Region’s Business Card

Post on 15-Mar-2022






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Today we deal with a new cultural, social and economic reality, a new vision for our region. Therefore, we found it necessary to emphasize the uniqueness of Kaluga Region, create an image of the region allowing us to speak the same language with society and the world at large and, what is more important, to become a part of the global economic processes.

What shall we do to ensure the correct Kaluga Region positioning, to identify the core values of the

region? We should create a brand, which will help to efficiently use the region’s advantages, to beneficially differentiate Kaluga Region from other regions of Russia, and to strengthen Kaluga Region’s positionon the Russian economic map.

Kaluga Region brand is a significant category of the economy in general. It is focused on the future and is in line with the regions’ development strategic goals, thus assisting in attraction of projects and resources instrumental to further region’s growth. The brand is linked to the region awareness and its presence in the information media.

Kaluga Region’s brand includes corporate identity and a logo. The relevant exclusive copyright is vested with the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Region. Unified standards apply to Kaluga region corporate identity. Today we are presenting rules for the color coding of the main fields of life and activity in the region.

Best regards,Svetlana Kozeneva,

Director, Kaluga News Agency


Region’s Business Card

Government Agencies

page 2

Madein Kaluga!

page 8-9

A placeto live in

page 11

Innovationspage 3

Economypage 4-5

Tourismpage 10


«Our work has have disproved the stereotype that doing business in Russia is difficult, unpredictable and dangerous. Russia does have a single legal environment; however a lot depends on the attitude of the administrative system. All employees of the Kaluga Region Administration are extremely open and accessible. We work as a united team. The foundations of our activities are trust-based relationship with partners, total absence of administrative barriers and guaranteed fulfillment of all assumed obligations»,

Maxim Akimov,First Deputy Governorof Kaluga Region

Government Agencies

Region’s Business Card2

«From the very first moment I was pleasantly surprised and satisfied by the competence of the local administration. All our partners were dynamic managers rather than state officials».

Didier Aleton, General Director, «PCMA Rus OOO»

Ministry of SportsTourism and Youth PolicyMinister – Alexei Loginov


Ministry of Labor,Employment and HR Policy

Minister – Irina Podkovinskaya +7/4842/ 71-94-11

Ministry of ForestryMinister – Vladimir Makarkin


Ministry of Education and ScienceMinister – Alexander Anikeev

+7/4842/ 71-93-02

Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utility Services

Minister – Alexander Bolkhovitin +7/4842/56-27-56

Ministry of Culture Minister –Alexander Tipakov+7/4842/71-92-61

Ministry of Family Affairs, Demo-graphic and Social Policy

Minister – Svetlana Mednikova +7/4842/ 71-91-02

Ministry of Road FacilitiesMinister – Rinat Nabiev


Ministry of Public HealthMinister – Sergey Stepanov

+7/4842/ 71-90-02

Ministry of AgricultureMinister – Leonid Gromov


Ministry for Economic DevelopmentMinister – Ruslan Zalivatsky

+7/4842 / 57-01-06

Ministry of Natural Resources,Ecology and RehabilitationMinister – Vladimir Zhipa


Ministry of FinanceMinister – Valentina Avdeeva

+7/4842/ 56-37-57

Government of Kaluga RegionGovernor – Anatoly Artamonov

+7/4842/ 56-23-57

Ministry for CompetitivePolicy and Rates

Minister – Nikolai Vladimirov +7/4842/71-55-32

Ministry for Development of the In-formation Society and Innovations

Minister – Maxim Shereykin +7/4842/ 59-15-44

Region’s Business Card 3

«We are at a stage when innovations are the only efficient form of economic growth. We want to profit from Russian technologies and from our intellectual property. We have already done quite a lot to convert to a knowledge economy. But we will need to accelerate development, search for new instruments and mechanisms of innovative growth. We are creating an innovations conveyor, i.e. organizing our work in a way so that support measures for each project are clearly defined».

