saxon F. Shenstone, sec·treallurer or a mJ' Importailt . object-::ls, .011 tho the Dominion Radiator Co .• Toronto( .Commercial Driving a Specialty

, oue" hand; to diminish or discourage dle4 8uddenly Christmas ,Day. th~: OCftIsumpUon of suporfluous ,or. un· b'r"1I1ch socIalists wlll not mix wllh nec8llarY commodities of a luxurious Gerl',HlIlS artol the' war. ,-:kIDd but ItiJI Il\oro- and this to my ltenry Ford· of \"peace" fame' hlWl mt.ii.d.<'1.1 tbe really ImportUllt polnt- wned for. NQ,w Yo~k from SVII'ldeu, 'to :cHecoare.r;e unmicesaMY Importa· The' war b~dget 'recently brought

'Falm'ers. stable you'r teams here , 1

Good feed and attell~ion , ----_\.. tioII:- "In tlie con<litloos, under which lown In the In~iielial H~u8e or Com· we DOW the everythlnc that CODles 1I10U8 by' 'Cb~ii'cellor McKenna, 1m- W. V. Carroll" lata' till. cJu~try, from' abroad which [)Oses',a 3i 1-3 per' cent. customs duty . . I

I. not ablohitely' ii.eed~~~ !o,r the ':IUS' 00 mOtor. cnrs, blcyclos, picture Illms, TREHERNE . _ r '. clocks, matches, rouslca ns umen s, RAILWAY STREET: "PHONE" teuanee or ·carryln". ot\, ft the ludu~, . I I ~ t 61

tr~ oe ollr population, hiv~lvlng, ,lUI' It I d 1

d-, a ~orre,,'spondln": obUvatlon,' on, n,3 plate g~BIIs aud lats; an . ncrcases ,-,~I =~=====~=~~~~=:= ~_ ~ ." tho "duty on· sugar from ,44 cents to:: ,

to eKport,: t~!i!~' stili further to d~s, J2.~4. per hWldreilwelght;. on tea, cot, , :,...;, ' . wrb aDd. tleprai!ls the exchanges, a~d d did f It \8 . · I~ - H t 1 tbenfOle '(0 embarralls thd conduct of ~ee, ch!OOTY, tobacco an r 0 ru s, runswlclf. 0 e

. , , . ). eo'Vor oant., Rndi on"patont medicines, ,-tbe war and the provlslo}1 of lhe Ilnan· , ' . / • c'_. reaourees wlikih, are· abtlolutel, loo per cent,':' " ~7 I MAIN STREET WP' O. _ , How far this' 'new 'procedure wll1 • , " • h:.. .. U",,18I!&r), Cor ,Its su~cei~~dl'. ' ~rnlermlne tllll Brlt!JIl~ policy ot FroA' ,Remodelled R~d neW1y,·f~rn~s • I:U

ttDII," . ".' ,." -, Trnde remains .to be seeu, .. but tllo \,New fi~~-proof.anne~ contamlng ,C,aua.'la ba.8 carried to a gre~l~r, Dpluton is Krowlng that ~rltlsh mallll' 30 a~dltl0t.Ja~ Single r.ooms.

tHIII!e, tba~ almost a~y otller', ractllres 11'111 need a Ilrererence In tractIVe dIDlng·r~om, tbe reckless habit oC, buying _ tlletr.:holJlo market In ol'dol' to ineet, table. 'Mot;e popular than

" abroad lulan abe aells. It la',true tl1at heav,. taxes 1I0W being laid UpOII $2.00 per day;" ,free.Bus ..... ' . we . are remed),lhg our Cault In, lhls lIlQm and also to continue their ex: J. FOWLIE, Proprletor:;:WIN~I,P~G dIr~lou and that' our' tormerly ad- ~ori I.ralle' atter !

Tillie trade balance Is being .~E:;E':~~E~~~~$~~~;;:~=:;~~~~::~±ft~~~ Uaurormed Into ,a' tielllQce;, Our; j m ports Oll!' esi/ona are rising, pOI!I;& are' stiU too' large. Consumen Su Caaada uii'ould take Mr, AsqUith's atlVtce and . determine to buy g60ds . , , IDII4Ie W their own J country rathel. I'tIoIber to send 'aJ,Jroad' bugo sum~ of, DIoDe)' -Which are' soroly needed at

j - • ~ •• n-. ' 'ThOBe who Iia ve crltlclsod

!'Made-Iu-Canad'a" policy' while It llns' ba. advocated in Canada during the palt few ,.ea~, 'woult? ·d~ ,well t,o p,:m­·der,-carefIlU,. over ,the' remarks or tho ~t Pnme 'Minister' Orl'lll Brllaln baa ever had. . . ,,'-

.. ,

We Lead-We Never Follow

THE PEOPLE'S .EAT , • >,', •• RUT, ,

. All Kinds ... 'If Frellh 'a'nd' Cured' Meatl,Filh '1' ,and J~intl . ,

We pay caSh for what we buy 'and therefore mUlt have our money in. So put 00

I' thi~~ing caps-and pay . ' borl'oW from a bank. yon pay it back-but the butcher must wait. 'Ve must ask our mAL1lV credit cllstomers to Settle

All accolinta remaininK Ull· ."~_:.I by the 15th of January"will

be put into othel' hands for' cOl· ect~ll., , ,

,I I"

ROUI / Retail' ButchII'


j", .... /. ,~, ....

\~veryt~g, : Jor, -the -Farmer, , .

I j' ••

,in the line of, , , '

IInplemenll and M.~· chinery, ( ,

,,", 1. I

Anything from , . to an Engine, .Gas or,

Steam . , , I.

" , " r ,,' . . , , ,

\ ~ ....

/ • \ '


I.fR:EHERN t. , ' ..... \} ~, .

'Flour Mill " 'Returns from No. I Nortbern Wheat:

Purity Pate~t. '36 lbs'. flour per bnshel. (; IllS. shorts, J 2 Ibs. bran Straisht Grade, 40 , '\" ,,' 6 II 12 II '

Returns from No.2 Northern Wheat: . . . Purity Patent. 3S1bs. flour per bushel, 6 Ibs. shorts, r3 lbs. bran Strai&,ht Grade, 39 .. II 6'~ II 13 II


PASTRY .' \ P,urlt". P.tent Flour St.".. with the Le.ders Ptiiity Patent floul' is now bleached by an electrical process th&t

lI'ia abeolutoly hal'mle88, which agos aud purifioo it, making .it beautifnlly white, pure and wholesome

c. Wiechman - MAl-lITOBA


1 ' ~~.~,. .. ~~..-w'''''''''~

Af,ter the Long Cold Drive to Town , i I I _

The Farmer Appreciates a Good ,

Meal and a Warm Place to Stay , \ ~ ~

First class meall aervecl ,


ONTARIO '.HOUSE F. J.McFarline 1 Proprietor

....... ~.~oJ

'Ship' Your Stock Th~oulh me., 'I ship regularly and pay best

• prlcel.

\ PHONE No. 1'10 ,

Stinson, rREHE~NE. MAN. ,

, I '



Co, I '{waNtioas is judged', by your bUsia_ ltaliooery. ,The better

"die quality, the better' the woik­. maDlhip. ·the better will be the

T reberne Times \

, ilDpreliiOo ereated. Give us a trial •.

: '8 •• ••

• • · '. . . • • • • • · . . . "

• • • • • • • •••••




i "

, .

, , ,

- .



" \

, !

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• •



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• • • ••

• • • • • • •



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~.~~~~~~.'~~~~~~~~==~~==~~, . J~i':~N~ .. ~o,~T €)p:r@wN SI;I'0E·8.A.R··.GA·.INS·

, '

J..' • • • 'r , ... 1,\'(

TO WHOM"..I.T M,A,Y, CONCERN.:. ,.:' _,' ., ,. ..:~ ••• I .~ •• \"'."~ ~ .. '~' ..... 'Ie ..... ' .... '.

