
Accuracy Reading Strategies

'I can read the words.'

S-t-r-e-t-c-h and blend sounds

·Take individual sounds of letters and blend them together. ·As you are blending the sounds together, listen for a word you might have heard before.

·Beginning and ending sounds jump must·blend sounds green snake·Word families day, say, way

Chunk letters and sounds together and find small words within big words

·Find small words within a word cabin start

ca bin

Frame it!

·Some letters have two sounds, we try one sound. If it doesn't sound right, we try the other sound that letter can make. ·All the vowels make two sounds and some letters like: "g", "c", "s".

Flip the Sound

Cross Checking

·Does the word you are reading match the picture or letters written?


·Does it sound right?

·Does it make sense?

Skip the Word, Then Come Back

·When students come to a word they don't know, they skip over the word until they come to the end of the sentence. Then they back up and read the sentence again, using the first letter of the skipped word to figure it out.

Comprehension Reading Strategies

'I understand what I read.'

Check for Understanding·Who was the story about?·What happened?

We try to do this three or four times throughout the story.

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