Reims'arkable Issue 2

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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Newspaper ot the 9th Summer Forum of EYP France, Reims 2010


REIMS’ARKABLE • Dare to make the session remarkable •

REIMS’ARKABLE • Dare to make the session remarkable •




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Dear delegates,

Days will pass by and you won't even realise it. You've probably been waiting for the session to come for some months and finally it's here. People are not given such an opportunity that often in their lives. As it is said: luck is like le Tour de France, you wait for it the whole year and then it passes extremely fast.

Chances must be taken as fast as possible. So now you know the ad-vice, enjoy the session!

Before you arrived...Have you ever wondered how the alumni

are so energetic? How we are so happy all of the time? All these questions and more will be answered in this article, with a report of the CJO teambuilding which took place! So it was, with a big fat pony, an epic water fight and the occasional HADOUKEN that the CJO’ started their awesome teambuild-ing! Between sharing wonderful secrets with each other, being the stickiest of sticky tof-fee and throwing random objects at each other, somehow we are now one big happy energetic family! We learned many random and funny things from our discussion, such as from Adriana, our Editress, who taught us that “vegetables are naked so why not us too!?”. We should we be free from the tyranny of clothes! I think it’s a great idea, but maybe people are not so sure… it will catch on, just you wait! Seriously though, the alumni all

brainstormed their asses off to make this session as unique and memorable as possible, so you del-egates are in for a treat! You thought the European quiz was crazy? Just wait until you see what we have planned for you! So expect the madness, be open minded and seize the day!

by Cormac McGuinness

Benoit Viault & Adriana Díaz Martín-Zamorano

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


What was your most embarrassing EYP moment?I made a speech in the German Bundestag while the electrical platform she was standing on went up and down, much like on a broken elevator!What is your craziest EYP moment?I managed to stay awake for 4 days and 3 nights at a session, but then was hallucinating! Speak-ing Romanian to people who couldn’t, and thinking all the while I was speaking English!

What was your favourite EYP experience?Passing the ball between the necks with an extremely tall delegate!What is the craziest thing about you?I don’t drink, but when others drink I always look more drunk than the drunkest person in the room!

What are the things you cannot live without?Cell phone, a travel card and indeed a cigarette.With whom you’d like to date from the forum?Definitely James (a Journo).

What do you think about Alejandro?He is very sexy! He treating me very nice and he take care of me! I think that in few days I will fall in love with him!Do you think that your delegates are ready for the committee work?Actually they will do some more games, but they are starting to enjoy themselves and it’s the best way to create a real team spirit. So far things have gone well.

What’s your favourite EYP memory ever?Meeting Justin Biber on session in Pisek!What do you most love in delis?I want them to be smiling, participating, nice, fun, strange and crazy :).

How’s the boy of your dreams ? Someone with rythms, a good appetite, and a great laugh ! (Clean and simple.)With what could someone bribe you?Chocolate is definitely the clue.

Vivek, what advice would you give to your 15-year-old self?Do less maths, more life!What’s your opinion on girls who wear only skirts/dresses?Dresses show a lot of elegance as long as they are not too short. Mini skirts are definitely a no-no for me.

Which animal is the commitee ?The committee is like a cheetah, fast and effecient. And thanks to the teambuilding and their own team spirit they are learning to endure long tasks and overcome problems.Who is the most sexy chair?Why choose ? A different one every night!









Maria Manolescu

Cléo Gerphagnon

Alexandra Galitzine

Vivek Gathani

Katrina Šuvajeva

Zahra Runderkamp

Maria Chalhoub

Anar Kucera

Chair’d !




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Teambuilding: part 1 !

Chair by Katrina, the amazing committee of LIBE I was quickly able to know everyone, with some games like passing ball to everyone or with “2 truth one lie”. After that they were ready to speak with everyone without shy or confused. After some hugs, or might be more =D, during the orange game, they get their reward: LUNCH!Then they started the hardest game where they agree between each member of the committee, be-cause all of them have to find a strategy. Like there make for their committee work if they wants to find a resolution about this controversial subject!Katrina asked them to do the hardest monster I’ve ever seen, with only 4 feet and 3 hands. They managed the task wonderfully.I think these guys make a great committee, who will no doubt write an excellent resolution, espe-cially with Ben, Stefan and Viorel’s sense of humour, the seriousness of Bérengère, and Camille and the positive attitude of Ceciel and Apollinia, as well as all the qualities of their fantastic chair Kat-rina. Good luck we’re all with you LIBE I !

