Question 1: What value does the internal audit profession ... · Question 1: What value does the internal audit profession bring and how can we ... Discussed the need to focus on

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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Question 1: What value does the internal audit profession bring and how can we create and communicate a strong and clear value proposition of the internal audit profession that addresses stakeholder expectations globally?


Theme A: Clearly defining and communicating the role and value proposition of the internal audit profession Via private sector through understanding of internal auditing. Public sector needs more value


More transparency in public sector - amending the law in government is much longer

Lacking Training people in public sector - better advocacy

Need to add value of the Public sector to add transparency, and tools.

Be able to anticipate future risk to the board

Articulate value proposition more effectively. Providing assurance objectivity and insight on how

to address the future.

Being agile and pro-active and best use of technology.

Challenge in the communication to the stakeholders – the need differs around the world. Some

do not know what internal auditors do – need to convince the value that Internal Auditor

provide. Some info from HQ are confusing. Need to provide research and value (evidence based)

and social media, newspapers.

Cooperating with universities to inform students – right now they focus more on external

auditing or accounting. Lack of recognition at the college/university level

Misunderstanding of the role of internal auditing vs. external auditing- some universities do not

do a good job to inform.

Need to engage the business – how do we align our processes to the business.

Misunderstanding of the role of the IA. Understand Shareholder expectations. Stature of IA and

reporting line play a role in enhancing value

Need communication to improve our message, ascertain stakeholder expectations and use business language to define the value specific to them, Specific language as to how we can help with strategic initiatives. Align to strategy of organization and communicate value. Regulation will enhance the role of the internal audit function. Define the basic level of service and list all of the services we can perform. Talk to the stakeholders about the value we provide.

There is still confusion on what differences there are between IA and External Audit. There also is concern about the quality of services by internal auditors. The profession is not recognized enough by board members, executives, and the general public. We need to be able to provide services to our organizations a lot of different ways, including assurance and advisory.

Strengthening the governance in organizations. Could say, IA will help the organization though assurance and advisory services.



Globally, there is some confusion on the role of internal auditing across regions. Some IA’s are serving higher up in the organization. There are different levels of maturity. There is not a one size fits all companies. Need to provide right tools for right level of maturity.

Need to help educating outside Board members to better understand what IA can do. What is role of IA? How to enhance the role. How internal audit serves, performing oversight role. There is some training needed for non-executives. The Board needs to buy-in to the value proposition. Board and IA need to be aligned. Once we have Board buy-in, they will support IA and give the department the necessary resources to help manage risk. Then, the IA Standards will be supported.

We have hundreds of chapters. We have identified the entire picture. For those companies without IA, we go to Board (i.e., breakfast meeting) to share message of what IA can do for the company. Most countries have an association of directors (Institute of Directors). Identify one or two organizations to educate directors.

We get asked by Audit Committees, “what is difference between internal audit and external auditors?” The challenge is, “What do we say to them in the “30 second elevator speech?” We have a bigger challenge. A bigger concern is can our auditors actually delver. A 30 second description may not be useful by all. The best approach may be to scare them. A presence of IA adds so much value.

We tend to be self-centric. The profession is not recognized enough by board members, executives and the general public. We now have a hard time recruiting a good IA because nobody is interested. We do not sell our profession to young professionals. External auditors are also struggling (in France, but not so much in the US). Everybody knows what an external auditor does. Think of it as a continuum of internal and external audit. Internal and external are trying to do the same.

In Africa, people do not even understand internal audit. Is IA different from accounting?

The IIA should relook at messaging of the value proposition for local cultures based on regional or specific local differences. The new or existing framework should re-marketed to bring awareness and focus.

Maintain regular communication with internal and external stakeholders, not only formally, but outside of formal communications to assist others to have a better understanding of the value of the IA function.

Value of Internal Audit focuses on the risks and ensures to board that the risks are appropriately mitigated.

Provides objective insight and foresight based on business knowledge in regards to base control support.

The culture of IA is in a position to alert management to potential issues and assist management to achieve objectives.

Serve as proactive advisors.

Maintain regular communication with internal and external stakeholders, not only formally, but outside of formal communications to assist others to have a better understanding of the value of the IA function.



Through advocacy of local institutes, build relationships with government regulators to strengthen and enhance the value of internal audit.

Update the definition of internal audit. Discussed the need to focus on the mission of internal audit and not the definition.

