Remembering Suku uncle - Part IV Aditi & Rohini’s Reminiscences of Suku uncle. 11-11-13

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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8/14/2019 Remembering Suku uncle - Part IV Aditi & Rohini’s Reminiscences of Suku uncle. 11-11-13 1/8

Qfcfcafrhjd Rueu ujbof. ==-<>-==

\mrt HP. Mkhth & Qgnhjh‘s Qfchjhsbfjbfs g` Rueu ujbof. ==-==-=2

Vjbof pmssfk mwmy gj m bgok Kfbfcafr jhdnt hj =88<. Mkhth, Qgnhjh, cy kmudntfrs

wfrf 8 mjk 0 yfmrs gok tnfj. [nfy wfrf tnf gjfs whtn wngc nf nmk dgjf ̀ gr m wmoe, tnf

 smcf cgrjhjd, wnfj nf `foo kgwj jfmr m omef hj Mjusnmethjmdmr. ‟Qfcfcafrhjd Rueu

ujbof– wms puaohsnfk gj Rbrhak hj Mudust 1<==. M`tfr tnhs cfcghr wms puaohsnfk, ht wms

tnf trhddfr `gr m prg`hof phfbf gj Rueu ujbof hj tnf Nhjku gj 1jk 

 Iujf 1<=2. [nmt thcf,

cy kmudntfrs pfjjfk tnfhr rfbgoofbthgjs g` ujbof tg nfop tnf igurjmohst `rgc tnf Nhjku

 dmhj mj hcprfsshgj g` wnmt nf wms ohef ms m pfrsgj. H mc rfprgkubhjd wnmt tnfy wrgtf,

nfrf. Mkhth & Qgnhjh‘s rfchjhsbfjbfs wfrf m rfvfomthgj tg cf…….. 

 Kr. Erhsnjmim M.\


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 Mkhth Jmhr……….

(Jgw wgres whtn Egtme Cmnhjkrm Amje, Cucamh ms Bnhf` Cmjmdfr hj Bgrpgrmtf NQ)

Tf usfk tg vhsht Rueu ujbof mt nhs Dnmtegpmr ngcf gj wffefjks, ht usfk tg af m nhdn

 pghjt `gr cf. Ht cfmjt mj fvfjt`uo fvfjhjd kh``frfjt `rgc cy usumo fvfjhjds spfjt

cgjefyhjd mrgujk. Rueu ujbof nmk put up m jhbf ahd swhjd hj nhs amobgjy, wf wguok

ogujdf magut gj ht rfmkhjd agges moo m`tfrjggj. Nhs bgoofbthgj g` Jmturmo Dfgdrmpnhbs mjk

Qfmkfrs Khdfst wms mcmzhjd. Tf usfk tg rfmk tnf stgrhfs hj Qfmkfrs Khdfst mjk mosg

spfjk thcf sgovhjd "Tgrk \gwfr" m vgbma quhz whtn nhc. Tnhof rfmkhjd nf fjbgurmdfk

us tg cmre gut wgrks wf khkj't ujkfrstmjk mjk omtfr nf wguok fxpomhj tnf cfmjhjd.

 Mt nhs Dnmtegpmr rfshkfjbf whtn Qgnhjh, Mkhth mjk cf

Nf tmudnt cf ngw tg usf tnf khbthgjmry mjk tnf mtoms. [nf pmthfjbf whtn wnhbn nf

fxpomhjfk tnfsf tnhjds tg sgcfgjf ohef cf, wngsf bgjbfjtrmthgj hs sfrhgusoy ohchtfk wms


Nf wms gjf g` tngsf `fw pfgpof ygu rmrfoy cfft, wng bmj af strhbt whtngut afhjd strhbt, m

khsbhpohjmrhmj whtngut khsbhpohjhjd! Nf usfk tg hjkuodf us, oft us kg gur cmsth aut wguok

mosg af maof tg sft agujkmrhfs `gr us wnhbn wf wguok jgt brgss...ay gur gwj bnghbf!

