Report on Pranic Healing for Partially Blind

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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West African Pranic Healing Foundation, The Gambia (WAPHF-G) in Association with Gambia Organization of the Visually Impaired (GOVI) conducted a project, to apply Pranic Healing Techniques on Partially blind students from GOVI.



Conducted in Association with

Gambia Organisation

West African Pranic Healing FoundationPipeline Avenue,

Tel: (220) 4399589, 7564196,

Report on Master Choa Kok Sui’s

Pranic Healing on

Partially Blind

Conducted in Association with

Gambia Organisation of the Visually Impaired Kanifing,The Gambia


West African Pranic Healing FoundationPipeline Avenue, The Gambia (220) 4399589, 7564196, 9338790

April – November 2010

Visually Impaired (GOVI)

West African Pranic Healing Foundation

Pranic Healing



Page Number

Executive Summary 4

Aims and Objectives 5

Methodology 6

Implementation 7

Outputs and Results 12

Outcomes & Conclusions 16

Recommendation 20

Appendix 21

Pranic Healing



Our sincere thanks go to the Gambia Organization of the Visually

Impaired (GOVI) for providing us the opportunity to carry out this

project. Our thanks also go to

Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of modern Pranic Healing for

sharing the precise knowledge on Energy Healing

Mr. Mamuth Mboom Touray, Executive Director & Mr. Ali Sallah,

Head Master of GOVI for their support

Dr. P.D. Wade, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Mrs. Isatou Jobe

Administrator, Mr. Yaya Balde and other staff members at Sheikh

Zayed Regional Eye care centre for their continuous patience

and support

And to all those who contributed to the success of this project

Pranic Healing


Executive Summary

West African Pranic Healing Foundation, The Gambia (WAPHF-G) in Association with

Gambia Organization of the Visually Impaired (GOVI) initiated a project, to apply Pranic

Healing Techniques on Partially blind students from GOVI.

Pranic Healing is an ancient science and art of healing people using Prana or life force.

Pranic Healing is not a replacement to orthodox medicine, but a compliment to it. It is a

no-Touch and drugless therapy.

The Gambia Organization of the Visually Impaired (GOVI) is the only school in Gambia

where visually impaired children have access to education. The GOVI students receive

their eye treatment from Sheikh Zayed Regional Eye care centre.

WAPHF-G approached GOVI to apply Master Choa Kok Sui’s Pranic Energy Healing

Techniques on six partially blind Students. The idea was welcomed by GOVI and six

students were identified to undergo Pranic healing sessions from April to November


Students chosen for this project had an ophthalmic diagnosis to know the eye

conditions before Pranic Healing. The healing techniques were applied on the students

twice a week for a period of eight months. During this period students also practiced

physical and breathing exercises along with Super Brain Technique.

In eight months, 50 Pranic Healing sessions were carried out. Student’s eye conditions

were rechecked by the Ophthalmologist and based on the improvements noticed, one

student was recommended to move from GOVI to conventional school. The other five

students noticed significant improvement in their vision and their symptoms like

photophobia, pains, redness, itching and headache that were earlier experienced were

drastically reduced.

Student’s performance in their exams has improved. Parents have expressed their

satisfaction on the improvement of their children’s vision.

Pranic Healing


Aims and Objectives

The Aims of applying Pranic Healing on partially blind students is to

� To relieve vulnerable students from pains and discomfort

� Apply Pranic Healing protocols to improve their vision

� To improve physical, emotional and mental health through physical exercises, breathing exercises and Super Brain Technique.

� To note the changes in their vision, before and after Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing



Prior to Pranic Healing sessions, these six students were taken for eye tests at Shiekh

Zayed Regional Eye care centre. After caring out refraction test the Ophthalmologist

recorded symptoms like itching, pains, redness, headache, watering of eye, etc.

Pranic Healing sessions were conducted twice a week in GOVI resource centre for the

blind. Partially blind students are first guided with physical exercises, Super Brain

Technique and Breathing exercises. The Healer would apply ‘scanning,’ a method to

feel the energy, apply ‘cleaning’ a method to remove the unwanted energy and latter

‘energies’ a method to fasten the healing process. A healing session lasts for 20

minutes per student. A period of two hours was allocated for Pranic healing twice a


Based on student’s diagnosis, Pranic healing protocols were applied. To see the effects

of Pranic healing on partially blind student’s, fifty healing sessions or a period of eight

months was essential, after which student’s need to go for their refraction test at Shiekh

Zayed Regional Eye care centre.

