Request for Proposals Graphic Identity for East Maine ... · Request for Proposals Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 ... Star Washington Elementary (Glenview): Wildcats

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East Maine School District 63 Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Request for Proposals

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63

Request for Proposal RFP Name: Graphic Identity Date Issued: April 1, 2016 Contact Person: Janet Spector Bishop Email: Phone: 847.493.8433 Deadline: April 25, 2016

Submittals Delivered To Janet Spector Bishop Director of Communications & Community Relations East Maine School District 63 10150 Dee Road Des Plaines, IL 60015

The purpose of this RFP is to select a contractor to develop a graphic identity and related materials in

alignment with District 63’s new brand.

Submit one digital and two paper copies of the RFP response documents. Submittals shall be marked





Table of Contents


Scope of Service/Deliverables

Proposal Format & Content


Proposal Selection Process

Terms and Conditions


2 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Introduction East Maine School District 63 offers a rich learning environment to more than 3,500 students in Des

Plaines, Niles, Morton Grove, Glenview, and Park Ridge at six elementary schools (PreK-6), and a junior

high school (grades 7-8). Committed to providing all students with the specific opportunities they

need to succeed and thrive, District 63 schools, preschool, and afterschool programs foster each child’s

academic, social, emotional, and behavioral growth and achievement.

Schools include:

Apollo Elementary (Des Plaines): Bulldogs

Mark Twain Elementary (Niles): Cougars

Melzer Elementary (Morton Grove): Blue

Jays/Hawks/Mountain Lions – TBD this spring.

Nelson Elementary (Niles): Eagles

Stevenson Elementary (Des Plaines): Star

Washington Elementary (Glenview): Wildcats

Gemini Junior High (Niles): Mustangs

The District is characterized by an extremely diverse and multicultural population: more than 65

languages are spoken in its schools. Almost 60 percent of students are low income, and schools are

located in several municipalities and unincorporated areas in throughout Maine Township.

As a result, building a cohesive identity – and high visibility -- has been challenging. To address this

challenge, District 63 launched a branding process early in 2015. Throughout the year, families, staff,

Board members, and community leaders were solicited for feedback and perceptions about the District –

as well as their hopes and desires for our schools – through surveys, focus groups, and one-to-one

conversations. Feedback results were disseminated to external and internal stakeholders, who

brainstormed ideas for the brand and shared their ideas about how best to tell the District’s story.

All of this feedback and brainstorming came together in building the brand. In February 2016 the District

finalized and announced its new branding statement, key messages, and tagline.

Branding statement:

East Maine District 63’s diverse learning environment supports each student’s unique pathway to

success within a caring, connected community.

Key messages:

District 63:

Is committed to teaching excellence that provides all students with the specific opportunities

they need to succeed.

Focuses on the whole child.

Celebrates its diversity.

Is engaged with the community.


Success without boundaries.

With these key building blocks in place, the District now plans to create a comprehensive graphic

identity program to compliment, communicate, and enhance the new brand.

3 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Scope of Services East Maine District 63 is seeking graphic design services to craft a comprehensive graphic identity,

including logos, font treatments, colors and a detailed graphic standards manual that guides the

organization moving forward. All of these elements are incorporated in the scope of this RFP.


o Two preliminary options for an appropriate, usable new District 63 logo. o Vertical and horizontal treatments for each option. o One set of changes for the final choice included.

o Tagline and school district name treatment – with and without logo. o Once a final District logo has been selected, treatments of the new logo for use by the:

o Total Learning Community (TLC), the District’s extended learning program. o Early Childhood Center, the District’s preschool program. o District-wide PTO.

o Two preliminary options for an appropriate, usable new logo for Melzer Elementary School – incorporating the District identity -- based on its new mascot, to be determined this spring. One set of changes for the final choice included.

o Upgrade of other six school logos. While six of District 63’s schools will keep their mascots, several of their logos are poorly executed and/or essentially clip art. The upgrade will include:

o Incorporating the District identity into the school logos. o Bringing consistency to the logos – currently some are four-color, some are two-color,

some are one-color. Some are line art – some are not. o Creating high-res versions of each logo (some are only available in very low-res versions

and thus seem fuzzy when enlarged). o Treatments of the logo(s)/tagline for use in clothing, novelty items, print, social media, web. o Color, black and white, and reversed out versions of the logos. o Logos/tagline provided in a variety of high-res file formats for EPS, JPG, PDF, and Illustrator. o Font recommendations for District name, mission statement, address, phone, website for use in

letterhead, business cards, newsletter mastheads, and other similar pieces. o Availability to meet with District Graphic Identity Advisory Committee at the District office twice

– in May and September. Each meeting will be no longer than two hours. o Graphic standards manual comprising:

o Primary logo/color/sizing guidelines o Reversed out logo o Proper use of the logo element when freestanding o Font/typeface/formatting guidelines o Spacing o Unacceptable logo applications o Color palette information/identity specification guide o Typeface palette o File format recommendations

o Warranty of originality to ensure that the graphic design elements do not infringe any third party’s intellectual rights.

