Redis & ZeroMQ: How to scale your application

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Presented at #PHPLX 11 July 2013 When you need to do some heavy processing how do you scale you application? You can use Redis and ZeroMQ to leverage the heavy work for you! With this presentation we will know more about this two technologies and how they can be used to help solve problems with the performance and scalability of your application.


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Redis & ZeroMQ: How to scale your application


Presented at #PHPLX – 11 July 2013

@rjsmelo 2


● CTO @ DRI● PHP, Mysql, Linux and lots of other OSS

● ZCE, RHCE, LPI 3, ITIL, etc● +10 years building (and breaking) things

@rjsmelo 3


● 14 Year old academic spin-off● Pragmatic OSS Orientation● PHP, Mysql, SugarCRM, Drupal, JavaScript, Linux, etc.

● Crafters, Integrators

● Always looking for software developers– Yes, right now!

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● Redis● ZeroMQ● Use Cases● Conclusions

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“Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.”


1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 6


● Pure PHP Redis Client–

● Use composer:– composer install

{ "name": "rjsmelo/talk-redis-zmq", "description": "Sample code for Redis & ZeroMQ presentation", "require": { "ext-zmq": "*", "predis/predis": "dev-master" }, "license": "Apache-2.0", "authors": [ { "name": "Ricardo Melo", "email": "" } ]}

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 7


1 <?php 2 //redis_strings.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 // Using SET 7 $redis->set("SampleKey", "Throw me any thing here...."); 8 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "\n"; // Throw me any thing here.... 9 10 // Remove Key11 $redis->del("SampleKey");12 13 // Using APPEND14 $redis->append("SampleKey", "Hello"); // Hello15 $redis->append("SampleKey", " World!"); // Hello World!16 echo $redis->get("SampleKey") . "\n";17 18 // Other commands: incr, decr, incrby, getrange, setrange19 //

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 8


1 <?php 2 //redis_lists.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleList'); 7 8 // Using {L,R}PUSH 9 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'a'); // a10 $redis->lpush('SampleList', 'b'); // b, a11 $redis->rpush('SampleList', 'c'); // b, a, c12 13 // Using LLEN14 echo $redis->llen('SampleList') . "\n"; // 315 16 // Using LINDEX (note: zero indexed)17 echo $redis->lindex('SampleList', 1) . "\n"; // a18 19 // Using {L,R}POP20 21 echo $redis->lpop('SampleList') . "\n"; // b22 echo $redis->rpop('SampleList') . "\n"; // c23 24 // Other commands: lrange, rpoplpush25 //

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 9


1 <?php 2 //redis_sets.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleSet'); 7 $redis->del('OtherSampleSet'); 8 9 // Using SADD10 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'Hello'); // Hello11 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World12 $redis->sadd('SampleSet', 'World'); // Hello, World13 14 // Using SMEMBERS15 var_dump($redis->smembers('SampleSet')); // Hello, World16 17 // Using SINTER18 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'Hello');19 $redis->sadd('OtherSampleSet', 'All');20 var_dump($redis->sinter('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello21 22 // Using SUNION23 var_dump($redis->sunion('SampleSet', 'OtherSampleSet')); // Hello, World, All24 25 // Other commands: smove, srandmember, srem, scard26 //

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 10


1 <?php 2 //redis_hashes.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleHash'); 7 8 // Using HMSET 9 $redis->hmset("SampleHash", array(10 'prop_a' => 'aaa',11 'prop_b' => 'bbb',12 ));13 14 // Using HGETALL15 var_dump($redis->hgetall("SampleHash")); // prop_a=>aaa, prop_b=>bbb16 17 // Using HSET18 $redis->hset('SampleHash', 'prop_b', 'ccc');19 20 //USING HGET21 echo $redis->hget("SampleHash", 'prop_b') ."\n"; // ccc22 23 // Other commands: hexists, hdel, hlen, hkeys, hvals24 //

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 11

Sorted Sets

1 <?php 2 //redis_sorted_sets.php 3 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; 4 $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://localhost:6379'); 5 6 $redis->del('SampleSortedSet'); 7 8 // Using SADD 9 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 1, 'Hello'); // Hello(1)10 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 2, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(2)11 $redis->zadd('SampleSortedSet', 3, 'World'); // Hello(1), World(3)12 13 // Using ZRANGE14 var_dump($redis->zrange('SampleSortedSet', 0, -1, array('withscores'=>true))); // Hello(1), World(3)15 16 // Using ZSCORE17 echo $redis->zscore('SampleSortedSet', 'World') . "\n"; // 318 19 // Other commands: zrank, zrevrange, zrangebyscore, zremrangebyscore20 //

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“ØMQ is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library aimed at use in scalable distributed or concurrent applications. It provides a message queue, but unlike message-oriented middleware, a ØMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker. With bindings for 30+ languages”


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PHP Module - zmq

## ZMQ instalation -

tar xzvf zeromq-3.2.2.tar.gzcd zeromq-3.2.2./configuremakemake installecho "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/

## ZMQ PHP Binding Instalation#

pear channel-discover install "" > /etc/php.d/zmq.ini

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Socket Types

● Threads in a process (inproc://)● Processes in a box (ipc://)● Processes over the network (tcp://)● Multicast group (pgm://)

