
let me take you to a journey

through my projects

Hissar label design

This is Labek&bottle design for a mineral water. “Hissar”. I participated with it in Hissar Design Competition. The concept was to visualize the purest water drop. The slogan of the label is “Purity in every drop”. In order to maintain the tradition of the brand in Bulgaria I kept the original logo.

Hissar label design

Warwick eXplorers Logo

A logo for the UK social society Warwick eXplorers, a student organization carry-ing out exciting expeditions and trips (

Interesting fact in this project is that I started to develop logos without the name of the organization. The clients had some discussions about the name.Оn the page you can see the propor-tions and principles in the logo design.

Warwick eXplorers Logo

Warwick eXplorers Logo

The choice of colors (black and white) is based on the need of high contrast and easy recognition. Оn the next page you can see the developed products.

Eurovision Poster

Eurovision Poster

The choice of colors (black and white) is based on the need of high contrast and easy recognition.

A Bulgarian National Television (BNT)invitation poster for the final Eurovision competition in Bulgaria. It announces the participants, the music guests, the hosts as well as the date and place of the concert. With the poster I am trying to represent the amazing explosion of sounds and singing.Here you can see the development process presented in intial versions and sketches.

Eurovision DVD desing

Poli GenovaDVD booklet

Poli Genova was the winner of Bulgarian Eurovision Competition for 2011.The booklet Contain DVD with videos, interviews, short bio and more information abouth the song and the singer. In her song Poli signs for that people should be obstinated and willing to be free. On her video she hold a pigeon and uncage it. This make me think of incorporating pigeons in my design. They represent the freedom...

How to dress

Website desing for online fashion shop.

Mission Possible: Chinese for Europeans(MPCE)

Total deisgn for the project “Mis-sion Possible: Chinese for Europeans” (MPCE), funded under the Lifelong Learning programme of the Europe-an Commission. The project is aimed at bringing the entirely distant Chi-nese language closer to Europeans. The target group of MPCE covers peo-ple whose everyday activities include direct or indirect relations with China.. The MPCE logo represents the connec-tion between Europe and China. On this page you can see the initial deisng development.

The guide is a bilingual multimedia con-versationa set.“Mission Possible: Chinese for Europe-ans” developed non-traditional meth-ods for providing language information in Chinese in an easily accessible way. It allowed people to perceive language information in Chinese through spe-cially developed associative hieroglyph chains. The chains are included in mul-timedia conversational sets along with basic information about China and the Chinese language as well as a list of helpful behavioral norms which could be taken into consideration in the inter-cultural communication with China

MPCE Language Guide

Kobra Calendars

The picture shows printed materials for Bulgarian autoglass producer Kobra Au-toglass Ltd. developed (2008-2012). The client’s requirements were for a new vi-sion and a new Mercedes car for their yearly calendars.

With Kobra being a regular client, each year my work on their products has to improve and be more creative and inno-vative. During the 5 years I have always succeeded to satisfy Kobra’s desires..

Kobra Calendars

Original Cosmetics

Delphin Box

The Delphin box is an untraditional Christmas souvenir. The client required an unique souvenir for its Chirstmas campaign. This souvenir had to include an image of a dolphin and naturally it had to be put in the context of the Christ-mas holidays. I decided to make an un-usual combination - a vodka bottle and a chocolate. Respectively, I designed the box using the unusual combination of winter and a dolphin. The client highly appreciated the product and came back for more the following year. :)

Delphin Box

2nd logo

2nd chance for professional realizationLogo for a project which helps people in findging new profession and social en-gagment.On the page you can see a sign and a broshure of the project.

2nd logo

The picture shows printed materials for Bulgarian autoglass producer Ko-bra Autoglass Ltd. developed (2008-2012). The client’s requirements were for a new vision and a new Mercedes car for their yearly calendars.

With Kobra being a regular client, each year my work on their products has to improve and be more creative and in-novative. During the 5 years I have al-ways succeeded to satisfy Kobra’s de-sires..

Light Me UpLanguage Sets

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If an idea is sparkling... I have succeseded.

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