4 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Optional Deliverables

To be priced individually and may be selected a la carte at the discretion of District 63:

o Publisher templates for four-color community and staff newsletters (four-six pages). o Publisher templates for seven four-color school newsletters (two-four pages). o Word template for four-color teacher newsletters (two pages). o Web design refresh – colors, fonts, logos on main District and school home pages. o Letterhead design for District and each school. o Business card design. o Marquee designs for each school (specs to be provided).

The contractor may not commence work beyond the scope of the contract without first securing the

approval of the Director of Communications and Community Relations.

Proposal Format and Content Include the following elements in your proposal:

Cover sheet (Attachment A)

Three professional references (Attachment B).

Cover letter. Outline how you can meet District 63’s needs. Include your approach to

collaborative decision making and client feedback. This letter must also contain:

o Confirmation that the contractor will comply with all provisions in this RFP.

o If applicable, any potential conflicts of interest.

Description of qualifications and relevant experience.

If applicable, organization of the proposed team (if contractor is a multi-person business).

A list of representative projects. Include links if the work is showcased online.

At least two relevant work samples.

Cost proposal. Deliverables priced as a package; optional deliverables priced a la carte. Be sure

to include all assumptions.

All completed and signed attachments.

All designs, materials, and graphic identity elements will be fully owned by District 63.

Timeline The timeline is based on District 63’s school year. Although most of the work will be completed over the

summer, the process will kick off before the end of the 2015-2016 school year – and wrap up once staff

returns in the fall for the 2016-2017 school year.

RFP Released April 1

Pre-proposal meeting (optional) April 7

Proposals Due April 25

Evaluation Review April 26-May 12

Final Selection May 13

Contract Signed May 20

Project Start May 23

Feedback Gathering Meeting w/Advisory Committee Week of May 23

Submission of design concepts August 12

5 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Review Meeting w/Advisory Committee Week of September 6

Final Approval September 15

All Deliverables Received/Project Completion September 30

Proposal Selection Process All proposals will be ranked based on a range of criteria, including:

Relevant past experience

Skill level/quality of samples

Understanding of requested tasks, minimum expectations, and appropriate role



The District will review and analyze each proposal and reserves the right to award the contract to the

most responsible and responsive respondent whose proposal is most advantageous to the District based

on quality, price, and other factors. “Responsibility” is defined as the respondent’s potential ability to

perform successfully under the terms of the contract. District 63 reserves the right to request additional

information during the evaluation period. Follow-up interviews may be held with short-listed vendors.

The District reserves the right to modify deadlines, change the scope of work (incorporating mutually-

agreed upon changes to the cost(s)), amend said RFP, and negotiate with any contractor.

The District also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any reason without incurring any

cost or liability, waive formalities, and select and terminate any contractor as deemed necessary based

on its needs. It reserves the right to refuse to accept any proposal from any person, firm, or corporation

that is in arrears or default to District 63, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with

the District.

Terms and Conditions

All proposals become the property of East Maine District 63 upon submission and will not be returned.

Late submittals will not be accepted. All proposals are subject to FOIA.

The successful respondent shall at all times observe and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, or

codes of the federal, state, county, and other local government agencies. If the respondent plans to use

subcontractors to complete any portion of the work, all such subcontractors must be approved by

District 63 before work begins.

The District does intend to enter into a contract with the effective date of May 20 and end by the target

date of September 30. However, the District reserves the right – if necessary – to extend the contract

upon terms mutually agreed upon by District 63 and the contractor.

The successful bidder shall enter into a written agreement, which shall be subject to the approval of the

Superintendent and the Director of Communications and Community Relations. Final acceptance of a

proposal shall only be complete upon the District’s acceptance of an agreement executed by the

successful bidder.

6 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

The District may, at its sole discretion and without penalty, cancel or annul in whole or in part the

agreement at any time with five days written notice to the successful bidder. The vendor shall receive

payment for services provided up to the date of cancellation or annulment.


