Ransomware and tips to prevent ransomware attacks

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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What is Ransomware?

It is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system in some way, and demands that the user pay a ransom to the

malware operators to remove the restriction.

Ransomware crimes earning $1m a year

• Monthly campaign would generate $90,000 in revenue and cost only $5,900,Trustwave estimates

• Cybercriminals can expect to bank $84,100 (£54,400) in profit equivalent to an annualpay packet of just over $1m.

• With an estimated return on investment of 1,425 per cent, the spoils of anopportunistic attack can be greater than those from the targeted attacks that havedominated headlines in recent years, Trustwave said.

• Based on estimates that 0.5 per cent of infected victims will pay a $300 ransom,estimated proceeds will come in at $90,000

Ransomware crimes earning $1m a year

• Commenting on the report, George Quigley, a partner at KPMG's security practice,said the threat posed by ransomware is growing because of two factors:

The first is that the expertise can be bought; you don't need to be an expert todo this

The second is that the economics make it more than viable.

To read more, click below :http://www.channelweb.co.uk/crn-uk/news/2412486/ransomware-crims-earning-usd1m-a-year-report

8 tips for preventing ransomware

If you haven’t been hit by ransomware personally, you’re either very lucky, or you’ve taken some proactive steps to protect your computers and files. Some of the tips are


1. Back up your files regularly and keep a recent backup off-site.

2. Don’t enable macros

3. Be very careful about opening unsolicited attachments.

4. Don’t give yourself more login power than necessary.

5. Patch, patch, patch

6. Train and retrain employees in your business.

7. Segment the company network.To learn more about the tips, Click below:


Ransomware: To pay or not to pay?

Some argue that paying cybercriminals to unlock data or IT systems they have frozen is

immoral – and should even be made illegal. Several leading suppliers, as well as a

specialist IT lawyer and a trade association, where they stood, and received an intriguing

mix of responses. Some of the responses are:

• DES WARD (information governance director at Innopsis): NEVER PAY

“once you pay, there is an increased chance that you will be subjected to further

attacks. The best way to mitigate the risks of these attacks is to comply with legal

obligations for BCM, implement backups and patch systems according to vendor


Ransomware: To pay or not to pay?

• DAVID LANNIN (director of technology at IT security VAR Sapphire): PAY

"I was at lunch with a guy from the FBI and he said their recommendation to corporate

clients in the US is to pay up and get their data back. It's happened to some of our

customers and we are seeing more of it. If you have a way to recover that data through an

appropriate backup strategy, not paying is the right thing to do. But it's slightly idealistic

to think the spread of malware can be stopped. It's one thing noticing it and another thing

noticing it in time before it spreads around the network and potentially infects the systems

and backup volumes as well.“

To read more reactions and advises by experts, Please click below:


What to do when there is a ransomware attack

• Can the files be decrypted without paying the ransom? Almost certainly the answer is yes.

One of the lesser known "Snowden revelations" was that the NSA has allegedly built a

machine that can decrypt HTTPS which is used to encrypt "secure" webpages.

• Dai Davis is a technology lawyer. He is a qualified chartered engineer and a solicitor, says:

“I would have 'no hesitation' in paying up, irrespective of the fact that in doing so you are

encouraging the crime. It is an economic no-brainer if your business is unlucky enough to be

hit. It goes without saying, of course, that this is one area of computer security where,

again, "prevention is better than cure": take regular backup copies of your data and don't

load attachments where you are uncertain of the source.”

To read full article, Click below:


Users Beware: 10 Security Tips

IT professionals know the damage that malware can cause, but everyday users are oftenunaware of the security threats lurking on the web, in their email and on theirsmartphones.

Some of the tips to avoid online security traps are:

1. Understand Cybercrime and Malware

2. Be Difficult to Catch

3. Resist Your Curiosity

4. Browse with Care

5. Don't be Exploited

Users Beware: 10 Security Tips

6. Watch for Malware in Disguise

7. Back it Up

8. Stay Safe While Mobile

9. Don't be a Carrier

10. Avoid Friendly Threats

To read full whitepaper, Click Below:


4 Ways to Protect Against the Very Real Threat of Ransomware

Ransomware’s prime targets are of two types:

• Organizations that depends on daily access to critical data

• Individual users are also at risk of ransomware attacks against home computers.

Below suggestions will apply to both categories:

1. Back Up

2. Say No to suspicious emails and links

3. Patch and block

4. Got an infection? Disconnect

To read above suggestions in detail, Please visit:


Compiled By: dinCloud

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