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Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 1




















Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 2


1. What is Red Bull Air Race?

The Red Bull Air Race World Championship takes 15 of the world's best pilots and puts them in

a competition of speed, precision and skill. One at a time the pilots fly lightweight, high-

performance race planes through a series of inflatable "air gates" in a race for the best time

through the track. Pilots reach speeds up to 230 mph pulling 12 Gs and fly just 10-20 feet

above the water.

The season runs from March � September (8-10 races/year), and each race is broadcast live

and/or tape delayed in over 87 countries in six continents, reaching more than 300 million

viewers in 2009.

The Red Bull Air Race is not an �air show.� It is a global motorsport competition challenging the

world�s best pilots� precision racing skills.

2. When was the Red Bull Air Race started?

The Red Bull Air Race was conceived in 2001 in the Red Bull sports think-tank, which has been

responsible for creating a wide range of innovative sports events across the world. The aim was

to develop a brand new aviation race that would challenge the ability of the world�s best pilots,

creating a race in the sky that was not simply about speed, but also precision and skill. The

answer was to build a specially designed obstacle course that the pilots would navigate at high


After two years in planning and development, the first official Red Bull Air Race was ready to

take off in Zeltweg, Austria in 2003. The first official Red Bull Air Race World Championship

began in 2005 with 10 pilots competing in 7 races around the globe.

3. How large are the crowds at Red Bull Air Race events? What is the largest crowd


The Red Bull Air Race is one of the largest spectator sports in the world and hundreds of

thousands of fans turn out to watch as pilots compete for a chance to win the World

Championship. In October 2009, 800,000 fans watched the Red Bull Air Race live in Barcelona,

Spain. Globally, more than 300 million viewers watch the races on TV and on the Internet.

In the USA, crowds are traditionally fewer due to venue limitations. Last year in San Diego,

Calif., over 100,000 spectators turned out downtown and in Detroit, 230,000.

4. Has there been a Red Bull Air Race held in the U.S.?

The first Red Bull Air Race in the U.S. was held in 2004 in Reno, Nevada. Pilots flew in San

Francisco on the world tour in 2005 and 2006. In 2007 the U.S. race took place in Monument

Valley, Utah and San Diego, Calif.; in 2008 San Diego and Detroit hosted Red Bull Air Races and

the 2009 Red Bull Air Race World Championship was held in San Diego, CA.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 3

5. What other countries will host the 2010 Red Bull Air Race?

In addition to the New York race, the Red Bull Air Race 2010 calendar is:

Abu Dhabi, UAE � March 26 & 27

Perth, AUS � April 17 & 18

Rio de Janeiro, BRZ � May 8 & 9

Windsor, CAN � June 5 & 6

New York, USA � June 19 & 20

Lausitzring, GER � August 7 & 8

Budapest, HUN � August 19 & 20

Lisbon, POR � September 4 & 5

6. How may pilots participate in each Red Bull Air Race?

15 pilots will compete in the 2010 Red Bull Air Race World Championship.

7. Who are the Red Bull Air Race pilots?

Adilson Kindlemann - Curitiba, Brazil (

Alejandro Maclean - Madrid, Spain (

Hannes Arch - Salzburg, Austria (

Kirby Chambliss - Flying Crown Ranch, Tucson, Arizona (

Martin Sonka - Sezimovo Usti, Czech Republic (

Matt Hall - Merewether, NSW, Australia (

Matthias Dolderer - Tannheim, Germany (

Michael Goulian - Maynard, Massachusetts (

Nicolas Ivanoff - Paris, France (

Nigel Lamb - Oxfordshire, GB (

Paul Bonhomme - Cambridgeshire, GB (

Pete McLeod - London, Ontario, Canada (

Peter Besenyei - Herceghalom, Hungary (

Sergey Rakhmanin - St. Petersburg, Russia (

Yoshihide Muroya - Fukushima, Japan (

More information on the pilots can be founds online at:

Red Bull Air Race Pilots 2010

8. How experienced are the pilots?

The Red Bull Air Race World Championship is one of the toughest and most demanding

motorsports competitions that exist and only the best pilots in the world have the skill and

stamina to take part and be successful. Prospective pilots must first make it through the

rigorous selection process and to do so, they must have the experience, skills and personality to

join the elite group who compete in this global motorsports championship.