All payments will be made in accordance with the Illinois Local Government Prompt Payment Act, 50

ILCS 505/1 et seq. District 63 has the right to approve or disapprove a bill or portion of a bill sent by the

contractor within 30 days after receipt of the bill, or receipt of deliverables, whichever is later. In the

event that the District disapproves of a bill or portion of the bill, written notice will be mailed to the

contractor immediately. Contractors must pay any subcontractor(s) in a timely manner, according to the

requirements set forth in the Act, specifically 50 ILCS 505/9.

Proposal Acceptance Period

It is understood that upon submission of the proposal, fees proposed will be valid for 90 days.

7 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.


1. GENERAL: “East Maine School District 63,” “District,” and “EMSD63” are synonymous and mean East

Maine School District 63. EMSD63 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive

any informality or technicality in any bid/proposal submitted, and to accept any part of a bid/proposal

deemed to be in the best interest of the District. EMSD63 reserves the right to reject any or all

bids/proposals without indicating a reason for such rejection.

2. TAX EXEMPTION: EMSD63 is exempt from the payment of Federal Excise Tax and State Sales Tax.

EMSD63’s tax-exempt number is E9997-8385-05.

3. PRICING AND DISCOUNTS: EMSD63 qualifies for governmental and educational discounts. Unit prices

shall reflect these discounts. Unit prices shall govern in the bid/proposal evaluation and contract


4. SPECIFICATIONS: All bidders must be in compliance with all specifications and any drawings provided

with this solicitation. Any reference to brand names and numbers is descriptive, but not restrictive, unless

otherwise specified. When specific manufacturer and model numbers are shown, they are used to

establish a design, type of construction, quality, functional capability and/or performance level desired.

EMSD63 reserves the right to determine whether an alternate offer is equivalent to and meets the

standard of quality indicated by the brand name referenced. When alternates are bid/proposed, they shall

be identified by manufacturer, stock number, and such other information necessary to establish

equivalency. EMSD63 shall be the sole judge of equivalency.

5. CHANGES AND WITHDRAWALS: EMSD63 reserves the right to change due dates and openings for its

own convenience and to withdraw solicitations at any time without prior notice.

6. APPLICABLE LAW: This contract shall be governed under the laws of the State of Illinois.

7. ASSIGNMENT: No right or duty in whole or in part of the contractor under this contract may be assigned

or delegated without prior written consent of EMSD63.

8. HOLD HARMLESS: Contractor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend East Maine School District

#63, members of its Board of Education, officers, employees, students, teachers, agents, successors and

assigns thereof against all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims and demands, and against all personal

injuries and property damages, losses, costs, expenses and attorney's fees, in any manner caused by,

arising from, incident to, connected with any acts, omissions, or failures to perform under this or any

resultant agreement, or infringement on any third party’s intellectual rights, which are attributed to the

Contractor, its officials, employees, agents, successors or assigns.

9. PUBLIC RECORDS ACCESS: It is the intention of EMSD63 to maintain an open and public process in the

solicitation, submission, review and approval of procurement activities. Bid/proposal openings are public

unless otherwise stated. Records are not generally available until after an award has been made.

10. INSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY: The contractor performing services for EMSD63 shall:

Maintain worker’s compensation insurance as required by law for all employees engaged in the work.

8 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Maintain commercial liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance against any claims(s) that

might occur in carrying out this agreement/contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million ($1,000,000)

liability for bodily injury and property damage including product liability and completed operations.

Provide motor vehicle insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles that are used in carrying

out this contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single

limit for automobile liability and property damage.

EMSD63 reserves the right to require higher or lower limits where warranted. All insurance required by

this contract shall be maintained during the entire length of the contract.

11. OFFENDER REGISTRY: If any employee or agent of the contractor will have any contact, direct or

indirect, with a student, this provision applies. The contractor shall not send to any school building or

school property any employee or agent who would be prohibited from being employed by EMSD63 due

to a conviction of a crime listed in 105 ILCS 5/1—219, or who is listed in the Statewide Sex Offender

Registry or the Statewide Violent Offender Again Youth Database. The contractor shall obtain a finger-

print based criminal history records check before sending any employee or agent to any school building

or school property. Additionally, at least quarterly, the contractor shall check if an employee or agent is

listed on the Statewide Sex Offender Registry or the Statewide Violent Offender Again Youth Database.