· ... '" "! • O~~I1g.: ~o . ":tlJe;,,w?o.r. ~~n9- .\:oth.~.:r q~.l:lf!es J .• ~'., , I have·. found it) necessary to dispense.,;., ;

wi th my help.''ilfor.,e',~. ~ay~ "n,o't the . ti me ".to· npt if'y.!llY cr~~ii ~, .. pustom.~~,s:· "/; ':,",' separatel 1'. . -",~·r,'i'.· : •. :,.; ;,t: .... . " . , ,

, It J s high time.:~:~hese overdue ac-" . "counts were cleaned up. We are not run­· ni'ng' a 'barik;but;:,merely'l·des·n·ed to' ·hefpi.~ .. ,,:·. " out our customeri3 ,ii·II'· the crop was har_ : vested,;' It/·s 'now harv8s:ted/,;,'-S-o.-pHLY·jfair.: · 'and OQJIle ./across,·. WE NEED, IT" :.:,;. : .~'f.1,d ... ' '.::

,.,!.~r.l· 'And,·.obi ige, yours 1":t·r.u,Iy,:·.,··· .. " ,~' '.. -, ~ r ' '.: " ". '1' •

, . ... , .' .. GEO. ~ GRAHAM· '~"--"-"~"-

TREHERNEJMAN ..... , Drugg:i:'s,t .. and '~tationer · '.r,·, "i-, .. 1,' '; ::~. \ r!'". ," I. .

. .Items·oLSp.eciaLLocallnterest to.Treherne:an<l District ". r. V • • i.'~".q' ":.,' tJ"JC: "r

• " ',) I ,,, .'. -

'·"For bu.';n~ •• 'a\.d rJ,".r announcom.nt. eomirt,lt . ..,il,.in IA •. cal •• ory o( 'J' • ''''j' ~~r i. arluert illn. lIPpearinll unJer Ihi. liel.'Jin; Q char •• of ." ", ""'. .

.... . , .,' Ten Cenl. per CO,,", lin. i.!maJ.' , " .. . I • ,'. ..~ ~_ .. ", ./

:; !tHss ":.A:.' :i\bilOt 'r~tnrn~dInst Sn~::' F ': l)\l'kcr .'l;eturllCcl to • the ci ty' 'lll'day from a'visrt iri "the city. "; lnst 'Vedllesday night. , !' " . ," ,

1 ," • ~,

;; H. Fergnsoh, or \Vinnipeg,was a '\!iBitol' 'tb tO~~;l 'ln~t J'IHU:S;]liy.

.. ..... ' ' , ,1'. 'Vilson rcLll1'ned Saturday - "".~.,~ ..... , ;

no all-from n. Bl;ol't yisit iI) the eity. • it ',,_ " . ~. . , . : ~ J" . .A:qJiO~}·e~fl\.·ned from II. 8hOl·t .\;isit in Lhlil pity.lnst Satnrclay noou, , i~'- """

,I. r1'"C. Stinson \\om sliip n. cal'load or Ih'e stock to \Vinnipeg next

. I ... " . \: -

returned from II. short "ol1sines's visit -to'

'~Og:;!~q~:,~';\.tl;~dnYI;n?~Il. . . :.' ;\'

It. F.' St'eel~'was a 'Vinnipeg isltol' iast ']'nesdny night."

• -Nelsou'\Vilsoll, o[~Vlnnipeg \';'fiS

LVV'isitor to towli ~la!lt Tuesday.

1\[rs. E. Parker retul'IIell from· a visit in the ciLy last Wednosday noon.

.,1\[rs. Jos. 1\[arks retnrned Inst Thul'sday noon [l'om a visitin­well.

~ "Valtel' Grogan,wC:\V!I1~lipeg, nr- . rived in' towlrliist'Thlirsday after- . F. Pal'ker 1'e'turlle~ to town I~~t

Miss .m. :i\[" Poole, . of Winnipeg, was a b1l8ine~s \'isitol' to town Ilhst TuesLlay.

" • ". N " " ny noon, after nn extended \'ISlt llOon 'on a visit to fl'iends. i '


We H'ave Just Finished Stocktaking . . ,

• • \

\Ve did no't rllll O\'C!', ollr stock fillicldy, 11I'lt took timo and , r

sorteri out all the Cldds-Illul·onds. \\ro will not carry them. over from year to year-they mllst go and the price will make them go. Call aJl(i see OUl' Shoe Bnrgail1s now-yoll will smilo wi th satisfaetion. • .

SPRING HARNESS ~rhis is th.;l mOI,lt,b to iook O\'('r your harl1e~s and have them re­pail'ed nnd oiled. 'Ye 11'1\\'0 i IIC1'cll!led 'Olll' stnll' so th~t WQ, can gh'e yon give YOll good sel'\'ice. Bllt we eRl1not ntfcnd to 1;1l Olll' customcl's' neecla bllt\\'ecl1 Ajwil' 1st al1d lEth:' PLEASJ~ bring in yOl1l' .Collars' alld 11I1l1>l1ess. ,



Sec Our Heavy Farm Harness-the' Old I Reliabl.e Scott Quality at the lowest price"possible:

· , .

R. SCOTT PHONE No. 60 Treherne • " ..... j • in the city. .

1 ,~: l,~' ;~. • I. f ,', ,

.: ;1il!fTr~h~r~e.PI~it.or:th.e~Sontl R~\ .. C. 'V. Morl'ow returned !"'~---";"'~------";"'---------_';';'_;';"";"'i.I. e;:n M/\I1itobll. 43attalion, ---- -- -.-- .-.. ------- --__________ _ • g se1i vicfI in Z th "_-. . , .. , . . from 1I..\'isi,t to 'Vinllipl:lg Iltst Sat- m 1"1 =, ===11:1 ~,~.==:JnI5==:E::lI~===:1E:i==~I====II:!i;

lll'day noon. A Q .' f Odd 101,1110,';11 last'Sundlty,'·. . -~. I ~' uanbty-o s-': ',< '.' ': .' • '.: ~. • 1.., r Dr. A. W. Myles speut Inst we ok \ and-Ends of ~r all-Lending and Helinble Companies repl'e~ented by Ufe i!J1(le)'sigl~d


/ - /]~i!lt YOl1t· n.jJplieationB ~ .. i :-,: 10-: .• J'.-, .... ; ~,;,., ... ~ ...

, Mon~y ~ , L~~~i~g ,I Re~~ni~d 'fhe undersignCll."hl~f:! ,beOll'illst1'lloted by the Torollt~y.G~n.ora\ ~

, • I I I J '.. • if1'!,(J'" .'" t A," t~. '! I.#>il !

'I'rusts "Oor.pol'uLion' to nceept.itpplications for . Lonns', all *well imp1]ved farm properties in this dist1?ct at '

I . ':""7").2 PER,CENT:iNTEREST '!' :,.-~,.

• . , .. M" " I' .... ., .. ~

O. Mengel', who hns 1'01' the ,,""U'Iend in tow'n; rettlrning 'to \Viuni- 5 rel~: i,nonth~ ncted ns l~eIie\'ing r.tll. peg Monday night. pape~ "~t c .,per roll

a~ent.!lt tho loeo.l rlepoL, ~ As we h/l,ve shipment Werl~eiJtfnl; night ror ClLl'mnl]. 1\ha. I~, Pt;lIIP;.1e, of HaLhwell, vis- of wall PlLllfll' in. \\'0 \~ish to c1enr

, \ . ited in town with het' plLl'ents, .Mr. i\[ ' d 1\[ R . 11 "[ C 11 . . 011 t alii' old sLack, ]t will pn." 1: .' rs. nsse 1\' e II on n:U.s. 'V: O. BIL1'k,vell, la'at 'l'llUrs- "

last "'Tnesd~y noon \ yon te look Lhis stock O\'el' berore Ollt'l,I'i().,· , ... here t.lIOY li/l,\,o . day.' buying elsewhere. ~ visliti,llg '''i't.h.' fl:ioil~ "nd. I"-~I"L'

I1A.n.'Qr. mall tit or so . /


, Tho "follo\ying c\~l'lel's left fql'

1\[rs J. Lee returned last Friday 1100n.' [1;0111 W']nllipeg, where she attended the Sunday School Con­

I \'ention . MAN ..