The IIA should assemble a task force to relook at messaging of the value proposition for local cultures based on regional or specific local differences.

Emphasize the need to abide by the code of ethics.

Understand the value of what we believe and what value that stakeholder perceive, and their gaps; soft skills to equip IA to communicate the value proposition

Stakeholders need different things, understand each different constituents and their needs

Understand the value of what we believe and what value that stakeholder perceive, and their gaps

Stakeholders need different things, understand each different constituents and their needs

Being able to see the whole picture and be a holistic auditor so that we can bring more value to the organization

Speak about interested parties (such as shareholders, external environment) that are beyond IA’s direct stakeholders

Look at the entire year’s IA activities and communicate it in the way and languages that stakeholders understand, including the value we bring to the organization. A summary for AC and senior management would be beneficial than individual detailed audit reports, including the significances of the recommendations

Democracy level of the countries may impact the communication

Continuous communication the value of IA through every audit and everything we do

Internal auditors doesn’t have the soft skills to communicate the value, the IIA should develop the messages

How to improve the value proposition – IA would never know the business as well as the business owners. But we have methodology to provide the value. The rule of IA to encourage trust and foster cooperation through the organization

For the country in rotational model, it is more challenging for IA to grow IA competency

IIA is the only true assurance provider (providing assurance over the second line of defense. The maturity pyramid resonated with everyone particularly around different messages to different stakeholders.

Our value comes from the assurance we provide

The advice we provide comes from the assurance we perform.

We should have a mission to explain what we can do to help our stakeholders

Are we paying enough attention to how we provide assurance?

Global profession advocating at the highest levels of organization serving audit committees.

Need to understand maturity of management in a given market. They may have different expectations of what they want audit to deliver. Some are more interested in consulting to help the org get better, others want assurance that operating departments are doing the right thing.

Management doesn’t have a lot of time so it’s sometimes difficult to convey the right message



Delivering the right message to the right stakeholder. Speaking to audit committee is different than speaking to executive management. We need to position ourselves as the ones with the right insight, knowledge, and experience.

Need custom messages by stakeholder group

Maturity (management, audit committee, regulators, internal audit) matters as well. How mature is the understanding of IA in the market?

This does not all rest on Global. Local affiliates must drive it locally.

These efforts take money and resources

Looking to global for materials

One message – Internal Audit is a Trusted Advisor

Going beyond assurance, be ahead of the game, make your voice heard

Break down by group

Regulators = assurance and compliance

Audit committees = trusted advisor

Management = improve ops,

Mouri’s maturity pyramid (assurance, advice, insight)

Messages should start locally and work up.

Value is dependent on the maturity of the organization. When the value proposition of IA is aligned with the governance structure of the company you get a higher level of maturity; Value is in the eyes of the beholder. We do not have a consistence view on how IA is interpreted worldwide. Inconsistent understanding on what you are and how you provide value makes it hard(er) to change the perception of Internal Audit(ors)

Insights; what IA brings to the stakeholder. The “aha” reaction from the stakeholders. One on one meetings with stakeholders to get the insights. Impact is slow but it is moving forward.

Value is dependent on the maturity of the organization. Value is aligned with the governance of the company which shows a higher level of maturity. In contradiction to less mature organization where the value is aligned with the will of management.

Independence is important but there is a risk if you keep a too big of a distance between the IA

and the top management. Independence should not equate with distance from the organization.

We should not be distance from the organization so we are perceived as watch dogs in the

organization. “Trusted advisors”. Keys: Communication and stakeholder needs. IA Should have independent points. IA should

find a balance between control based and risk based auditing. Value is in the eyes of the beholder. We do not have a consistence view on how IA is

interpreted worldwide. Inconsistent understanding on what you are and how you provide value makes it hard(er) to changing the perception of Internal Audit(ors)

Common Understanding!

Are we a dying profession? are we headed towards a mix of professionals and AI? Governance structure; Value in the independence. What is independence? Independence

means that IA gives its best advice to the board to help the organization. Independence should not be used as a shield. Independence is a condition to take your organization to the next level.



Feedback from the stakeholders is key. The degree of public interest reflects whether we

actually can address the value proposition (in the board)

(nocra – non-compliant with regulation. Hide behind the confidentiality principal). Public interest: Miss-alignment between the expectations of the public interest. IA cannot part itself totally from the public interest. Broader stakeholder perspective. The profession needs to debate this.