High achievements in international flying competitions are a prerequisite, such as the aerobatic

European Championships, the aerobatic World Championships and aerobatic World Grand Prix

competitions. Pilots must also be actively performing low-level aerobatics in air shows. If they

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 4

meet these minimum requirements, and also have a suitable aircraft, they will be invited to

participate in the Red Bull Air Race qualification camp. It is here that the pilot�s have the

opportunity to display their talents and prove their potential. Pilots must earn a �Super License,�

which is overseen by the world air sports Federation, Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

(FAI) in the Red Bull Air Race qualification camp where they are evaluated on their flying skills,

maturity levels, capacity to be self-critical and not overly aggressive.

9. Does more than one plane fly on the course at one time or do they compete for

best times?

Only one plane flies the course at a time. Planes take turns on the course and compete for the

best time through a series of inflatable air gates.

The starting order for all sessions on Race Day is determined by the results in Qualifying. The

order is reversed so that the slowest pilot from Qualifying starts first on Race Day.

10. Where can I find more information about the Red Bull Air Race on the Internet?

The website is rich with content and the latest news from each race

around the globe.

You can also follow the sport online at:

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 5


11. Where will the planes take off and land from?

The Red Bull Air Race planes will fly in and out of Linden Airport located in Linden, New Jersey.

The flight from Linden to the race zone at Liberty State Park is approximately 10 miles. The

exact course the aircraft will take is being worked out with local FAA authorities.

12. Will the public be allowed to meet the pilots at the airport?

A �pit lane� walk-through traditionally takes place at Red Bull Air Race. More information will be

available closer to Race date.

13. I�m a private pilot. Is there a special fly-in for the Red Bull Air Race New York?

No, there is not a special fly-in procedure but there are plenty of airports in the local area that

one could easily fly into. Contact for all your travel and hospitality

needs on the ground.

14. Will the airspace above the Hudson River be closed during the race days?

Yes, there will be a TFR established over the entire area, which will not allow any aircraft of any

type into the specified area. Check all NOTAMs before the event as the TFR will be published.

15. When will planes start flying?

A detailed schedule will be available closer to race weekend, but training days for the race will

begin on Thursday, June 17 and continue to Friday, June 18. Racing will begin in the early

afternoon on Saturday and Sunday, June 19-20.

16. What types of planes are being flown?

The planes flown in the Red Bull Air Race World Championship are among the best and most

modern race planes in the world. Currently there are two different types of aircraft used in the

Red Bull Air Race World Championship: the Edge 540 and the MXS-R.

Among the few aircraft that are suitable for racing, there are differences in engine power and

flying performance that can have an important influence on the pilot�s chances of winning.

During a steep turn, both pilot and plane are subjected to forces, meaning they are ten times

their normal weight. Therefore, these planes have to be extremely light (approx. 1,200 lbs),

and it is not just because of the high G-forces. Their light weight combined with a highly

efficient steering system results in agility that normal aircrafts, even modern fighter jets, cannot

match. They also have a high power to weight ratio and the lowest drag possible.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 6

17. Why are some of the planes flying around in a big circle before the races?

Planes need to constantly be moving forward during flight so in order to allow the pilots to be in

place for the next run through the course they maintain a �holding pattern.� This is normal and

coordinated with local aviation authorities.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 7


18. What are the air gates made from?

The inflatable air gates consist of two cones made from an ultra-light spinnaker material that

rips if it is touched by a plane. The gates stand 65 feet high and 32-45 feet a part. If a plane

hits a gate, then the cone collapses immediately.

Unlike early models, the current structures are made up of six sections attached together by

zips to allow quick replacement if damaged by a plane. It takes about two days to set up the

entire Red Bull Air Race track, and if a pylon is hit during a race, they can be replaced by a

highly-skilled �Airgator� team within three minutes.