J 'I· e Cu' 'lton Winnipeg last:.i\fomlay; 11ight whOl'e . a.m, s .. , ,r~ . .... . ," , , " ( t, hey., ~vi1l.car1'y.'I'l'ehel'.ile's colors ill

!!~~~~~/~'~~.,~,=.~~~~~::::~~~~::~~~~~~~~~: Mr. and Mrs, 'V. D. Staples, of


th') B~;lspiel: W.J.Hens'elwood;sk \,i:G~~e;l, leh~l; 'iVI.IT: Staples, 2nd;


'Vinnipeg, al'lwed in town Inst ~i'hlU'sdny 1100n on a yisit tp I'dentllil u~:" j J I ~ ~ •• '-: ~ .~':', .. UI; ::~. :;A~J~t

B"-:lY y' fi\U' 'R" 'F' LO' ,UR N.' H"~ark\~e/ll, 3rrl .. · , '. U V, .' .. 1:ho-"uni"rorms for. the loeal sq ll~ . Mr:3. AI. Pollon l'eLlU'ned' £L'om

nndrelati\,·of1.'" . I \

- ,

.... Wh'~at' imces 'co~tinue to gp .~uP .. :a·nd :~Iour will f9!low ~~it~ . ::.,'; . NOW is the .lim'e to' lay; in a stock of >that ,.,', ':l.


" ·:w~l.h~n?.w1l ~ ~.r!1nd .. "':" , .

~r the Sciuthern 1\Ianitoba Bat~ Winnipag.last Friday I~oon, whero ~alion arri~'ed in l t? \".'~. · 1'JlOf~. she' litte.rid:d tho SlllJ(li~y Sehool day 1I0'1n, all d el'0i tins nppears'ln, CO!1ve.ntlOn, " .

rril'!~;~'~'~~I.o'~pod~ed tll/l.~. t1~~~ : TI;o 1'reh~l'lle.Ullit of the SonLh­ye_1Y9l~h.Y~t!lO }pcalllJ,d.s:·1'I~e, e.h.~~t, 6I'n,l\fnnito\)a B'att.lI.lio;l will nttolld i}leaSUremenys or '''',hole sqn~d is: di\'ille sorvice at St. l\1at'k'~ An-~low "expeeted t? ~)e ~~I.bstlJ,n . gli~an CllU~'eh.lJ,t' l1~a.m"uext Sun-creased." • 'r d"·~-'J··'""'·1'1I'i·~--'1·--.r>-.--.-.!.~ :i, t-;;.;l:-~ ~;~~ ~~~f!\':.~ ~t:"" '} r. ~:f'1:1r. ~y ,mur.1 t'J. , • 'f ....,. I\..,'

y- :)le l\[emb~rR·-.:9r ,Lho. 'l'rehel'l! hVe ha~'e jliat, reeeh'ed It

Vnit of' the SOI\thel'l1 ·l\rnnitobll. sllipment of C1~velop~s, on whio ~attalioi'l·,will:g.ive II. Inilitll.l'Y 'b'al we 11.1'0 gl\'lllg son{e spooial low

Fl'idR.~j·F9hl:~111.l~y.18th, in It will Pl~y evdl'Y husincss No admi~slon'wi11 \10 , m'nn to lay 'in a goud stock. of .those

!j1?~9.i.nJ,.~11~ '~atiOl~f !)iTe he!ng is . \ cordil.l invitation ;"",,,·1

, ,", Pte. Angus' MeLean I'ebn;';,ed fr~1Il Winnipeg lost Thursday. 1100n \'rhei'~ he has beon nndergoing II.

IS!(J~~:nll'I~1 slight o~eratioll to fit him for mil-1:~hi;,~f~f;~~e~:~ ital'Y setwico. \ .



Now, while tl~C( snow IS" deep,

Come in and look over our

new stock

February Delineator now on hand. ' , , ,

NOW is the time to leave your orders for dressmakin g /

M A 1:'- SMITLl : Milliner and . .'" :.- .. " - rs.-' ." G. " , . '-Fl', ," Dressmaker'''' . . ~aillVay Avenue

, . -- Phone No. 94 "Treherne, Man.

._- ,-- - .. -.-~ " \

Send in Any Local I Items You May Know---Phone 116 ..

The Grain Growers' Grain Co., Ltd.

We are now selling the famous

, GLADSTONE GOLD DROP 'FLOU~, Our pri~es are always the lowest market pI·lces-and we sell on a .closer margin . , of profit than any other milling company •. . ' , ".

f , l

'Makes the Finest Bread and/Pa~try ... 'u

\'..... ~ {' ~

.. "

" ,We AI~~ Handle BRAN' AND' SHORTS . ~

• • • . ..' .'; • •

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• • • • •

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ra",I".illllS;!ljal'- ,lh:IBuRV,"1 ridu-strlal ~ Town.: Behind

..• ·~:y:~.t~~:i~,~61~:~~~~:~ rlthih' Lines ' ,,' busiest nnd best organ· In Ule world has . ~rltlsh ll11es III

of the Goneral t:leadqnarters tho British expeul­tlonary force. This town, Is compos-

Duwe, I ed of tho, buildings In which :epalrs "re made to arms and IlqU111ment and .. ,Il houses In WU1Cll lne tnousands "r workmen live. I

Thele are now over ;100 repair shops near the GeneraL Headquarters,

imm or employing more than 28,OUO men-DU61110SSS :~;~~~~;;;e.~U~. Sll\t the de· plclted men from the best worlters in

., I '. - various trades.' Thesd men and all Wl:!lUISe- and tho -'appllcatlon 0 reyuLr depa'rlfuents are under

nlisohitelY essential and oltlle Arnlt"Service Corps, and thus through expert help each man Ls hi·lthnltl. whether he bo

experience on the part or mechanic, Iiootmaker or tailnr. 9'ciwrier, It Is most unreasonable to 'rhe shops are mado of galvanized

[or any degree of prollt without iron and timber, and contain the most I LI"'""" In the timB that it taltes one modern and hnproved ferm of mach­

f experience in ines. Tho motto Is speed and effic-

1~;~1/{W1;e~~~Yl llelLal.IS . for prolltably iellcy. \. I' or.'eetllng, of tbe ,One of the busieSt soctlons Is cO'iii-stock may posed or the motor repair shops, . O(

lost, and ruined at a loss which there are a dozen. As many as

, . : ' .. ' ..

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• .-

~i . ::SHIPPING fEVER ~{~::~;;~:~~=~~ ,',;.'Ll~, and all r' oth~r5f no motter how "exposed'"

kept rrom hn.vlng n.ny of theso dlsenses with SPOHN'. DISTEMPER COMPOUND. <rhree to six doses 'orten cur, n. cnse. One small size bottle guaranteed to do so, Be'" thing tor brood mnre8: !lets on the blood SPOH N'S It sold by all I:ood drugl:lats and harness shops or manura.,.

• turers. Agents wanted.



A' Low Death Rate Rellults In Lar&e Profits ,/

War claims lesa than 3% of surplus



Head Office-Toronto N.B.:....Wrlfe for Memo Book and Circular •

that every man In It, or a certain n~~:~ve; Ln it, on a certain date will rea repaired pall' of boots and on that date the distribution of boots is made from the base depot. ThbY are sorted out In sizes, and every Tommy, of COUlse. knows his own sLze.

Repaired 'tunics ane. trousors are

DR.S Ship Directto New York. the International Fur Market, nnd Secure the Hiahe.t Calh Price ••

.. , , ,

ot most at the first expenditure. 1t the 60 vehicles: ranging [rom a motor start is small,dmprovement can be cycle to a huge transport automobile.

t~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'. :made and If necessary a tresh'start have been repaired in 24 hours, in-made with ~ut littlo losS, '1'he dream cludlng repairs. to some vehicles bad-o! the possibilities In the first place ly smashe!i I by ~shells. It Is at the

be quite correct, but without the closo of each day that the long lines or known wnys of secur- of disabled motors begin arriving at they, never could be re"al- the shops'.

dealt with In the same way.

