Reasearch into 3 genres of Magazine

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Banner – extra stories within magazine apart from music/ musicians.

Main image- Large central image.Wearing bright colours Yellow- Happiness & JoyWearing headband, necklace- shows target audience & goes with its story. Natural make up.

Bright coloured text eg. Blues, yellows. Eye catchy to audience.

Banner – what's inside the magazine, attracting it’s target audience

Smaller images – mid shotsOther magazine stories.

Pull quote from main story. Floating like text, symbolises clouds goes with the word used.

Informal language used, short quick to read.

Layout- route of eye used through name, main image & bottom banner = important things for audience to recognise.

Uneven ratio images-text, more images

Mast Head- Large font – like diary (girly font) Bright (pink) background- attractive to audience, colour signifying the audience is young girls

Language- Informal Speaking to the audience using a similar language to it’s target audience Young girls. Words used/ main stories used eg. Boys & shopping.

Font- ‘swirl’ font used associated with girls. Colour: Pink Highlighted text of main stories makes them stand out to audience(more appealing) .

Images- Top Image: cover shot with page references, showing the audience the which pages the main stories are on. -easy to understand, suitable for target audience.

Images of accessories- accompanying story – Fashion associated with tween/teen girls.

Action shot image- (Mid shot) Showing what a certain celebrity does, shows an aspect of the magazine eg. Music

Image-(Mid shot) Boy band, attracting target audience of magazine shows genre of magazine eg. Music.

Colours: Bright colours Blue- stands out, mescaline.Red- stands out, strong.

Mast Head – Biggest font on front cover (Bold) Colour- Black : elegance, style.

Letters filled in with colour – Yellow: Joy, HappinessBlue: Calm

Headline – Large font attracting the audience attention shows that it is one of the main focuses of the magazine.

One sentence description of article – Informal language quick and easy to read , short so that the audience has to read the magazine to find out more.

Headlines down one side of the page. Give the main attention of the magazine cover on the central image.

Fonts- White: Purity, simplicity, peace, elegant. Yellow: Joy, happiness.

Mis-en-scene-Background: Blank, grey shinny

Costume: White, Silver light colours Simple, natural look. – main focus on eyes stands out from light

Light: elegance, clear shown on the most important thing.

Layout- route of eye:First : Masthead – first aspect of what the audience will see on the cover.

Second: Looks over central image.

End: Barcode, Date & price the last thing so see as people would have decided if they wanted to buy it already by looking at the contents.

Images-(Mid Shots)Colours: Black & white clothing- smart, Rock: dressed as modern artists. Page references showing main features of magazine show target audience.

Charts- Music Charts list shows genre of magazine (Music) Attracts the target audience : teens+

font-Large, block continuous style. Colour: Black& White – opposites, Strong pure colours.

Colours-Grey: Maturity Blue: Confidence, youthBlack: Authority, Formal, elegantWhite: Perfection, Purity, light

Language- Informal: Short sentenced headings, quick, easy to read Makes the audience want to read on, having to buy the magazine.

Title- top of page in route of eye first thing to see.Effect- smashed glass, showing the music genre of magazine.

Central image- Red shirt- symbolises danger, loud (rock) Pose- swearing associated with rock music. Costume: Basic t-shirt Colour: Red used with the font.

Banner- showing different bands within magazine (at route of eye)

Informal language – short sentences for headings quick to read. Exclamation points used to show ‘Shouting’ (loud, rock)

Plus: showing that there is more to the magazine than what has already been shown.

Large text to gain audiences attention. Bold Font- symbolises strong and bold characteristics.

Even ration of images to text.

Pull Quote-Attracts the audience to read the magazine to find this certain quote.

Language-Informal language constant from cover page. Gives the article a basic look so that the audience has to read on to find out more.

Images-Images are all relevant to the magazine. (Music)(Mid Shot) – to get more people in shot & close enough to see their faces so people can recognise them (Close Up) Showing the main focus of that image eg. Artist(Mid Shot, Low angle)

Large Image- Showing a main focus of the magazine. Most likely to catch the audiences eye if it is bigger.

Small Image- Showing the other stories/articles within the rest of the magazine.

Ideology-Navigates the audience around the magazine showing what stories /articles are on certain pages. By making the contents page interesting it makes the audience keep reading.

Layout- Images all together with the page references so the audience know which pages to look.Text down the side of the page showing page references so the audience knows where to read.

Everything is close together and squeezed to fit in. Colours- Red: loud, danger strong . Yellow: happy, joyful

Black: mystery, negative.

Images- (Long Shot) Action shot Showing the genre of magazine (Music-Rock) Props in image eg. Microphone

(Mid Shot) Action shot With guitar showing genre of magazine.

(Close Up) Action shot singing showing magazine genre.-Microphone & Head phones.

-All images in black and white, makes the text stand out.

Layout- Large Image on one page & smaller image – spaced out. On second page heading, text and images all close together.

Colour- Black, Red & white : Continuous colours within magazine (Cover & Contents page) Red: Anger, danger, passion, anger. Black: power, mysterious.

Language- Informal & formal : Formal language during the interview text showing quotations of artist/bands. Informal language used to attract people to the interview. Pull Quote-

From interview, showing what is expected in the interview. Makes the audience want to read the interview from the pull quote in doing so will read the whole of the interview.

Font- Large, bold font – scuffed(dirty/broken) effect , associated with ‘Rock’ genres. Colours: Red & White

Masthead - Fairly large, hidden by central image, showing it is a well known magazine for people not to see the name.-continuous layout for audience to recognise it.

