Reading I_Pertemuan 1_Modul 1_Astri Dana.pptx

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Reading 11st Class : 16th of August 2015


Aulia Khamas Heikhmakhtair

Universitas Terbuka Korea Selatan

perkenalan tutor

Aulia Khamas Heikhmakhtiar [Aulia]Bandung, 08 May 1991 Aulia.khamas Aulia Khamas Heikhmakhtiar @aulia_khamas

(2009-2013) S1 Computing, President University, Cikarang (2014-…) S2 Medical IT, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi-si

perkenalan mahasiswa


Course Introduction

Textbook: Reading 1, Agus Riyanto, Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka, 2011

Modul tutorial terdiri dari 9 modul, yang akan tercakup dalam 8 tatap muka: 1 : Previewing and Predicting (Module 1) 2 : Scanning for Specific Information (Module 2) 3 : Guessing Word Meanings (Module 3) 4 : Reading for the Gist + Detailed Information (Module 4&5) 5 : Skimming (Module 6) 6 : Finding Topics: Words & Conversation (Module 7) 7 : Understanding & Interpreting Text (Module 8) 9 : Previewing, Scanning, and Skimming (Module 9)

Metode tutorial: tatap muka Komponen penilaian: Partisipasi, UAS (Final Exam), Tasks 1-2-3

reading = . . . .


A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

let‘s start previewing!1. Bacalah judulnya

A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

let‘s start previewing!1. Bacalah judulnya2. Perhatikan gambarnya bila ada

let‘s start previewing!1. Bacalah judulnya2. Perhatikan gambarnya bila ada3. Bacalah beberapa kalimat dalam paragraf


A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

let‘s start previewing!1. Bacalah judulnya2. Perhatikan gambarnya bila ada3. Bacalah beberapa kalimat dalam paragraf

pertama4. Bacalah kalimat pertama dari paragraf lainnya

A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

let‘s start previewing!1. Bacalah judulnya2. Perhatikan gambarnya bila ada3. Bacalah beberapa kalimat dalam paragraf pertama4. Bacalah kalimat pertama dari paragraf lainnya5. Bacalah kalimat terakhir dari paragraf terakhir6. Perhatikan nama, tanggal, dan angka-angka

A Busy Student

Tomiko is happy to be student in New York. She is studying English at Columbia University. She plans to finish her English course in June. Then she will work on her master's degree at New York University. Tomiko likes many beautiful buildings in New York. In fact, she plans to become an architect. Then she can build great building too.

She also likes the people in New York. There are many different kinds of people. They speak many languages. Tomiko has made new friends from other countries.

Best of all, Tomiko loves the theaters in New York. She goes to plays almost every week. Some times the place are in the teathers on Broadway. Sometimes, the place are in small theaters in other parts of the city.

Tomiko is far from her home in Japan. But she is not sad. She goes to classes every day. She visits her friends. She goes to see new places. And she attends many plays. She is very busy and happy in New York.

apakah kita baru saja membaca

seluruh bacaan ini?(kata-per-kata) a

mari kita mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dihalaman 1.4 – 1.5


Memahami informasi secara cepat dari suatu bacaan,tanpa harus membaca kata-per-kata.

Mendapatkan gambaran umum terlebih dahulu.Meningkatkan kecepatan membaca


using previewing method, page 1.5 – 1.9 answer the questions

1. Bacalah judulnya2. Perhatikan gambarnya bila

ada3. Bacalah beberapa kalimat

dalam paragraf pertama4. Bacalah kalimat pertama

dari paragraf lainnya5. Bacalah kalimat terakhir

dari paragraf terakhir6. Perhatikan nama, tanggal,

dan angka-angka

A. Reading the world in 196 books

B. Why is art so expensive?



Find a flat surface for your workout.•Remove any obstacles or uneven surfaces that might cause injury.

Select well-fitting, cotton or wick-away clothing. •Wear something cooling and that allows you to move without being too tight.

1 2 3 4


predictingmemperkirakan atau memprediksi suatu teks agar kita dapat mengira apakah

teks atau narasi yang kita punya sesuai dengan info yang kita cari.

making predictions is a strategy in which readers use information from a text (including titles, headings, pictures, and diagrams) and their own personal experiences to

anticipate what they are about to read (or what comes next).

Modern Dentist: How they can help


Let’s predict together!

predicting content |

Modern Dentist: How they can help


1. Dentist hurt your teeth.

2. Dentist have new machines.

3. Some dentists play the radio for the patients.

4. Some dentists will pull out all of your teeth.

5. A nurse cleans your teeth at the dentist's office.

6. The dentist's office is very comfortable.

7. Dentists want everyone to have healthy teeth.

8. A visit to dentist is too expensive.

9. The dentist may X-ray your teeth.

10. Modern dentist must study for many years.

predicting content |

Modern Dentist: How they can help


1. Dentist hurt your teeth.

2. Dentist have new machines.

3. Some dentists play the radio for the patients.

4. Some dentists will pull out all of your teeth.

5. A nurse cleans your teeth at the dentist's office.

6. The dentist's office is very comfortable.

7. Dentists want everyone to have healthy teeth.

8. A visit to dentist is too expensive.

9. The dentist may X-ray your teeth.

10. Modern dentist must study for many years.

Kunci Jawaban (True, False)

predicting content |

Yesterday, there was a big storm in Boston.

It was warm, sunny day.

It was very cold, but the snow on the

trees looked beautiful.


using predicting method, page 1.18 page 1.20 – 1.21

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