
Questionnaire Feedback

From the feedback I received it is clear that the two types of music my target audience are interested in are pop and Rock . I have decided to stick with the pop genre as it has proved to be the most popular in the questionnaire.

For one of my questions I wanted to know the ages of 10 people , after analysing my results the participants were mostly in-between the age range of 17 years to 21 years old. Therefore my music video will be for mostly teenagers at a similar age to myself as the actors will be 17 and 28 years old.

As part of my research I wanted to find out how often music videos are actually viewed. As I can see from the feedback I received it looks as if there is quite a different range of when people watch them , mostly being weekly however , some people tend to watch them everyday which is interesting to know . As everyone I asked did not reply to never so everyone does watch music videos whenever they can .

Through my research I also found out that there was two options that both received the same percentage . Television and The Internet are the most preferred to view a music video . Whereas through an iPod or a Mobile phone did not get a response so they don’t seem to be a popular choice .

I was interested to find out what people enjoy the most when viewing music videos. From the feedback I received the story that is being told through the lyrics is the most popular thing participants look for . This information helped me with my research as I want my music video to tell a story through the lyrics to make it more personal and so anyone can relate to it .

As part of my research I wanted to find out personal opinions of those who completed my questionnaire . From the answers I got back I found out that the most significant part of a music video is the The artist. The story being told is also seen to be an important part of a music video . With the help of this question I want to make my music video stand out with a story being told and Actors that suit the genre which Is pop .

From asking this question I found out that most of my target audience prefer a narrative music video compares to a conceptual and performance music videos . Therefore I have decided to go along with the audience and create a narrative video.

Half of the people I asked feel that it is important to be able to relate to certain music videos , after I found out that I would hope that my music video reaches out to a lot of my target audience and will relate to issues of everyday life.

Florence + the machine and beyonce sweet dreams where the favourite videos from different time periods according to my feedback . This shows that the genre of pop is quite popular and runs through a lot of time periods and never becomes unpopular.

The last question I asked was why do the target audience like these music videos , I received quite a balanced feedback and the most popular answer was that they like that fact that they are different and don’t follow the trend of being the same all the time. With the help of this I intend to make my product different and stand out .

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