QVSource Brain Dump

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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A quick crash course introduction to QVSource - The QlikView API Connector - which should tell you 80% of what you need to know in order to start using the product.





Q L I K T E C H N O LO GY PA R T N E R O F T H E Y E A R 2 0 1 4

The QVSource

Before We Start: You can get a free trial of QVSource at www.qvsource.com and try out everything which follows.


Over 50 Five Star reviews on QlikMarketBy far the highest rated product (at

time of writing)

QVSource is delivered as a simple zipped folder.

There’s nothing to install or register so it’s easy to get on (and off) your system.

All you need is a Windows OS with .NET 4.0 (full edition) installed.

We recommend extracting to c:\QVSource.

Then you just need to run QVSource.exe.

There is also a Windows Service version.

For running QVSource alongside QlikView Server/Publisher.

(See the BatchFiles directory for a script to install and uninstall the service).

Full setup instructions can be found on our extensive documentation wiki.


The main QVSource window shows a list of available connectors.

QVSource needs to be running wherever the QlikView reload is taking place.

When minimised you can see that it is still running and available, usually from http://localhost:5555/QVSource

(You can change the port number if necessary).

You can also check QVSource is running using your browser.

Here we can see there is no licence installed.

You will receive a licence file from us and a name to enter when installing it.

Once installed you can confirm the details and licensed connectors.

(Note that all beta connectors are free to use if you have a valid QVSource licence.)

We can now also see that QVSource is licensed via the browser.

Note that:

“Is Licensed As Server” = true

This means that we can also set this up as a Windows Service.

o Facebooko Fan Pages & Groups

o Facebook Insights

o Twitter

o YouTubeo Insights

o Data

o Mailbox (POP3/IMAP)

o Sentiment Analysis & Text Analytics (multiple APIs Supported)

o OData

o File Transfer (FTP & SFTP)

+ More!See www.qvsource.com/Connectors-For-QlikView/All for Full List

o Googleo AdSense/AdWords

o Analytics

o Double Click For Publishers (DFP)

o Drive & Spreadsheets

o Prediction

o SugarCRM

o MailChimp

o MongoDB

o Blue Yonder

o Klout

o + General XML/JSON/SOAP API Connector

QVSource has 30+ Connectors, including:

Let’s pick the Twitter Connector as an example.

To open it, you can double click it or press the ‘Configure’ button.

The Connector Configuration screen has a number of key elements.

A list of available tables.

A description of the currently selected table.

A set of input controls / parameters for the current table.

A help page link for the connector.

(Which takes you to the relevant page on our wiki.)

An area to preview the table’s data.

…and grab the QlikView load script to paste into your application.

An area to preview the table’s data.

Many Connectors will require authentication.

For the Twitter Connector, we will be redirected to Twitter’s website…

Where you will authorise the Connector.

And receive an access token in return.

And receive an access token in return.

We can now start getting some data!

Let’s search for Tweets containing the word ‘qvsource’.

And specify that we are only interested in Tweets in English.

Once we have configured our inputs we can run the table.

And then check the data returned.

Before moving to the “QlikView Load Script” tab...

To preview the auto generated QlikView load script.

Let’s copy the generated QlikView load script.

And paste it into a new QlikView application.

We can now simply reload our QlikView application.

And we will have our first QVSource enabled data model!

Note: If you ever receive a “Script Error” during a QVSource related reload.

The first step is always to copy the request URL (between the [ ] after the FROM statement).

And paste it into a browser’s address bar where you should receive more detailed information.

Often the reason is simply that there is no valid QVSource licence installed or the connector has not been authenticated with.

Back to our auto generated load script…

Notice that the connector automatically includes script to convert some fields to native QlikView date and times.

Notice also that the QlikView load statement is requesting the data from QVSource’s mini web server running on the local machine.

Here we can also see: The name of the Connector.

The name of the table we selected.

But most importantly, the input parameters for the table.

This means that we can split these out into variables, and no longer need to use the QVSource UI to configure new searches.

This means that we can split these out into variables, and no longer need to use the QVSource UI to configure new searches.

(We just need to ensure that QVSource is running when the reload takes place.)

Let’s make this a little more sophisticated…

First we define a table containing a list of search terms we would like results for.

Then we loop through each row in the TwitterSearchTerms table, running the search for each…

Then we loop through each row in the TwitterSearchTerms table, running the search for each…

Note: There is an even more concise way of writing this script using QVSource’s Sync/Async/Batch feature but this is a slightly more advanced topic.

After reloading this, we now have more enhanced QVSource enabled QlikView application.

We have a number of free QlikView “Starter Apps” available over on our GitHub page:


(BTW - You don’t need a GitHub account – just look for the “Download ZIP” button:


With more advanced load scripts and UIs.

You should now know 80% of what you will need to start using QVSource effectively with QlikView.

QVSource pricing depends on a number of factors - you may either request a quote directly via our website.

Or contact one of our many partners in over 30 countries.

Don’t Forget that you can download a fully functional trial version from www.qvsource.com

You can also find further documentation on installing/upgrading QVSource, working with connectors, server configuration etc. at:


You can also follow us on:

Our Blog: blog.qvsource.com

Twitter: @qvsource

Facebook: www.facebook.com/qvsource

Any questions –> support@qvsource.com.

Thanks for checking out QVSource.

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