These Pills Cure Rheumatlem,-To thO many' who suffer fro,m rheumat­Ism a trial of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills Is ,recommended. '1'hey have pro· nounced action upon tho liver and kidneys and by regulating the action at these organs act 118 an altornative In preventing the admixture at uric acid and blood that causes this pnln­ful disorder. They must be. taleen nc­cording to directions and used stead­ily and they wiil speedily give evid­ence of their benellclal eITects.

\Vhy.hip 10 the middleman, who mu.t eventually leU your fun in New York and make hi. profit out ofyou) \VcpaYlhe pncet. Our melhnd. 0 If.dmllre: uDu.ually liberal. \Ve never chafee: commiulon •• illviA. you fuU nlue for your fun.

, , ; Co .. Limited:

used your MINARD'S r the pllSt 25 years and OCCllslonally used other

saroly say that'l have 1I0vel' I\scd any equal to yonrs.

It rubbed bet ween tho hands a.nd In­luLled frequently, It will never rail to eure cold In the heud In 2'1 bours. It Is also tile 'Best for brulses,l ,sprains. etc, , . .

Yours truly, !


"-IlliLel" true .• many varieties of Two tbousand men are engaged Qn .sy:stems are used but the close analy· repairs to aircraft. The aircraft conIe

ench will bo bOUlld. to furnish homo to roost about 8 o'clock at C!:lot supplying tile sane essen- night, atler 'the day's work or recon­

whero bi:.tter results are ob· noltering 'the enemy's,lnes or fighting talned tho required elements are furn- hostile aeroplanes or dirigibles has isne([ in better balance and a more been dotHi. r

factory manner. _ The aircrart repairing sheds cover ~.~~':di,"t,)iu';I~~1 Watching the operations or a big two acres. Adjacent to them Is an ~I start for the amassing of big prollts aircraft landing station' or field of

be.!1113.otiWllnk:ed' In a nearby well·equlpped' plant had some 20 'acres in extent. This' 'field prompted tills article. Here was' the is' one at the chief landing stations case of a man rich In business exper- for aircraft. whether damaged or not.

being a'successful'manufactur- but all damaged aircraft must come In the ponl- here,.If they cau, [or repairs. • to produce they come :lOme Ln the" evening

own D~~ri't~{oil~,~~'~rtIS examined and overhauled .by and me'chanics. The undamaged are got . In order for the 'which they will start ear­

the' next day-the pilot has ,noth­g to say to this worle, ,he always

Ilnds his machine ready .01' him-and the damaged machines are carted oll

'nll.nt'lto the shedS: -Thousands or men are- engaged up­

work to shoes and uniforms. five vast sheds where sold­

put Into order. Every dozen wagons arrive,

Fnof~~If"~,~~,t.}~r~~~~~~~;I·hrllll!lDJt thousands of'palrs at damag­ed bo gathered_ up by othllr wagons at different' places near tlie firing line and upon the lines of communication.

Tho boots are tied together Ln pairs and attached to each Is a docket giv­ing the name or tlie'mllitary unit ot the soldier to whom It belongs-that it, as far as It Is considered neces-sary to fy tho boot, so when It goes the repair shop It

Farmers and others JIving on the banks of small streams are showi ... g much Interest In the new invention of A. G. Watkins. at Philadelphia, which Is a small water power plant lIoating on the surface of the stream. '1'hls generates sufficient power to operate a small dynamo, which will supply the current to light a m:>dern house cf moderate size, or do other useful chores around tho [arm or suburban residence, \ '1'he plant consists of two triangular fioats sccured together so that there is a gradually narrowing channel between thcm. The broad end at this is turned upstream and the darrow enl Is equipped with a \Vater wheol. The wnter enters the lnrge opening, and In passing out acts on the wheel. which Is in turn geared to a small dynamo. __

, '

"" Write for our price rlll and special olfet.

DAVID BLUSTEIN & BRO. /<" .. , GrowUtr Jt41l' }vr 1Jt11!H

'" Nrw l.,..k m w. 271~ SL N."York, N. Y.

- -------- ---- = Auction Sales of Live Stock Tho price which a settler would ex­

pect 'to pay it buying live stoclt In Western Canndn, or which he would get it seiling, Is well Indicated by the Ilgures prevailing ut auction Silled helll throughout tho country from time to time, As a recent such sale at North Batlleford, Snslmtchewnn, spring calves brought $24 to $30; yearling steers, $40, and cows averagod about ~GO. --'--

,Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.

G'enevlevo-I want to givo Jacle somo books. Ho's ill. you know. and I cnn't decide just what llind to glvo.

Gertrude-Why not glvo him somo­thing religioUS '/

Genevieve-Ob, my, no! lIo's con· valescent now.

Tho Senator and the Major wero walking UP the I:venue, '1'be Senator was more than middle aged, and con­siderably more tban [at, and, deurly .. s the Major loved him. be also loved his joke. "

The Sen:J.tor turned with a pleased expression on his benign countenance and .sald: "Major, did you see tIlat

ll~d and soft corns lJOlh yield to IIolloway's Corn Cure. which Is entlro­ly snfe to use. nnd certain and satls­[nctory In Its action,

"I hnd a. balled egg served mo tor brealtfast yesterday with the name Genevieve on it,"

"Now, Isn't tbat romantic?"


Yllar's:lml~v::'all does, serve to shoe rllfr"rent. person from the man, who

p assessed Lt. '

pretty girl smile at me?" , ' "Oh. that·s nothinG," replied his

friend. ':The first time I saw you I

"It didn't strllto me as being sa rc.­mnntlc. There was also the dat. 1900."

regiment at the baSe Is, notified , t·

laughed out lOUd." I

''in the Faces of , " . the Pe~ple You Meet


The Irritability, the Worry, the Gloom, the Despair of Nerve and Brain Trouble •. , The Blood i. Watery, the

Nerve. Are Starved.

\ ,

ti':oubles, ~f brain fag,' <>f heru:t failure, of You can read it in the f~ces of the people

• . • • • . • <II ' • • ~ • .'


., • . • •


, ,

I , /\

, j

1 ,

, •


, \1'~



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• t

" omen Eli~~: Legi:laturelINSTRUCTIVE vlsrr MADE TO ONE OF

Manl,t~ba~t~;~~n;::~~a~~: ~~::!dered' BRITAIN'S STRONG NAVAL BASES Kltchener'. Logic and Storln of War Convinced All Who Heard Him


Field Marshal Earl Kltchener left a very vivid Impression on the Athen Ian population and especially on Con­stantine I, King at the Oreeks Speak­Ing at the British wnr minister's vlalt,

If the women of Manitoba, after get tlng the vote, want to elect members at their own sex to the legislature, AN IMPRESSIVE SIGHT OF CONCENTRATED POWER they will bo rroe to do so '1 his opin-

In Only One Way Can Germany Ever Hope to Persuade Britain to Permit Her Ships to Sail the SeilS, and that will be by ,_

Rehnquishinit ali Territorial Gam!i Made by the War

Greek monarch said to the A P. correspondent,

Ion was expressed In government circles It Is known that the govern­ment has conslddred tho problem and the stlltement was mllde that ~ decl· sian has been reached, the gyern­ment being prepnred, It Is reported, to pass the necessary legislation should the women express a desire to have feminine representatlvas In the house

A Party of Foreign Journalists Given an Opportunity of Viewin. \ "I am a soldier. Kltchcner Is a sold­

Ier We speak the same language and we understood ono another per­

Some of the Watch Dolts of the North Sea, and Securing Some Interesting Information

l fectly from the outset"