Pranic Healing



In first week of April 2010, parents and teachers of the visually impaired students were

highlighted on the importance of Pranic healing in an introductory session during PTA

Meeting at GOVI resource centre for the blind. It was mentioned that, Pranic healing is a

No-Touch therapy; the healer stands one meter away from the patient to apply healing.

Pranic healing is a drug less therapy that complements the efforts of medicine.

In one of the experiments carried out during this introductory session, Teachers and

parents were able to feel the Prana in their hands. The parents/guardians of these

students supported the proposed project to carry out healing sessions.

The following six partially blind students from various grades in GOVI were selected for

the project. Eye tests on these students were carried out at the Sheikh Zayed Regional

Eye care centre in Kanifing, prior to Pranic Healing sessions. Details are as follows

Ebrima Trawally

Sex: Male

Age: 12 years

Affected eye: Left, Better eye: Right

Diagnosis/ Impression: Optic Atrophy (Paper white)

History: Vision problem since birth

Symptoms: Blurred vision, sensitivity to light, eye pain, watering of eye, irritation, and


Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

6/60 6/60

6/24 6/60

Recommended power -10 D.S 0.50 D.S

Pranic Healing


Name: Jankeh Drammeh

Sex: Female

Age: 10 years

Affected Eye: Left and Right

Diagnosis/ Impression: Nystagmus, Funduscopy- Pale Disc Left eye

Unable to recognize colors

History: Vision problem since Birth

Symptoms: Blurred Vision, Sensitivity to light , Eye Pain, watering of Eye, irritation and

scratching of eye, itching, difficulty to open the eye in morning, Movement of eye is


Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

1/60 Perception of light

No improvement No improvement

Recommended power - -

Essa Singhateh

Sex: Male

Age: 14 years

Affected eye : Right

Better eye : Left

Diagnosis / impression: Subconjunctival hemorrhage

History: Vision problem since birth

Symptoms: blurred vision, eyes are dry, head Ache

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

6/60 6/60

No Improvement 6/ 24

Recommended power - + 1:00 D.S.

Pranic Healing


Isatou Sanno

Sex: Female

Age: 8 years

Affected Eye: Left

Better eye: Right

Diagnosis / impression: Microphthalmia

Poor contrast in both left and right eye

Unable to recognize colors

History: Vision problem since birth

Symptoms: Blurred Vision, Sensitivity to light , Eye Pain, Red Eye, Watering of Eye,

irritation in eye, difficulty to open eye in morning, head ache

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

Perception of Light Perception of Light

No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Madou Lamin Kujabi

Sex: Male

Age: 14 years

Affected eye: left

Better eye : Right

Diagnosis / impression: Corneal Opacity

History: Vision problem since birth

Symptoms: Blurred vision, sensitivity to light , dark floating spots along the visual field,

eye pain, red eye, watering of eye, irritation in eye,

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

Hand Movement Hand Movement

No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Pranic Healing


Katim Seeka

Sex: Male

Age: 11 years

Affected eye: Left & Right

Diagnosis / impression: Corneal scars

History: Vision problem since birth

Symptoms: Blurred vision, eye pain, red eye, eye injury, watering of eye, irritation,

movement of eye is painful, head ache, disturbed sleep

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided) ( Pinhole + Glasses)

Hand Movement Perception of light

No improvement No Improvement

Pranic Healing session was conducted twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Before Pranic healing session, students are guided with

• Super Brain Technique

• Physical exercises

• Breathing exercises

Super Brain Technique Super Brain Technique is a two-minute easy exercise that provides Pranic energy to the brain and keeps it fit. Super brain technique can increase student’s concentration. This technique was approved by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education- The Gambia to be introduced in lower and Upper Basic Schools. More information can be found in Appendix. Physical exercises To maintain the good state of health and to purify the subtle energy channels, physical

exercises were introduced; Eye rotation, neck exercise, upper body twist, spine

exercise, hip exercises, etc. were practiced for 10 minutes before each Pranic Healing

session. Refer to appendix for more details.

