Questions on sourcing

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Frank Alaniz Missouri Workforce Regional Liaison



I have skills ~ Why don’t I have a job?

Rules of Job Searching

Regardless of age, being out-of-date is a very common

problem and not, fortunately, an insurmountable one.

1. Focus

1. One of today’s “problems” is too many opportunities!

2. How many of you are sending out more than 3 or 4

resumes a week?

2. Bring your “A” game

1. The way you handle this whole process of applying and

interviewing for a job is viewed as an example of your

work – which it is!

2. How many of you have Career Portfolios?

1. Resume

1. Resumes have changed substantially with the availability of technology

2. How many of you have an object statement on your resume?

2. Networking

1. Studies show that the person who is referred by an employee is hired 5

times more often than the stranger who simply applies

2. How many of you have a current LinkedIn profile?

3. Be Visible

1. Being invisible is like an OUT-OF-DATE stamp on your forehead!

2. How many of you have “Google” yourself?

4. Pay Attention

1. Pay attention to what is visible about your name when someone does a


What does Sourcing mean to me?

Chirag Nangia, CEO of Reppify

With the advent of social media, companies have more

information than ever on job candidates, and the process

of evaluating those candidates can be lengthy. In the past,

companies tried to determine candidate fit through their

résumés. Today, employers perform web searches on

candidates, learn more about them from social media,

and examine their work samples.

Chirag Nangia, CEO of Reppify We do think the use of social media by employers will continue to

be the trend; and while there will be instances of Facebook

password requests of candidates by potential employers so they

can examine their profiles for objectionable content, these will

likely remain edge cases. Most employers will pursue intelligent

policies that effectively leverage relevant information from social

media, such as project work on an open-source engineering site,

to select the top qualified candidates.

Chirag Nangia, CEO of Reppify

Leveraging your network wherever possible is key. The

average user on a network such as LinkedIn, for example, has

around 200 connections. With hiring on the rise again, job

seekers will need to use their connections to help get ahead

of the competition and get through to those jobs where they

are most qualified. Soon, this will also begin working in

reverse – as employers adopt new technology and tools,

those right jobs will begin to find you.

Lisa Quast, Fobes Contributor

Smart, strategic, and sometimes sassy career advice for women.


Recruiting by the numbers


Understanding Facebook

Facebook is the #1 Social Recruiting Source in 127 of 136


As Facebook approaches 1 billion users globally, it’s estimated

that 25% of the users are company/business pages.

Also, while the percentage of Facebook users are business might

be relatively small (for the sake of argument, let’s say 25%),

given the nearly 1 billion profiles, that would be almost

250,000,000 global business profiles.

Facebook Have you ever seen your own profile from a friends prospective?

Facebook has a feature that allows you do view your profile.

Profile Page: click on the image of the settings cog wheel

with the downward pointing arrow

Click view as

On the next page, type in a friends name in the top left

If your are uncomfortable with the information available, you can

control your privacy settings here:


Set a reminder

Every thirty (30) days to make sure that your privacy settings

are up to date.

Why does this matter

25% employers have a policy of how their employees can

represent themselves online.

People who need to make a decision about you -- whether that

person a future employer, date or co-worker – maybe

influenced by what they find online.

Make sure your online reputation is yours!

Facebook Sourcing

Simple Searches using Facebook

Search Results

Using Google X-Ray

Everyone’s search results will be slightly different depending

on how they use Google. Power users will have results based

on how you use Google as Google has learned your search

habits. Bing, Yahoo or other search engine users will obtain

different results based on Google’s lack of knowledge of your

search habits

Search String: (“accountant” OR CPA) (“St Louis” OR stl)


Search Facebook

Business Pages

Search String: (“accountant” OR CPA) (“St Louis” OR stl)


OR (“accountant” OR CPA) (“St Louis” OR stl)




Job Search Strategy using Facebook

Facebook Marketplace

Have a look through your local marketplace

for job listings, you will be able to see a

description and also who posted the job. You

can now either apply or contact the person

behind the position for more information.

Recap - Facebook Security Settings

Make sure they are setup appropriately

Don’t rely on the default settings

Untag your photos and don’t allow others

to tag you

Set a calendar reminder to once a month to

make sure your settings haven’t changed ---

i.e. default email address

Virtual Assessments – New Tools for



WHAT WE DO ~ Allowing thousands of Missouri

employers to pinpoint Missouri job-seekers as their next top


A free service of the Division of Workforce Development,

Talify Missouri begins by asking you to provide brief

demographic information interests, experience, education,

and geographic preference — and continues by capturing

your behavioral strengths through sophisticated online

assessments built upon 50 years of research and development


• Have you ever taken an assessment for an employer

and not been able to see your results?

– Our reports are instantly available to you, providing you with

the feedback you need to land your dream job.

– We then provide you with feedback as to roles in which you

are most likely to excel, coaching toward your strengths,

opportunities for improvement, and unique tools to interview

more effectively.

Quick Assessment Guide

Instant Feedback

CareerBuilder Survey • Candidate called himself a genius and invited the hiring

manager to interview him at his apartment.

• Candidate’s cover letter talked about her family being in the mob.

• Candidate applying for a management job listed “gator hunting” as a skill.

• Candidate specified that her résumé was set up to be sung to the tune of “The Brady Bunch.”

• Candidate’s résumé was decorated with pink rabbits.

• Candidate applying for an accounting job said he was “deetail-oriented” and spelled the company’s name incorrectly.

When creativity works • Candidate sent his résumé in the form of an oversized Rubik’s

Cube, where you had to push the tiles around to align the résumé. He was hired.

• Candidate who had been a stay-at-home mom listed her skills as nursing, housekeeping, chef, teacher, bio-hazard cleanup, fight referee, taxi driver, secretary, tailor, personal shopping assistant and therapist. She was hired.

• Candidate created a marketing brochure promoting herself as the best candidate and was hired.

• Candidate listed accomplishments and lessons learned from each position. He gave examples of good customer service as well as situations he wished he would have handled differently. He was hired.

Mistakes to Avoid – CB Survey

When asked what would make them automatically dismiss a

candidate from consideration, employers’ top responses


Résumés with typos (61 percent)

Résumés that copied large amounts of wording from the job

posting (41 percent)

Résumés with an inappropriate email address (35 percent)

Résumés that don’t include a list of skills (30 percent)

Frank Alaniz Missouri Workforce Regional Liaison



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