Maxim Shereykin,Deputy Governor, Head of the Ministry for Development

of the Information Society and Innovations of Kaluga Region


Development Factors

Support Infrastructure

Project Support from Idea Inception up to Product Market Launch

Presence of global corporations securing financial stability

Ability to generate new know-ledge and train qualified staff

Cluster approach to develop-ment of Kaluga Region’s economy

Availability of support infra-structure securing high efficiency of innovative companies

Well-developed financial sup-port system

Ministry for Developmentof the Information Societyand Innovations of Kaluga Region

Agency for Innovative Development – Center for Cluster Developmentof Kaluga Region:+7 (48439) 4-24-90;

centers for joint useof hi-tech equipment (Kaluga, Obninsk)2business incubators(Kaluga, Obninsk)5Russian Technology

Transfer Network (RTTN)(Obninsk)

Hi-Tech Technopark(Obninsk)

Obninsk Center for Science and Technologies (OCST)























A101 «Moscow-Warsaw»

M 3 «Moscow-Kie



«Our economy has been growing in recent years – to a significant extent this growth was fueled by investment activities. We managed to achieve high results in the economy and the social sphere. The policy of intensive investment attraction created a good foundation for future development. Our collaboration with investors is based on four simple principles. The first is the placement of manufacturing plants in industrial parks. The second is the system of development institutions created in the region. The third is the system of financial support. And the most important one is the investment culture that assumes equal treatment of all investors and creation of a single “project team” focusing on achievement of mutual success».

Ruslan Zalivatsky,Minister for Economic Developmentof Kaluga Region

Industrial parksas an effective tool of investment`s attraction






Area — 730 haVacant — 56 ha

Grabtsevo IP

Area — 472 haVacant — 204 ha

Rosva IP

Area — 115 haVacant — 30 ha

Kaluga South IP

Area — 209 haVacant — 100 ha

Detchino IP

Area — 51,5 ha

ObninskIndustrial Zone

Area — 1242 haVacant —1118 ha

Area — 1694 ha Vacant — 618 ha

ИП «Грабцево»Vorsino IP








Area —750 ha

Lemminkainen Private IP


Prospective territories:

Sosensky IP:Area - 21 haLyudinovo District IP:Area – 289 ha

Maklaki IP

Region’s Business Card

Proper strategy as a basics for high economic results

* in comparable prices

Commissioned residential space

Consolidated budget revenues



Industrial output

Investments in capital assets

Foreign investments

RUR billions

RUR billions RUR billions

RUR billions

USD millions USD millions

USD millions

RUR billions

RUR billions RUR billions

RUR billions

USD millions USD millions

USD millions

Area — 1242 haVacant — 1118 ha

Maklaki IPNEW



Regional development institutions

«From the very first moment I was pleasantly surprised and satisfied by the competence of the local administration. All our partners were dynamic managers rather than state officials»

Didier Aleton, Director General, PCMA Rus OOO.

Agency for RegionalDevelopment of Kaluga Region

Agency for Innovative Development –Center for Cluster Developmentof Kaluga Region

Kaluga RegionDevelopment Corporation


Attracting investments into Kaluga Region;

state investor`s consultant

State operator for establishment and development of industrial parks

and engineering infrastructure

Leading operator for innovation and Hi-Tech economy sector


The main instrument for logistic projects implementation

in Kaluga Region

Region’s Business Card

Kaluga Region investment philosophy


No lengthy procedures — full administrativesupport

Investors do not feel isolated –investor and regional government

form a joint project team

No bureaucracy —transparent legalframework

No hiddenor extra costs

No middlemen!Each investor has direct

access to the regionalauthorities

No limitations —investors are free to chooseany contractorsand partners

No infrastructural risks,easy-to-grasp product –

industrial parks with infrastructurereadily available

at the site borders

«Kaluga Region boasts an efficient investor support system, which, in addition to the regional government, is formed by the Ministry for Economic Developmentand regional development institutions».