Pranic Healing


Breathing Exercises There are two ways of breathing the correct way and the incorrect way. The correct way is abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing is natural, infants and small children do it instinctively, without being taught by anybody. When children are asleep the abdomen expands when inhaling and contracts during exhalation. Breathing exercises make a person’s energy body stronger and denser. It also helps a person to de-stress and to have inner calmness and promotes good health. Pranic Healing After the exercises, all the six students receive 20 minutes of Pranic healing each. The person receiving Pranic Healing is asked to sit in a relaxed position on a chair; the healer will be at a distance of one to two meters. The healer removes the used up energies from the affected areas by cleansing and disintegrates this energy in a salt basin. The healer will latter energise the affected areas using Prana. Refer appendix for more information.

Pranic Healing


Outputs and Results

After applying 50 Pranic healing sessions on six partially blind students from GOVI, their

vision were rechecked at the Sheikh Zayed Regional eye care center. The Post-Pranic

Healing visual acuity results are as follows.

Essa Singhateh

Post –Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

6/36 6/18

( Pinhole + Glasses) 6/18 6/12

Recommended power + 1.75 D.S 1.25 D.S

Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Yes Yes

Eyes are dry Yes Healed Healed

eye pain Yes Healed Healed

Headache Yes Healed Healed

Remarks: Left eye has improved significantly from 6/60 to 6/18. He is advised to be

transferred to conventional school

Ebrima Trawally

Post- Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

6/36 6/60

( Pinhole + Glasses) 6/ 24 6/60

Recommended power -13:00 D.S .50 D.S

Pranic Healing


Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Yes Yes

Sensitivity to light Yes Healed Healed

eye pain Yes Healed Healed

watering of eye Yes Healed Healed

Irritation / Scratching Yes Yes Yes

Headache Yes Yes Healed

Remarks: Right eye vision has improved significantly from 6/60 to 6/24. However the

power of glass went higher to -13 D.S. He is no longer complaining of any pain.

Isatou Sanno

Post-Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

Hand Movement at ½ Meter

Perception of Light

( Pinhole + Glasses) No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Healed Yes

Sensitivity to light Yes Healed Healed

eye pain Yes Healed Healed

red eye Yes Healed Healed

watering of eye Yes Mild Mild

Irritation Yes Healed Healed

movement of eye is painful Yes Healed Healed

head ache Yes Some times Healed

disturbed sleep Yes Healed Healed

Remarks: she is now able to see hand movement at a distance of Half meter & can

identify colours. Most of the pains and discomfort felt earlier are healed

Pranic Healing


Jankeh Drammeh

Post-Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

Hand Movement Perception of light

( Pinhole + Glasses) No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Yes Yes

Sensitivity to light Yes Healed Healed

eye pain Yes Healed Healed

watering of eye Yes Yes Healed

Irritation Yes Healed Healed

movement of eye is painful Yes Healed Healed

Remarks: The eyes are relaxed. She is experiencing colour vision. Pain and discomfort

felt earlier has been healed.

Katim Seeka

Post-Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

Hand Movement Perception of Light

( Pinhole) No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Yes Yes

eye pain Yes Yes Healed

red eye Yes Yes Healed

Pranic Healing


eye injury Yes Healed Healed

watering of eye Yes Yes Healed

healed Irritation Yes Yes Healed

movement of eye is painful Yes Healed Healed

Headache Yes Healed Healed

disturbed sleep Yes Healed Healed

Remarks: No significant changes in his vision, now he feels more comfortable and no

longer complain of any pain.

Modou Lamin Kujabi

Post-Pranic Healing

Right Eye Left Eye

Visual Acuity ( Unaided)

Hand Movement Hand Movement

( Pinhole + Glasses) No Improvement No Improvement

Recommended power - -

Pre-Pranic Healing

3 months of Pranic Healing

Post-Pranic Healing

Blurred vision Yes Yes Yes

Sensitivity to light Yes Healed Healed

Dark, Floating spots along the visual field

Yes Healed Healed

eye pain Yes Healed Healed

red eye Yes Healed Healed

watering of eye Yes Mild Healed

Irritation / Scratching Yes Mild Healed

movement of eye is painful Yes Healed Healed

Remarks: There is no improvement in his vision, but pain which he complained earlier

has healed

Pranic Healing


Outcomes & Conclusions

Pranic healing techniques were regularly applied on six student’s from The Gambia

