Reclaim Your Health in 30 Days · 2015-05-18 · Replace Gluten, Dairy and Soy • 14g carbs (vanilla), 15g carbs (chocolate) and 20g vegan protein • 20 essential vitamins and minerals

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Reclaim Your Health !in 30 Days


Signs of Imbalance •  Fatigue •  Depression •  Disturbed sleep •  Mood swings •  Weight gain (middle) •  Anxiety •  PMS •  Low libido •  Hot flashes

•  Joint pain •  Aching muscles •  Slow digestion •  Slow elimination •  Slow metabolism


You Are a Product !of Your Environment  

1. What you eat

2. What you breathe

3. What you put on your skin


Babies Are Born Toxic

Researchers from Mt. Sinai Medical Center analyzed the umbilical cords of newborns

and detected 200 industrial chemicals known to be toxic in every baby.


Reclaim Your Health

Inside Out


Eat Clean •  Free range chicken •  Free range turkey •  Grass-fed beef •  Organic fruits and

vegetables •  Healthy fats (olive oil,

coconut oil, almond butter, avocados)

•  Coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk


It’s All About Balance

•  Refined sugar •  Gluten •  Dairy •  Soy •  Corn •  White potatoes •  Alcohol •  Coffee •  Processed foods

Balanced !Blood Sugar!

Eliminate for! 30 Days:!

Balanced pH!

Both blood sugar and pH imbalances cause Inflammation.



Inflammation is at the basis of virtually every disease process such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and wrinkled skin. – Dr. Nicholas Perricone


Anti-Inflammatory Diet •  Pesticide free •  Hormone free •  Antibiotic free •  Saturated fat free •  Trans fat free •  Dairy free •  Gluten free •  Refined sugar free •  Artificial flavor free •  Artificial sweetener free

Only Arbonne


Anti-Inflammatory Diet!Releases Toxins

•  The body forms fat cells around toxins to protect the vital organs.

•  The more toxins you consume, the more difficult it will be to lose weight. This is why many plateau.

•  Weight loss is accelerated when toxins are removed.


Why No Dairy? •  Dairy is acidic. •  Dairy contributes to acne. •  Dairy is mucus forming.

Countries with the highest consumption of dairy have the highest rates of breast cancer and osteoporosis. Note: Whey is a major contributor to intestinal toxemia (undigested food particles in the intestine which leads to overgrowth of bacteria). Intestinal Toxemia can lead to IBS or Crohn’s Disease.


Replace Gluten, Dairy and Soy

•  14g carbs (vanilla), 15g carbs (chocolate) and 20g vegan protein •  20 essential vitamins and minerals – Feel fuller longer!!•  Complete amino acid profile – Rivals animal protein!•  Peas, cranberries and brown rice protein – A recent study

revealed that eating yellow peas at a meal helped people eat less at the next meal.

•  No cholesterol – No trans fat – No artificial sweeteners!•  Inner G-Plex – Promotes energy and detoxification!

•  Alfalfa •  Kelp •  Ginseng


Replace Coffee and Soda •  Alkaline forming!•  Clinically proven to boost metabolism •  Just 13 calories •  Free of artificial sweeteners •  No high fructose corn syrup

Key ingredients:!•  Green tea with ECGC (potent antioxidant) •  B vitamins boost energy •  Chromium to balance blood sugar •  Rhodiola to improve mood •  Ginseng to improve endurance •  Guarana to improve alertness


Supplement and Live! After reviewing studies between 1966 and 2002, the American Medical Association concluded that all adults should take a multi-vitamin to prevent chronic disease.!


POWER Packs! You know they’re good when you FEEL the DIFFERENCE!

•  Gender specific (men’s and women’s) •  USP grade •  ORAC score of 10,000!•  Superfood antioxidants equivalent

to 16-20 fruits and vegetables!•  Chelated minerals for high absorbability •  Digestive enzymes support GI health •  Probiotics – friendly bacteria

HIGHLY ABSORBABLE!Studies show patented BioPerine !Increased absorption levels by 60%.!