Libertadors !

AGRI plants its way to victory !

Starting off with a few simple name games, like pass-ing a ball and saying a name although their journalist seemed to be confused even by those, apparently not even able to say which country he came from, the del-egates were then paired up so as to get to know each other a little better, each pair had to find five things in common. Once everyone was acquainted it was on to some problem solving games to get the grey matter going.

First up was the human knot, this however was now challenge for the AGRI committee, they man-aged to form a proper circle in no time. Anar determined his games would not be defeated so easily changed the rules every time the delegates won, forbidding them from speaking, and then they had to make their way blind folded. After lunch the committee took things slowly working on communica-tion and trust within group with the Drunken Bottle, and then levitation, where the whole commit-tee worked together and even managed to lift their chair, a good metre off the ground. After having worked off their digestion the delegates returned to a more challenging, their crafty chair disappoint-ed by all his games being defeated came up with an extremely tough puzzle, and although they didn’t manage to solve it did provide with the valuable knowledge of how to work better as a team. What else can you say but GO AGRI !!!!Beginning tomorrow they’ll have to tackle the notorious Common Argicultural Policy and how it should be reformed, this controversial topic is sure to seed many ideas for our farmers.

By James Barnes

By Florian Marandet

One Latvian, one Deutch, two Romanian, one English and tree French... “quite” a nice team to speak (debate) about the European construction!

In the shade, by the bench, the first meeting place of the awesome committee on Agricultural affairs, affectionately named “The Farmers” by their Czech chair Anar.

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


You know how to do it!

Quiz night

Wild animal cries, delegates jumping up and down, European anthems blaring, surely it has to be Quiz Night.

The toughest challenge a delegate will face during the session, being slave to the will of some Irish dude.

The delegates were divided up into groups and led by the (often outraged/outrageous) chairs. In order to distinguish between them, each group came up with its own animal cry. All sorts of beasties were present-ed, ranging from the common house or garden cat to King Kong, and even a new species, that came into existence this year, the legendary Waka Waka animal, scientifically known as Shakiracus Freshlygroundas.

The first round consisted of a bucket load of ques-tions about the EU. There are rumours, and again these remain only rumours that the people asking the questions didn't actually know the answers!

One candidate per group was chosen to fight the good fight and answer the questions. But here in EYP no buzzers or other such malar-key, delegates stood proud and tall, made their animal noise and answered the questions with passionate enthusiasm.

For the next round (of torture) it was up to delegates to determine where a monument was from. The twist here is that each picture was only displayed for a few seconds before mov-ing onto the next one: the final round, which consisted in recognizing European National Anthems after having heard them for a few seconds.

But they did it, all the delegates bravely tack-led the insane challenges thrown at them, and we're sure they'll take GA by storm.

by Florian Marandet & James Barnes




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Teambuilding counter-attacks...

From the moment I sat down at this WONDIFERI-OUS COMMITTEE, I knew that I had a very bright and enthusiastic group, especially when we got into some of the more ‘interesting’ games…

By Cormac McGuinnessSuper SEDE !

ECON is a sublime mixture of Spanish effervescent enthu-siasm, Romanian sense of direction and intelligence, French jollity, Belgian exuberance, Russian beauty and Turkish funny bone, stirred by boyish British cuteness. As the most of us probably know already, music connects peo-ple. ECON is not an exception when it comes to the love of notes and chords. Music is an excellent tool to get acquainted with new people. The smiling committee with a death serious topic got to known each others with the help of music.

Hot, hotter, ECON !by Elina SairanenCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs is heating it up in Reims !