12. CANCELLATION: EMSD63 reserves the right to cancel any contract in whole or in part without penalty

due to non-appropriation of funds or for failure of the contractor to comply with terms, conditions and

specifications of this contract.

EMSD63 also reserves the right to cancel any contract with a federally debarred contractor or a contractor

which is presently identified on the list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-

procurement contracts.

13. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: All materials, equipment, and supplies provided to EMSD63 must comply

fully with all safety requirements as set forth by applicable state and federal laws, and all applicable OSHA


14. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: If any items(s) on order(s) resulting from this award(s) is a hazardous

chemical, as defined under 29CFR 1910.1200, provide one (1) copy of a Material Safety Data Sheet for

each item with the shipped container(s) and one (1) copy to Business Office, East Maine School District

63, 10150 Dee Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016.

15. RESPONSIVENESS AND RESPONSIBILITY: Award will be made to the responsible and responsive bidder

whose bid is most advantageous to EMSD63 with price and other factors considered. For the purposes of

this project, responsiveness is defined as the bidder's conformance to the requirements of the solicitation.

Being not responsive includes the failure to furnish information requested.

Responsibility is defined as the bidder's potential ability to perform successfully under the terms of the

proposed contract. Briefly, a responsible bidder has adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain

said resources; can comply with required delivery taking into account other business commitments; has a

satisfactory performance record; has a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics; and has the

necessary organization, experience and technical skills.

9 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

EMSD63 reserves the right to refuse to accept any bid from any person, firm or corporation that is in

arrears or is in default to EMSD63, or has failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with EMSD63.

If requested, the bidder must present within five (5) working days evidence satisfactory to EMSD63 of

performance ability and possession of necessary facilities, financial resources, adequate insurance, and

any other resources required to determine the bidder's ability to comply with the terms of this solicitation


16. WARRANTY: Unless otherwise required equipment purchased as a result of this request shall be

warranted against defects by the bidder/proposer for at least one year from the date of receipt.

Equipment manufacturer’s standard warranty shall apply as a minimum and shall be honored by the


17. QUANTITIES: The quantities shown on this request are based on estimated needs. EMSD63 reserves

the right to increase or decrease quantities to meet actual needs.

18. QUALITY: Unless indicated in the request, all material shall be first quality. Items which are used,

demonstrators, obsolete, seconds, or which have been discontinued are unacceptable without the prior

written consent of EMSD63.

19. AWARD CRITERIA: In comparing bids and making awards, EMSD63 may consider such factors as

relative quality and adaptability of supplies and services, the bidder’s financial responsibility, skill,

experience, record or integrity, ability to furnish repairs and maintenance services, the time of delivery or

performance offered, contract compliance requirements, and any other element or factor in addition to

that of the price which would affect the final cost to EMSD63 and whether the bidder has complied with

the specifications.

20. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The successful bidder shall at all times observe and comply with all laws,

ordinances, regulations or codes of the Federal, State, County and other local government agencies.

21. SEVERABILITY: Should any article, section, or clause of this document resultant contract be declared

invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, said article, section, or clause, as the case may be, shall

automatically be deleted from this document to the extent that it violated the law. The remaining articles,

sections, and clauses shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the document.

22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to any contract or order

awarded as a result of this request except where special conditions are stated elsewhere in the request;

in such cases, the special conditions shall apply. Further, the written contract and/or order with

referenced parts and attachments including these Standard Terms and Conditions shall constitute the

entire agreement and no other terms and conditions in any document, acceptance, or acknowledgement

shall be effective or binding unless expressly agreed to in writing by EMSD63.

10 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment A

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Proposal Submission Cover Page


Name of Individual or Firm:___________________________________

Contact Person (if different than above):_________________________



Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN):__________________

Proposal Checklist:

Cover letter

Qualifications & relevant experience

Organization of proposed team (if applicable)

List of representative projects (and applicable links)

Two relevant work samples

Cost proposal

Three professional references

One digital and two paper copies of the RFP proposal submitted

In submitting this proposal, I acknowledge that all designs, materials,

and graphic identity elements will be fully owned by East Maine

School District 63.


11 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment B

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Bidder References

Provide organization name, address, contact person, telephone number, and

appropriate information on the work completed requirements similar to those

included in this RFP.