Organisation of the Visually Impaired who were having eye disorder like Optic Atrophy,

Nystagmus, Subconjuntiual hemorrhage, Microphthalmia, Corneal Opacity, Corneal


After 50 Pranic healing sessions, visual acuity and refraction test was performed by the

consultant ophthalmologist, who noticed improvement in the vision of Essa Singhateh,

he is now recommended to move from the blind school to conventional school. The

other five students are advised to continue with Pranic Healing sessions

The Head teacher of GOVI School has observed that,

• All of those who were involved in the healing regained a better sight

• Headache, watering of eyes, red eyes, etc. which they complained earlier has drastically reduced

• Student’s performance in the school examination has improved. As one of the dullest Student in class after undergoing Pranic healing and Super Brain Technique, stood first position in class during the National Assessment Test (NAT)

• Great improvement has been noticed in behaviour and general wellness.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s Pranic Healing and Super Brain Techniques have once

again proved good results in healing six students from Gambia Organisation of the

Visually Impaired School (GOVI).

Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing



Based on the positive changes noticed by applying Pranic Healing and Super Brain

Technique on partially blind students from The Gambia Organisation of the Visually

Impaired School, we recommend to

• Learn Pranic Healing Parents and relatives of partially blind children learn and apply Pranic Healing

Techniques to relieve vulnerable children from pain and discomfort and aid in

improving the eye condition.

• Continue with the practice of Super Brain Technique School teachers and students continue with the practice of Super Brain Technique in GOVI.



Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing - Master Choa Kok Sui

Advanced Pranic Healing - Master Choa Kok Sui

Pranic Psychotherapy - Master Choa Kok Sui

Super Brain Yoga - Master Choa Kok Sui


Prana or Bio Plasmic Energy

Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of

whole physical body. It involves the transfer of bioplasmic energy. Many Doctors around

the world are using Pranic Hea

psychological ailments.

Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of human body. Man’s whole body is

actually composed of two parts visible physical body and invisible Energy body called

as bioplasmic body. The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we

see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasimic body is that invisible

luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extend

beyond it by four to five inches in a normal person.

Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of en

Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes

energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that

energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In

acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as

Breath of Life in Hebrew.

Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful & effective system of

is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a

possesses the ability to heal itself and that

increasing this life force that is readily available from

the sun, air and ground to address physical &

emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says

"Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive;

we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on

this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or

Life Energy from the surroundings."

Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even

physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is

not required because the practitioner is working on

the bioplasmic or energy body and not directly on the

physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the

mould or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates

the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs


Appendix 1:

Prana or Bio Plasmic Energy

is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana to heal the

whole physical body. It involves the transfer of bioplasmic energy. Many Doctors around

the world are using Pranic Healing as a complementary therapy to heal physical and

Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of human body. Man’s whole body is

actually composed of two parts visible physical body and invisible Energy body called

lasmic body. The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we

see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasimic body is that invisible

luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extend

to five inches in a normal person.

a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by

Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's

is a Sanskrit word that means life-force. This invisible bio

energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In

acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as Chi. It is also called

is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It

is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that

possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by

asing this life force that is readily available from

the sun, air and ground to address physical &

emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says

"Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive;

we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on

this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or

Life Energy from the surroundings."

Pranic Healing requires no drugs, gadgets, not even

physical contact with the subject. Physical contact is

not required because the practitioner is working on

plasmic or energy body and not directly on the

physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the

ld or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates

the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs

Pranic Healing

that utilizes prana to heal the

whole physical body. It involves the transfer of bioplasmic energy. Many Doctors around

ling as a complementary therapy to heal physical and

Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of human body. Man’s whole body is

actually composed of two parts visible physical body and invisible Energy body called

lasmic body. The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we

see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasimic body is that invisible

luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extend

ergy medicine developed by

to balance, harmonize and transform the body's

. This invisible bio-

energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In

. It is also called Ruah or the

energy healing. It

living entity that

the healing process is accelerated by

life energy and distributes it throughout the physic

body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc.

Bio-Plasma is the scientific name for Prana.

Plasma comes from the word ‘bio’ which means life

and ‘plasma’ which is the forth state of matter. The

earlier three being Solid, Liquid and Gas. Plasma is

ionized gas or gas particles with positive or negative

charged particles.