Xgu'k wmjt tg jgt dft hjtg trguaof jgt `gr `fmr g` pujhsncfjt aut iust jgt tg dft hjtg Rueu

Vjbof's amk agges (motngudn jgw tnmt H tnhje g` ht nf khkj‘t fvfr nmvf m amk agge!!)

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H rfcfcafr gjf m`tfrjggj Qgnhjh mjk H nmk fcpthfk nmo` m agttof g` tmobuc pgwkfr gj nhs

 afkrggc `oggr mjk wf wfrf sohkhjd magut gj ht nmvhjd m wnmof g` m thcf mjk nf surprhsfk

us ay bgchjd ambe fmroy `rgc nhs oma....Qgnhjh mjk H wfrf surf wf wfrf dghjd tg dft hjtg

trguaof, aut nf iust smhk kgj‘t `moo mjk bofmj up tnf cfss gjbf ygu mrf kgjf! Ngw cmjy

drgwj ups wguok kg tnmt rfmooy7!! Mjk jffkofss tg smy...H kgj‘t tnhje wf fvfr khk tnmt


Ms m ehk H wms tnf rfafo (usumooy whtngut m bmusf)...tnf whok gjf! Qfmky tg phbe m `hdnt

mjk tnrgw m tmjtruc mt tnf krgp g` m nmk tnhs mahohty g` nucgrhjd cf gut g` tnf m pghjt wnfrf H wguok jgt fvfj rfcfcafr tnmt H wms suoehjd magut

sgcftnhjd! Nf wguok tgtmooy hdjgrf tnf `mbt tnmt H wms hj tnf chkst g` tnf tmjtruc mjk

stmrt wgrehjd gj nhs stmcp bgoofbthgj mjk stmrt fxpomhjhjd sgcftnhjd ms shcpof ms ngw tg

bmrf`uooy pffo g`` m stmcp `rgc mj fjvfogpf mjk cy tfcpfr wguok af m `grdgttfj tnhjd hj

m `fw sfbgjks!

G` tnf cmjy tnhjds nf wms `gr cf, gjf vfry hcpgrtmjt rgof nf pomyfk wms tnmt g` cy

wmoehjd tmoehjd fjbybogpmfkhm! Nf nmk mjswfrs tg moo cy qufsthgjs...sgcfthcfs nf iust

mjswfrfk, sgcfthcfs nf cmkf cf sfmrbn `gr cy mjswfrs. H rfcfcafr afhjd maof tg mse

nhc qufsthgjs wnhbn wguok nmvf fcamrrmssfk mjy mkuot, aut jgt wguok iust smy

tnhs mjswfr ygu'oo dft m`tfr sgcfthcf ge7

Nf wms wfoo trmvfoofk, sg ejgwofkdfmaof, hjkuodfjt mjk m wngof ogmk g` `uj! Nhs stgrhfs

wfrf fjkofss mjk mowmys fjtfrtmhjhjd! Nf bguok chx magut whtn mjygjf. Nf wms m

nmjksgcf drmjkujbof tg nmvf...gjf g` tngsf whtn m nfmk`uo g` smot j pfppfr nmhr...sohdntoy

ogjdhsn...aut sft mjk bgcafk tg m styof H nmvfj‘t sffj m`tfr tnmt! Tf mkgrfk nhc!

Nf usfk tg tfoo us m`tfr oujbn rfst m wnhof m`tfr khjjfr wmoe m usfk tg ogvf gur

m`tfr khjjfr wmoes mjk Qgnhjh mjk H wguok ngp sehp mjk iucp moo gvfr tnf pombf...