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Pattern: Request - Reply

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Pattern: Request - Reply

1 <?php 2 // zmq_request.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $requester = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); 6 $requester->connect("tcp://localhost:5555"); 7 8 for ($number = 0 ; $number <= 10 ; $number++) { 9 $mensage = "Hello " . $number . "!";10 echo "Sending - " . $mensage . "\n";11 $requester->send($mensage);12 $reply = $requester->recv();13 echo "Received - " . $reply . "\n";14 }

1 <?php 2 //zmq_reply.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $responder = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); 6 $responder->bind("tcp://*:5555"); 7 8 while (true) { 9 $request = $responder->recv();10 echo $request . "\n";11 sleep (1); // some work12 $responder->send("Reply to: " . $request);13 }

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 17

Pattern: Publish - Subscribe

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 18

Pattern: Publish - Subscribe 1 <?php 2 // zmq_publisher.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $publisher = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); 6 $publisher->bind("tcp://*:5556"); 7 8 $timezones = array('UTC', 'EST'); 9 while (true) {10 foreach($timezones as $tz) {11 date_default_timezone_set($tz);12 $message = date('T:c'); // the message to broadcast13 $publisher->send($message);14 }15 sleep(1);16 } 1 <?php

2 // zmq_subscriber.php 3 $context = new ZMQContext(); 4 5 $subscriber = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB); 6 $subscriber->connect("tcp://localhost:5556"); 7 8 $filter = $_SERVER['argc'] > 1 ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : "UTC"; 9 $subscriber->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_SUBSCRIBE, $filter);10 11 while (true) {12 $message = $subscriber->recv();13 echo substr($message,4) . "\n"; // remove prefix14 }

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 19

Pattern: Pipeline


Pattern: Pipeline 1 <?php 2 // zmq_ventilator.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 $context = new ZMQContext(); 6 7 // Socket to send messages on 8 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); 9 $sender->bind("tcp://*:5557");10 11 echo "Press Enter when the workers are ready: ";12 $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');13 $line = fgets($fp, 512);14 fclose($fp);15 echo "Sending tasks to workersâÀ¦", PHP_EOL;16 17 // The first message is "0" and signals start of batch18 $sender->send(0);19 20 // Send 100 tasks21 $total_msec = 0; // Total expected cost in msecs22 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) {23 // Random workload from 1 to 100msecs24 $workload = mt_rand(1, 100);25 $total_msec += $workload;26 $sender->send($workload);27 28 }29 30 printf ("Total expected cost: %d msec\n", $total_msec);31 sleep (1); // Give 0MQ time to deliver

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 21

Pattern: Pipeline

1 <?php 2 // zmq_worker.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 $context = new ZMQContext(); 6 7 // Socket to receive messages on 8 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); 9 $receiver->connect("tcp://localhost:5557");10 11 // Socket to send messages to12 $sender = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH);13 $sender->connect("tcp://localhost:5558");14 15 // Process tasks forever16 while (true) {17 $string = $receiver->recv();18 19 // Simple progress indicator for the viewer20 echo $string, PHP_EOL;21 22 // Do the work23 usleep($string * 1000);24 25 // Send results to sink26 $sender->send("");27 }


Pattern: Pipeline 1 <?php 2 // zmq_sink.php 3 // extracted from: 4 5 // Prepare our context and socket 6 $context = new ZMQContext(); 7 $receiver = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); 8 $receiver->bind("tcp://*:5558"); 9 10 // Wait for start of batch11 $string = $receiver->recv();12 13 // Start our clock now14 $tstart = microtime(true);15 16 // Process 100 confirmations17 $total_msec = 0; // Total calculated cost in msecs18 for ($task_nbr = 0; $task_nbr < 100; $task_nbr++) {19 $string = $receiver->recv();20 if ($task_nbr % 10 == 0) {21 echo ":";22 } else {23 echo ".";24 }25 }26 27 $tend = microtime(true);28 29 $total_msec = ($tend - $tstart) * 1000;30 echo PHP_EOL;31 printf ("Total elapsed time: %d msec", $total_msec);32 echo PHP_EOL;

1999 - 2013 DRI. Some Rights Reserved. 23

Pattern: Pipeline

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Use Case: Service Cluster


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Use Case: “Unix Style” Application

● Lots of simple, “focused” programs– Or in different servers, different languages, etc

● All components collaborate to get the job done– cat file | sort | uniq -c

● Glue everything with ZeroMQ

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Use Case: Cache

● We need to cache some values for speed

● Use SET / GET on Redis● I could use memcache, but this is a Redis Talk :-)

● They have similar performance–

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Use Case: Buffer

● Use Redis as a FIFO (or LIFO)● Hidden Goods

– Decoupling

– Flow control

– rpoplpush

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Use Case: Background Tasks

● Your application needs to do some heavy work– Send Email

– Image Resizing

– Mega Huge map-reduce query to your pentabyte cluster :-)

● You don't want to keep your user waiting

● Send things to background

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Use Case: Background Tasks

● Use Redis as your Job Queue– Your application should send job to be run and parameters to the


● Use workers to POP jobs from the queue and do the heavy work.

● Don't reinvent the well– Look for php-resqueue

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● Both ZeroMQ and Redis are extremely fast

● ZeroMQ is great to “glue things” as well as adding flexibility to scale dynamical

● Redis is great as a queue and allows you to cope with your load.

Thank you

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