Reheboam & Jeroboam כ' מרחשון תשע"א october 28, 2010

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Split of the Kingdom Jeroboam’s New Altars Prophesy of Iddo The War with Shishak. Reheboam & Jeroboam כ' מרחשון תשע"א october 28, 2010. Crisis. Ahija Hashiloni Had anointed Jeroboam as the man who would split the kingdom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



" א' תשע מרחשון כOCTOBER 28, 2010

Split of the KingdomJeroboam’s New Altars

Prophesy of IddoThe War with Shishak

Division of the kingdom

Crisis Ahija Hashiloni

◦ Had anointed Jeroboam as the man who would split the kingdom

◦ He did this during Solomon’s lifetime but he would not rule until the reign of Rehaboam

◦ Jeroboam had potential The meeting at Shechem

◦ Went to Shcem to project power over the people

◦ Advice of the Younger Advisors◦ Advice of the Older Advisors

Jeroboam◦ Returned from Egypt to be the

spokesman of the rebellion

Shishak’s Invasion

Different Reactions

יד פרק א מלכיםעשה אשר הזהב מגני כל את ויקח לקח ל הכ ואת המלך בית אוצרות ואת יקוק בית אצרות את ויקח: : לך המ בית פתח השמרים הרצים שרי יד על והפקיד נחשת מגני תחתם רחבעם המלך ויעש שלמה

When Shishak invaded in the 5th year of Rehaboam’s reign

The Bubastite Portal claims that Shishak invaded in response to attacks by tribes into Egyptian frontier settlements

Rehaboam paid a large tribute including the golden shields that his father had placed in the Beis Hamikdsh

Jeroboam’s reaction is not mentioned the Navi but the inscription on the temple of Karnak tells us that Shishak destroyed many of the North’s cities

Archeologists have found evidence of destruction in line with the time of Shishak’s invasion

They found destruction in the north including , Taanach, Megiddo and in the south in the Negev in Arad

Jeroboam’s Claves

New Religion?

photo by David Harris/Collection Israel MuseumThis molten calf was discovered by chance on a high ridge near Mt. Ebal, in northern Samaria. Subsequent excavations revealed what the excavator, Amihai Mazar, identified as a hilltop cult site—a biblical bamah, or “high place”—dating to the 12th century B.C.E., when Israel was emerging in Canaan. Measuring 5 inches tall by 7 inches long, this bronze is the largest figurine of a calf ever found in the Levant. Its empty eyesockets probably once held inlays of glass or semiprecious stones. The small hump on its back, above the forelegs, identifies this as a Zebu bull (Bos indicus), a species that originated in India but was present in the Near East as early as the fourth millennium B.C.E. Hurowitz, Victor. “The Golden Calf.” Bible Review, Apr 2004, 28-32, 47

In order to prevent the people from returning to Jerusalem and delegitimize his own kingdom

Jeroboam made two temples one in Dan on in Bethel

At them people worshiped Golden Claves◦ Jeroboam had two sons Nadab and Abihu like

Aaron to give the religion legitimacy He moved Sukkos from Tishrei to

MarCheshvan Should not be understood as a new religion

rather a return to older traditions that started after Matan Torah but and were still in the culture of those who were worshiping ז" in Israel weather Jew or non-Jew ע

Dan was already the center for Pesel Micha He never repudiated his belief in Hashem

and the calves were ways of worshiping Hashem

This is typical Syncretistic Worship Due to this break with traditionally Jewish

religion Iddo the prophet rebuked him and predicted complete destruction to Jeroboam’s line


War Between the States

From the Split the Two Kingdoms were at WarRehaboam builds

fortresses along the Egyptian border

Abijam (son of Rehaboam) defeated Jerobaoam in battle on

יג פרק ב הימים דברי ד וילכ ירבעם אחרי אביה וירדף

ואת אל בית את ערים נו ממבנותיה ואת ישנה ואת בנותיה

: ובנתיה עפרין עפרון ואת

Nadab son of Jeroboam was assassinated by Baasha one of his senior officers while Israel was at war against the Philistines at Gibbethon

The Navi does not elaborate but it seems likely that he was because of the military weakness of the state of Israel brought about by Shishak’s invasion that Israel was not able to hold on to important cities such as Bethel and was under threat by the Philistines


Baasha and Asa

War Between the States Baasha killed the rest of Jeroboam’s

family to allow him uncontested rule Established a new capital in Tirzah The Navi tells us that there was

constant warfare with Judah against Asa the Tzadik king of Judah

Baasha had taken the city of Ramah and cut supplies to Jerusalem

Asa sent a bribe to Ben-Hadad king of Aram Damascus and asked him to invade Israel which he did which allowed Asa and Judah to attack Israel’s south

With Ben-Hadad’s invasion Asa was able to destroy Ramah and take the building materials and use them to fortify the Judean cities Gibeah and Mizpah


RevolutionConstructionTrade AgreementsEconomy

Omri’s Revolution

Elah son of Baasha and Zimri OmriWas king in Tirzah for

two yearsThe army was out

besieging the city of Gibbethon

There was a revolt by one of his generals

Zimri the leader of the Chariot corps killed Elah and ruled for 7 days

When the news reached the army in Gibbethon two generals attempted to grab the throne

Tibni son of Ginath was followed by some of the army

Omri besieged Tirzah and when Zimri realized that his situation was hopeless set the palace on fire and killed himself

Omri and Tibni each claim to rule for a time (possibly as long as 6 years) until Tibni’s death


Samaria Omri ruled 12 years and is

credited in the Navi with one major achievement

He bought and built a capital on the site of שומרון or Samaria

Tirzah was defensible and could control the Jordan valley but aside from that it was isolated