Xfs mjk H rfcfcafr tnmt omst wmoe nf tgge us tg tnf pgjk mt Mjusnmethjmdmr, m wmoe wf

tgge jucfrgus thcfs whtn nhc aut wguok af gur omst gjf whtn usumo nf pghjtfk

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gut moo tnf kh``frfjt ahrks mjk kubes tnmt `ogbefk tnfrf mjk sukkfjoy nf iust bgoompsfk gj

tnf rgmk...H rfcfcafr msehjd Qgnhjh tg stmy dumrk wnhof H rmj moo tnf wmy nfmrt

tnukkhjd jgt afbmusf g` tnf ruj, aut afbmusf g` `fmr `gr Rueu ujbof, cy `rhfjk,

cy fjbybogpmfkhm...

H rfcfcafr tnf gahtumry wf'k put `gr nhc...`rgc m thjy mbgrj m chdnty gme kgfs drgw...H

khkj‘t ujkfrstmjk wnmt ht cfmjt tnfj mjk khkj‘t nmvf Rueu ujbof tg mse wnmt ht

cfmjt...aut jgw H kg....

Tnfj H stmrtfk H sfrhgusoy wgjkfrfk wnmt H wguok wrhtf....H'c wrhthjd sgcftnhjd m`tfr mogjd thcf....H wgjkfrfk h` H wguok af maof tg wrhtf mjytnhjd mt moo...aut hts Rueu Vjbof...H

stmrtfk..mjk H bguokj‘t stgp wrhthjd!

Mjgtnfr Rujkmy m`tfrjggj wfoo spfjt....spfjt whtn Rueu ujbof....iust ohef gur

bnhoknggk kmys...H'vf dgt m schof gj cy `mbf mjk bmj hcmdhjf nf nms gjf tgg!

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 Qgnhjh Jmhr………

(Jgw wgres whtn Mshmj Mdf, Cucamh ms Bnhf` Rua Fkhtgr)

Ms ehks, Cgc wguok g`tfj tmef us tg stmy whtn Rueu ujbof wnfj Kmk wms mwmy tgurhjd.

Nhs `omt hj Dnmtegpmr wms g` cubn hjtfrfst tg cf. Jg cmttfr wnmt qufsthgj H nmk magut

wnhbnfvfr mrth`mbt hj nhs ngusf (mjk tnfrf wfrf cmjy hjtfrfsthjd gjfs), nf mowmys nmk m

stgry magut ht rfmky. Rueu ujbof nmk m dogrhgus nfmk g` smot mjk pfppfr nmhr, mjk H

khsbgvfrfk ngw nf efpt ht sg wfoo drggcfk wnfj H hjvfsthdmtfk tnf imr g` Aryobrffc gj

nhs jhdnt stmjk. H dgt tnf sfjsf tnmt nf nmk nmk m `hfry tfcpfr fmrohfr, aut tg us ohttof

dhros‛Mky mjk cf‛nf wms jgtnhjd aut dfjtof mjk hjkuodfjt.

[nf gjoy ‟rfauef– H fvfr rfcfcafr nhc mkchjhstfrhjd tg cf wms wnfj H wguok fmt up

sgcftnhjd whtngut snmrhjd ht whtn mjygjf. Nf tmudnt cf tnmt tnf pgohtf tnhjd tg kg wms

mowmys pmss tnf pomtf mrgujk af`grf khddhjd hj cysfo`! Nf wguok oft us bgca nhs nmhr mjk

 Mt nhs Dnmtegpmr rfshkfjbf whtn Qgnhjh, Mkhth

 auy us ohttof dggkhfs (motngudn nf jfvfr moogwfk us tg fmt m tg``ff bmoofk ‟\mmj \msmjk–,

mjk gjoy hj omtfr yfmrs khk H drmsp wny!), wnfj gur `mchoy wfjt gut tg rfstmurmjts (nf wms

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hjbhkfjtmooy, mosg vfry bogsf tg cy `mtnfr‛wnfj ujbof wguok bgcf gvfr, tnfy‘k snmrf m

krhje mjk iust tmoe) nf wguok fjsurf tnmt m spfbhmo busnhgj wguok af pombfk gj cy bnmhr

sg tnmt H bguok rfmbn tnf tmaof. Fvfry cfmo wguok fjk whtn nhc msehjd tnf wmhtfrs tg dft

cf m agwo g` bnfrrhfs h` tnfy wfrf mvmhomaof. Gj gjf g` cy ahrtnkmys, nf dgt cf m

 afmuth`uo agx g` pmstrhfs, moogwhjd cf tg nmvf mj hcprgcptu ohttof pmrty whtn m bgupof g`


