Real media research - Charlie Atkins

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Real Media Research

The Dark Knight

The film opens with an establishing shot of a bustling city to show the setting of the film. This is an indication that it will be a thriller as many thriller films are set in cities just like this.

There is then a midshot of a man in a clown mask how has just shot a window. This helps to build tension which is a key element of thriller films.

From the dialogue in this scene it is clear that the men are planning out a heist or robbery of some sort. This gives the viewer an idea of what the tone of the film is going to be.

The masked men then walk into a bank and start shooting. This shocking scene along with the audio of loud gunshots builds tension and suspense which is a key part of thriller films

The Sixth Sense

The film starts by fading from a completely black screen to the image of a lightbulb slowly turning on. This creates a sense of mystery and suspense, which are both features of thriller films.

There is then a close up shot of a woman picking up a bottle of wine and then looking confused or suspicious. This signifies that something is wrong and makes the viewer think about what the woman is confused about.

There is a close up shot of broken glass by a window. This is effective as it focuses in on the danger and helps build tension. It is also a good use of mise en scene as the broken glass grabs the viewers attention .

The director uses sound well here to create tension. He does this by having there be no background music during the scene and the only sound you can hear here is the crunching of broken glass under the characters feet. This creates suspense as it seems real to the audience.

Woman in Black

The scene starts with a close up shot of a mug of tea being poured, however there is no tea being poured out. This, along with the high-pitched, non diegetic soundtrack, sets an eerie and slightly creepy undertone, which keeps the audience on the edge of their seat and also builds suspense.

There is then another close up shot, this time of a very old fashioned doll being fed the tea. This immediately makes the audience think it’s a childs tea party, however the eeriness of the doll and the music makes them consider whats going to happen next and keeps them engaged in the scene.

There is then a longshot of three young girls in a circle, which also acts as an establishing shot of the setting of the room. The props used are very effective at creating a creepy setting, as they are all very old and have an eerie undertone to them. The room looks worn and tattered, which also adds tension and suspense. At this point a non diegetic piano track starts playing in the background. This creates tension as the piano doesn’t seem to have much of a rhythm and is very unpredictable.

At the end of the scene, there is a longshot of the three girls standing out of a window, This is great at creating suspense as it makes the audience fear for the safety of the girls. The girls then jump, creating a sense of disbelief and shock for the audience, as no one expected them to jump, This is very effective as it keeps the audience engaged and also makes them wonder why they jumped.


At the start of the clip there is a dramatic piece of non-diagetic music being played. This helps to add suspense and tension before the audience if introduced to the protagonist.

There is then a close up shot of the protagonist on a beach, which shows him looking confused and unsure of his surroundings. There is also a shot of children playing, and an eyeline match which shows the protagonist looking at them. This makes the audience wonder where he is but also what the protagonist must be thinking.

There is a midshot of a man with a spinner sitting in a very traditional Chinese building. This will make the audience ask many questions such as ‘what does the spinner represent’ and ‘who is this man featured in the clip’. This keeps the audience engaged and also creates suspense.

The scene then uses fast-paced editing to jump back in time, with no explanation as to what is going on. This engages the audience and also suggests that time has a very important role in the films premise, therefore setting a narrative for the film

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