Quiz 9 Review WWI & 1920s. Which event sparked World War I?

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Quiz 9 Review

WWI & 1920s

• Which event sparked World War I?

• the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

• How would you describe the first few years of World War I?

• stalemate.

• Why did the United States enter World War I?

• Sinking of Lusitania• Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare• Zimmerman note

• What was the Great Migration?

• the movement of African Americans to northern cities

• What were the underlying causes of World War I?

• Imperialism• Militarism• Nationalism• Alliances

• What was the Selective Service Act of 1917?

• a means of drafting young men for the military forces.

• What happened after Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917?

• Russia withdrew from the war.

• What did fears of spies and sabotage in the United States during the war lead to?

• restrictions on immigration (National Origins Act)

• discrimination and violence toward Germans (Espionage Act)

• repression of free speech (Sedition Act)

• Why did most Americans oppose the Central Powers in WWI?

• because of Germany’s frightening militarism

• How did the German U-boat change the rules of naval warfare?

• They remained hidden and fired without warning (violation of the Sussex Pledge).

• What impact did Russia’s exit from the war have?

• It increased the pressure on the Allies.

• How was the United States able to loan more than $10 billion to the Allies in WWI?

• Liberty Bonds.

• What was Germany forced to agree to in the Versailles treaty?

• They lost territory and had to pay reparations to the Allies.

• What was a major demographic shift of the 1920s?

• large numbers of Americans moving to the suburbs.

• What did the rapid development of the mass media during the 1920s lead to?

• the creation of a national culture.

• What was the result of Prohibition during the 1920s?

• the rise of organized crime.

• How did life change for American women in the 1920s?

• Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners.

• Which baseball player was one of the most exciting heroes of the 1920s?

• Babe Ruth

• What was a big change in movies in the late 1920s?

• the introduction of sound.

• Who brought jazz to northern cities?

• southern African Americans.

• What kind of music did people listen to in the clubs of Harlem, New York?

• Jazz

• What literary movement were James Weldon Johnson and Zora Neale Hurston a part of?

• Harlem Renaissance

• Which dance embodied the Jazz Age?

• The Charleston

• What was the Red Scare a response to?

• the Russian Revolution.

• Why did the economy grow in the 1920s?

• Consumers began to buy goods on credit.

• Why did many Americans fear Vladimir I. Lenin and his followers, the Bolsheviks?

• They promoted a system that was hostile to American values.

• How did installment plans affect the American economy in the 1920s?

• They fueled the growth of the consumer economy.

• What was the purpose of the National Origins Act of 1924?

• To reduce immigration

• What did Henry Ford do for the automobile industry?

• Made cars that ordinary people could afford.

• How did Ford mass produce vehicles?

• He made assembly line production more efficient.

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