In entering the war Germany hOped German colonial Investments hav~ [OIOdnoln sAtotrhYenWs hmlC~de LOardpalr{tlltccuhleanrelyr Ind expected to detent I!'ranco and I been swept away This Is however, ~ Uussla with ense Her statesmen only II. relatively minor loss compared deep Impression No public account counted not perhnps upon permanent with the loss at the use of the seas of the Incident has ever been given British neutrality. but upon II. tempor- Gel many Is abovo all else a country "When the manolmvres of the Ilry pnrlll~ sis o( Brltiall stntesman- highly Industrialized, which lives by grel\t lIeet were held about a month ship, which would permit her gen- exporting ILs products of German et· ngo north of scotland," snld Laid erals to I epeat tho succe~s or 1870 IIcioncy to all parts of the world She Kltchenor, "eight German submar­nud enablo her to confront GI eat Is not sol! supporting In the sense Ines or the newest and strongest Blltaln Wltil a stupendous accompllsh- thut France Is, but, like Great Britain, typo wont out wlLh the purpose or ed fncL 'rho prompt entranco or sho Is primarily a factory, her natlon- getting to tho lIeet nnd playing hav­Oreat Britain Into tho war wholly 11.1 Income deponds on the returns she DC wlLh the manoeuvres Ono came transformed the situation, says tho gets from her mnnufactures, plua the to grlot In our North Sea net The New YOI k Tribune, and, dosplte the freight hre great merchnnt marine others nosod through and approach· military failure or the British to tho earns In transporting theso products ed the fleet But there wns another present momon t, 11l_s beon the domin- anll bringing bnclt ru w materials and net hendlng them off They trlod to ant factor In tho defCllt o( Gormllny, food J brenlt through to get around, to find tllat It, III tho [oiling and thwllrtlng or The right to use the sen Germnny an oponing, but there was none Two \1 bat woro the main purposes of Gel- can only regnln In two ways-by com- more were lost In this effort Flnnlly mlln slntesm.nnslJlp at tho boglunlng pelllng Grellt Britain to relinquish tho remainder decided to return to In losing control of tho s~n, or rather command of tho seils or by complying their bases at Hollgoland But they In losing the ability to uae the sen, with tho terms IIxed by Oreat Britain could no longer find the 'Yay out Germany lost a decisive bntLle far as the price of the USe at the seas The gate In the net hnd been closed more scrlous than that at tho. Marne Ono would be the consequenco of vlc- Two wore lost desperatcly trying to '1 he IInal sUPPlonslon or the submar- tOIY, tho othel defeat But up to the get through The remaining three Ine campnlgn, which survives now present Dloment Oermnny has not IIna11y wero forceu to come to the only as sporlLllc rilids succeed In slnk- beon ablo In tho smallest way to ex- surtace and surrendered themselves Ing un occasional shill or rtllutlvely ert nny forco upon Great Britain to We took them Intact-crews submar-

In nctual fact, the admission of a large new class to the rights of the franchise no doubt Implies recognl tion at Its right to chooso Its own representatives It Is pointed out, however, that the enfranchisement or the women will not In Itself removo their present dlsqualll1cat!on ror elec· tlon to tho house The educlltlon law dellnes the quullllcntions required or cnndldates, nnd among them It Is re­qulrod that they shall be of the mnle sex In order to ndmlt \ omen to the house the'statutes would havo to be amended, redefining the quallllcatlons of candldntes

Under the escort of otflcers assign­ed by the admiralty, a correspondent at tho Associated Press Ilnd a party at foreign journalists were given tho Ilrst opportunity to visit one at tho great naval bllsos on the coast, where cruisers, destroyers and submarlnos are assembled for their watch over the North Sell. and from which big point ocenn going submarines are sent on torages to tho Baltic and to the Dnrllane11es

and sank "Yes, this 18 the one that did It."

and he patted this terrible death deu. Ing engine alfectionlltely, as If It wore his child, whlilh In truth It has been 'llnco ho laid tho Blucher low, Scartl of battle were all over tho ship, whiclL tbo officers pointed out with tho prldO) that a Heldelburg student displays when he exhibits his wounds A deck galley amidships had been entirely shot away, a melalte sholl having ex­ploded in It. This has been rebuilt. One dent In the sldo armor wns point­od- out, as big as a washbowl The upper works wero lItorally peppered. with shrapnol, but tho scars wore no\l' neaLly bandaged with two Inch rivet.. ted stee~ plates so that tho snucy Ar&­thusa was again us good as ever Mal e than one cabinet mllnster, It

Is belleevd, holds tlle vlow that the enrranchlbement oe wODlon must bring In Its train 'the spee1y abolition or all discriminations agllinst thorn

Sinking of Submarine

Slllall Impollunce, ended tho nllvnl compel hOI to glvo up the mllstery or Ines und 1\.11" Gunner of "Baralong I Gives Details of phuse of lhe war and brought \\ hat Is, the seus Evory effort Dllldo by Oer- Another declaration at the British so tar, tho only decision rtu Ilny cam- ma1lY hilS ended In decisive defeat If wnr minister made to Genernl Dous- Action Showing Cowardice of pnlgn lhnt hilS been opened yon set ngalnst the German occupa marls, the chlet at the Greelt general Germans

lielO 0110 strlltcs nt tho heart or tion oC 8,400 square miles at French slnrt, was less ravorably received In Tho London Dally Chronicle pub tho relll disaster thal this war has tcrrltory the British contlol of lho sea Athens Ushes the story or 11 gunner who "IlS IIlrondy foreshadowod fO,r, Germun In you have mensured tho exact condl "Suppbse the Germans do conqucr a member at the Balalong's crew, duslry Helore the "ar GC\maDY dam· tlon between tlle contending powers Egypt," he Is credited with saying concerning the attack on the Nlcoslan Inaled Iwsslan mnrkets, s Ie ,\\ as uble or the ,vest It Is plllin thnt no hard. 'Suppose they extend their line nnd the slOklng at II. GerDlan submllr­thlough the terms or the 1 reaty of ship at ~'rance Is comparable whh throughout '1'urkey and hold the Eu- Ine )'rnnk[orl, to sell advllntngeously In lhat at GClmany becauso l:'rance phrntes val1ey Supposo they tal,o "On August 19 at 2 pm ," snys the l'mnce But bolh U,ussia uud l~mnce thunks to British' sen power Is abl~ Indln What then? We shan get It gunner, 'we received a wireless mos hnve taken bnck their ecnomlc rreo to get COlli Ilnd Iron [rom ab/ond She all bnck when wo defeat the Ger- sage [rom the Nlcoslan, saying she dam nnd bpth have stlongly Indlcatod hilS now been ablo to reorganlzo her mans In Frnnce The war Is not go- ,as being chased by a Germllu sub tholr purpose to dlscrlmlnuto herenf- Industrial es..tllbllshments .In such a Ing to be fought out In Egypt or In mnrlne We accordingly proceeded ter ngulnst Germnn manufaclures Un fnshlon that what used to be mllde at India or tho Balltnns It Is going to tull speed to her assistance At 3 qucstlonnbly British producls and Lillo Ilnd nt Rou~lUlx, nt St Quentlne bo taught out In Germnny" pm we sighted the Nlcoslan, which lhose of the United Stntes concelv- nnd 'rourcolng-thnt Is the things es' King Constnntlno's only comment was being shelled by the submarine, uhly, will receiVe moro fllvornble tar- scnllal to natioulll lire' and comfort- was "It's d11 very well ror England while the crew was getting the uro Iff lreatment thun Germllny when the ure mndo elsewhere to tnlk about wllat she \, III get back bOllts out \, ar Is over Agnln up to tho pres T cnt moment Great Britllin hila com- Now, It pence were to be considered at the war s ond But we Greelts "We got plenty or ammunition rendy lie tOil with GermanY on 11 pallty In toll ny, it Is pluln that Germany would live In the Balknns" on the poop and nt 330 P DI tho DI&r· hor hOll1o colonies Nothing Is more hllve to evucuate Flnnce, and Belgium lnes toolt cover behind tho bulwarks cortnln thnn thnt after the" ur thero Us \\ el1 In no other wny could she The Banker and Farmer on tho port side at tho arterdeclt with will be ImlJOrlal preferenoe nnd prob porsuade tho British to pClmlt her rlfies The gunners also toolt cover nbly InternaLional prefelenco betweon ships to sllll the seas, and she has no bohlnd their guns The tlxcellent sell.' I~rnnce and Great Britain ~nd their present means of compelling such Prosperity of the Bank and Farm mnnshlp or our captain blOUght our reBllectlve colonies British consont ~ut this would be to ship up on the stnrbOnrd at the Nice-