The Kirlian photography refers to the resulting image

of a gas discharge; "fluorescence" or glow that

appears around the edge of a subject after it is placed

in a high-intensity electrical field that is captured on a

photo-material. Scientists have been able to study,

observe, and take pictures of small articles like fingers,

leaves, etc.

The Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV) gives a real

human energy field. This new technology allows one to capture by a special camera the

physical, emotional, mental energy emanating and translate this into a computerized


The visible physical body is moulded after the energy body. They are so closely related

that what affects one affects the other. If the energy body is depleted or congested with

Prana, the physical body gets sick. When the energy body is healed, the corresponding

physical body also gets healed.


life energy and distributes it throughout the physical

body, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc.

the scientific name for Prana. Bio-

Plasma comes from the word ‘bio’ which means life

and ‘plasma’ which is the forth state of matter. The

earlier three being Solid, Liquid and Gas. Plasma is

ized gas or gas particles with positive or negative

The Kirlian photography refers to the resulting image

of a gas discharge; "fluorescence" or glow that

appears around the edge of a subject after it is placed

ical field that is captured on a

material. Scientists have been able to study,

observe, and take pictures of small articles like fingers,

The Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV) gives a real-time viewing of the

d. This new technology allows one to capture by a special camera the

physical, emotional, mental energy emanating and translate this into a computerized

The visible physical body is moulded after the energy body. They are so closely related

hat affects one affects the other. If the energy body is depleted or congested with

Prana, the physical body gets sick. When the energy body is healed, the corresponding

physical body also gets healed.

Pranic Healing

time viewing of the

d. This new technology allows one to capture by a special camera the

physical, emotional, mental energy emanating and translate this into a computerized

The visible physical body is moulded after the energy body. They are so closely related

hat affects one affects the other. If the energy body is depleted or congested with

Prana, the physical body gets sick. When the energy body is healed, the corresponding

Pranic Healing


Energy body of a depressed person is one to two inches while a person suffering from

chronic ailment has imbalanced energy body and it is lacking in energy. GDV

photography shows that a healthy person has uniform Pranic energy and dense energy

field. A person suffering from eye ailment has imbalanced energy field. Pranic Healing

techniques like cleansing and energising can balance the energy body.

Pranic Healing protocols for eye ailments like near sightedness, far sightedness,

Eye infection, cross-Eyes, wall eyes, chronic red eye, floater, Glaucoma, cataract, etc.

can be found in Advanced Pranic Healing book written by Master Choa Kok Sui. More

protocols can be found on internet.

Pranic Healing protocols for cataract is explained in this project report. Anybody

with average intelligence and above 16 years of age can learn and apply these Pranic

Healing techniques.

Pranic Healing protocol for Cataract

1. Scan the Pranic energy of patient, rescan during treatment

2. Apply localized sweeping thoroughly on the Ajna energy center. Energize the eyes

through the Ajna with Light whitish Green colour. This is to clean and loosen the

diseased and used up energies in the minute nadies in the eye. Energize the eyes with

Light whitish yellow Prana. This is to facilitate the removal of the diseased and used up


3. Apply Localized sweeping thoroughly on the eyes. Energize the eyes through the

ajna chakra with Light whitish green Prana then with ordinary light whitish violet Prana.

Visualise Pranic energies going into the eyes.

If the patient uses eye glasses, apply localized

sweeping on the eye glasses.

4. Localized thorough sweeping on the forehead

chakra, crown chakra, the entire brain, temple minor

chakras and back head minor chakra with Light

whitish green and ordinary light whitish violet Prana.

Visualize Pranic energies going into the eyes.

5. Energize the crown chakra, forehead chakra and

the temple minor chakras with Light whitish green

Prana then with light whitish violet.

Pranic Healing


6. Localized thorough sweeping on jaw minor chakras, throat and secondary throat

chakra. Energize them with white.

7. Apply Localized sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize the back

heart with less of light whitish green Prana then with more of ordinary light whitish violet.

8. Apply Localized sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra, the navel

chakra, sex chakra, and

the basic chakra. Energize them with White Prana

10. Stabilize and release projected Pranic energy.


1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a medical doctor and a certified Pranic Healer.

