Question 5

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Question 5What have you learned about technologies from the process of this Task?

Research with Google

The Google search engine is a useful way of finding specific information quickly as Google is able to filter

information and pick out relevant key words. This became the pathway to

finding content on the internet, whether it be videos, articles, blogs

or photos.

Videos on YoutubeI used Youtube to find and watch video clips online such as film clips, title sequence, soundtracks. This helped develop my understanding on films, styles and genres. I was able to download these videos to use as demonstration in my own work and upload on my blog/web. The Youtube converter: video2mp3 was used to extract the audio files of the video and use in my work

Title Sequences on Art of the Title

This website was useful in helping me find title sequences to help me

with my work. There was information about the film and sometimes interviews with the directors. I was able to create my own 9-

screenshot of the title sequences by print

screening the paused video at the shot I


Panasonic Lumix HD Camera & SD CARD

I learned to use a Panasonic Lumix HD professional camera in order to shoot the title sequence. We learned how to record video clips and take photograph, and the quality of the clips were high. A HD camera heightens the professional appearance of the video as the High Definition 12MP camera, captures clearer sharper images. It was easy to handle and store the footage as a SD card was inserted into the camera, and after every clip was recorded, it automatically wrote it to the SD Card. The SD is portable, and this means that the footage could be accessed on different computers in a matter of seconds. The playback of the footage was simple; I was able to fast-forward, rewind, delete any clip, straight from the camera immediately after footage capture.I found that using a HD camera literally does what it says on the tin: captures videos in higher, clearer definition. The sound quality was also clear and the video less pixelated and could capture movement effectively.The advantages of using this digital video instead of traditional celluloid is the time capacity digital technology takes up is much less, as writing, capturing and uploading footage on a digital camera is very quick and easy... Also:

● hundreds of shots can be taken and expandable memory increases capacity instantly

● ability to preview clips and select the one you want rather than process photos,film you didn't like or want

● no time wasted waiting for film to be developed

USB Flash DrivesA USB was necessary to transfer files such as footage, photos, documents and sound clips from one computer to another. Each member of our group was able to get all the files they needed to carry out research and evaluation questions. A USB with a larger storage capacity was needed as files such as Videos and Music files were larger than the usual document file. 4GB and 8GB storage capacities was more efficient than a 1GB.

Post-Production : Final Cut ProDuring the editing process, I used a software called Final Cut Pro which enabled me to edit my final video on a more professional level. Final Cut Pro runs on the MAC OS which I accessed during school hours. This was my second time using Final Cut, as I had used it to edit my preliminary video, but the software was still new to me as I had only learned the basics (how to upload, trim, re-order clips as well as adding text and sound), so I still had a lot to learn. I learned how to add video filters and effects on to video clips such as the 'glow' video filter, and the 'blur' effect on some clips. I also learned how to fast/slow motion clips by adjusting the speed of the clip. I learned how to reverse clips which I used near to the end of my title sequence where the sequence begins to rewind. I didn't use many transition effects in my title sequence except for the cross fade transitions as i didn't believe it was necessary. Nevertheless, this did heightened my knowledge of video transitions and how to apply them. Lastly, I learned not only how to apply text but how to place it anywhere on screen, how to change the font size, and how to transition text effectively.

Garage BandI used Garage Band; a virtual music application in order to create an original soundtrack for my piece. On Garage Band you can work with loops and sounds already stored on the system so I used this to create my soundtrack. I learned how to filter through the sound database by selecting what instrument or mood you required and then choosing accordingly. When I chose the sounds I wanted to work with I was able to drag it onto the track area to work with it. I learned how to trim sounds to the length required, and also how to copy loops to create a continuous sound. I was able to overlap sounds and sound effects to create growing suspense in the music. I also learned how to adjust dynamics and how to fade in or out sounds by adjusting each loop individually. I even played with the virtual keyboard, and learnt how to use this virtual instruments to create your own melody. I was then able to export my file into an mp3 file ready to use as my soundtrack.

Apple Mac ComputersAdjusting to the Mac OS was difficult as I rarely get the opportunity to use a Mac and I do not have one at home. Even switching it on was difficult as I couldn't find the power button, but once it was located I knew I was heading in the right direction! I learned how to import and export files on a Mac using a USB flash drive and SD card. I also learned how to use some applications on the Mac such a Final Cut Pro and Garage Band. Getting to grips with design of the Mac's was something that took a while. I often had difficulty using the computer mouse as it had no clear buttons or scroll ball, however, once I grasped the concept of the mouse I was unstoppable. I found that the Apple Mac is a change from the Windows computers as the operating system is different and works differently from the Windows OS. It seems more difficult to use at first as the layout is different however I do think that the advantages of using a Mac overcomes the advantages of Windows. For example I found that the quality and colour correspondence of the Mac computers is higher than Windows computers, as what ever colour you require is exactly the output colour when printing or viewing images/videos. The Video Subsystem that Mac uses seems to capture images more clearly and created a better video quality which is useful when editing and viewing videos on a Mac.I do also think that the handling of the Mac is easier overall even though it takes a while to get used to, after using both the Mac and WIndows computers regularly I have found the Mac enables easier handling.Lastly the aesthetic design of the Mac is sleek and modern and the screen is wider and clearer - 10 out of 10 for coolness!

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