Now, tnltlng the wnr ns n contest restoro things to their exnct status Hand In Hand sia.n, the Gubmnrlne being on the P9rt

between ,'runce nnd Glent Brltuln on before the "ar It would menn that The bnnlter stands close to th side, ~o that tor II. row minutes we

It was an Impressive sight of con­centrated powor and alort rClldlness with long lIues or battle scarred cruis­ers stretching sen ward Ilnd headed by the famous Arethusu Back of them a vast fiotllla of destroyers, then a coun less number of subDlnrlnes at the IP.lost D nnd E type, which hnve 1 ecently performed such brilliant wOllt from the DtLrdanolles to tho Bas llhorus nnd throughout tho BaiLIe

The do.) wns lyplcal of the rigors the Drltlsh Ileet Is now experiencing In tho North Sea, with rain pelting the saUors In oilskins, a north wind cutting the sell. Into fonm, and SOIl­gulls everywhere Tho lIttlo IIshlng vlllnge on the coast had boen trans formod by tho war Into a vast na\ 11.1 rendozvous, with storehouses strotch Ing a hl~le milo, preparod to re oqulp an armada and send It back to SOil. within two hours at Its arrival

Here nlso wero the "mother ships," ranged In long lines along tho quay, ready to receive back their fighting children euch tlmo thoy c.lDle from a rllid or a bntllo '1 ho hugo ostab­IIshment was vibrating with anergy nnd In the hnrbors mine s" eepers were coming back from their worlt, hydro 11.01 oplnnos wero mnnoeuvrlng und blnclt smoke rrom the rllOnels at tho cruisers and destroyel s told or their rendlness to dash out to sen at ter an enemy craf~

The Arethusa lind the light cruiser squadron hnd just returned from scouting Illong the German coast In search of II Gerlllan lIeet which wns said to hn\o ventured out flam tho Klel cnnni Nothing had been seen or the Germnn ships and the BI lUsh or IIcers-the men who hnd now receiv­ed their stnrs In the famous fighting under Vice Admiral Sir Duvld Bently -were elerlslvo nt the Ideo. that the Germans would venturo forth tho 0110 hand alHI Germany on ~he for her tremendous sacrifices Ger rarmer Ho Is In poslUon to II el e hidden from the submurlne 11

othor whnt has hupponcd' l'hst or many hnd gained nothing from about the tarmel and his business view During thnt short Interval we all, o'ormany hilS occupied sarno 8400 France or tram GI ent Brltnln, but had When the tnrmer goes to II. bnnlt to cleared rOl action, trnlned our guns, equaro miles or 1~lench terrltOlY lost her colonleJ Concehably tho borro" money tlle bnnker lenrns his set tho-sights tor 700 yalds and holst­Thut area hud II. populnUon of some BritiSh would not mllite such a bnr- IInanclal clrcumslances, his vlliious cd the white ensign 2,"00,000 bofOle the Wllr, but all the guln Then whntl Either, Germany sources of Income, the ltlnd or [arm ~ 'As soon uS wo apponred arour.d mon \1 ere clenred alit bcfore Germany would hllve to ;.9ffer more or she would er ho Is, the number at children he the bow or the Nlcoslnn the submar­call1e, by tho moblllzntion It can- IIIL~e to continue In a condition which hns, Ilnd whether his wife "arks In ne fired one shot at us which went tulned the busiest Industrlnl )llnnts, meunt paralysis to lIer Industrial es· tho lIeld We would not clnlm Lna~,1 wide The mnrlnes tcen opened with tho richest coal nnll Iron mines 'fhe tubllshments She might Dlalle poace the banker Is no\ modest ):lecauso he a well aimed va ~y, which s" ept tho IJOSsesslon of both hns beon or gl eat with France, "Ith Russia, and with all pries so deeilly Into the fnlmer's Ilt- decks of tho submllrlno nnd seemed to ad\a.ntnge to Germllny, Ilnd France hor continental enemies, but she tairs IlS he doe not do It demornllze the crew, for they,lmmed

One or the offlcors who \\ us In com llIand at the torpedo tubes when they fired the dendly missiles which struck the Germnn cruiser Blucher, and sent hel reeling to the bottom In the glent light or last Janullry, pointed out these self same tubes nnd told how they had worked

"First, we let gp that ono," he said, "and then this one It wus this ono thnt hit the Blucher amidships She was lying of!' ShOI e about 1,600 yanls The thing that Impressed me after we hit her \\I~S the dlladly stillness ' It \\ as terllbly stili until the great silip threw up her Ibow, turned clenn over

hus suffered severely b~ tho loss or wQuld not b9 one step nenrer the rree inqulslth'eness, but Intely left their guns IlIld rushed [or them But, on the othe~ hand, Ger dam or the thlln Napoleon concerning the s tho conning tower, several going over· many 1111.8 l.gst all of li9r_colonlos, after 'l\.ll_bJId n~~~,~~I~~~f~~!~~\~~~tJ::'r~~:fe~l~~,cl~ However, It bonrd, but whothor they wei 0 shot by Illost at them hnve been actually can. She could, to hnl"~"N as to the renson Why rille lire or dived over In panic, I clln ql\ered, only Gormlln East Africa Is tactures to asks questions thnt will not say I lll,lcUcally Intact, and even hero the they ,\ era p fold the farmer's affnirs, he "We then opened fire with our port Drltlsh havo occupied tho coasL All Iy. relations, them and whllt is mora the furmer nnd stern guns, but the IIrst shot hit I

Battleships to Surfhe

'fho pnrty now WOllt aboal d UI8 latest type at big destroyors, which aro here ranged In great bnttallon8 with steam UP 'rlley are very fast, somo at them making 87 to 38 knots and oven touching .2 knots on a mea-. sured milo, wh 110 all of them regular­ly do 35 knots on regular service (A knot Is 2,U25 ynros)

Lying outside at them were tho sub­marines or tho lJ and E type, the lat.. tOr bolng sea going crnft of great r,ldlus which now nro malting distant under son voyages to tho Baltlo I1ntl to tho Dardanollos Tho smnllor 0 bouts havo tho trim outlines of Iln eight onr rnclng sholl, but tho ne\v ocean rangors are as ugly as sarno submarine monster with a steel lin running foro and nrt Ilnd a camel'lI hump aDlldshlp for a deck One of tho commandors pointed out tholr line qualities

"They can stay under water for 72 hours," he said, 'yes, throo days with­out Inconvenience to tho crow from Illck oe air '1 he D boats are good for runs of 24 hours under water, but tho E boats malte 72 hours just as ell8ily During these long elcop water runs they thl ead tholr WilY throngh thO) Sknger Rnck or slllrt Ilround '1'pnerlffe nnd past Glblnltnr, "Ith as much enso under wuter as abovo

, rho dlroctlon and proximity or dis tanco from land are all determlno,l with muthematlcal aoouracy by tne science or navigation ami tho stoorlng goes on ns ellslly undor water ns above"

'rhere Ilro many famous seu Ilghters among tho destro) ers, Including tho Lance, which helped to slnll lhe «oen Igen Loulso oIT Iluvle and "nM In the Jlellgolnml battle In fact, 1111 these ships hnd soen baltle servlco unless lhey haa just como from tho yards and lhe Arethusa B men" ero ploud "r the fact thnt she hnd gono from tho shipyard Into bnttle

Yes," sllid one of her officers ""e got out of tho) ard on n SaturcillY, wo \I e~o In tho light by Weunesdny and hnd sunlt n LullleBhlp nnll \1 ero back In tho yard again by next Saturday How Is that for II. record'"

Shooting at Close

, wl11ln~ to conlldo In the good bankel short However, It may have hit tho In many Instances, the banker submnrlne beneath the wr.terllne Tho

does 1I0t need to ask any questions, next shot hit the conning tower which Single Torpedo lor he already: kQOWS the appeared to be split In hul!,'sendlng of tho fllrmer, his Income, two men fiy.lng Inlo the air The noxt matters peltalnlug to his nnd succeeding Lhots all hit the sub

tarmer's business marine which grndually sllnk, evel y-He cannot ono at her crew being either drowned