2. Pranic Healers are NOT medical doctors, but medical doctors can be Pranic Healers.

3. Pranic Healers should not make medical diagnosis.

4. Pranic Healers should not prescribe medications and/or medical treatments.

5. Pranic Healers should not interfere with prescribed medication and/or with medical treatment.

Master Choa Kok Sui

Pranic Healing


Appendix 2

Super Brain Technique

Super Brain Technique can increase the intelligence of people; it is based on the principle of ear acupuncture; to understand the principles behind the super brain technique, it is important to explain certain new scientific concepts.


Dr. Paul Nogier MD, a neurologist, spent 20 years on medical

research. He rediscovered that the ears correspond to the whole

body. The ear corresponds to an inverted foetus curled in the

womb. The ear lobe corresponds to the head [ref: Nogier, Dr. Paul

M. F., Handbook to Auriculotherapy. The correspondence of the

ear to the whole body was already recognized by the ancient

Chinese acupuncturists and also to the great teachers in India, who developed a

technique to increase people’s intelligence.

Super brain Technique transforms or internally alchemizes the BioPlasmic energies or Pranic energy from the lower energy centres into higher subtler energies. These energies are then utilized by the upper energy centres. When those centres are highly energized, they energize the brain so it can function with greater efficiency and effectively

Energize and Activating Pranic Energy in Brain

The right ear lobe corresponds to the left brain. The left ear lobe corresponds to the right brain. When the right ear lobe is gently squeezed with the left thumb and left index finger with the thumb outside, it produces the necessary energy connection. This connection causes the left brain and pituitary gland to become energized and activated. Similarly, when the left ear lobe is gently squeezed with the right thumb and right index finger with the thumb outside, it produces the necessary energy connection, which causes the right brain and pineal gland to become energized and activated.

For energizing and activating the Left Brain and the Right Brain, the left arm must be inside, while the right arm must be outside. The correct arm position is important for energizing and activating the brain. The physical body is very complicated subtle electronic equipment. When a proper energy wiring connection is made, it produces the right results. When the connection is wrong, expected results are not achieved. When squatting down, breath in simultaneously. When standing up, breath out simultaneously.

Pranic Healing



1. Face East

2. Connect tongue to palate

3. Stand with your feet, shoulder width apart

4. Squeeze the right ear lobe with your left thumb and left index finger.

5. The thumb must be facing out and the index finger must be on the inside when gently squeezing the ear lobe.

6. Squeeze the left ear lobe with your right thumb and right index finger

7. The left arm must be inside and the right arm outside. This is the correct arm position.

8. When squatting down, breath in simultaneously

9. When standing up, breath out simultaneously

10. Practice squatting for 14 times

11. Release your fingers from your ear lobes.


The left arm must be inside and the right arm outside. This is the correct arm position.

When squatting down, breath in simultaneously

When standing up, breath out simultaneously

14 times

Release your fingers from your ear lobes.

Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing


Please Note

• Super brain Technique must be practiced every day to repeatedly energies and

activate the brain.

• Practice Super brain Technique for 14 times.

• Do not practice the Super Brain Technique two days before, during and two days

after menstruation.

There are multiple factors that may affect the results of the practice of Super brain Technique.

• Facing the correct direction • Positioning the arms properly • Positioning the fingers properly • Breathing correctly

Many people have experienced stress reduction by practicing the Superbrain Technique. Other benefits noted from the practice of Superbrain Technique include greater psychological stability and an ability to regulate the sex drive. This is especially helpful for teenagers. Prolonged practice of the Superbrain Technique can make the practitioner, in general, smarter and more psychologically balanced.

According to Master Choa Kok Sui, when too much energy is stuck down in lower

energy centers of the body and not enough was flowing to the brain. Super Brain

technique would cause the Pranic energy in the lower portion of the body to flow up and

energizes the brain. This technique makes it easier for thinking and focusing, it also has

a calming effect.

Pranic Healing


Appendix 3

Physical & Breathing Exercise Physical exercise is important for proper circulation of blood to various organs in the body. Pranic healing exercises are based on the concepts of energy flow and maintaining the fluidity of energy throughout the body. This has a cleansing and energizing effect on the body. The diseased energy is expelled out from the body and fresh Pranic energy enters and provides good health.