Dmitry Abramov,Deputy Minister for Economic

Development of Kaluga Region. | +7 (4842) 76-27-00 | +7(48439) 4-24-90 | +7(4842) 79-04-10

www. | +7 (4842) 79-04-10


Kaluga Region Investment Map

Investment map — is an interactive project implemented by the Government of Kaluga Region. This dedicated Web tool gives an excellent opportunity to look into the region’s investment potential in general, learn about the available infrastructure and competitive advantages in more detail, and to find necessary contacts. The map contains visual data on each and every site and part of Kaluga Region. Users have an online access to the following search options: search by type of objects or their characteristics. Detailed data on objects is also available.

About project

Pharmaceutical industry and bio technologies

Automotive industry and auto components production

Transport and logistics

Other segments

Administrative bodies





Restaurants and cafes

Specialized training centers

Educational institutions


Industrial parks

Green fields

«Today it is virtually impossible

to imagine almost any aspect of our life without the Web: prompt

data exchange is a cornerstoneof success in the modern business world. Therefore the investment map is viewed as an efficient tool for doing business

in Kaluga Region»

Ilya Veselov, Director General,Agency for Regional Development

of Kaluga Region.

The site is constantly updates.You may become a part of this global IT project. Please submit your proposals, comments and updatesto

Region’s Business Card


Key project features:

- investment projects and sites with the relevant infrastructure; - detailed data on a selected investment project; - kaluga region industrial parks territory schemes; - search for investment objects; - a possibility to assess the geographical position of Kaluga Region certain investment objectsand the region in general; - data on investment projects successfully implemented in the region; - region’s interactive maps.

Region’s Business Card


Key project features:


Made in Kaluga!Economic modernization in the region results in efforts to achieve better quality. The Kaluga Region’s businesses are interested in manufacturing competitive products

and saturating the consumer market with high-quality products and services. The best regional products have often been awarded at the 100 Best Russian Products All-Russia Contest. Additionally, the Ministry for Economic Development of Kaluga Region annually holds a contest for the regional government’s high quality award, which is given to the best products manufactured in our region.

Region’s Business Card


«Made in Kaluga. I’m sure that in the 21st century this word combination should only be associated with high quality of life in the region, become a hallmark of our products and an synonym for innovative development»

said Ruslan Zalivatsky, the Minister for Economic Development of Kaluga Region.

Region’s Business Card


Tourism«The land of Kaluga Region, apart from its unique nature, is associated with many images and names that are symbolic for Russian and global history. These are unique

cities – Tarusa, Borovsk, Maloyaroslavets, and Obninsk; spiritual centers – Optina Pustyn’, Shamordino, Tikhonova Pustyn’; places of historical battles – the Ugra, the Zhizdra, Tarutino, Lyudinovo… These are also industrial brands – Linen Factory, Maltsev’s and Demindov’s Plants, Volkswagen, Volvo, L’Oreal factories…The special and sig-nificant role in culture and history makes our region a unique and promising center for national and international tourism. Development of the tourism industry is currently one of our priorities. Improvement of roads, transport infrastructure, construction of chains of comfortable hotels, competitive shopping and entertainment malls, sports and recreation centers of international level – is a key development objective for Kaluga Region for the nearest future».

Alexei Loginov,Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policyof Kaluga Region

Region’s Business Card

ArchstoyanieArchitecture Festival

Kaluzhskiye Zaseki natural reserve

Golitsino Eco-Club

Avchurino, country estate of Poltoratskiy

SvetlitsyFrench-RussianGuest House

Hludnevskaya ToyKaluga folk craft

Zaitseva GoraWar Memorial

National ParkUgra

Ethnomir Cultural and Educational Center

Kaluga is consid-ered the cradleof the space

Kalugawas foundedin 1371

Memorial Estate Polotnyanyi Zavod

Optina PustynMonastery

The Lompad Lake. Place for annual Powerboat-ing and Sailing Contest.