Story From Gaillpoli T~ls of Work \ot New Zealanders

Future American Vessels Will Have to be Hit Twice to Sink

Future Amellcan bllLlles1ilps will no ablo to survlvo tho explOSion or I\.

tOI pedo against tneh hulls, re­at \\ hero thoy are struclt, In

soldiers wept as thoy demolished thoir guns those pieces of stool which they cllllcd lhelr 'I~rench fllends' the ordnnnce h,lvlng been mllde at Creuso 'rhe mon hud beon Ilttached to them and mnny artillerists sor\ cd tho saml) gun Cor years SO\11e officers rofused to destroy their ploces, saying tlley preforred to uso their lust bit of strongth In trying to snve thorn, anll some of them hnvo succeeded 110,1 actually have brought their gnns Ilcross

Romnrkable porrol mances In the \I ny or close shooting upon tho 011.111-poli Peninsula nro recorded 'of the New Zenlnnd howitzers and lIeld guna '1'he New Zealand offlclnl war cal rospondert~, Malcolm Ross, re)lorts that toward the end of August a mlljor or InCantl y telephoned, call atlention to the fncl thllt the New land ho" Itzers wero d.rouu:IIlI!' ~lll!l.l~ Into '11 Turldsb trench in front at tho trench his men He theretore ·,,.,"<CU' battery to cense filing at tnat tlculnr trench of lhe enemy reply was that tho firing clone purposely, InasDluch a8 tcry commander fully men nnd hla guns even gin of only' live yards ';~I~~~:~~~I~~::.I for this close IIro was. t Infantrymen In the rront L",,,,,a, '1Inrl'I'llltl,n apparently rUII out or bombs \I oro bolng severely dealt with tho Turks

During the '!turkish on tho night of Zealand-No 2 DlL1,tOlry lery fired 611

.trerlch OS" ol[1ly,',

Ildlngs and or shot, and only a few parts or full glnle bodies and a Inrge quantity at all re

crops are In malnlng on the surfuce nry, and stock will "Not I any were their two guns or ture I stable The heavier calibre thnn ours but, In nd-

be j dillon, they hud ~everal torpedo tubes, "herens we could only get two guns to bellr upon them It they had stUCK to th guns they would Ilt least

Isl:ood,:a' sporting chance, but nppnr ently Germlln submnrlnes, nlthough alwnys really to attack derenseless merchant ships and kl11 and mnlm their )lnssengera Ilud crews, have no stomach ror lighting armed ships or his majesty's navy, even whea the odds are In their favor

opinion or US navy experts Ex­periments which ha\ e been In pro­gre3s for Dloro thnn a yellr, It Is learned, hllve demonstrated tbat t" a or more torpauoes must lind their marlt berore ships sub divided und plotectod as the uew American crutt can be sent to the bottolll

The two supor dl ellunoughts and two bntl\e cruisers congress hns been nsked to authorizo thiS yenr will uo designed on this plnn Bllttleshlbs Nos 43 and H, contracts tal which

ve Illready' been a warded to tho I\!I nrA Islllnd and New Yorlt navy vor,I" .. have addod Interior construc-

... ,,"_resultlng from the study made o. queslClon. or torpedo ddrense since

of the Europenn war 'snlDs .WIIII have even IncrelLs·

l?'~JJI'oy!~loIlE regnrd aro continuing

InrorDla· to bo develope!1

" eX'D6I~ts at hoperul thllt i~~~~l~~~~ti~~~~~1~~ the WOI k are regarded as ~~~;j!lhi~~~j~~~~~~,'(:?~~a~l,~ but It is known that

~~il:e;:t~:i~~~~r~.~~~:li,~~~tl'!1~Er~d~~I~~r~t~!loDley will be Involv· reduce the ef-

~i~~mg~lli~i~~~~!,~~i~!i~t~A\ l;fl~~~~~:[I::!!Jl~i mines or tor· II helll.v'~'·ships '


• • • • • • • . ' • • • • ••• .. • • " .. • • • -' '0 • • •

- , , . . • , '" • . , , • . ,

"Altogetller thero havo arrived by various routes six thousand women nnd chlldren The tragedy or the slL­uatlon Is that tho nrmy hns almost nothing to ent I he soldiers hnd nl> brend for four days, but small qnan­tlties of lIour wero Itopt Cor tho womon nnd chlldrlln" , --~I---------

British Officer Fags -Sixty-Seven Trawlers



captured ~Fleet of German Vessel • Now Anchored at Dover

Charles Bigelow, II. New York Dler­chant, wllh (L blanch offlco In Liver­pool, who arrived In New York recenl­Iy, lold or lhe recenl capture of slxty­seven Gorman steaDl lighting trawl­ers by the strategy or a British naval officer The captured lIeet Is now ILt nMhornt Dover •

• About II. Imollth ngo,'" he said, "tho commnnder at a dostroyer which hnd been out to the North Son IIshlng tloet found thre J Oerlllnn IIshlng trnwlers on tho Oernmn canst with tbo British and French boats Ho went on to soo If they had nny

, IIndlng , nothjng susplcl­told their skippers to go

lIelal1" Three Ilays lnler he picked "1I'let,, ngnln and foulld eleven

o e,rrrill"'A Instend of three, and his tormel progrum '

weeks Inter tho same com­found that the number at tra wiers had Inci eased to

nn"~I"'1I he did not Interfero, they were not 20 the com-

'U~~'t~i:'J,~r~.!,1J~1~it:d a squndron of live d tho North

• • • • • • .' • • " • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • .: • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • , •

, • •

Ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • , , • • • • • •

•• " .' ~ .

- .


-- -.. .. -...

• • III.

o III •

,,..' ,

J .... . " , '

• . .

.' . . . •

: . ·Phone 41 Rat~well

1 .'" I \'Qr" ~Coiif~c~io~ery.~ of .~~~. , Cigars,. Cig~rettes, etc. ,. ,.. Give Us a· Trial "

. ' , " .


- , " .

" ,

. ' , .

• ."(}..i.: , )

The "Autocrat of,Breakfast'Table of tho Too Tabl,e, and, in Lhousl\nds or, homes, of the


-!.", f ••• ."

D~BLUE' DIBBON "".4 : •• I • , , .'

I' ~ ., ~-',-, !.1: .-'\, .... , . " "

. ,. " ' ( ... , ,

~Imh.' tEA:, I And why? " Booause Bllle RibbQu Tea is 0. delighthll be\'eragc­hel\lthrui-milclly stimulating-pure a.s the "~estern breezes-and almost us chcmp. :' Drink 'Blue Ribbon Tea for yOllL' hen.lth's· Ba\tb. Buy it foriyour pocket's .sake. , 'A~d' lioto the new package-a pel'fect Pl'ot6ction Ilgainst tho encmies or good tea.-dust alld moisture.

), A money-back gua~antee -goes with ., each packet, Ask your 'Grocer

, I

.t '. , .

, ,


,':liH~EI tiilf,t1 W ns 11 for ,the pur­

appoinLing ofriceL's nnd eOlnmiitees oC the temperance l;n'ganlsatioL; iiI this community. ,

D. CAswell.has a rink The [ollowing officers ,yere ap-the Bonspiel in W'innipeg. poit~ted: Chairman, Enos 'Willett;

, \'ioe-ohairman,' J~lll I Pollon;' see-iIes'8rR~ 'A: Forbes !\LId P.:..R. '.' '. ' '( "1' "r'I t I

w/1ok,:l ret;al'y'Lreasurcr, l' ISS l' enos I. Lacl~~l! ~re city "isft'Jrs.this To"assist thc'executivc, a, working

'Priv~te8 E. Scal:row. ~O~lInittce ,"WI1S appointed, spent a few days in nathwell last' sist-ing of the following: Mrs> Myles week. ' Il'b:s. Cll1rc Meteair, DL·. I~l11nont,

, Lieut. Paul Kane has been Dr: ChrisLilaw, Messrs, George pointed 'to command Lhe Wl1le~t,; E: Roberts, And row My los, ment at'Rapid Cit,y. A.IH. Pollon, R. J. Mills. J.R. Scott

" W: H. Spinks, John Lee, $.J;nll.lel nemembe'l·-the Fax-WilEjon 'Fun Flack, George E. Staples, ~ ames

Co. ~ppears in.Scammen's Hltll on ELlglish, James I.e"" J. H. nob~rt-Saturday, February 26th. ", .. . son. I

It has beeil su~gested t!la~kl~it- An advertising committee was ting be taught in theschbols to en- ap~oinled as follows:-Re\'~ 1\[orrow,

the childhm to kn,it sooks for Mi-: ,n: P. Morrison mid Mias McIn

the sold:ers. tosh. , res\~llle .. AS'[llnds will be neeuetllo cm"ry Re\', ·W. p, Spoonel'.will

k u"".v work of the cl1mpaign, an his lecture on "15 years' wor ' ( -" apipeRl' will be made to the publiC', London" in the Pl'esbytel'ian ,,- .