19. How far away from the spectators do the planes fly (distance off shore?)

As mandated by the FAA, the "crowd line" as we call it in aviation is 500 ft from any people,

buildings or landmarks. The unique aspect that makes the Red Bull Air Race so compelling and

different than any other aviation event is that the pilots fly just 10-20 feet above the water at

eye-level � no neck craning here!

20. How loud are the planes? Can the noise cause hearing damage?

The Red Bull Air Race planes are high performance planes and they do generate an exciting

roar as they pass by the spectators. The noise level runs about 80-90 decibels and that�s about

the level of noise that a lawnmower or a motorcycle at 25 feet away makes.

21. Has there ever been an accident?

The Red Bull Air Race has an extremely high safety record. Strong safety regulations and

procedures are in place across every single aspect of the event from the aviation side through

to security on-site. Red Bull Air Race works closely with every host city to ensure that each

event is carried out as safely and securely as possible. The accident involving Brazilian pilot

Adilson Kindlemann at the Perth race in Australia this year was the first ever incident in 45

races. While maneuvering his MXS-R race plane, approaching gate three in the middle of the

race track, Kindlemann impacted the water with his wings level and tail first. Specially trained

emergency response teams rushed to the scene and rescued Kindlemann as the aircraft floated

in the water, in less than one minute. Kindlemann was taken to the hospital as a precautionary

measure but only suffered minor whiplash and was released the following day.

Drew Searle, race director, stated after the incident: "I must say, our rescue divers, we�ve been

carrying them around the world with us for some 40-something races and, you know, today

they were stars, absolute stars. They got to the pilot, made sure he was okay, and did that in

record time. And they got the canopy off, got him some air and got him out of the airplane. So

hats off to those guys and everyone else in the safety chain."

22. What crowd control precautions have you put in place to ensure everyone can

watch the race safely?

Using state-of-the-art technology, the Red Bull Air Race has been on a tireless quest since its

first race in 2003 to ensure the safety not only for the pilots, but also for spectators and crew

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 8

members. A team of 32 safety specialists oversee a force that can contain around 600 security

officials. The security operations team is in constant communication with the race director,

rescue crews and with spectators as well, providing useful information instantly about imminent

weather changes or anything else a spectator would need to know. They work hand in hand

with local police at all the race venues around the world.

23. What government authorities have been involved in ensuring the safety of this


The plan for the NYC leg of the Red Bull Air Race underwent a very thorough review process

with the City of New York as well as with New Jersey and the City of Jersey City and the proper

federal agencies, including: the US Coast Guard, the Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic

Control, the City of New York, NYPD, FDNY, the Mayor�s Office of Citywide Event Coordination

and Management, Jersey City Police, New Jersey State Police, the New Jersey State

Transportation Authority, Division of Aeronautics and New Jersey State Department of

Environmental Protection, National Park Police, New Jersey State Park Police, New Jersey

Division of Fire Safety, FDJC, Jersey City Office of Emergency Management and Liberty State

Park authorities.

24. Have you faced any special air traffic issues for the show in the Hudson River as

compared to other event locations? Are there any special precautions that you

expect to take?

The Red Bull Air Race recognizes and is extremely respectful of the sensitive air space over the

Hudson River. The Red Bull Air Race New York is currently will continue to be, coordinated with

precise alignment and cooperation with local authorities on both sides of the Hudson river as

well as with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Air Traffic Control and the Flight

Standards District Office well in advance of the race weekend to ensure a safe and exciting race

event for spectators, residents and our highly-skilled pilots. Prior to New York, the Red Bull Air

Race has orchestrated 45 races safely and we have worked closely with the FAA and local

authorities over the last 6 years to safely bring races to city centers in the US including San

Diego, Detroit, and San Francisco, and in international cities such as London where the Red Bull

Air Race was staged in 2007 and 2008 over the Thames River.

25. Considering the accidents that took place in the Hudson last year, shouldn�t the New York City be more sensitive about potential concerns about the safety of flying above these waters?

A careful review of the logistics of this sporting event and confirmation of the rigorous training

and preparations endured by the motorsport series� world-class pilots make the City of New

York and the City of Jersey City confident that this event is safe and secure for pilots and

spectators, as well as all area residents.