InternationalMusic Festival World of Guitar

Monumentto Marina Tsvetaeva

Bird Parkreserve

Bike Fest

DemographicsStarting from 2012, the region introduced an additional measure to pro-

mote large families – 50,000 ruble benefits given to mothers when they give birth to a third and subsequent children. The same right is acquired by parents who adopt a third or subsequent child.

Social services In 2011, RUR 7.1 billion were allocated for social spending and benefits

out of the regional budget. This year the majority of social benefits have been adjusted for inflation and, in some cases, grew twofold.

HealthcareThe Russian government has approved funding construction of a Per-

inatal center in Kaluga. In just two-three years, mothers and babies will get an access to the most advanced medial in a services at a modern, well-equipped center. A RUR 6.1 billion healthcare modernization pro-gram is being implemented in the region. Medical personal wages grewby 30%.

EducationIn 2012 a large-scale program for school premises modernization —

an additional 127 preschool groups with 2,485 children are expected to be organized at municipal schools and kindergartens. All disabled children(in the absence of medical contradictions) will be able to study at home through distance learning programs. The wages in Kaluga Region educa-tional institutions grew by 40,8%.

SportsIn 12 districts and cities of Kaluga Region new modern sports facilities

have been built. In 2012, sports facilities are to be built in Kirov, Iznoski, Tarusa, Baryatino, Sukhinichi, and Meshchovsk. In Obninsk the region’s largest sports complex with an indoor ice rink and 25-meter and 50-meter swimming pools will be opened.

SafetyKaluga Region Government in cooperation with law enforcement agen-

cies combat crime through implementing an integrated program. The Coordination Council for Maintaining Law and Order in the Region is in full operation.

«Not so long ago Kaluga was primarily associated with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Today our city is the center of one of Russia’s most economically successful regions, a growth point on the country’s map. Over the last ten years, Kaluga has been growing fast and changing for the better. It increasingly resembles a comfortable European city. Residential houses are being built, infrastructure is improving, new schools are being opened, parks and sidewalks have been put in order, many streets have been repaired, the number of cafes and restaurants, sports facilities and hotels has grown significantly… A lot has been done, but much more is yet to be achieved. Our task is to create a city that is friendly, convenient to live in and famous far beyond our country».

Nikolai Polezhayev,Mayor of Municipality of the City

of Kaluga

The result of positive changes in the economy is Kaluga Region’s sustainabledevelopment and the rising living standards of the people who live here.


A place to live in

Region’s Business Card

The world’s best brands

The branding of territories is a global trend, which can be observed in the USA and Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa – in a word, practically on all continents. Moreover, put in a global context, branding removes national, cultural, linguistic and reli-gious differences, since images are easily understood by everyone.


Traslation services: + 7 (499) 241-75-72+ 7 (499) 241-55-37+ 7 (499) 241-59-82

Russia, Kaluga, Truda st., 27tel.: 7 (4842) 76-27-00fax: +7 (4842) 76-27-01

With the support of the Ministry of Economic DevelopmentPrepared by Information agency «Kaluga»

e-mail: skozeneva@gmail.comta7096@gmail.comAll numbers are in:

For the 11th anniversary of Astana, Kazakhstan’s capital,

its identity was developed

Odessa is still choosingits tourist logo

In 2009 Perm becamethe first Russian

city to get a modern logo

Official symbolof Smolensk


The new logoFrance(2008)

The logo of the Danishcapital. Copenhagen as open

in all senses

Melbourne`s new logo(Australia)

The logo of Hong Kong,one of Asia’s economic centers

Peru has introduceda new brand in 2011

In 2003 the famous designer Philippe Starck presented

the logo of Venice(Italy)

Brazil’s touristlogo

Slovenia has updatedthe logo in 2006

The city has an officialogo since 2007Lviv (Ukraine)

25 years ago NY logo has become a kind of an emblem of modern

American art

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