


Gunpowder Plot Failed assassination of King James I of England by Sir Robert Catesby ‘s group of English Catholics


Marilyn Monroe, Bruce lee, Brandon lee, Oliver Reed, Bela`Lugasi

ALL died during film production


Seven Dwarves from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.1.Doc2.Grumpy3.Happy4.Sleepy5.Bash-Ful6.Sneezy7.Dopey


Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)1956 Oscar Winning song

• A is a 19th Century Event.• B and C are the works based on A. B is a work of D

whose famous work E was used into F’s movie (of the nearly same name)nominated for Oscar in 1960.

• C was adapted in to the movie of the same name, which won Oscar in 1969 and has the largest battle scene ever with 1,20,000 extras.

• F ‘s last movie G has a hound dog character whose name is H.

• Ambition of H caused the event A.


A- Patriotic war of 1812B- 1812 OvertureC- War and PeaceD- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Russian ComposerE- The Sleeping Beauty balletF- Walt DisneyG- The AristocatsH- Napoleon


Bourne & Shepherd Photographic Studio Oldest Photographic Firm of India and still in operation


• When AK was listening to the scratch version of a song from his new film, during a line 'ib ke hovega agge yaar', he misheard 'agge yaar' as 'Q'. He then added the word 'P' before it, and asked his composers to make it into a song, creating pop culture history. According to AK, 'That's the entire film in those two words.'

What on earth is PQ then?

Emotional Atayachar

8.___A___ is a series of books authored by ___B___. The books are predominantly based on Greek mythology. The series consists of five books. ___C___ is the first book, is the basis of a film called “___A___:___C___”, which was released in the United States and Canada on February 12, 2010.

A- Percy Jackson & the OlympiansB- Rick RiordanC- The Lightning Thief


“Don’t worry, they usually don’t swim backwards” Significance???

Steve Irwin’s Last Words

10. Which Page???

Operation Red Dawn that captured Saddam Hussein


Guess who?????

Vastu Purusha in Vastu Shashtra


It originated in the West African spiritual belief system of Voodoo. The word is similar to a kikongo word which means god. The word is also used as a metaphor for computer connected to internet that has been compromised by a hacker, computer virus or Trojan horse.



Maritime signals saying something famous?????

“England Expects that every man will do his duty” marine signal used in “Battle of Trafalgar”

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