What is our role here? Are we doing enough? Responsibility to the board. Difference between being a bad auditor and doing something illegal. If you do something illegal you as the internal auditor should be held responsible.

Advocacy is key Unique structures of companies/organizations. Difference between private owned companies

and government bodies where disclosure and transparency more important. IA but be aware that your profession is put in a position – Like you are a doctor working in a

hospital working without any tools to actual do your work, no medicine, no etc. Stakeholder expectations impact our career. To survive you but transform yourself.

From Auditor until Trusted Advisor. Balance between assurance and advisory needs to be discussed in the context of

corporate governance; Need for greater knowledge about the business and what independence really means to stakeholders.

Divergence in goals between Audit Committee and Management requires different types of communication approach

Combination of assurance and consulting/advisory services and the perception of the stakeholders are the feedback

A balance should be brought between adding value by providing assurance and advising. The basic premise should be assurance. Independence (although is relative depending on the type of engagement) is a must and opinions should be independent and should be perceived by stakeholders. On the long run Independence will be valued more in the organization.

Corporate Governance is Key as a value added by Internal auditing

Internal audit adds more value if its reporting line is to the highest level of the organization

Main role of audit should be focused more on improvements more than reviewing the past

Role confused between Internal and External audit from Stakeholders, they perceive them as the same

Auditors need to educate themselves first. Internal auditors have the advantage of being able to review everything in the organization. But first, auditors should know and train themselves on the business.

Perceptions from stakeholders should be aligned. What they don’t know they would not require in order to set expectations clear especially from Top Management.

When the CEO understands the role of Internal Audit, it helps supporting our function and the 3 lines of defense. There is opportunity to help stakeholders better understand the model.

The level of maturity of the internal audit department will affect the way the value proposition is communicated and perceived. There is room for educating the auditors and stakeholders.



Different stakeholders need the same message but delivered in a way that is appropriate for them.

The IIA Global needs to have a single message delivered in the most appropriate way accordingly to the level of understanding / use of internal and external stakeholders/beneficiaries of internal audit work.

The international regulators are representing an important influential stakeholder worldwide, so that it is important to deliver the IIA message thru those groups.

Stakeholders’ needs and expectations are important. First ask for their needs, expectations, for their insight, involvement.

The message must be flexible (adjusted / tailored to the culture etc.)

To do a better job we need to diversify our stakeholders and craft messages that meet their specific needs. In particular, we should focus on external stakeholders and help them understand the value of internal audit beyond financial risks.

High importance when focusing on stakeholders. There is a paper that differentiates external and internal audit. Most people don’t understand the difference.

Need to create more documents that show the difference between external and internal.

Need to create shorter briefs for high level executives. Tailor the document to the stakeholder.

Strong and clear value proportion. Stakeholders already understand assurance but they expect more than just assurance. We must do consulting jobs. There is more need for consulting than assurance, but we need to understand what stakeholders expect when providing consulting services.

We neglect to advocate more the consulting services and their value.

Big value comes from being proactive. This helps identify risk before they occur. We can help guide the organization, without necessarily provide assurance.

A big plus is the advice from internal audit. External does not add similar value.

Target each stakeholder and understand their needs.

There is a misunderstanding about the role of IA. Some people think this is a management role. Management must understand clearly their role and IA, especially independence.

Some industries are heavily regulated, but when we communicate as IA we need to provide the message “we hear you”. Show that we are part of the organization.

Stop talking about us and talk more about the stakeholder needs. Be client focused.

Value added comes from assurance, but is greater when we focus on the operational side and not only on the financial side.

Is about understanding our audience. Separate internal customers from external stakeholders.

These external stakeholders are frequency forgotten – this is where advocacy helps.

For internal customers, we need to help them improve, and communicate risk in a timely manner (this are executive level).

For non-executive is about providing transparency, promoting culture, improving efficiencies.

IA is the function that gives external stakeholders confidence on the sustainability of the organization (employees, investors, customers, suppliers).

All of this is in the interest of the public (recap with Mike’s message).



Distinguish internal audit and professional internal audit. Anybody can be IA but not a professional IA.