Within minutes you had people sitting on eachother, doing some kind of foot grabbing gymnastics, and even some chicken squawking/mating calls/death cries in between! This would be strange any-where else, but not in EYP! This security crew certainly learned quite a lot from these games, but what would this be without EXTREME EMBARRASSMENT! Erik had a wonderful idea to CONSTANTLY fall down in the ball pass game! Was it to spend more sexy times with Briony? Probably! It was a bit messy at times, with William having to cry to Victoria “Ow! No biting please!”. It seems her ‘enthusiasm’ was too much for him! Naughty naughty!Probably SEDE’s proudest moment was the GLORIOUS DEFEAT OF ECON at Lions, Wizards and Dwarves. When the evil and gender challenged Vivek of ECON decided to cheat using Superman and microscopic rules, it was clear that he was as silly as a big bag of silly things. When last I checked the committee had completed their mascot, who looked like the love child of Lady Gaga and Frankenstein. Very nice! Watch out other committees, these guys will ROCK OUT WITH THEIR COQ OUT!

The committee on Security and Defense will discuss the idea of a European army. Will this over unify the EU? Will it raise tensions in the world? Is it even worth the cost? Answering these questions and more, are the wonderful dudes themselves!

“Think the song that makes you laugh”, Vivek guided. The answers were absolutely hilarious. Michael confessed his love to Backstreet Boys, Sinan finds his energy from the hilarious song Don’t Worry, Be Happy and Ernestine enjoys listening to Mika, especially Lollipop. The charming committee does not only consist of positive personalities, but also individuals with hard as iron nerves. Doing 25 minutes human knotting proved how determined and well-concen-trated the group really is. After the serious lesson how to communicate being bundled together in the heat of Reims, the committee succeeded superbly in Honey Tell Me That You Love Me, although no one managed to make Vlad to laugh. What a natural talent he is! One could name ECON as the home of intelligence and sophistication, but I prefer the absolutely awesome committee of talented and creative dancers. Although awfully sweaty and sticky, they still managed to find an incredible amount of energy to make up with their very own ECON dance.

“Who said economists were boring?”

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


Exquisite Eurovillage

"Some are born to sweet delights, some are born to endless nights"

William Blake

People have been gathered to eat and drink for ages, since the dawn of time. Spending some quality time together with new friends, having a blast and enjoying European cuisines plays a massive role in EYP as well. Part of the Eurovillage charm is to get familiar with other cultures, try French vin rouge or Ukrain-ian vodka, Finnish candies or British chips. The main function of Eurovillage is socialising. It’s the place where you are able to relax after the hard day of teambuilding. The charm of Eurovillage is almost too much loveliness to bear, it’s all about influencing dif-ferent nations to try new exotic dishes, do impulsive shots and enjoy ridiculous amounts of chocolate.

Agaping we were looking at the tables full of the best parts of our neighbouring countries, trying to figure out which country will be our next homeland.

This time the French were ethereal and chic with their fine wines and food, Belgians won the jackpot with several different bier qualities and delicious chocolate, Romanians jazzed the Eurovil-lage up with the versatile table full of exotic food. When it comes to Ukraine, it feels like the whole Europe is obsessed with vodka and the drinking song. Ukrainians were the rock stars of Eurovil-


Kippis! Prost! Salut! Chin-chin! Cheers! Gragimarjos! All that glitters might not be gold, but all that is drinkable is glo-rious, as the President of EYP France put it “Everything was just great.” Our Eurovillage was a successful night, a giddy cocktail of happiness, laughing to tears and inspiring experi-ences.

The allurement of Eurovillage is all about challenging our-selves to try new things, was it Finnish liquorice or German candies and to have a most amazing experience. And one thing is for sure, we are thrilled to be European!

by Elina Sairanen & Marta Valls




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The Debate of the day:

I was given the task of writing in proposi-tion of this idea. While I accept that it might violate human rights, I feel the only way of ensuring true religious equality in a society is by treating every religion equally. Like all principles, there are some inconveniences in practicing it, but I feel it’s worth it. A person not being able to religiously express them-selves is bad, but the state allowing one reli-gion to be above the law is even worse.The foundation of any proper state is equali-ty, therefore it is both unequal and detrimen-tal to say that one religion is above the law. We often cut down on rights such as freedom of speech for practical reasons (for example, you cannot be racist) so I feel we can also cut back on religious freedom for the simi-lar practical reasons (you cannot break the law!).It’s a really interesting idea, so chat with oth-er delegates, find other opinions, and begin the debate!