Hlis hoped that all who wish to see Church, on Friday, 15th inst, at ~ thirl\1anitoba Lit\nor Act passed 8 o'clock . " ' d on, lVIa.rch 13th, wi11l'e~on gene-

The seoretary,of the Curling As- rpusly to the a~al [or money

" .... " • 00 '.

" , '. . : ..... '. :.' .:

. . '. ". " , . ':. , '

Entrenched The Bank-of Hamilton is not de~ pendent on the prosperity of ~ny one section of the 'country. It IS a well-entrenched' institution

. branches spread over Canada; Jat each of which a general banking

. i~' transacted,

Treherne Branch G. V. Hannah, Manager

-----,------ --- --- -- ---

Out of the Barn, but ., still in the Livery


.- Business /

Good stylish drivers nlld rigs fU\'I1ished

• 1

l'holle 65 for any 111-






DR, '1'. J. LAl\lONT COnON&n IN AND FOrt. 'fill! I'RO\',:scm

1II.D •• C.lII., UlIlI'erBlty or )\(l\lIltohR, HOllOI' Itl'ndullto. '

Ollleo nnd r""ldollco, BOYllo stl'eel:: Phollo'll

DR. J. A. CIIRISTILA '" Physlclnll nm! Surllooll, lI(nlll\oLn Melllc .. 1

Colic"" Grndunto. Ollleog eor.lloYllo nl1l! Hnllwny. Phollo 101.

W. t>, MOT'f, lIT,D. Coroner

Broadway - Rathwoll, Man. Bociation 'Vi8~IJlS to announce wilen approached by the following the curling schedule drawn a persons. who were' appoint(ld col- Co~densed Advertisements

" the Winnipeg bonspiel will ha\'p I~~tol's: Mcsda'mcs Pollon, Christi- ______ -"-_-'-____ _ for prizes two cups: The Myles' Steele and Ross, Iln'd lIlisses cop, ne'yly dona~d, allfJ the CliP I l\I;l\cl:"o'iJm und Cuthbcr~, \ at prescnt helo l)y 1:P' Cas wei . Thel'e will be 8e,'o1'al other good

prizes. ' Chal'ge


'J' B,lockade' of Germo:ny N{on't Stop Be·

cause W3chlngto'n SendD Noten-113 Enemy to be Beaten to Her Kneea 13' ~ '- " . " f • - ... ' ,.commenting Oil tho press reports on

the' protest, of the' United States against Gro:lt Britain's polley regurd· lng, the sol~ln-g, of cargoes of food­

ITs, boUnd fr0111 America to Sweden

All ,'ertlgements U 11<101' I hl~ hendlng nro ehnrllod {,ije (01' ono insortion, 'tonI' insertions ror 1.00. 1'ho Clo,.sIOClI nel. WI\)' Is nlloeonomlenlJUoLhol\ ot gollh'llrbuylnll 01' 1'0nLing. ,

FOR SAl~ The wesL hnIr of section 3'l-8·9.

One of tho best half sections ill the district. All under cultivation. Liberal terms will be given. Apply to owner, .


17-21-p Treherne,1\£all. .......... , .... " . " ... ". ". ......... .

FOR SALE \ A quantity or' board less barley,

long stl'ltW variety, suitable for seed. Apply to , "

1 18-21-c

"T. H. SPIN1,S, Treherne

other noutral ports.· J. St. Loo S~l~aclhey, publisher of '1'he- Spectator, D~A6:~r~all11 the current iSSUQ of- that p says, III purt: "In our opln-

FEI,brua'ry' way to all --.....,..,/~---------:----' would FOR SALE

Arllel~Il!~~_h "T\veh'c . pigs,' six weeks old; CheSler White gl'!\des; apply to

of Office, nor, any other depllrLlulJuv SUite" but tho feeling stirring

I A. GRonB, Treherne

, FOR SALE SoldiClr going to fropt wisho~ to

dispose' cf Id lots within Winnipeg city limits at $125 each, 'Will !lell separat{}y. Big sacrifice. 'Apply

0, A. nO"'lI[AN, V.S., B.V.Se. VETEIlIN,\ RY 80r,,00u nnd Donti8t Onlen

In Srnlth'a Lh'ory HtnbloB. Ur'o,ul\\ fl)". HcslLlcllco phobo NOol7. night. phono, ~u. :t:I.



DR. A. W. ~[YLES

TDol nUst, D.D.S" L,D.S. umco In ;I[y108 Block, ro lUl'1I0. " ~o~n"H: 0 to 12 n.m ... : l.aO to 0 p.m. ; E\'clllngH

(Lllu oundnys by nppolntmont.


.JAMES FULT0N eUCCcsl!or to


OFFICES RallwR)' A.o., Trohoroo Alnullobn inlloltol'8 for tho Onuadloo !Junk DC COlli' moro8"lIook or Homlltou, nud Cor Aluuleipuilly of 1I0llh Norfolk,

DELomm & LAwm'n: j AvocntH~BIl.l·l·iHtCI'H

At Nolro Damo do IJoul'(lc~ O\'Ul'Y SnLttrrlny .-.J.'. from 1 Lo 6 p.rn. -'1'clo(1hol1c Onr.·)" 2USI illU J~loctrlo llnlh,,"y

~ Oh'LlIIUOl'S, \\"illnilll'~

F. n. lIll1'CHEI,L, B.A.

ATTORNEY AT LAW. OlUeD Itt A. MnrUII 180ocy,llroadwuy, Trohorno ..



the- British pubHe and ,tho will" that c,optrols ,the henrt and brain of \the nllUon as a whole, 'Ve 0.1',0 quito SIlI'O tne ,Washlnglon Gbvernment, let alone tll.e American people, Is not OilS en­tlllillY. hostile to us, do not want "to injure us at a vital point and Is not dellberately seeking to tie Oil\' hands behind' us' In the final round ot our I 'l'reherue Ti mes death struggle with Germany. 'Yet I~ :~~===~=========

I,u,cy,.,ur~ Ignorant of our true attitude

ALLornoYB. Solioltoro, ELo. LOIlIIH nogoLinLol! nnd J~"LlItoH hnndlClI.

Holinlld. lIlnn.

"" '",n" drlCt Into or rather. he ell· J .... ,----;:-------..:........:.---,-.. --~ of'thut very kind.

WAAk begilll)ing no ~a~~~.~s~' tho EOUNTY/' Of .'KENT ,IS J

"r\t.'~11 ,nnnnln 'llarne.mnoOtm~:~ -RAIDED BY AEROPLANES a net of ,_ ...


Dnl'rlgLorg. SollcU 'ra, Notarlos Public, mil. OOleo: l\!)'loH IUoolc. 'l'rthol'no.lI!nll.

J W. 1\lon·IBolI. L,I,.ll. O.lII. DUllcombo,ll,A , • "

AT,mn,ou MAlt1'IN


l !flr~~~~~~~:~JI~~[;'0ir' "'fo n.lll 11I9Url\IICO ,\gont. 80", ttl ot Lho bUfiL 140nn Ulld III- \ h.1d. -- Commi98ionor, umcu. -. .' TREnEH~E T,OD01~ NO. 51

A. F, &. A. ~r.

. : .. . ', • • o

. .. • • •



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