
Material from the Talent Development Resourcesand The Creative Mind network of sites.

A publication by Douglas Eby

Resources for

Creative People

Products and Programs

Contents of page includes:

The Artist’s Way Video Course with Julia Cameron

Renaissance Business for multitalented entrepreneurs by Emilie Wapnick

Coach Jenna Avery – “Resources for the serious and sensitive writer.”

Brendon Burchard - "Share your knowledge with the world and get paid."

Artizen Coaching – Products for Your Creative Business and Life

Programs for Authors and Writer Entrepreneurs

Bulletproof: The State of High Performance

Online training sites: CreativeLive and Udemy

The BioElectric Shield – EMF protection

Books To Fuel Your Creative Mind

Emotional Health Resources

Contents of page includes:

Programs | Books | Articles

Radio show by trauma survivor Michele Rosenthal

The Mental Health Telesummit

The Lefkoe Method for changing beliefs and emotions

The Hidden Power of Emotions program

Louise Hay video – You Can Heal Your Life

The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson

The Tapping Solution

One of many books: The Upside of Your Dark Side

Books To Fuel Your Creative Mind

Contents of page includes:

The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks...

Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity...

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

The Art of Discovery: Hollywood Stars Reveal Their Inspirations

The Good Creative: 18 ways to make better art

Mastering Creative Anxiety

{ and many more }

Self Care For Your Creative Life

Contents of page includes:

article: How to Be More Creative by Hanna Olsen

course: How to Be Healthy in an Unhealthy World by Pilar Gerasimo

The Tapping Solution program

book: The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson

article: Taking Care of Your Creative Self

article: Psychotherapist Sarah Chana Radcliffe on technologies for growth

“The more you become your own best champion, supporter, cheerleader, and trusted confidant, the better able you’ll be to fully

and joyfully express your blessed creativity." Cheryl Richardson

Sites and Facebook Groups

Contents of page includes:

Facebook groups:Intellectually Gifted Adults

Gifted and Talented AdvocacyThe Brain Cafe


Other sites and resourcesHSP / Gifted books

High Ability – gifted/talented articlesSelf-tests : giftedness / high abilityCounselors – Therapists – Coaches


[ Photo from several articles including: Multiple Passions and Talents But Potential Burnout. ]

Interviews - text and audio

Interviews – audio

Jenna Forrest on Empowering SensitivitySusan K. Perry on writing and flow

Jenna Avery on helping sensitive souls thriveCreative People and Mental Health // etc

Interviews – text

Aeone composer and singerBronwen Aker web developer; former Lecturer at Griffith ObservatoryRebecca Alzofon painter "Creative work doesn't start without stillness."

Andrea Ashworth - author of memoir: "Once in a House on Fire"Hillary Atkin - producer, writer [Writers Guild website etc]

Pat Autenrieth - artist who uses quilting as a fine arts mediumLynne Azpeitia - Supporting creative achievement // etc

Interviews with dozens of psychologists, researchers, actors, writers and other artists on personal growth and creativity.

Resources for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People

Introversion and high sensitivity are different, but they can also overlap and interact, and many of us experience both

personality traits to some degree, perhaps along with shyness.

This page includes articles plus books, sites, videos and other material about these qualities, their impact on our creative

lives, and how we can thrive using the positive aspects.

“I’m not the girl at the club on the table. I’m going to be the one in the corner, quiet and so I don’t call attention to myself.”

Actor Jessica Chastain

“From about the age of eighteen or nineteen, I realized that it was just not my idea of fun to party. So I realized that I had this

fundamental difference with a lot of other people.” Jonathan Rauch, a correspondent for The Atlantic, author, and

guest scholar at the Brookings Institution.

Programs for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People

Contents of page includes:

HSP Health – Self Actualization For The Highly Sensitive Personprograms include:

There’s Nothing Wrong With You! Energy Mastery Course

Introvert Springprograms include:

Unbreakable Confidence For IntrovertsFulfilling Connections For Introverts

Sheep Dressed Like Wolves“I help encourage, inspire, and equip

introverted and Highly Sensitive People..."

Surrender to the Power of Intuition Courseby Judith Orloff, MD

{ and more }

Programs for Authors and Writer Entrepreneurs

Contents of page includes:

The Transformational Author Experience

Mark Matousek’s Writing Through Fear course

The Creative Penn – Training For Authors And Writers by Joanna Penn

The Writer’s Circle by Jenna Avery

You may be a published author – or aspire to be one. Here are several programs that can provide substantial guidance

and resources to enhance your success as a writer and creative entrepreneur.

Resources For Multi-Passionate Entrepreneurs

Photo: Emilie Wapnick, creator of the Renaissance Business program - "Turn All of Your Interests into One Business"

Emilie says: "Imagine having a business that allows you to focus on many of your interests and use all of your skills on a regular basis.

"In Renaissance Business, you’ll learn to use your multipotentiality so that instead of it being an obstacle to income, it becomes fuel for income."

Multi-Passionate Branding Course“Branding is a HUGE topic, and one that is especially challenging for

multipotentialites who want to convey, rather than limit, the breadth of who they are and what they do.”

See more posts and resources on this site The Inner Entrepreneur - Inspiration and resources for creative entrepreneurs

Related Facebook page: The Inner Entrepreneur

Related Sites list

Thanks for reading this guide. Material comes from my years of researching and publishing on my network of sites with

"Information and inspiration to enhance creative expression and personal development."

Main sites include :

Talent Development Resources || The Creative Mind

Depression and Creativity

Developing Multiple Talents [site for my main book]

High Ability || Highly Sensitive and Creative

The Inner Actor || The Inner Entrepreneur || The Inner Writer

Anxiety Relief Solutions || Personal Growth Information

top related