26. What preparations have been made in the event that an emergency or accident

occurs during the race?

Once the site plan is complete, Red Bull Air Race will work with the relevant City, State and

Federal agencies to finalize an emergency action plan. This will be in addition to the water

safety and other plans necessary for the race weekend.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 9

27. What tax payer dollars are being spent to support this event?

No New York City or Jersey City taxpayer dollars support this event.

28. Is there any concern that hosting this event sends a message to event producers

that New York City will entertain other risky forms of entertainment for the right


Event proposals such as the one we received and approved for Red Bull Air Race are nothing at

all new to New York City. With a reputation like ours as one of the biggest and most exciting

destinations in the world, we receive thousands of proposals every year that involve a range of

activities that require us to assess any potential for danger. The Red Bull Air Race is a global

motorsport series that ensures safety and security are the top priorities at any given race. In no

way does the Red Bull Air Race set a precedent for what sort of extreme events we are willing

to entertain, nor do we feel it poses any threat or danger to City residents. All event requests

that the City of New York receives are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 10


29. When is the Red Bull Air Race New York?

Saturday, June 19 (Qualifying Day) and Sunday, June 20, 2010 (Race Day)

30. Where does the Red Bull Air Race take place?

Planes will race just 10-20 feet above the Hudson River between the Central Railroad/ Statue

Cruises Ferry Terminal and Ellis Island adjacent to Liberty State Park, Jersey City. A map of the

race location is available online at: Red Bull Air Race New York.

31. If it�s called Red Bull Air Race New York, why is it happening in Jersey City?

The fifth stop of the Red Bull Air Race is actually happening over the Hudson River and while

ground operations are taking place in Jersey City and at Linden Airport, New York City is playing

an integral role in this event. The Red Bull Air Race is a global motorsport event broadcast in

87 countries reaching 300 million viewers worldwide, and will boost the local economies of both

New York City and Jersey City. Additionally, viewers will have the opportunity to take in the

stunning Manhattan skyline, Liberty State Park in Jersey City and national landmarks such as

the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

32. Who did Red Bull Air Race work with to bring the race to New York?

The Red Bull Air Race will land in New York due to the joint efforts of many local authorities and

partners including New York & Company, City of Jersey City, Friends of Liberty State Park and

the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

33. What times do the races take place?

Gates are scheduled to open to ticketholders at 10:00 a.m. each day, entertainment begins at

noon and the Red Bull Air Race is scheduled to begin between 1-2 p.m. each day and will last

approximately two hours. A detailed schedule will be confirmed closer to the event.

34. What is the course layout?

Each race track in the Red Bull Air Race is different and presents its own challenge. A map of

the New York track will be available in the coming weeks at

35. Can I visit the pilots at Linden Field?

Plans for a public pit lane walk are in the works. Please visit for more

information closer to the race.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 11

36. Can races be cancelled?

Races can be cancelled if Red Bull Air Race officials feel safety is compromised or the weather

creates conditions that are too dangerous. The aggressive global schedule for Red Bull Air Race

does not allow for make-ups or reschedules.

If the weather is bad and the race has to be cancelled the results of the qualification round

stand as the final result of the race.

If a race is cancelled, ticketholders can contact 1-877-90-RBARNY or email

37. Where is the best place to view the Red Bull Air Race New York?

Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey will be the spectator area for the New York race.

We encourage everyone to buy tickets to the race for the best experience (Ticket Sales

Information). The race will not be viewable from downtown Manhattan due to the small size of

the airplanes.

38. Are spectators allowed to bring their own lawn chairs and umbrellas into the

designated viewing area?

No. Lawn chairs and umbrellas will not be allowed in to the designated viewing areas.

Spectators with grandstand tickets will find ample seating in the grandstand areas.

39. Will spectators be able to bring backpacks or coolers?

Coolers are not allowed inside the designated spectator areas. For security purposes, all bags

and backpacks may be subject to inspection by Red Bull Air Race security.