To choose garment is undoubtedly one of the basic rights of human being. Arguing about the security matters in this extent is slightly out of relevance as the issue ignores basic values of human rights. “Unity in Diversity” the motto of the European Union and when certain countries deviate from the basic pil-lars of the EU that does explicitly jeopardize the entire idea of the United Europe. The major point in this issue is that by, adopting the law, France will unequivocally violate the freedom of expression and will in-deed deprive opportunities of Muslim com-munity to follow the religion in a way they deem to be correct. Freedom of Expression is predominantly a minor issue if we are talk-ing about western democracies, thus it is presumed to be protected by each and every government of the European Union. Thus, an argument that women in veils and burkas are not properly socialized is not tangible, as they can perfectly tackle with every day chal-lenges and can indeed communicate with other parts of the French society.

Why should you read this entire article!? Because this is very controversial, and it is an enormous part of the way we live our lives, and allow others to live theirs. Secularism is the idea that all religions should be treated equally by the state. For example, in France at the moment, face covering veils might be banned because of security reasons. No exception is given to muslin women even though it is part of their religion.


By Cormac MacGuiness By Giorgi Tabagari

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


1, 2, 3... Teambuilding!

EYP and the Da Vinci Code

Committee on Regional Development chaired by Alexandra Galitzine is the… aah, ”dislike button” to this kind of traditional bla-bla stuff. Committee is absolutely awesome and the chair is indeed handling her responsibilities

to the level of excellent quality. Instead of traditional game structure which is commonly established in the EYP, Alex has done in a different and cool way which really worked efficiently.

I should also admit that committee is completed with rather international delegates, Anastasiya and Anamaria come from Eastern Europe respectively from Ukraine and Romania. Jim, one of the rep-resentatives of German delegation with his huge backpack and a camera always paparazzing around and of course Dan Brown from the UK. Yeah, do not confuse him with the author of “The Da Vinci Code” he is one of the British twins of the Forum. And lastly a French delegation Chloe, Thomas and Mickael, who truly give the team an amazing spirit. As I meant in the beginning teambuilding went re-ally smoothly and at the end of day we’ve got the team who could perfectly handle the most challeng-ing games. I believe that upcoming days will be even more fruitful and REGI will go through an interest-ing debate and come up with truly innovative


by Giorgi Tabagari

Bienvenue, Employment!

If these first two days have been dazzling terribly hot, it is more than probably that the Commit-tee on Employment are the one to blame. French charm, Romanian happiness, Austro-Peruanian sweetness and Germanic lively temperament were meant to meet in Reims under the Swedish care to provide this session a warm wave of joy and hu-mour.To start to get to know each other by ‘2 truths, 1 lie’ game and ‘Speed Dating’, they challenged them-selves (and succeeded) with the marble tramp, human knot and doing mimics about the session’s lovely president Maria Manolescu, a car wash and crazy jungle monkey. But the best was yet to arrive. Not every committee can be proud of having sur-prisingly awesome dancing skills. This, however, is definitely not the case of EMPL, who performed a perfect adaptation of the Moulin-Rouge can-can

even if some of them couldn’t see, speak, and other handicaps that turned out not to be an ob-stacle for them.So, what else could someone ask for? After a whole tiring and sunny day with this commit-tee I can already foresee the fruitful debates that will lead them trough committee work and will disembogue in a great success in GA. Good luck my dear committee on Employment, you sure deserve to rock with your resolution!

by Marta Valls




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Guide de survie du travail en commission

1er astuce : Le ravitaillement. Comme en cas de siège, l’eau et la nourriture sont des apports essen-tiels à la survie.

2 ème astuce : Refouler ses pulsions meurtrières contre les autres membres qui ne partagent pas vo-tre point de vue.

3ème astuce : Refouler (encore une fois) toute per-sonne n’a pas de rapport avec votre comité au risque d’une importante zone de perturbation.

