
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

There is an average range of social groups represented in my magazine with my target audience being between the ages of 16-21. With these social groups likely to be college students, young workers and uni students. My magazine aims to represent a typical working class/middle class, male/female British rocker/Indie Kid aged between 16-21, who is not particularly bothered about religious beliefs and enjoys having a laugh with their friends and attending gigs. My magazine represents this by including things on the cover such as ‘win tickets to a7x’ as this is something that would appeal to the rock/indie genre and connotes loudness and this is a way in which they could ‘have a laugh’ with their friends. The person on my front cover also looks moody which connotes the moodiness of the rock/indie genre and therefore suggests that the social group my magazine represents is a moody, young, relaxed but up for a laugh social group.

My magazine represents a sub culture that being ‘rockers’ and ‘indie kids’ therefore i have used colours which connote danger such as red which could also suggest violence usually associated with the rock genre as things such as ‘mosh pits’ which occur at rock concerts can be seen as dangerous and violent. I have also chosen to have the person on the front cover have red hair as this represents the ‘wild’ nature that of the rock/indie genre as having your hair a weird colour is something common in the rock/indie sub culture. The fact i have used both male and female images means it will attract both male and female readers. And the people in my images are dressed in the way that rockers/indie kids would dress for example I have chosen to have the person on my front cover dressed in ‘Drop Dead’ clothing which is a typical rock clothing brand and therefore attracts people of the rock/indie genre. i have chosen to include things on the cover such as ‘win free tickets to A7X’ as people of the rock/indie genre attend gigs all the time and therefore this represents that sub culture.

I have also done this as people who can’t afford the tickets have a chance to win them

The price of my magazine is priced carefully so that most people can afford it

Images on my contents page also show a link to the rockers and ‘indie kids’ sub culture. For my dominate image i have dressed him in indie clothing to attract the ‘indie kids’

the smaller images show a girl who also has red hair, piercings and dark clothing to represent the rock genre this also shows that girls can dress in dark clothing too and should not be made to feel different as most girls dress more girly and feminine where as here she is represented as more masculine making her a tomboy in a sense. The image on the right is an album cover for Avril Lavignes album, and Avril Lavigne is a rock artist. This attracts the rock/indie genre and shows the social group is loud and aggressive as this is Avril’s style.

The content of my magazine appeals to both male and females with things such as ‘UK 7 day Rock Guide’

The use of capitalised letters also shows that the social group my magazines aims to attract is a group which is loud, bold and noisy these are common traits associated with the rock/indie genre

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