Digestion Plus •  11 Digestive enzymes promote digestion and nutrient uptake!

•  Patented probiotic Bacillus Coagulans (Unlike other probiotics, it survives gastric juices in the stomach.)

•  Supports intestinal wall damaged by diet, antibiotics, medications and stress!

•  Improves calcium absorption

•  Manufactures B vitamins

Also note:!•  80% of your immune system is in your gut.!•  Nearly all skin conditions start in the gut.!•  80% of serotonin in gut.!Serotonin is responsible for mood, sexual desire, appetite, sleep and memory. Nearly all brain cells are influenced by serotonin.!


Metabolism Boost Controls appetite without STIMULANTS!!

!•  Reduces sugar cravings and inflammation

by balancing blood sugar!

•  Green tea with ECGC!

•  Garcinia – controls hunger and enhances fat burning

•  Gymnema – reduces sugar cravings

•  Banaba – lowers blood sugar

•  ForsLean – promotes lean muscle – reduces cellulite!

•  Chromium – helps people deal with diabetes and hypoglycemia and controls appetite

•  Piperine – helps boost metabolism and increases absorbability


Support Elimination Organs Daily Fiber Boost

•  Fiber is a sponge for toxins.!

•  Helps you feel full longer and keeps your blood sugar balanced.

•  One serving contains 1/2 the recommended daily value.

•  Americans consume only about 10% of the fiber they did 100 years ago.


Daily Detox Tea •  9 botanicals support kidney and liver function for


•  Contains milk thistle, which supports your liver – the master fat burning and detoxifying organ.!

•  Supports the production of glutathione – the master detoxifier of the body.!

!“Obesity is more closely !related to liver dysfunction !than any other abnormality.”!University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Japan


7 Day Body Cleanse •  Astragulus improves immune

function •  Milk thistle protects liver from

toxins •  Aloe vera relieves digestive

issues •  Nettle leaf provides

detoxification of chemicals •  Slippery elm bark relieves

inflammatory bowel conditions •  Chlorella removes toxins •  Spirulina provides vitamins,

minerals and amino acids •  Nori seaweed provides vitamins

•  Red marine algae boosts immune system

•  Blue-green algae provides antioxidants


Your Skin •  Largest organ of your


•  Only organ that is totally exposed to the environment

•  Requires extra protection and nutrition


Skin Care

•  Skin care ingredients go directly into the blood stream.

•  In 2003, the European Union banned 1,400 skin care ingredients.

•  The U.S. banned only 8.


Aging Skin and Botanicals •  Cell turnover slows

as we age:

•  Skin thins 6% every 10 years.

•  Collagen production slows 65% between 20 and 80 years of age.

•  Arbonne is the world’s leading botanical skin care company.!•  Babies – 19 days

•  20 year old – 28 days


RE9 Advanced •  Clinically-proven to

work in 24 hours.

•  RE9 is clinically-proven to increase cell turnover and collagen production by stimulating only sluggish cells.!


Skin Care to Cosmetics




RE9 Body Care

The tummy on the left is an example of skin that has been stretched out by 3 pregnancies. The RE9 Body Care System was used on that same tummy on the right for 2 ½ weeks, and now the skin looks great. And guess what???

The RE9 Body Firming Crème works even better! Thanks, Arbonne!


Denise Moore, Before and After!12 lbs in 28 days


Diane Lost 43 Pounds! 30 Days: Lost 14 pounds and 6.5 inches 90 days: Lost 30 pounds and 15.5 inches

150 days (5 months): Lost 43 pounds and 20 inches

Diane is off her daily allergy and acid reflux medications since week 2 !of the program and has more energy and balance (inside and out)!!!!

Strict adherence to the program for 30 days, modifications the following months !and in combination with working out 3 days each week.!


Amazing Results !Gene Burkett, CPA

“The Arbonne nutritional products and information brochures

have given me the necessary tools to

dramatically change what I eat and drink.”

