
It  all started out with me pickin up my blushin’ bride in a limo

down at the 7  Eleven when she got off work.

My pappy ran down to the Burger King to pick  up the reception


I took my blushin’ bride to a place where she could get dressed up

and all.

My bride was having problems  with a worked up stomach, if you know what I me an, so we had the

preacher meet us at the outhouse for the ceremony.

Afterward, Pappy took a  picture of my bride by her new  tractor. It was a weddin' gift from

our uncle.

Now that the ceremony was done.  It was time to celebrate.  Granny had the cooler all

stocked up with beer.

Bubba dragged out the grill.

Cousin Nester went to roastin’ up some wieners.

Meanwhile everyone enjoyed some yard  games.

Some of the fellas went water skiing.

The Hatfield girls brought their guns, jus’ in case.

When all the fun was over, I  took my bride to our honeymoon suite.

It even had air conditionin' .

After the honeymoon we loaded up and  moved.

To our beautiful waterfront condo.

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