Central image- complete main focus of this issue of magazine covering title.

Clothing- Blue and white match the colours used in the title and other text colour.-Shorts and vest top support the time of when the magazine was produced (summer) -simple make up, classy trade mark to magazine (Women central image)

Informal language-

Large text of heading- short explanation of article. -Barrier to split the headings showing that their different. -Fonts all very similar on headings, same size.-Title unique to everything.--Main article font bigger than other headings.

Smaller text at bottom of route of eye- not main article but still important to be on the front page.

Un-even ration to images and text More text than image (1 central image) continuous layout.

Mast head-In the beginning of the route of eye.

Red- Loud, Strong, intense colour(associated with Rock) Borderline white and black shading continuous within magazine.

Headings and main stories down one side – Keeps them all together gives main focus of magazine on the main image.

Font- Bigger the font of the headline the more interesting to audience/ appealing.

Informal language used quick and easy to read for audience.

Above mast head, Headline – Important story within the magazine.

Mis-en-sceneHair & Make-up-Simple/ natural look pale colours (classy)

Main headline –Font to match the font of artists album.Font colour: White colour – Pure, Simplicity, youth.

Text on the side of the page put together. Barriers between each article splits it up making it separate.

Large image- the man focus to get peoples attention. (Mid shot)

Smaller one person image well known celebrity to attract audience (Mid Shot)

Larger image – An average shot not set up, close up. With article.

Extras in the magazine, not just stories eg. Poll’s

Red- Colour represents loud (rock).Yellow on red background makes it stand out

Informal language used like on front cover, continuous. Easy and quick to read

Short sentence headlines.

Colours- Red: Anger, Danger, Rage, willpower. Black : Power, elegancy, mystery. Negative connotationWhite: light, safe, positive connotation

Images: Long, Wide shot- Shows both the artist and the image shows it’s important.Long shot – shows all of band in the shot and the scene of image shows it’s important. One page images merged into one, two different scenarios. Place 1: Concert stage, Guitar & amp.Place2: Aeroplane, guitar & News paper with appropriate heading of image. Black & white image- Classy, modern, shows the age of the target audience 16+ darker colours.

Layout- All Images on second page Full text on first page equal ratio of images to text. Text& images Ordered on page, have their own space on page. Shows the target audience of the magazine to be 17+ because of the organisation.

Typography: Bold red font on kicker shows it’s importance at the beginning of the article.Similar font style as kicker in beginning of the text & smaller similar font in the main of the text.

Mode of Address-Formal language used, shows the target audience because of it, informal language used on cover and contents page to build up for main interview.

Masthead-Font: Bold, large – stands out on page. Colour: White stands out from background(Red)

Pull Quote-Showing what main focus artist/band has said to attract audience from what they have said to read the while of interview of their favourite artists.

Fonts-Headings: Continuous (bold-stands out, gains attention of audience) shows importance. Other- Small, thin font - less importance.

Language- Informal Quick, easy to read short sentences.Not showing the audience the whole of the story making them want to read the rest of the magazine.

Colours: White – Purity, light, simplicity, Perfection. Red: Confidence, Courage, Energy, determination, passion.Dark Blue: Show perspective, Inspiration.

Layout-Top of route of eye: Name of magazine and speciality of magazine making them the first things to read, making the first attraction to the magazine. Middle: Goes through the central image being the main purpose of the magazine to attract audience with (Artist/Band) End- Name of the artist/Band in the magazine & Barcode/Price.

Masthead- Bold, block, large font.Beginning of ‘Route of eye’ Gives the first impression of the page ‘This Week’ shows that the page is about the week. Black – main, continuous colour of magazine- bold noticeable colour. NME- title of the magazine continuous from cover to contents page. Red- main, continuous colour of magazine stands out.White- main continuous colour of magazine, makes other two colours stand out on page.

Images: (Long shots)Shows whole of artist in action shot, Microphones & guitar – shows the genre of the magazine Guitars associated with ‘Rock’.

Clothing – leather jacket & t-shirt (black) Skinny Jeans (dark blue). – clothing associated with ‘Rock’ Long sleeved shirt (white) Jeans(dark blue)

Typography- Continuous font used throughout the page, Bold easy to read text font: Black & white. Bold- characteristic of ‘Rock’ genre music.

Layout- More text compared to images on page and uneven ratio, not continuous of front cover. Ordered layout, easy to read & understand. Text & images put tightly together. Text surrounding images.

Colours-Red: Anger, Danger, courage, determination passionate – characteristics of music genre ‘Rock’ Black: Aggressive, prestigious, mysterious. White: opposite of black, allows other colours to stand out.

Image- Long shot One large image takes over one page of double spread. Large makes it the centre of attention on the page Colours: Red, White, Black

Layout- Less text to image ratioMore image- takes up most of the attention on page. Text pushed to the side- Spaced out not cluttered.

Typography- Large fonts: different (opposite) fonts Serif Font & Sans serif font, shows both sided magazine.

Smaller fonts: very similar, continuous Highlighted words (blue) make the artist name stand out.

Kicker Serif Font same as other Serif font.

Mode of address- Formal : Slang not used throughout interview text, full sentences. Shows that informal was used to attract audience to actual interview.

Colours- Red: Danger, Anger, courage, determination & passion White: Positivity, clear Black: Negative, aggressive, prestigious & mysterious.

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