By James Barnes & Florian Marandet

4ème astuce:N’oubliez pas qu’après 2h de travail en comité, vous risquez une surchauffe de l’hémisphère PEJistique de votre cerveau, pensez donc à vous ménager en faisant régulièrement des pauses.

5ème astuce : Faites vos jeux ! Rien de mieux pour rester motiver que de faire un petit Fruit Salad, levez vous et bougez votre corps afin de rester concentrer.

6ème astuce : Et flûte ! J’ai oublié de faire des recherches avant de venir, comment je vais faire? Dans ces cas là, il suffit d’être en désaccord constant avec celui qui a l’air le plus informé, dire qu’il raconte n’importe quoi convaincra sans doute les autres de vos connaissances.

I’ve got a pleasure to introduce you the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE II) committee of Reims Summer Forum 2010! Believe me, that’s a huge thing. Nana Maisuradze (FR), Alice Ir-win (UK), Steven Caron (FR), Gregor Rawert (DE), Anne-Claire

LIBErate yourself !

By Gabriela Mamoń

The committee topic is challengig and very significant for nowadays Europe, where the thesis that ‘homophobia and discriminations based upon sexual orientation still persist’ was stated. The measures that EU can take are the subject of disscussion for next couple of days. Let’s the debates be fruitful!

Committee Work, mais c’est quoi ce nom de barbare ? Mais comment ça 8 heures enfermés dans une pièce, à balancer tout ce que l’on sait sur la politique européenne. Mais comment es-pérer survivre à une telle épreuve ? Ne vous inquiétez ce guide est fait pour vous !

Damaggio (FR) and Maria Govorukhina (RU) are devoted delegates who are ment to be EYPers. Lead by an awesome Dutch – Zahra, they made their team safe and sound before the time. It seemes like everyone feels comfortable and excited about doing activities together, hopefuly for the CW and the lucky chair. What’s more, the aren’t any tensions amongst them neither no leader that might interupt the joined and smooth work&fun. Their specialities are song and dances, remarkably hilarious like Frog Song or Funky Chicken. And that’s not all! Their are dealing perfectly with creativity like ‘make up a story’ about Justin Biber and Amy Winehouse on a rehab. That’s something remarkable and worth spreading around.

Last, but not least...

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


Good morning ReimsWhat’s happening in the world?

•More than a million people take part in a rally in north-eastern Spain seeking greater au-tonomy for the Catalan region. •Hundreds of victims of the Srebrenica massacre are being buried at a ceremony to mark the •15th anniversary of the atrocity.Journalists across Italy are on strike to protest against a proposed bill aimed at curbing wire-tapping.•Euro MPs have approved a new deal to allow US anti-terror investigators to access Euro-peans’ bank data.•Russian-owned submersibles would be able to cap the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.•UK Prime Minister David Cameron has said he is “terrified” by the prospect of trying to find a good state secondary school for his children.•Slovakia’s first female PM, Iveta Radicova, has taken power at the head of a centre-right coalition.

by Gabriela Mamoń

Smooth and Quick Opening Ceremony

As for the oficial beginning of the amazing session of Reims Summer Forum 2010 the ceremony was kept smart, reasonable and interesting. We had an oppor-tunity to meet the very important Madame to whom we thank the great location in the school. Maria, the President of the session, made the opening smooth and quick to let everyone continue enjoying the session.

Let’s the game begin!

by Gabriela Mamoń

How to pick up a guy?The revealed anatomy of horny men

1. Although every person has their unique personal sexy features, perfume and make-up exist here for a reason.

2. Be sophisticated. There is nothing sexier than a girl with huge glasses and a pen in the mouth. Talk about the current political situation in North Korea and try to quote French philosophers. “Liberty is not to be found in any form of government; she is in the heart of the free man; he bears her with him everywhere.”

3. Although a tight corsé is a ‘must-have’ this summer, we are not in the 16th century anymore so you are al-lowed to be courageous and take the first step. You are allowed to show your interest, to buy a drink and you are definitely allowed to charm him with your super-sexy Jessica Alba- smile.