40. ADA accessible areas - Will there be any designated areas for wheelchair


There will be allocated ADA viewing areas in Liberty State Park. Guests in these areas may be

accompanied by one other person. Information will be available on-site at the Information

Kiosks, but we encourage you to leave a message for us at 1-877-90-RBARNY so we can best

meet your needs.

41. Will there be medical services available?

First aid will be available and on-site for event spectators.

42. Will there be enough facilities (food/water/bathrooms) for the expected crowd?

There is a 300-person crew that travels to each race worldwide, and through our event

production team, we provide premium concessions and sanitary conditions for our guests (many

of the services are sourced locally, generating economic benefits for the host cities).

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 12

43. Will private boats be allowed near the event site?

Local marinas will receive information from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) on Race Box

locations, flight times and waterway restrictions, and will pass that information along to their


The Red Bull Air Race and local authorities discourage viewing from boats on the water during

the race. USCG will set up a safety distance regarding all vessels and based on this all

spectators are advised that the best way to view the race is from the official ticketed areas.

44. Will the Red Bull Air Race return to New York and Jersey City in 2011?

The 2011 race calendar will not be available until later this year.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 13


45. How much are tickets and when will they be on sale?

There are five levels of ticket pricing:

General Admission: There will be two levels of general admission tickets � festival-style standing

and grandstand. Standing room tickets start at $30. Grandstand tickets start at $50 and will

have assigned seat numbers. Children�s prices are also available. General admission tickets will

go on sale April 30. Please contact

Race Club: Hospitality area with open bar, catering, premium viewing and great "party"

atmosphere. Price for 2-day pass will be $540. Children�s prices are also available. Tickets are

on sale now for Race Club and Business Race Club. Please contact

High Flyers Lounge: Highest-end hospitality area with premium catering from the host cities� top

chef(s) and open bar with the best viewing and high-end attendees. A two-day pass is $1650.

Children�s prices are also available and tickets are on sale now. Please contact

Corporate Hospitality / Business Race Club: The Red Bull Air Race Business Race Club is a new

opportunity to grow your business and entertain in a way never possible before at a sporting

event. The Corporate Lounge area, called the Business Race Club, is the perfect incentive to

increase both business-to-business and employee productivity in a private, personal setting.

Each Corporate Lounge provides 50 or more of your friends, relatives and business associates

with front-row entertainment only found at the Red Bull Air Race World Championship. Please


Hospitality tickets are currently on sale. General admission ticket levels will go on sale at on April 30. Sign up for email alerts here: Ticket Sales Information Sign


Processing fees are applied to each ticket purchased.

46. Where can I purchase a ticket?

Tickets can only be purchased online by visiting in the coming weeks.

For now, please sign up for email updates on ticket sales at Ticket Sales Information Sign Up.

47. Why do we recommend purchasing a ticket directly from the Red Bull Air Race?

It is important to buy tickets only through this source. The information published on is always the most reliable and is posted in conjunction with all local

authorities and will ensure you have a premium experience at the race.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 14

48. Can I buy a general admission ticket on the day?

Yes, but this is subject to availability. Many races tend to sell out several days before a race, so

we advise that you purchase your tickets in advance. There will also be an additional fee on

tickets purchased one week before the event.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 15


49. What�s the best way of getting to the race?

There is no on-site event parking at Liberty State Park for the Red Bull Air Race. If arriving by

car, there will be a parking lot in Jersey City nearby the Light Rail station which will take you

directly to Liberty State Park free of charge for any Red Bull Air Race ticketholder that weekend.

High Flyers Lounge guests will have a complementary, dedicated water taxi service from the

World Financial Center to Liberty State Park.


From New York, the recommended form of transportation to Red Bull Air Race is a special event

ferry that will run from Battery Park in Manhattan. It is the fastest and most scenic path to the

Race, and is easily accessible from a number of subway lines as well as by the Staten Island

Ferry. Roundtrip ferry tickets will be available for purchase in advance, and the Race ferries will

depart from Gangways 1 and 2 in Battery Park. Ferry tickets are available as an upgrade option

when purchasing your ticket via


Both the PATH subway train system and connecting Light Rail shuttle trains run frequently

during the day. The Light Rail will be free of charge to event patrons with Red Bull Air Race

tickets or proof of purchase. Maps can be found online at:

From Newark Penn Station:

Take the PATH subway to Exchange Place in Jersey City. Then take the Light Rail to Liberty

State Park. A pedestrian walkway will lead to the event site.

