
FMCG from the Red Table

Frucor Beverages

Kaboom! 2

Black 4

Head to Head 5


Te Hana 6

Lindauer 7

Steinlager Edge 8

Frusion 9

Fonterra Brands (Tip Top)

Memphis Meltdown 10

Crammed 12

Creamy Yoghurt Ice Cream 14


Packaging 16


Kaboom! makes a bang

Business Issue

V needed a name and a design for a new limited edition flavour to be launched in market in February 2014. The name and design needed to resonate with the target audience while being cool, collectable and relevant.

Brand Response

The concept draws on V’s power to transform body and mind. Using illustrations that echo classic comic strips, with a clean, simple colour palette that makes clever use of the silver substrate, Interbrand created a design with powerful cut through from packaging to POS.


• V Kaboom has contributed $1.5m Retail Sales Value in the grocery channel, driving both V brand growth (+14%) and total energy category growth (+11%) since launch2.

• Since launch, V Kaboom has claimed 10% value share of total energy drinks in the oils channel. This is higher than total Lift Plus or total Mother value share in the same period1.

• V Kaboom sales have exceeded expectations at 112% vs. forecast.

• Overall V Kaboom has caused a real stir amongst the target market. Consumers have been highly engaged with the flavour, pack design and any activity or giveaways via social media.

V Kaboom! | Frucor Beverages


1 Aztec, Total Petrol Channel, Total V Kaboom, Total Lift Plus, Total Mother, Dollar Share of Total Energy Drinks, 17 Feb 2014-25 May 20142 Aztec, Total Key Accounts, Total V Kaboom, Dollar Sales, Dollars Growth % YA, 17 Feb 2014 – 25 May 2014

V Head2Head | Frucor Beverages

V goes head to head

Business Issue

A new on-pack promo was created to drive sales and bring new drinkers into the catgory. To fit with the promo, a new range of packaging designs were required that communicated the competition as well as still remaining on brand and clearly V green.

Brand Response

Four illustrations were created to express the personalities and diversity of the four different ‘heads’ - TechHead, AdventureHead, MusicHead and PetrolHead.


V Graphite | Frucor Beverages

Harden up V Black

Business Issue

V Black, being the first edgy energy drink in the New Zealand market, was finding itself being softened by the influx of the ‘black army’ (Mother, Monster etc). It needed to be repositioned as a harder version of itself and increase consumption.

Brand Response

Interbrand created a more ‘masculine’ piece of packaging utilising an edgy texture that implied durability and hardness. Along with a red energy glow that reinforced the claim of ‘maximum energy, it pushed the limits.


Wine that shines

Business Issue

Lion Nathan wanted to increase volume and value growth in the wine sector. To do this, they wanted to focus on sparkling wine, a sector that showed significant growth potential.

Brand Response

We created a range of sparkling wines called Te Hana, meaning ‘that shines’ in Maori.

The idea for the design is based on the purity of New Zealand, sociability and celebration of life and nature. This is brought to life through the hero illustration of birds flitting in and out of a tree representing sociability and

nature while the paper-cut delicacy is evocative of sparkling wine. The illustration provides an immediate visual link between the three sparkling wines in the range, yet each remains distinctly individual with its own soft, luminescent colour theme and unique illustrative details.

Te Hana | Lion


A time to celebrate

Business Issue

Lindauer had been a part of New Zealand women’s lives and fashion for 30 years, so it was time to celebrate with a limited edition pack.

Brand Response

We designed a 30 year anniversary seal which was used on the bottle labels and special presentation box. Each box was then uniquely painted and numbered with no two boxes looking alike – a unique, collectable item to celebrate a milestone.

Lindauer 30 year AnniversaryEdition | Lion Nathan


Business Issue

Steinlager Edge is a low alcohol, full flavoured beer that was often being mistakenly purchased when customers thought they were buying Steinlager Pure. A new design was required to clearly differentiate Edge from Pure, while still clearly remaining as part of the Steinlager family.

Brand Response

We created a new layout that mirrored the Steinlager Pure pack architecture. An injection of red on the side of pack and a larger, clearer labelling of the variant created what was needed. The new design clearly is part of the Steinlager family but also boldly communicates that it is Steinlager Edge.

