Redesigning the Website Matt “The Cat” Pittner Dr. Carl “Arizona” Rebman MSIT 573 Summer 2005.

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Redesigning theRedesigning the


Matt “The Cat” Pittner

Dr. Carl “Arizona” RebmanMSIT 573

Summer 2005


• Small-, privately-owned consulting business

• Current Website deployed Jan 2005– Avg. 50 hits/mo– Need e-commerce capability– Must improve means of meeting client/visitors’


Propose to redesign Website


• Website has not grown with the business• Fails to take advantage of technology that will

enable:– E-commerce– Promote book sales– Provide an interactive experience for visitors

• Failure to address these shortfalls will result in lower productivity and missed profit opprotunities

Project ObjectiveProject Objective

• Redesign the Company’s Website to create a database-driven Website with an e-commerce capability to promote book sales and provide an online career transition forum for Ruehlin Associates’ clients

Project ScopeProject Scope

• Develop the following Website elements/ functions:– Database table of book selections– Database table of registered users– Database table of Website administrators– Client and administrator login pages– “New client” registration page– “Client Area” pages, including a “Client Forum”– Administrator page– Page to allow visitors to browse available books– A “shopping cart” feature– Online payment system

ROI AnalysisROI Analysis

• Expected Costs

• Expected Benefits

Expected Project Cost ($12,900)

Design $4,600 Development $5,150 Deployment $1,000 Reserves (20%) $2,150

Expected Annual Cost Savings/Profits ($52,355)

Increased Productivity $50,000 Online Book Sales (What’s Next)


Online Book Sales (Via Amazon)


ROI: %306900,12$


Measures of SuccessMeasures of Success

• The team will need to accomplish all tasks in the allotted time, taking into account quality Web programming techniques, security, documentation, and ease of navigation and positive experience for the Website visitor

• The Website must attract an average of more than 50 visitors per month during the first year

• Administrative workload associated with responding to client/company requests and inquiries must be reduced by at least one day per month over the first year

• An average of more than three books (What’s Next) per month must be sold online. (Note: Book sales via are not considered as a measure of success.)

• Compare with Competitors

Feasibility StudyFeasibility Study

Technical Feasibility– None of the Website characteristics or requirements described

are beyond the capabilities of existing programming techniques. Active Server Pages (ASP or will suffice to create the functionality necessary to achieve the project goals.

Economic Feasibility – Time, resources, and funds are available in order to implement

the project successfully.

Operational Feasibility – Ruehlin Associates continues to receive numerous requests for

information and book sales. Redesigning the Website will address these needs and provide a more effective and efficient means of conducting business. Ruehlin Associates will not be required to acquire any new special skills or knowledge to operate/maintain the Website beyond initial training for its administrators.

Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment

Risk associated with redesigning Website – 65% Redesigned Website will realize benefits

– 35% Redesigned Website will not realize benefits

Risk associated with not redesigning Website

– 76% Save cost of redesign without penalty of hindering business (maintain “status quo” and invest money at 7% for one year)

– 24% Save cost of redesign (invest money), but miss out on benefits





$52,355 – $12,900 = $39,455

$0 – $12,900 = – $12,900

$39,455 x .65 = $25,646

– $12,900 x .35 = – $4,515




$13,803 – $0m = $13,803

$13,803 – $52,355 = – $38,552

$13,803 x .76 = $10,490

– $38,552 x .24 = – $9,252






$52,355 – $12,900 = $39,455

$0 – $12,900 = – $12,900

$39,455 x .65 = $25,646

– $12,900 x .35 = – $4,515




$13,803 – $0m = $13,803

$13,803 – $52,355 = – $38,552

$13,803 x .76 = $10,490

– $38,552 x .24 = – $9,252



Main Team Task/RolesMain Team Task/Roles

• Project Manager – Aside from his role on the design and implementation teams, the project manager will also direct the project through its lifecycle; ensuring tasks are completed on time, within budget, and at the appropriate level of quality. The Project Manager will communicate with the Company CEO and Operations Officer to define/clarify requirements

• Assistant Project Manager – Provides assistance to the Project Manager, and also serves on the design and implementation teams. The assistant project manager is also available for interaction with Company CEO and Operations Officer if the Project Manager is not available.

Design and Implementation (D&I) Team – This team will be made up of two members: the Project Manager and the Assistant Project Manager. The team will create the Website plan, and plan and coordinate each phase/process of implementation. Both members are experienced in Web development and are proficient in HTML and ASP. The team will perform the actual development of the Website, Website testing, write the documentation, and train the Company Website administrators.

Project TrackingProject Tracking

Implementation MethodImplementation Method

Design Phase• Refine business requirements and help define Website

content requirements. A brainstorming session will be used and will include a review of the Company’s existing Website

Development Phase• write code and produce a functional Website

Deployment Phase • Launch Website (cut over)

Final Analysis/EvaluationFinal Analysis/Evaluation

• Low-risk project that has the potential to deliver relatively high benefit

• Success of the project will be determined by the overall number of visitors and the number of buyers who order books from the Website versus the number of buyers who continue to order via telephone or e-mail

• A “Customer Satisfaction” survey may be included to validate customers’ impressions of the Website features and online purchasing process/experience

The project Website represents a significant improvement over the existing Ruehlin Associates Website. The added features will better serve the needs of the Company’s clients by providing a meaningful and educational experience for visitors undergoing career transition. At the same time, the project Website will improve Ruehlin Associates’ Web presence and help promote sales of their book, What’s Next, by introducing a convenient and efficient e-commerce capability

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