From Hoboken Train / PATH subway / Bus station:

Take the Light Rail to Liberty State Park. A pedestrian walkway will lead to the event site.

From Journal Square, Jersey City:

Take the PATH subway to Exchange Place in Jersey City. Then take the Light Rail to Liberty

State Park. A pedestrian walkway will lead to the event site.

From Manhattan:

Take the PATH to either Pavonia/Newport, Hoboken or Exchange Place. From there, take the

Light Rail to Liberty State Park. A pedestrian walkway will lead to the event site.

Closer to the race: Visit or call 1-877-90-RBARNY for the most

updated information.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 16

50. Where can I park?

There will be no event parking at Liberty State Park. If arriving by car, we suggest parking at a

lot in Jersey City and taking in the Light Rail which will be free for Red Bull Air Race

ticketholders that weekend. Please see below for the ticketing and parking map or go online to

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 17


51. Will there be any road closures in the lead up to and / or during the Red Bull Air


While there are no planned road closures, local and state authorities may choose to close roads

or Turnpike exits at their sole discretion if traffic becomes a serious issue.

52. Are buses/coaches allowed in the event area?

Buses will not be allowed in the event area.

53. Will there be ADA parking available?

Parking will be extremely limited for our guests who need ADA accessibility. We suggest leaving

us a message at 1-877-90-RBARNY so we can communicate with you in advance about your


Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 18


54. Will there be Hudson River waterway restrictions for leisure crafts?

The actual Race area will be part of a Safety and Security Zone in which no vessels are allowed

to move or maneuver. Navigation for all vessels going north or south on the Hudson River will

continue throughout the race. The US Coast Guard is considering spectator �boxes� for

pleasure craft on the River. In this case, spectator vessels will be grouped together in specific

areas, and around them boats will continue to navigate regularly. ***Full access to the Morris

Canal, where Liberty Landing Marina and Liberty Harbor Marina are located, is planned to be

continuous and uninterrupted throughout the event***

55. Can boats watch the Race from the river?

The US Coast Guard will be regulating spectator boats and information regarding spectator

boats will be provided to local marinas. There will be no radio feed of the race LIVE show for


The US Coast Guard will put out an advisory notice on homeport 2-3 weeks prior to the race

with additional information about the regulated navigation area and spectator boxes. Check

56. Will the river be closed at all during the event?

No. All waterways will remain open throughout the Race, though the channel between New

York and New Jersey will be narrowed somewhat. New York Harbor is a diverse and very, very

active port. Race organizers are coordinating all the Race plans with a wide range of harbor

and landside authorities to ensure harbor and river traffic can continue uninterrupted. Safety and security agencies including US Coast Guard and many others will be on-site throughout the Race to ensure all river traffic continues to flow safely and smoothly.

Local marinas will receive information from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) on Race Box

locations, flight times and waterway restrictions, and will pass that information along to their


57. Will I be able to get my boat out of my marina?

The closest Marinas to the Race area are Liberty Landing Marina and Liberty Harbor Marina,

both on the Morris Canal and situated along the northern edge of Liberty State Park.

Approaches to these Marinas is planned to remain open throughout the Race. Other nearby

Marinas include:

Dennis Conner�s North Cove, New York City �

Lincoln Harbor Yacht Club and Marina, Jersey City �

Newport Marina, Jersey City � or

Pier 40 Mooring Field, New York City �

The Shipyard Marina, Hoboken �

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 19


58. I live in downtown Jersey City. Do I need to obtain an access permit to get in and

out of the area during the race?

No special permits will be required but if you are in the vicinity of Liberty State Park you should

allow for extra travel time on event days.

59. I work/own a business in downtown Jersey City � will there be any restrictions

to my business?

There will be no restrictions on event days, but please be aware that parking and traffic

congestion should be expected near Liberty State Park.