Steinlager Edge | Lion

Giving Steinlager an edge


Fit for any occasion

Business Issue

Working with Lion Nathan after a gap in the market was identified for a non-alcoholic tasty grown up soda that would allow consumers to enjoy and fit into any social occasion.

Brand Response

Frusion was created as a non-alcoholic, grown up soda for adults. The idea is to allow consumers to enjoy a non-alcoholic drink in social situations without feeling like they were missing or standing out from the crowd. The design concept is based on a

sophisticated geometric camouflage pattern developed by algorithm. The dynamic interconnectivity of the patterns and confident colours reflect the core brand values of natural flavours effortlessly coming together.

Frusion | Lion Nathan


Bigger than Ben Hur

Business Issue

A delicious but down-to-earth New Zealand ice cream brand, Memphis Meltdown was launched in September 1997. Evolving into a bolder, brasher brand by 2005, Memphis Meltdown was repositioned to deliver an indulgent, no-holds-barred experience to a specific target: males, 17-35 years. The first product released after the repositioning was the Big Nuts variant, which was later followed by

similarly positioned products. Since these were brought to market with more emphasis on the products than the brand, all the equity was in the products, while awareness of the Memphis Meltdown brand itself remained low.

To become more relevant to the target market and make its brand as desirable as its products, Memphis Meltdown needed to reposition again to drive consumer love for the brand.

Brand Response

To address this challenge, Interbrand New Zealand designed a range of packaging for Memphis Meltdown that would fuel the “Memphis Crave” and convey the big proportions and excessively decadent nature of the product. We created an out-of-this-world land of Memphis, full of chocolate and big, chunky inclusions of biscuit, nuts and brownie. The “bigger than Ben Hur” logo evokes a strength and solidness that appeals to men who want a satisfying ice cream snack that’s extra-large, extra-manly and loaded with flavour.

Memphis Meltdown | Fonterra Brands (Tip Top)






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Crammed | Fonterra Brands (Tip Top)

A taste of fun & adventure

Business Issue

Tip Top ice cream is an iconic brand that New Zealanders love. It stirs up childhood memories of eating ice cream at the beach and is a staple in nearly every family’s freezer. However, Tip Top realised that the appeal of their brand with younger consumers was waning and this represented a long-term risk to their business. Coupled with the growth of both existing and potential international brands on New Zealand’s shores, they had to develop an innovative range that re-engaged the latent love that younger consumers had for the brand.

Brand Response

Using colors and graphics that evoke fun and adventure, Interbrand New Zealand designed lively new packaging for Tip Top. We worked with an illustrator to develop a unique “world” for each flavor, featuring the landscapes inspired by the ingredients and characters engaged in Kiwi fun and adventure, surrounded by New Zealand wildlife and foliage. Working

closely with Tip Top, we developed a name for the range that would be simple, attention grabbing, and easy to remember: Crammed. Already part of the target market’s everyday language, “crammed” implies an energetic burst of activity and aptly describes the abundant flavor of the ice cream—packed with ripples and delicious inclusions.


Moments of ‘time out’

Business Issue

As part of a business initiative to increase the consumption of ice cream by getting more consumers to eat the product, more often, an identified area for growth was the special indulgence occasion for women. By creating a yoghurt and fruit ice cream, Tip Top would make this occasion more permissible and thereby drive consumption.

Brand Response

We created a range of ice cream and packaging design that reflects a female-skewed, indulgent, ‘better-for-you’ treat.

Taking cues from café awnings and classic ice cream parlours, we created a striking design that is easily distinguishable in the clutter of the freezer, that is clearly an adult, individual treat.

Creamy Yoghurt Ice Cream | Fonterra Brands (Tip Top)


Bluebird Brand Identity

Bluebird’s the word

Business Issue

Bluebird is a New Zealand iconic brand which over the years successfully adopted a penguin to communicate its personality across the different sub-brands. However the messaging became overly complex on pack which weakened the overall brand presence.

Brand Response

In 2008, Interbrand revived the Bluebird identity, developed names for new flavours and simplified the brand architecture across the entire range of salted snacks. More was made of the masterbrand, to better engage with the consumer, while retaining all the existing positive brand equity. The visual language and icons on the pack were simplified and made to support the Bluebird brand without overpowering it.


From year 2008 to 2009 sales increased overall by 20%.


For more information on how we can help call Karen Jones at Interbrand

phone 09 306 1286 or email