Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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QUESTION 3What did you learn from your audience feedback?

Moving on from AS...

Unlike my main task for AS, for this production I decided to get feedback from peers throughout the project so that I could adjust it and make changes accordingly. This way, I can ensure that I am including all the right things to attract my audience and ‘sell’ the product.

1st CUTAfter my first rough cut I asked a few sixth formers for their

opinions. Some points for improvement included:

“There should be more imaginative shots and editing” Following this, I added a few different shots and angels (such

as dutch-angle shots) to make the video look more interesting.

“The opening could be a bit more dramatic” To do this, I added one of the shots in the basment with

strobe lighting near the start of the video to make the intro more exciting. I tried to make sure that the shot I used here did not give too much away about the rest of the story.


“I don’t quite understand who is who”

“There isn’t much lip syncing”

To respond to both of these criticisms, I added a few more shots of the artist singing – hoping that seeing more of this will help the audience to identify them throughout the video.


The feedback was very helpful, especially as that age group is who my music video is actually targeted at. I responded to their feedback by making the changed that I described. After making these changes I asked a group of other media students to view my work so I could make further improvements as I thought they may be more critical in their responses.

2nd CUT

More than one of the students I spoke to commented on:

The quality of some of the shots

Shaky cameraGiving away too much narativeLack of lip-syncing

... Much of these feedback did not lead to

changes in this production but helped me to evaluate vital things that I did not consider in my planning that are important and will help me to produce quality videos in the future. For example, some of my footage was very grainy and shaky as I didn’t really think about the equipment I should use to maximise to quality of my work. Better lighting equipment or a tripod would have resolved this.


Once I finished my final production I sat with a class to get their thoughts on my work. They quickly identified who the video was aimed at due to the inclusion of medias such as instagram at the start, and the characters in the video.


Some in the class said that they would not usually watch such a video as they prefer to watch things that uplift them, understandably – however they appreciated the effectiveness of the shots and editing as it was able to shift their mood.


Above is a link to video showing the class talking about the target audience and effectiveness of the music video. Some of the comments have already been mentioned.


Getting feedback at different stages was very beneficial as it allowed me to see what my audience actually enjoyed. In the future it may be even better to do some audience research before the production, as I didn’t really consider the preferences of the audience before I finished researching and planning my music video, only during the editing process.

Overall, the whole process has taught me that my research and planning seems to lack vital information and detail that I need in order to produce the best work possiblyI can. Using my target audience’s ideas and feedback could be the key to doing this and so I will make sure I take advantage of this in the future.

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