Importance of culture and language in communicating to Stakeholders

About transparency, objective assessment and bring insight to organizations we support

Supporting the Global Advocacy Platform – new mission of IA in IPPF (enhance and protect)

Talk more with Stakeholder

Sensitive to Stakeholder needs and being responsive, advertise the value IA brings

Being able to share a “deliverable” to stakeholders – something tangible that adds value to them

Specifics, what IA brings to add value, tangible, what’s in it for Stakeholders

Assurance and consulting functions should play much more of an assurance role as to not be perceived as management.

Definition of IA, consultancy – advocacy efforts (persuade the stakeholders the value IA brings) – IIA Global to play a greater role and coordinating and funded

IIA provides information on the global level to be leveraged by the local level

Advocacy is about the understanding who you are advocating to therefore supporting at the local level forming and establishing a relationship

Importance of culture and language in communicating to Stakeholders

Achieving the overall goals of the company (not controls, etc); this means we have to understand the business and be relevant – we have to be where mgmt. and the BOD are

Bangladesh – external audit has been losing value (mandated by parliament), internal audit is assuming greater importance

Use 3LOD. 2nd and third line is separate in Dominican Republic

NAB – partnering with orgs that represent our stakeholders, our bosses (AC, CFO, CEO)

Better path forward if we clarify our role as internal auditors; contribute to achieving the overall goals of the company (not controls, etc); this means we have to understand the business and be relevant – we have to be where mgmt. and the BOD are

IA must help the BOD in understanding and controlling risk of the enterprise

Don’t just find faults; be logical

We need to self-advocate

Education sessions for committee members - a standards education document to distribute to the new audit committee members and other stakeholders; A handy value proposition paper to share with stakeholders, with different perspective for different kinds of stakeholders.

Awareness on the role of internal audit to our stakeholders. Different stakeholder perspectives

IA need to be more engaged in educating the stakeholders.

More dynamic

Give the advocacy platform to stakeholders.

Conferences about awareness, meetings with key stakeholders about regulations.

Expectations. GAP. How do we meet the expectations?

“We provide value” – a short description to hand to audit committee members for education (Like a short handout that audit committee members can use)

Case studies to share with audit committee (upgrade documents in executive site)



Education sessions for committee members – a standards education document to distribute to the new audit committee members

Need additional support from HQ to market the role of today’s internal auditor and to dispel stereotypes about its function.

Emphasize the value of internal auditing. An internal auditor can produce revenue and avert losses – financial and reputational. Demonstrate its impact.

As the profession evolves in a digital age, IIA Global should provide the insights and resources to meet practitioners’ need and stakeholders’ expectations.

The IIA must provide a consistent application of Standards and educate stakeholder of its value; The IIA must recognize that stakeholder expectations differ culturally, regionally and by industry and tailor its messaging to that reality; The IIA must do a better job of educating stakeholders about the scope of internal audit services and competencies beyond finance, accounting; The IIA must once and for all dispel the “cop mentality” that holds practitioners back.

Two views:

One that we should know what we really can offer. What are our strengths? SWOT would be a good exercise.

We should only provide services that the main stakeholders really need, whether or not our strengths are different from what our stakeholders really need.

Is there a gap? Depends on what we want to address, e.g. strategic risk. When we go to organizations in our audit plans, we quite often get the response: “It’s not you business. Not on you agenda.” How do we sell ourselves to address more strategic issues?

The value internal audit provides depends on the kind of activity of the organization. Banks are different from say a hydroelectric generators. There are two universes, one tech and one administrative. Engineers, tell me, “What are you doing here? You are an auditor.”

Difficult to demonstrate we have proficiency is “non-auditing” areas.

Sometimes people don’t know what internal audit is. Some people think we’re accountants. Go do accounting, don’t mess with our processes. In some cases still have to explain what internal audit is.

In US internal audit may be further ahead. Financial services not a problem, but in other industries not as far along.

We also need to tell people what we are doing. What is the value proposition?

Public-sector internal auditing very developed in Nicaragua. But it is INTOSAI standards that are well understood. What we going to have? We have the standards to make audits from financial statements. What we need in our country, regionally, globally, is to apply IPPF to public sector and private sector. The private sector is applying the IPPF. In public sector we need to adopt IPPF.

In public sector, banks, insurance, very regulated. These are the standards you have to apply. That’s all.

The IIA needs to push standards around the world.

