
Post on 24-May-2015






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a stomach illness caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria, so that you vomit

food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium

food that is nutritious is full of the natural substances that your body needs to stay healthy or to

grow properly

food that is nutritious is full of the natural substances that your body needs to stay healthy or to grow properly

piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject

signs or numbers which indicate a sell-by-date


A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which.

When he handed in his homework , he forgot to give the teacher last page

The teacher returned the homework

after she noticed the error.

The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow.






subject verbsubordinat

e subjectverb






FOOD-WISE The standard of food, food hygiene and storage in our shops today is higher than it has been. Yet food poisoning is on the increase. Although there is no certain way of knowing if food is dangerous to our health, there are step everyone can take to minimize the risk of illness from harmful bacteria in home-prepared food.

Reading the labels

The trend towards freshness in our food shop, with less reliance on preservatives, means modern methods of packaging and refrigeration have an important part to play in keeping food fresh and nutritious. The date codes shown on product form an essential part of the company's quality check. They help store staff, and you, to know when food is at its best and safest.

Checking the dates carefully when you buy, and eating the food by the date shown (or throwing it away), are important step in safeguarding your health.DISPLAY UNTIL dates indicate when unsold products must be removed from display by the supermarket (e.g. Cookies, biscuits).USE BY dates appear on highly perishable, chilled products which have the shortest shelf-life (e.g. Fresh meat or milk).

USE BY END date (month and year) appear on frozen foods.BEST BEFORE dates appear on food with a short to medium-term shelf-life such as bread and cake.BEST BEFORE END date ( month and year) appear on items with a longer shelf-life such as tinned food.

It is impractical or unnecessary for some foods to carry date codes. Watchful staff checks the quality of loose fruit and vegetables, for example, and some item like wines and spirits will remain in good condition for longer than you are likely to want to keep them!

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