4. Secretly known in Spain as the ‘sex-ma-chine’, a potent fan will be your best occult female weapon to catch boy’s attraction. Hot spots, such as Reims, are very good places to put it into practice.

5. You can always rely on men’s hormones by oiling yourself and washing a car in your cowboy boots, or you can make him feel like a real guy by telling him that he can debate as a lion.




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WAKA WAKA!World Cup back to Europe

have been done.As for the match itself, cannot say it was a beautiful game, but as far as I’m far from objectivity in this par-ticular case I’ll remain biased and claim that Spanish squad well deserved the so dreamt cup. I hope you are happy too, as our lovely editress Adriana (never mind her Catalan ideas) and all the Spanish participants of the forum.

We are all Spaniards today!

Yes, the World Cup 2010 is over! We won’t have a pleasure to listen and enjoy Vuvuze-la anymore, but we can indeed track Waka Waka. The most important thing which was planned initially has been achieved. Cup is back to Europe! Isn’t it awesome? Yes indeed! Even though the football match divided up Reims participants into Dutch, Spanish and ”don’t care” supporters, afterwards we all cel-ebrated the Spanish victory the way it should


by Giorgi Tabagari

Love: You will become a nun… just forget about


Family: You actually don’t have any, you are an orphan. Shit buzz!

Job: You will be pro-moted… to the posi-tion of SUPER DEL-EGATE! (cape and

side-kick optional)EYP: You ARE the big

fat pony. Well done!

AQUARIUS20 February - 20


LEO24 July - 23 August

Love: You will make romance ex-plosion upon the love of your life... very nice!

Family: Your moth-er loves you very much… just not in that way!Job: You’re fired… and you smell… sort your life out.EYP: You will love this session! Enjoy it, and come back for more!

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 2


How to survive in the heat of Reims?

What’s in a dress? In defence of dressed women

All women should wear dresses and skirts

Dresses make women look beautiful. I fall a little bit in love with the idea of a perfect trench coat, high heels and the most amaz-ing dress. It never gets boring or out of fash-ion. Dresses and skirts represent the way how I see women. Some-times they have to be careful in their actions, but when you see the pair of legs running trying to catch a cab – it’s fascinating. And the greatest part is that it’s completely up to you what do you want to show – or what you want to hide. That’s the power of a dressed girl. Is it even a sur-prise why (some) men are tied to their moth-er’s apron strings?

by Elina Sairanen

The fashionistas of EYP show you the way

The relationship between fashion and heat is complicated, but in Reims they go hand in hand.

by Elina Sairanen & Gabriela Mamoń

Half Polish half French girl presents the best dress code for hot cere-monies. Notice fashion-able gladiator sandals, the amazing dress and the smile that creates the style. This charming woman has style.

You feel like sail-ing in Costa Rica? Classy and simple with plain jewellery is recommended to all nations. The gor-geous and Swedish style is called For-ever 29 years old in each other’s com-


Jean-Lemon rocked with perfect combi-nation of stripped shirt and outfit with shorts. Congrats! He created a giddy cock-tail of fashion, glam-our and confidence. We want more!

“I’m thrilled to be feminine!” The allurement of flowers is incredible and goes with everything. We are longing for hippies and 70’s, the best time ever.


Try SMASHING SHORTS smashing shorts with a pair of astonishing shoes. Sailing shoes are always preferable.

Shiny JEWELERY makes always the look.

Create the yobby look with the RIGHT ATTI-TUDE; it’s summer and it really isn’t a big deal. Relax!


REIMS’ARKABLE • Dare to make the session remarkable •




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Orga Love Triangle ?Oh la vache! Il y aurait un p’tit triangle d’amour devant nos yeux! Il y aurait-il un bebe dans l’avenir… ? Probablement. Une chose est certaine, cette histoire d’amour devrait s’epanouir telle une rose de print-emps. C’est enorme ca!A suivre… ;-D

Alejandro would like to express his special and grateful thanks to Mr. Jim Cramer (DE) for his nice and skilled contribution to is issue. From the and the editors, thanks a lot.

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