
In the name of Almighty Allah who has showered His countless blessings upon me

What is a religion• A religion is an

organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.

• The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith, belief  or sometimes set of duties.

Religions in Pakistan Islam: Practised by

approx95- 98% of the

187,343,000 people of the nation.

Hindus: approx 1.85% 33,00,000

Christianity: 1.6% 2800000

Sikhism: 20,000. Zoroastrian/Parsis:

16,00 to 20,000.

Islam Islam is the state religion

of Pakistan and about 95-98% of Pakistanis are Muslims. Constitution of Pakistan establishes Islam as the state religion. Only Muslims are allowed to serve as judges in the Federal Shriat Court, which has the power to strike down any law deemed un-Islamic. The Muslims are divided into two major sects; Sunni 70-75% and Shia 25%.

Hinduism Hinduism the second largest religion in Pakistan accounting for 1.85% of the population. The Last population census divided the population into 1.6% Hindu Jati. . According to the last census held in 1998, 93% of Hindus live in Sindh, 5% in Punjab and nearly 2% in Baluchistan.

Christianity Christians make up 1.6%

of Pakistan's population, about 2.8 million people out of a total population. The community is geographically spread throughout the Punjab province. . There is a Catholic community in Karachi. Meanwhile there are few Protestant groups in Pakistan.


There are a number of Sikhs living throughout Pakistan today. there numbers have increased with many Sikhs migrating from neighboring Afghanistan who have joined their co-religionists in Pakistan. The shrine of Guru Nanak Dev. is located in Nankana Sahib near the city of Lahore where many Sikhs from all over the world make pilgrimage to this and other shrines.

{Human settlement

Settlement, locality or populated place are general terms used in statistics, archaeology, geography, landscape history and other subjects for a permanent or temporary community in which people live or have lived, without being specific as to size.

A settlement includes its constructed facilities such as roads,  field systems, boundary banks  ponds, parks and woods, wind and water mills,  and churches.

Human settlement

Countries and Islands by first human settlement

Though fossils of hominids have been found dating back millions of years, the earliest known Homo sapiens remains are considered to be a group of bones found near the Ethiopian Kibish Mountains. Though believed to be 130,000 years old at their discovery in 1967, recent studies have dated them as far back as 195,000 years old

From this area, humans spread out to cover all continents except Antarctica . From the Middle East, migration continued into India around 70,000 years ago, and Southeast Asia shortly after. Settlers could have crossed over to Australia and New Guinea . Migration into Europe took somewhat longer to occur; the first definite evidence of human settlement on this continent has been discovered in southern Italy, and dates back 43-45,000 years. More remote parts of the world, like Iceland and Madagascar were not populated until the historic era.

When the UN was founded in1945, two thirds of the world’s people lived in rural settings. By 2000, the population balance had shifted, with half of humanity now living in cities. Moreover, it is expected that by 2050, two thirds of world’s people some 6 billion of them will be living in cities. The United Nations Human Settlements Program UN-HABITAT was established in 1978 to improve that situation.


1. People benefit from living in settlements.

2. Settlements occur where locations provide opportunities and therefore advantages.

3. There are different types of urban land uses.

Functions of human settlement

Mother Tongue

A first language (also native language, mother tongue, arterial language) is the language(s) a person has learned from birth.

Sometimes, there can be more than one native tongue, (for example, when the child's parents speak different languages). Those children are usually called bilingual.


In the context of population censuses conducted on the Canadian population, Statistic Canada defines mother tongue as "the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood by the individual at the time of the census.

According to statistics Canada

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. Approximately 7.57 % population speak Urdu. But, there are other languages related to the different provinces. Punjabi 44.15%Sindhi 14.1%Pashto 15.42 %Blotchy 3.57 % Saraiki 10.53 %Others 4.66 %

Mother Tongues in Pakistan

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