Organization Name:______________________________________________________________


Contact Person:_________________________________________________________________

Telephone:___________________________ Email:____________________________________

Work Completed for This Reference:________________________________________________


Organization Name:_____________________________________________________________


Contact Person:________________________________________________________________

Telephone:_____________________________ Email:__________________________________

Work Completed for This Reference:________________________________________________


Organization Name:______________________________________________________________


Contact Person:_________________________________________________________________

Telephone:_______________________________ Email:________________________________

Work Completed for This Reference:________________________________________________


12 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment C

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Certificate of Eligibility to Contract

I, ___________________________________, pursuant to Section 5/10-20.21(b) of the School Code, hereby certify that neither I nor any of my partners, or officers or owners of ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________: NAME OF BUSINESS 1. Have been convicted in the past five (5) years of the offense of bid-rigging under Section 33E of the

Illinois Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E -1 et seq., as amended;

2. Have ever been convicted of the offense of bid-rotating under Section 33E-4 of the Illinois Criminal

Code of 1961, as amended;

3. Have ever been convicted of bribing or attempting to bribe an officer or an employee of the State of

Illinois; or

4. Have made an admission of guilt of any of the above conduct which is a matter of record.

Furthermore, I certify that I, my partners, officers or owners of ___________________________ _____________________________________ and its affiliates have and will continue to collect and remit NAME OF BUSINESS Illinois Use Tax, to the extent required under the Illinois Use Tax Act, 35 ILCS 105/1 et seq.

In certifying to the above, I hereby acknowledge that the School Board may declare any contract

awarded pursuant to this bid void if this certification is false.

_____________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Authorized Agent of Bidder

Subscribed and Sworn before me

this ______ day of _______________, 2016.

___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

13 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment D

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Certificate of Compliance with a Drug-Free Work Place Act

I, ___________________________________, as an authorized agent, do hereby certify that

______________________________________________________ (check appropriate box): NAME OF BUSINESS

Has 25 or more employees and, pursuant to Section 3 of the Illinois Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 80/1 et seq., shall provide a drug free workplace for all employees engaged in the performance of work under the contract by complying with the requirements of the Illinois Drug Free Workplace Act. I further certify that ______________________________________________ is not ineligible for award NAME OF BUSINESS contract by reason of debarment for a violation of the Illinois Drug-Free Workplace Act.

Has less than 25 employees and shall provide a drug free workplace for all employees engaged in

the performance of work under the contract.

In certifying to the above, I hereby acknowledge that the School Board may declare any contract

awarded pursuant to this bid void if this certification pursues false.

_____________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Authorized Agent of Bidder

Subscribed and Sworn before me

this ______ day of _______________, 2016.



14 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment E

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Certificate of Non Discrimination

I, ___________________________________, as an authorized agent, do hereby certify that

________________________________________________, does not engage in discriminatory practices NAME OF BUSINESS regarding employment or delivery of or access to services and programming and that it fully complies

with the requirements of federal and State civil rights laws, including but not limited to: the Illinois Civil

Rights Act of 2003, P.A. 93-0425; Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.; the Americans with

Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.12101 et seq., and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 USC 701 et

seq., as well as the rules and regulations promulgated there under.

In certifying to the above, I hereby acknowledge that the School Board may declare any contract

awarded pursuant to this bid void if this certification pursues false.

_____________________________ _____________________________________________

Date Authorized Agent of Bidder

Subscribed and Sworn before me

this ______ day of _______________, 2016.

___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

15 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Attachment F

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Sexual Harassment Policy

I, ___________________________________, as an authorized agent, do hereby certify that

_________________________________________, does hereby certify pursuant to Section 2-105 of the NAME OF BUSINESS Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2-105) that it has a written sexual harassment policy that includes,

at a minimum, the following information: (i) the illegality of sexual harassment; (ii) the definition of

sexual harassment under State law; (iii) a description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (iv) an

internal complaint process including penalties; (v) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint

process available through the Department of Human Rights and Human Rights Commission; (vi)

directions on how to contact the Department of Human Rights and Human Rights Commission; and (vii)

protection against retaliation.

_____________________________ _____________________________________________ Date Authorized Agent of Bidder

Subscribed and Sworn before me

this ______ day of _______________, 2016.



16 East Maine School District 63

Empowering all students to succeed in a changing world.

Graphic Identity for East Maine School District 63 Contact Signature Page

Contract #_______________________ Contractor: _______________________________________

The contractor and East Maine School District 63 have agreed on terms for the Graphic Identity RFP as

detailed in the attached contract.


Printed Name:________________________________________________________________________



By: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________________



Printed Name:________________________________________________________________________


By: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________________


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