Resensi Buku Time is More Valuable than Money

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Resume buku Time is More Valuable Than Money karya Yoris Sebastian. Slide disampaikan pada kegiatan mingguan Sharing Session di sekolah.


Book ReviewYoris Sebastian

Time Is More Valuable Than MoneyDampak Transportasi dalam hidup kita

Panji Irfan sharing session SMP Tunas AgroJanuary 2014

“When you sell a man a book, you don’t sell him just twelve ounces of

paper and ink and glue – you sell him a whole new life.”

Christopher Morley

Book Opinions

• No table of contains• Interactive books• Author are the example• Deep and broad reference

Time is More Valuable than Money

• Time is money?

• Time is limited.

• Enid Blyton wrote more than 753 books, on her 40 years writing career.

Transportation in The Past

• Pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia on boat 2 month/on plane 9 hours.

• Charles Theodore Deelman (Dutch East Indies), dos a dos (France, back to back), dokar (dog car). Velocipede (France Designer). John Dunlop in Coventry 1885 (#1 manufactured).

• Nederlandsch Indische Spoorwegen for carrying the spices.

Becak from Chinese Hokkian be chia (kereta kuda). The variation are bemo, bentor, bajaj.

Current Transportation

1.TransJakarta. Serve by government, the issues are limited buses.

2.Shuttle transportation. Cipaganti & Blue Bird are the leaders on shuttle service transportation.

3.Lyft rideshare service. Pick somebody by request.

4.Nebengers. A social movement.

5. Bycicle sharing service. Started in Bandung.

Current Transportation

• Financial loss by traffic jam Rp. 35 triliun per year. (Study by JICA & Bappenas 2013)

• 1000 motorcycle + 3000 car every month (Bambang Sumantono, 1001 Wajah Transportasi Kita).

Future Transportation

In Indonesia• Ojek Service Online, Car Service Sharing,

MRT (Mass Rapid Transportation), Water Way Service, etc.

Time for something matters (extra time to be healthy, happy,


Time for something matters (extra time to be healthy, happy,


Sleep well, eat well, sports, medical check-

up, etc.

Time for something matters (extra time to be healthy, happy,


Pray, me time, family quality time, hangout

with friends, etc.

Time for something matters (extra time to be healthy, happy,


Extra works, sell thing online, tutoring, writing

for web, etc.

Thank You!

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