Samaria is strategically located, easily defended in the Ephraim highlands

Allowed for extensive relationship with Phoenicia

He also rebuilt the cities of Hazor Megiddo, Dan, and others destroyed during Baasha’s conflict with Ben-Hadad of Damascus

Trade Agreements

Phoenicia Omri entered into a treaty with

Ittobaal (Ethbaal – in the Navi) His son Ahab married Ethbaal’s

daughter Jezebel This treaty was mutually

beneficial since the trade routes pass through Megiddo, Hazor and Israelite territory

The Kings Highway went from the Red Sea to Damascus also through Israelite territory

The Phonicians were able tap into the land trade routs to help increase their sea trade

This caused conflict with Aram-Damascus

Economy of the Omrides

Top – proto-aeolic column headBottom – Omride temple with dressed ashlars masonry

The Jezreel ValleyBuilding

◦ Proto-Aeolic or proto-Ionian columns

◦ Dressed header and stretcher ashlars masonry

Ivory◦ I kings 22:39

Fertile Jezreel Valley under the control of the Kings of Israel gave them a stable and predictable food surplus

Map of the Jezreel Valley


ReligionProphecyPeace with JudahWar with Aram


Baal and Ashera

Baal and Ashera

Ahab worshiped the imported idols Baal and Ashera

Jezebel imported the cults to Israel from Tyre

Unlike other Kings of Israel Ahab attempted to abandon Judaism in favor of these idols

He wanted to undo our connection with Hashem

Historians have trouble believing in such a radical break from traditional values and minimize the dispute

According to them Ahab and the Israelite aristocracy were advocating an open form of worship with Hashem being just one of many powers Elijah fought for exclusive worship of Hashem


Elijah & Other Prophets

View from top of Mount Carmel looking over the Jezreel Valley

Elijah decrees drought on Israel in response to Ahab’s institutionalizing Baal worship

Ahab and his wife attempt to kill all prophets in Israel

Ovadya, who is Ahab’s steward saves 100 prophets in a cave

Has a test with the prophets of the Baal on Har Hacarmel

Rebukes Ahab for his conspiracy to steal the land of Nabboth from Jezreel through a fake trial

Other prophets are called to give messages to Ahab in time of war to let him know that Hashem is behind Ahab’s defeat of the Arameans


DevelopmentFrom Shofet

◦ Deborah◦ Shmuel transition to

monarchyTo Royal Advisor

◦ Nathan and GadTo Critique of the Kings

◦ Elijah ◦ Elisha ◦ Both of whom first rebuke the

Kings for Syncretistic worship ◦ Secondarily for inhumane

treatment of their subjects

Later focus on social ills◦ Amos ◦ Isaiah

Prophecy of Destruction◦ Jeremiah

Prophecy of the Exile◦ Ezekiel

Prophecy of Rebuilding◦ Zachariah

Peace Between Israel and Judah

Jehoshaphat (870-846 BCE)

Results of the Peace Was the Son of Asa and

became King of Judah Made peace with Israel

and is found fighting alongside of Ahab in his wars with Damascus and with Ahab’s son Jehoram in his war against Moab

He arraigned Ahab’s daughter Athaliah to marry his son Jehoram

(things become confusing when the king of Israel and the king of Judah have the same name. Sorry not my fault)

In spite of being called a צדיק by the Navi who tried but failed to removed the Baamos and tried to teach Torah to the nation

Judah still suffer losses because of the alliance with Israel

Loss of Edom◦ During Jehoshaphat’s lifetime Judah ruled

over Edom ◦ In his son’s reign they rebelled and Judah

lost the territory Loss of freedom in becoming a

vassal of the kingdom of Israel His new daughter-in-law Athaliah

eventually kill almost all of his decedents and institutionalizes Baal and Ashera cults in Judah

Attempted an expedition from the Red Sea which failed

War Between Aram-Damascus and Israel

First Battle Second BattleBen-Hadad threatens

the independence of Israel and demands a very high tribute

Ahab is assured by the prophet that he would win and should use the victory as sign to repent because the war is not over

Ahab does not repent and after

Ben-Hadad returns the next year and says that Hashem is only powerful in the mountains so they decide to fight on the plain

A Navi reports to Ahab that since he has not repented he should lose the battle but since an Israelite loss would mean that Ben-Hadad’s blasphemy is true Ahab will win

Ahab wins and has the Ben-Hadad trapped but when Ben-Hadad surrenders treats him as an equal and makes a treaty

War Between Aram-Damascus and Israel

Final Battle The incident with Nabboth from

Jezreel Elijah goes to Ahab and tells him

that he will be killed by the king of Aram and that in two generations his dynasty would be killed off

Ahab repents – at least in public After a three year peace Ahab

decides to take Ramoth-Gilead from Aram

He and Jehoshaphat of Judah attack Aram and Ahab is killed in battle

The Israelites lose the battle and are weakened by the loss


Rise of Assyria

Ashurnasirpal II (854-859 BCE) Shalmaneser III (859-824 BCE)

Contemporary of Omri Built up the Army Pillaged for wealth not

territory Conquered upper

Mesopotamia and Northern Syria as far as the northern Phoenician coast

He conquered and was forced to leave either to put down a revolt or to attack elsewhere

Began to campaign annually in the Levant

Subjugated a Kingdom known as Bit Adini

12 States in the Levant formed a coalition to hold off Assyria

This included Ahab of Israel and Haddezer of Damascus

According to Shalmaneser’s records Ahab provided 2,000, chariots and 10,000 Infantry

The largest contingent of chariots in the coalition

Ahab and the coalition held off Assyria in the battle of Qarqar

The temporary alliance between Damascus and Israel would account for the three years of peace and the defeat of Shalmaneser would account for the renewed hostilities between them

Map of Assyrian Campaigns in the Levant

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