Nhs stmcp bgoofbthgj wms wnmt nf wms pmsshgjmtf magut mjk nf‘k oft cf sht ay nhc wnhof

nf sgcfthcfs cghstfjfk m pmrthbuomroy hjtfrfsthjd spfbhcfj tnmt nmk affj cmhofk gj mj

fjvfogpf mjk dfjtoy tgge ht g``. \rfbhshgj wms hcpgrtmjt tg nhc.

H rfcfcafr gjf hjbhkfjt nmzhoy‛m cgtnfr mjk m amay nmk bgcf gvfr tg ujbof‘s pombf

wnfj wf wfrf tnfrf. H kgj‘t ejgw wnmt tnf prgbfkurf wms fxmbtoy, pfrnmps Cgc bguok

snfk sgcf ohdnt gj ht‛aut wnmt H sffc tg nmvf m vhvhk rfbgoofbthgj g` hs tnmt tnf jffkof

nf usfk tg krmw tnf amay‘s aoggk nmk m drffj auttfr`oy mt tnf fjk g` ht. Nf omtfr tgok cf

tnmt nf usfk tnf auttfr`oy tg khstrmbt ohttof bnhokrfj `rgc tnf prgbfkurf, sg tnfy wguokj‘t


[nf kmy nf nmk nhs nfmrt mttmbe, tnf gjf tnmt nf wguokj‘t rfbgvfr `rgc, sthoo sffcs rfmo.

Nf nmk tmefj Mky mjk cf tg m omef hj Mjusnmeth Jmdmr (wf ohvfk hj tnf AMQB qumrtfrs

tnfj) tnmt wms tnf nmujt g` cmjy vmrhfthfs g` ahrks. Tf nmk wmoefk tnfrf g`tfj gj

wffefjk cgrjhjds, wnfj nf‘k bgcf vhshthjd. Rukkfjoy nf `foo tg tnf drgujk‛nhs

spfbtmbofs `foo g`` mjk tnf tnhjds nf bmrrhfk hj nhs pgbefts `foo kgwj. Ms nf omy gj nhs

 ambe gj tnf rgmk, Mky rusnfk moo tnf wmy ngcf tg oft cy pmrfjts ejgw. H kgj‘t rfcfcafr

cubn afygjk shtthjd ay nhc `gr m wnhof, gr ngw wf dgt nhc ngcf. H iust rfcfcafr Cgc

mjk Kmk afhjd drhc wnhof tnfy wfjt `rgc ngcf tg ngsphtmo mjk ambe mjk omtfr, wf dgt tg

ejgw tnmt Rueu ujbof nmk khfk.

Tnfj nhs gahtumry wms prhjtfk hj tnf jfwspmpfr, Cgc mjk Kmk hjboukfk us ehks‘

jmcfs tgg, mcgjd tnf pfgpof wng drhfvfk `gr nhc. Mjk hjkffk wf khk .

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 Mt Mohamd, whtn cf, Bnmru mjk Qgnhjh.

 Qfjmchjd g` tnf Nmfcmtgogdy Kfpmrtcfjt, Mkhtym

 Qfsfmrbn Omagrmtgrhfs, mt A.I. Tmkhm Bnhokrfjls Ngsphtmo, Cucamh, ms l\.E.Rueucmrmj

 Nmfcgdogahjgpmtny Qfsfmrbn Omagrmtgryl Bnhtrm, Bnnmym, Cgjhsnm, cf, Mkhth, Qgnhjh. 

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 Kr. Qgsf Rbnjfhkfr mt gur ngcf kurhjd nfr vhsht tg Cucamh hj =8>8 . Qgnhjh & Mkhth…… .

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