– Gene Burkett, CPA

29 lbs and 5 inches from waist in only 90 days!

April 23, 2011 Pant size 38

July 20, 2011 Pant size 34



Victor Whittington!Lost 30 Pounds and Lowered BP and Cholesterol


Traci McLendon!Lost 30 Pounds

January 2011 to January 2012

The photo on the left was taken in January 2011. She had a 9-month-old baby and post-baby

weight. The after was taken after she had lost 20 pounds.

She has changed her lifestyle with Arbonne Essentials and is now down an amazing 30 pounds

as of January 2012.


Julia Durkee!Lost 20 Pounds



Brenda McCall!Down 50 Pounds DM Brenda McCall

Lost 50 pounds!

She has an amazing story of how the program helped with her depression and debilitating health issues — doctors did not know what was wrong!

She lost the weight using 30 Days to Fit from Arbonne, June 24, 2011-December 2011, and all her labs are back to normal levels.

She has an amazing story of how the program helped with her depression and debilitating health issues – doctors did not know what was wrong! She lost the weight using Arbonne’s 30 Days to Fit from June 24, 2011-August 2012, and all her labs are back to normal levels.


Pam Lost !100 Pounds!!

!Off of high blood !

pressure medication!!

No more joint pain!!

Has energy back


James Zender!Lost 20 pounds in 27 days


Gena Fryer!Lost 40 pounds


After – down 40 lbs. and half way to goal weight


Lost 37 pounds in 5 months

January 26, 2011

March 24, 2011 Lost 23 pounds

May 19, 2011 37.5 pounds lost  


Trish Wegman

“Between 2004 and 2010, I ran the Marine Corps Marathon twice, did several marathons and competed in many triathlons. And in the process, did not lose one pound but instead gained 4 pounds. I was in “good shape” and had endurance to compete but something was missing – proper nutrition to

detoxify and fuel my body. The 30 Days to Feeling Fit and Arbonne Essentials has helped me lose the extra weight and prepare my body for a

September 2011 Half Ironman. I look and feel the best I have in years!”


Lost 21 pounds in month 1!!

Total pounds lost from March-December:!

71 pounds!

“I started by 30 Day Fit Kit in March of 2011. I did the Fit Kit plus the 7 Day

Body Cleanse and the Women’s Power Packs. I have added the

Metabolism Boost as well. I started at 226 pounds after the birth of my sixth

child. The first month, I lost 21 pounds! At the beginning of

December 2011, I had lost 71 pounds and weighed 155 pounds!”

Colista Kelley lost 71 pounds!!!  


Casey Jones!Lost 12 pounds in 30 days

•  Lost 12 pounds around mid-section

•  Increased energy

•  Problems from an old groin injury gone

•  Regained mental clarity  




Susan Parker!Lost 176 pounds


Rebecca Horvath!Lost 65 pounds

Before After  


Kim Hartford!Lost 60 pounds

The before picture was taken in February 2009 at

her Arbonne business launch and the after pic

was in summer 2011. Kim is Type 2 diabetic and is down from four meds to

two, and the optic neuritis condition she previously suffered from is gone.

Amazing, healthy results!  


Sheri Feth!Lost 42 pounds

No longer:

•  Pre-diabetic •  Anemic •  Depressed




LaGenna Betts!Lost 29 pounds

After doing the 30 Day to Fit program 3 times, LaGenna lost 29 pounds, dropped 3 pant sizes and has kept it off for over a year!

March 2009

January 2011


What Are You Waiting For?!Choose the Discount That Suits YOUR Needs!

35% Discount – Consultant Membership - $79 fee!•  If you want a bigger discount, or •  You want to earn an income!!OR!!20% Discount – Preferred Client Membership - $20 fee!•  Great option if you like to shop at a discount !


Share the Gift !Who do you know !that wants to:!•  Get healthy •  Lose weight •  Feel great


Host receives 80% discount on $250 presentation

Plus one FREE product up to $50!


Arbonne Puts YOU !Back in the Driver’s Seat! !

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