60. What are the recommended viewing spots in Manhattan?

Due to the relatively small size of the airplanes, the race will not be viewable from Manhattan.

Round trip ferry service will be available from Manhattan�s Battery Park which is accessible by a

number of public transportation options.

61. Will my day be disrupted by the planes?

You can expect that there may be some delays on subway and bus routes that connect to

Battery Park where ferry service to the Red Bull Air Race will embark from.

Residents may be curious about the noise generated by the race. The Red Bull Air Race planes

are high performance planes and they do generate an exciting roar as they pass by the

spectators. The noise level runs about 80-90 decibels and that�s about the level of noise that a

lawnmower or a motorcycle at 25 feet away makes.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 20


62. What should I bring to the Air Race?

Be sure to dress comfortably and bring hats and sunscreen for sun protection. Remember that

bags and backpacks will be subject to search.

For the safety of others, umbrellas, chairs, tents or any kind of shelter will not be allowed within

the event site.

Food and drink vendors will be on-site. Please be sure to use the provided garbage receptacles

to protect this treasured State parkland.

63. What time should I get there?

Gates will open to general admission ticketholders at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday, however

we would encourage you to come early to allow time to take public transportation.

64. What other entertainment will there be?

Yes. There will be support acts and on-ground activations to make your race weekend a highly-

entertainment weekend experience. Details will be announced and will be available on the

website closer to the event.

65. Will I be able to purchase food and drinks?

There will be food and beverage vendors located within the event site. A beer garden will be

located in the event area and will be accessible only to guests 21 years of age and older with

photo identification. All alcohol must be consumed within the beer garden.

66. Where can I purchase merchandise?

There will be multiple merchandise stands located in the event site within Liberty State Park.

67. Will a program be produced for the race?

There will not be a program for the race.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 21


68. For all general enquiries:

Visit the official Red Bull Air Race website at or call 1-877-90-RBARNY

or email

For tourist information in New York City, please visit

For tourist information in Jersey City, please visit

69. Are travel packages available?

Yes. Please visit for the latest travel packages to New York.

70. Do any hotels overlook the course?

There are a number of hotels that are nearby the race location, but do not overlook the site.

Please visit for reservations, shuttles and more information.

For further information contact

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 22


71. I am interested in selling food/ drinks as a vendor.

We appreciate your interest in the Red Bull Air Race. At this time all of our vendors are secured.

72. Are sponsorship packages available?

Should your company be interested in a sponsorship opportunity with the Red Bull Air Race

contact Gravitate Sports, (858) 227-4983,

73. Is Red Bull interested in advertising the event?

The Red Bull Air Race media plan has been finalized for 2010 and no further proposals are

being accepted at this time.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 23


74. I am with the news media and would like information/images prior to the race


Please contact Maddy Stephens ( or 210.414.1904) or visit

75. How can I obtain media credentials to cover the race?

Applications for media credentials are now open online. Please apply in advance for media

credentials at Media Accreditation. If you have any direct questions, please contact

If you are a photographer requesting credentials to shoot the race, a letter of assignment from

an editorial publication will be required.

Your application will be sent to the Red Bull Air Race Communications team. You will receive

confirmation that your application has been sent. You will later receive an email confirmation

that your application has been approved (or disapproved). If you applied online and do not

receive confirmation of your media credentials by June 1, please contact

76. Where do media check in on event days?

Media will be required to visit authorized Media Accreditation check-in kiosks to collect their

credentials. Exact locations will be available closer to the race weekend. Media who have

applied and been granted approved media credentials will receive a detailed media schedule

including important locations with their confirmation emails.

77. Where can I access photos and footage of the Red Bull Air Race?

Media can access press releases and images in the press section of

78. What kind of access will media have to the pilots?

Since the pilots will be taking off from Linden Airport, access will not be available in Liberty

State Park. Those wishing to cover the race from Linden should contact Maddy Stephens

( or 210.414.1904) to arrange for special interview requests.

Special interview requests are subject to availability, and are not guaranteed.

