
T he Second Great Awakening: F oundation of R eform

“Spiritual Reform From Within” [Religious Revivalism]

Social Reforms & Redefining the Ideal of Equality


Asylum & Prison Reform


Women’s Rights



Movement Description

Labor Factory workers’ rights and treatment. Child labor laws

Temperance The limiting of alcohol consumption (Drinking) Prison Reform Separating men/women/children/mentally ill/debtors Abolitionism To do away with slavery. Women’s Rights Suffrage (voting), property , education, Education Making education public and available to all children

to create a smarter workforce.

The Second Great Awakening leads to Reform as Christians become aware of the effects of certain behaviors on society. Many of the leaders were women.

1825 - 1846

The ranges of tents, the fires, reflecting light…; the candles and lamps illuminating the encampment; hundreds moving to and fro…;the preaching, praying, singing, and shouting, … like the sound of many waters, was enough to swallow up all the powers of contemplation.

Charles G. F inney (1792 – 1895)

“soul-shaking” conversion


He believed women should pray aloud in church; he was a supporter of

temperance and abolition.

Which 2 denominations experience the greatest growth? Why?

New R eligious

D enominations also begin as a

result of the 2nd Great Awakening

T he M ormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

Joseph Smith (1805-1844)

e 1830 --> Book of Mormon

T he M ormon “T rek”

T he M ormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

e Desert community

e Salt Lake City, UT

Brigham Young (1801-1877)

2. T emperance M ovement

Frances Willard The Beecher Family

1826 - American Temperance Society “Demon Rum”!


Annual Consumption of A lcohol At the peak of consumption, approximately how many gallons of alcohol per person (per capita) do Americans consume?

3. P enitentiary (P rison) R eform

Dorothea Dix (1802-1887)

1821 first penitentiary founded in Auburn, NY


What is a penitentiary? Why did these need to be reformed?

4. Abolitionist M ovement

British Colonization Society symbol

W illiam Lloyd Garrison (1801- 1879)

e Slavery undermined republican values.

e Immediate emancipation with NO compensation.

e Slavery was a moral, not an economic issue.


T he Liberator

Premiere issue January 1, 1831


T he T ree of S lavery—Loaded with the Sum of A ll V illanies!

F rederick D ouglass (1817- 1895)

1845 The Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass 1847 “The North Star”


Sojourner T ruth (1787- 1883) or I sabella B aumfree

1850 --> The Narrative of Sojourner Truth R2-10

H arriet T ubman (1820- 1913)

e Helped over 300 slaves to freedom. e $40,000 bounty on her head. e Served as a Union spy during the Civil War.


T he U nderground R ailroad

5. W omen’s R ights e A woman’s “sphere” was in the home (it was a

refuge from the cruel world outside). e Her role was to “civilize” her husband and

family. e An 1830s MA minister:

“The power of woman is her dependence. A woman who gives up that dependence on man to become a reformer yields the power God has given her for her protection, and her character becomes unnatural!”

E arly 19th century W omen 1. Couldn’t make wills, sign a

contract, or bring suit in court without her husband’s permission.

2. Unable to vote. 3. Legal status of a minor. 4. Single could own her own

property. 5. Married no control over her

property or her children. 6. Could not initiate divorce.

W hat I t W ould B e Like I f Ladies H ad T heir Own W ay!


The 2nd Great Awakening inspired women to improve society.

Angelina Grimké Sarah Grimké

e Southern Abolitionists

Lucy Stone e American Women’s

Suffrage Assoc. e edited Woman’s Journal


1840 --> split in the abolitionist movement over women’s role in it.

London --> World Anti-Slavery Convention

Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton

1848 --> Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments


6. T ranscendentalism (E uropean R omanticism)

e “Liberation from understanding and the cultivation of reasoning.”

e “Transcend” the limits of intellect and allow the emotions, the SOUL, to create an original relationship with the Universe.

T ranscendentalist I ntellectuals/ W riters Concord, M A

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau

Nature (1832) Walden


Resistance to Civil Disobedience


Self- Reliance (1841)

“The American Scholar” (1837)


e pursuit of the ideal led to a distorted view of human nature and possibilities: * The Blithedale Romance

T he Anti- T ranscendentalist: Nathaniel H awthorne (1804- 1864)

e accept the world as an imperfect place: * Scarlet Letter * House of the Seven Gables

7. E ducational R eform e MA always on the forefront of public educational reform * 1st state to establish tax support for local public schools.

e By 1860 every state offered free public education to whites. * US had one of the highest literacy rates.

“Father of American Education”

H orace M ann (1796- 1859)

e children were clay in the hands of teachers and school officials

e children should be “molded” into a state of perfection

e discouraged corporal punishment

e established state teacher- training programs


P urpose of E ducation?

According to reformers, what was the purpose of education?

What is the purpose of education today?

What are some differences between 19th century schools and 21st century schools?

Factories continued to spread in the 1800s A wave of immigration in the 1840s brought in new

people willing to work for low pay. Skilled workers faced low wages, long hours, and

the fear of losing their jobs. Many workers formed trade unions to improve pay

and working conditions.

Sarah G. Bagley was one of the strongest voices in the union movement.

Founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association in 1844.

Fought for a 10-hour work day instead of 12-14 hours.

Legacy of R eform

•How did these reformers change America?

•What reforms (if any) do you see evidence of in America today?

•Are they similar or different from those in the 19th century?

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