Rapid Product Design in the Wild - Agile Iceland

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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A version of my Rapid Product Design in the Wild talk at Agile Iceland 2014. http://www.agileisland.is How do you know you're developing the right product? This talk will help you think creatively about how to do customer development using Agile and Lean User Experience methods. I share what we learnt about using rapid, iterative prototyping techniques to develop a minimum viable product at a software conference. In August 2012 we attended Kscope, a conference for Oracle developers. Instead of doing the usual product demonstrations, we turned our stand into a live lab and took Agile development processes out of the office and in front of our customers. Our stand included an area for customer research, a Kanban board and information radiators in the form of a whiteboard, blank wall and a large digital screen. Over 3 days we ran 9 sprints and conducted 25 customer interviews, using a paper prototype to get feedback. We collected invaluable information about our customers' development environments, how they work with their teams, their processes, tasks and pain points. By the end of the conference my colleague had developed an interactive HTML/CSS prototype which potential customers could evaluate. The team went through several rapid build-measure-learn cycles to improve our product concept and validate the market need. Opening up our development process at a trade show provided visitors to the stand with an opportunity to experience Agile and Lean methods first-hand.


Rapid product design in the wild!Agile Iceland 2014!Michele Ide-Smith | @micheleidesmith

Red Gate makes tooling for .NET, SQL and Oracle databases @micheleidesmith

“To  make  excellent  products  that  truly  understand  our  users’  contexts,  we  must  look  further,  and  inves:gate  context  first-­‐hand” Cennydd Bowles! @micheleidesmith

agilemanifesto.org @micheleidesmith


What makes you visit an exhibition stand at a conference? @micheleidesmith

agilemanifesto.org @micheleidesmith

“By the time the product is ! “Marketing that itself !ready, it will already have! improves peoples lives.”!established customers.”! ! Bob Gilbreath!Eric Ries @micheleidesmith

“We wanted to make sure we were getting customer feedback as we worked so that we were never working on anything that wasn’t valued by the customer.”!Nordstrom Innovation Lab @micheleidesmith

“if you’ve struggled to figure out how UX design can work in an Agile environment, Lean UX can help.” Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX



• Continuous discovery!• Shared understanding!• GOOB (Get Out Of the Building)!• Externalising your work


Lean UX principles we followed@micheleidesmith

Hypothesis: Oracle Developers & DBAs need a better way to source control their database schemas !>70% interest – develop a tool a.s.a.p.!


9 (mini) sprints, 3 days, 1 prototype@micheleidesmith

Making our processes transparent@micheleidesmith

25 feedback sessions with users@micheleidesmith

Easy to get feedback and quick to change

Paper prototyping

Lo-fi prototypes are quick and easy to change before you commit to code! @micheleidesmith

Feedback went directly into the HTML/CSS prototype, using Twitter Bootstrap @micheleidesmith

Helped build personas and a talking point!People returned to see the feedback throughout the conference @micheleidesmith

The Empathy Map helped us understand customer needs @micheleidesmith

We fixed pain points and learned about customer needs continuously @micheleidesmith

Sketching out processes and environments identified real-world scenarios and pain points


It’s was all about communication…@micheleidesmith

…and collaboration@micheleidesmith

Keep the conversation going @micheleidesmith

Surveys to test hypotheses @micheleidesmith

Remote usability testing and interviews @micheleidesmith

Releasing functionality early and getting feedback @micheleidesmith


“Source Control for Oracle is a huge time saver… It doesn't remove the need to version control, but it takes the tedious steps out of the picture. I am blown away! “!Lewis Cunningham, Oracle ACE Director

Testing the prototype

“The live lab was a wonderful idea. I enjoyed participating in it and can't wait to see the finished product. Let me know if you need a beta tester.”!Christoph Ruepprich, Oracle Developer @micheleidesmith


We worked collaboratively, as a ‘balanced’ team. @micheleidesmith


We made great things happen!@micheleidesmith

October 2013 - I joined the University of Cambridge and Lean UX principles were introduced @micheleidesmith

The team collaborated on user research and design @micheleidesmith

But I noticed a few things weren’t going so well…



Hat tip to @billwscott

Beware Lean UX anti-patterns!


w w w. s l i d e s h a r e . n e t / b i l l w s c o t t /antipatterns-that-stifle-lean-ux-teams


Too many cooks. Keep the team small to ensure collaboration and team focus. @micheleidesmith


Tribalism. Boundaries between separate functions start to creep back into the team. @micheleidesmith


Going dark. Sometimes you need to work alone. But not at the expense of team collaboration. @micheleidesmith


• Continuous discovery!• Shared understanding!• GOOB (Get Out Of the Building)!• Externalising your work


Lean UX principles we followed

Continuous discovery@micheleidesmith

Shared understanding@micheleidesmith

Getting out of the building@micheleidesmith

Helped build personas and a talking point!Externalising your work@micheleidesmith


Michele Ide-Smith!Design Team Manager!University of Cambridge!! @micheleidesmith

Thank you!


Flickr User Image Credits !!Kevin.Cochran: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevincochran/4276052636!Wonderlane: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wonderlane/2907868429!Prayitno: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34128007@N04/5279860498!Paigggeyy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paigggeyy/5533236567!Lolly man: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lollyman/4424552903!Lolly man: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lollyman/4424553767!Notix: https://www.flickr.com/photos/notix/383037676!Kaptain Kobold: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaptainkobold/5181464194!Nur Hussein https://www.flickr.com/photos/nhussein/3863456505!Dave Ware: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickwares/3899001922!mac_filko: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mac_filko/5471039165!Chris: https://www.flickr.com/photos/oblongpictures/5250948891!


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