The Red Bull Air Race Airport will be officially opened with a press conference on Wednesday,

June 16 at Linden Airport. Local officials who helped make the race happen will be on site and

interviews with the pilots will be available immediately following the press conference.

Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 24

There will also be a media-only pit lane walk during the race weekend where interviews can be

accomplished. Please contact two weeks out from the race for

more details.

79. Where can I film news footage from?

The Red Bull Air Race prides itself on ensuring news media have everything they need during

the race weekend to file their stories. There will be a Media Center (accessed only with

approved Red Bull Air Race media credential) in Liberty State Park that will offer superior

viewing and photography platforms to accommodate the best, unobstructed views of the race.

The Media Center also has dozens of cabled Internet work-stations, flat screens, press

conference area with the top 3 pilots, supplies, hot food, Red Bull and water, and the

information boards with the latest race information.

There will also be several newsfeeds sent at different times throughout the race weekend for

TV news which will be available by satellite and online at

The Media Center is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 18-20. Please contact for more information.

80. I have media accreditation, where can I park?

There will not be parking reserved for media on-site. Please contact Maddy Stephens

( or 210.414.1904) in advance if you need assistance

organizing a live news feed from the event as there may be restrictions from the local

authorities prohibiting your entrance into the park. Red Bull Air Race can�t guarantee that SNG

trucks will be allowed in Liberty State Park on Saturday and Sunday.

More details on media transportation will be included in your media credential confirmation


Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 25


81. Will the Red Bull Air Race be on TV? What are the details?

Details of national and regional broadcasts will be confirmed closer to the race weekend.

82. Can I get onboard a Red Bull Air Race aircraft?

Unfortunately the Red Bull Air Race aircraft are not available for public use.

83. Can I volunteer/ work at the event?

We appreciate your interest, but currently all of our volunteer positions are filled.

84. Will Liberty State Park remain open for visitors while the race is happening?

Liberty State Park plans to remain open to the public to anyone who cares to walk, bike or roller

blade into the park. Vehicles, other than those permitted for the event or official vehicles, can

be turned away at any point in time by the authorities.

85. Will people be able to visit the Statue of Liberty while the race is happening?

Yes. The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island will be open and maintain its normal visiting hours.

Ferry service to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island will run on a normal schedule. Visitors

are advised to plan ahead for additional travel time due to normal security procedures as well

as the increased number of guests anticipated because of the race. Further information will be

available by calling the park�s hotline at 212-363-3200 or by visiting

86. Will the Liberty Science Center be open?

Liberty Science Center will be open. For more information we recommend visiting them online


87. Will there be a lost children station at the Race?

Yes, please visit any of our Information Kiosks on-site to report a lost child.

88. Are there safety measures in place in case of an accident?

Safety has been thought of in every aspect of this event. Comprehensive safety measures are

put in place at all Red Bull Air Race to minimize any chance of an accident.

The pilots that qualify for the World Championship must meet strict entry criteria that prove

they are among the finest race pilots in the world.

If an accident should happen during the race an emergency plan will be put into operation


Red Bull Air Race New York 2010 Q&A Updated April 30, 2010 26

A number of rescue boats and ambulance team will be on-site, equipped with the finest rescue

equipment. A rescue boat will also be in the water, equipped with lifesaving equipment on


The Red Bull Air Race works collaboratively with all water and land based authorities to ensure

the safety of the pilot and spectators at the event.

89. Are Race Organizers planning to offset carbon emissions caused by the Race?

The Red Bull Air Race World Championship accepts it has an environmental responsibility while

giving enjoyment to millions of spectators around the world and the growing community who

follow on our website

The organizers are working hard to minimize its impact without affecting the enjoyment of the

sport. We are investigating the options of offsetting fuel used during races by the planes to

become carbon neutral as well as other energy saving measures.

We are working with fuel companies to try and make our planes equipped to use bio-aviation

fuels by 2012.

90. Should I be concerned about the noise level?

The Red Bull Air Race planes are high performance planes and they do generate an exciting

roar as they pass by the spectators. The noise level runs about 80-90 decibels and that�s about

the level of noise that a lawnmower or a motorcycle at 25 feet away makes.

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