• Eye Exercises

• Neck Exercises

• Upper Body Twist

• Hip Rotation

• Shoulder Exercise

• Spine Exercise

• Hand Exercises (wrist, hand, fingers)

• Semi-squat Exercise

• Feet Exercise

Breathing Exercise Breathing is of two types, the correct way and the incorrect way. The correct way is abdominal breathing and the incorrect way is chest breathing. It is the diaphragm, which enables the lungs to expand and to contract. The lungs by themselves do not have the capacity to expand in order to draw in air, or to contract in order to expel used-up air. With abdominal breathing, the abdomen is slightly pushed out during inhalation, causing the diaphragm to be pulled down, which enables the lungs to draw in more air. During exhalation, the abdomen is slightly pulled in, causing the diaphragm to be pushed up, which enables the lungs to exhale more used-up air. Also, more pranic energy is drawn in during inhalation and more used-up energy is expelled during exhalation.

Pranic Healing


Appendix 4

Frequently Used Terms to Express Visual Acuity

C, CC: With correction; wearing prescribed lenses with glasses.

D: Diopter; lens strength.

HM: Hand motion (also known as hand movement); used in conjunction with distance. For example, HM at 1 foot means the individual can see hand movement at one foot.

LP: Light perception; ability to distinguish light from dark.

LPP: Light projection; the ability to perceive and localize light.

NLP: No light perception; inability to distinguish light from dark.

V, Va, or VA: Visual acuity; the ability of the eye to perceive the shape of objects in the direct line of sight. Visual acuity is measured by viewing standardized letters of varying sizes and is expressed as a fraction such as 20/20.

20/20 Vision: Normal visual acuity; ability to correctly perceive an object or letter of a designated size from a distance of 20 feet.

20/70 Vision: Visual acuity notation; ability to see at 20 feet what others with normal acuity are able to see at 70 feet. Visually impaired.

20/200 Vision: Visual acuity notation; ability to see at 20 feet what others with normal acuity are able to see at 200 feet. Legally blind.

+: Plus or convex; farsighted.

-: Minus or concave lens; nearsighted.

Pranic Healing


Appendix 5

Master Choa Kok Sui

An author and teacher of international calibre, Master Choa Kok Sui is the modern founder of Pranic Healing. He devoted over 30 years of study on the use of subtle energy to heal the wide spectrum of psychological and physical ailments.

He has transformed the truth and ideas into simple teachings that demystified the world of energy healing and he has made it accessible to everyone. Master Choa has authored 20 books published in 27 languages. His work has spread over 150 countries in less than two decades.

Master Choa once wrote, ‘just because science is not able to detect and measure life energy or Prana, it does not mean that Prana does not exist or does not affect the health and well being of body’.

‘In ancient times, people were not aware of the existence of electricity; it does not mean the electricity did not exist. Ones ignorance does not change reality; it simply alters the perception or reality, resulting in misconception and misperception, of what is and what is not, what can be done and what cannot be done’.

Master Choa’s combined experience as teacher, an extraordinary healer, a scientist and a successful businessman has provided him with unique and affective ways to address modern day’s problems through the application of energy. All of this is expressed and shared his books and courses.

One can discover miraculous possibilities by applying Pranic healing and super brain technique in life. Now more than ever improved health and well being is at your finger tips.

Pranic Healing


Appendix 6:

West African Pranic Healing Foundation

The West African Pranic Healing Foundation under the auspices of World Pranic Healing Foundation set up its head quarter in Togo for West African countries.

The foundation aims to spread Master Choa Kok Sui’s teachings to urban and rural areas in West Africa. To ensure uniformity and purity of teachings, Pranic healing courses have uniformity in its teaching in more than 150 countries. People from different walks of life are learning and utilizing the benefits of Pranic Healing around the world.

Pranic Healing centers were subsequently opened in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal and The Gambia. The Gambia branch was opened in 2008. It has been registered as a Charitable Institution under Register of Companies

The Foundation likewise conducts Pranic Healing Courses, as well as orientation talks, introductory lectures, and healing demonstrations for interested people and organizations. Pranic Healing sessions can be accommodated upon request. Distant Healing services can also be availed for patients who cannot travel to the Healing Centres.

The following people from West African Pranic Healing Foundation – The Gambia contributed in Pranic Healing for Partially Blind project. Mr. Kumar Sabnani Mr. Srikanth Jois Mr. Ousainou Suwareh Mr. Lamin M. Camara

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