REDD+ Challenges and Opportunities: experiences from social and environmental standards

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Joanna Durbin explains what she sees and the biggest challenges and opportunities through from an social and environmental point of view.


REDD+ Challenges and Opportunities: experiences from social and environmental standards

Joanna DurbinClimate Community & Biodiversity Alliance

Warsaw, 15th November 2013

Getting REDD+ ‘off the ground’ or ‘to the ground’?

REDD+ needs:• International agreement,

rules, finance

• National policies and measures

• Local decisions and action

REDD+‘a service to others’ or ‘a development opportunity’?

When undertaking REDD+ activities, the following safeguards should be promoted and supported:(a) Complement or consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes and relevant international conventions and agreements

(b) Transparent and effective national forest governance structures

(c) Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local communities

d) Full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders

e) Consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity – not used for conversion of natural forests– protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem

services, – enhance other social and environmental benefits

f) Address the risks of reversals

g) Reduce displacement of emissions

UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards identify some key challenges for REDD+

Safeguards and non-carbon benefits – essential but at what level?

Developed countries• Safeguards are important

and non-carbon benefits are good

• help us to build support from public and channel greater funds to REDD+

• BUT we can’t require high performance

• and could divert finance from emissions reductions

Developing countries• It is essential that our

REDD+ program delivers multiple benefits

• we want to get recognition for high performance

• BUT we don’t want conditions added to financing and oversight from outside

• Supports government-led REDD+ national or jurisdictional programs with development of a safeguards information system based on REDD+ SES

• Comprises:– REDD+ SES content: principles, criteria and indicators– REDD+ SES process: to use the REDD+ SES at country level

• Uses a country-led, multi-stakeholder process• Shows performance = enhancing benefits as well as avoiding harm. • A voluntary initiative for countries wanting to demonstrate high social and

environmental performance• Developed through broad consultation and supported by an International Steering

Committee with representatives of Governments, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, community associations, private sector

REDD+ SES theory of change

Requires systemic change in at least four key domains

A. Political support from government actorsB. Policies, laws, and regulations and their implementationC. Civil society engagementD. Trust between key actors

Through a process of constructive engagement, accepting an incremental approach to improving REDD+ S&E performance

An effective country-led safeguards information system

REDD+ delivers on its social and environmental goals

Changes observed within the REDD+ Program

Changes observed outside the REDD+ Program

Priorities for Safeguards Information Systems


• REDD+ presents a range of significant challenges

• Some can be addressed through a transparent, inclusive multi-stakeholder process to address safeguards, to monitor their implementation and to use that information to improve the program

• Safeguards and multiple benefits can also provide a key to shifting REDD+ from an international service, to an opportunity to support locally defined development objectives.

• While a shift to internal reasons to reduce deforestation, with effective safeguards is important – to reach full potential REDD+ still needs the international ‘carrot’ – the finance and ambition from developed countries.....

For more informationSecretariat International Steering Committee• Joanna Durbin (CCBA)• Aurélie Lhumeau


• Phil Franks (CARE)

With technical support from

• Proforest Initiative

REDD+ implementingGovernments•Eduardo Noboa (Ecuador)•Monica de los Rios (Acre)•Iwan Wibisono (Indonesia)•Resham Dangi (Nepal)•Tamrini Said Ally (Tanzania)•Benjamin Karmorh (Liberia)

Indigenous Peoples•Jennifer Rubis (IPMN)•Kanyinke Sena (IPACC)•Estebancio Castro

Community Associations•Rahima Njaidi (MJUMITA)•Alberto Chinchilla (ACICAFOC)•Brikha Shahi (FECOFUN)

Social NGOs•Samuel Nnah (Accra Caucus)•Tony La Viňa (Ateneo SoG)

Environmental NGOs•Belinda de la Paz (Haribon)•Marina Piatto (Imaflora)

Private Sector•Rezal Kusumaatmadja (Starling Res)

Non- REDD+ implementing Multilateral organisation

Lera Miles (UNEP/UN-REDD)

Environmental NGOs•George Akwah (IUCN)•Minnie Degawan (WWF)

Private Sector•Leslie Durschinger (Terra Global)•Johannes Ebeling (Maquarie)

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