
Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

By Connor Brumby

Visible Information Male Early 20’s Able-bodied Upper-Lower Class

RepresentationThe character of Li is portrayed as a able-bodied male. During the brief time that he is show, he is seen running through a wooded area. He doesn't say any line, not giving much information about his characters personality. Although he seems to be escaping, he looks as if he is worried, which at this point could mean that weak or not sufficiently equipped to deal with what is chasing him. This somewhat goes against the action hero style of male characters, where the main character would fight of an army of men with a stick and some string that he found.

Li(Calum Dowse)

Rosaline(Amy-Ann Edwards)Visible Information• Female• Early 20’s• Able-bodied• Middle Class

RepresentationThe character of Rosaline is portrayed as a able-bodied female. During the time that Rosaline is on screen she doesn't say anything, but unlike Li, the reasoning behind this is to show that this character won't break under pressure, her lack of lines show that during the interrogation, she has the upper hand although she has been beaten. This also shows that this character is also strong willed and would stick to cause. This also goes against the stereotypical female companion that is captured just to be saved in the movie by the male character.

Boris(Callum Simpson)Visible Information• Male• 20’s• Able Bodied• Lower-Middle Class

RepresentationDuring this opening, the character of Boris has the most lines, this allows for people to get an idea of what this character is like by the way that he acts during a conversation. During the interrogation scene Boris is shown as the dominate male of the scene asserting his over the woman, but as the scene progresses, he notices that he has no control over the situation and attempts to resolve this with violence. This leads to him slapping and punching Rosaline, now that shows hes violent, but also shows that he is morally okay with hitting a woman.

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