In Finland, new regulations in public sector attempting to get IPPF into the regulation. Wording is “generally accepted or recognized internal audit standards.”

We have the content and resources; however we need to properly promote the value of internal audit and deliver it.



We need to invest more in soft skills.

The IIA needs to do more lobbying/advocacy at the government level. To some from Global, to others from the Affiliates. Better coordinate local and regional messages. It’s also important to raise the expectation of stakeholders. Don’t they want more or they don’t know what else they can get from internal audit? Advocacy to stakeholders should not be direct, but through partnership with other associations. We need to identify different advocacy groups so we can customize our messages. Peer-to-peer advocacy is seem as a good idea.

We need to have a closer relationship with our stakeholders (gap analysis), including increasing the reach of our activities such as the International Conference.

Twinning Program praised and seemed as a good solution.

Message: Trusted advisor.

Problem: Reporting line is an issue.

Defining our role is key.

Regulators are the ones who actually dictate the role/importance of internal audit.

There is no clear understanding of the profession. I may be fear.

There is a PR problem.

Add value - do we understand how we add value to we can actually add value? That’s the only way we can do it. We are here to add value and improve organizations’ values.

Question 2: How could The IIA better address the professional, competency development needs of members and practitioners globally?

Agility and technology- partner with other organizations (i.e. ISACA) to enhance our ability as it

relates to technology.

Make translation of CGAP exam

Local affiliates have challenges to prepare for global training – IIA HQ can offer some basics to

prepare for competency and global training.

Partnership with other institutes from different maturity level.

Train the trainer

Share and need cutting edge type of program/training module that add value so they can

perform their job better.

Better understand board members and audit committee members’ role and responsibilities.

HQ needs to be more supportive and/or work with affiliates because they are critical in

implementing and facilitating training as they understand the local needs.

Need global sharing platform on best practices. Focus on digitization and data management/science. Need more targeted training using SMEs

Better motivate members to attend training. Create global professional networking tool

dedicated to audit practitioners to discuss best practices. Job becoming more demanding – need



targeted in-depth training, ie IT, with experts not just generic training. Provide direction. Focus

on digitalization. Content is outdated. Evolving programs with experts for quick turn-around.

Promote the CIA certification. Take into account the localization.

One problem is that we do not know what young professionals want. They do not know they can build a career through internal auditing. We need to communicate more with younger IA professionals and students.

IA is not staying up with technology as good as we should be. This concern includes technologies that companies are now facing (Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, machine language, etc.) and using dated technologies to support internal auditing.

The IIA had a competency framework. Didn’t we use to have one?

We have a chapter for students, which provides exposure to our IA profession.

In chapters, internal audit is no longer attractive and not very well paid, which makes it difficult to recruit. In Europe, it is more a question of how I serve the society through internal auditing.

There is a lot of interest in technology. It is difficult for current auditors (i.e., 40 years old and up) to catch up on technology and teach others. Are tools available to IA irrelevant? Some companies are using “agile auditing.” Some IA don’t even know what it is. Gives wrong image of IA among other managers.

Perhaps at the Institute level, we should engage more in current technologies, (i.e., AI, blockchain, etc.). What is the meaning of all these technologies? Need to better spread the news before we try to train.

Need to leverage The IIA Globally and identify these big issues. We need to be ahead of the game to let IA know ahead. Also, need to distribute papers locally and have workshops.

Affiliates need timely updates on emerging competencies with specific guidance on how to train local members.

Importance of sharing translation of information in a timely manner and accurate context (including Global website). Searching for information on the website is difficult when English in not primary language.

To be able to share the qualifications of internal auditors to reinforce the expectations and understanding.

Utilize more of the rich data in CBOK. We should explore to the maximum. Not only focus the discussions at GC. Need combined efforts be both global and IIA affiliates.

Need combined efforts of both Global and IIA affiliates

Every county is different; the IIA global should develop a basis and allow the local affiliates to customize

Utilize technology, such as recorded webcast from the IIA global and affiliates adding local element

Utilize more of the rich data in CBOK. We should explore to the maximum use of the CBOK. Not only focus the discussions at GC

Must become much faster at getting new topics to market

Educating key stakeholders (Audit Committees) via direct training or conferences

Leverage Global materials



The CEO must demand competency from internal audit and need a minimum guidance of training and competency (the IIA could make this recommendation on the global level); Competency needs depending on the focus of the audit plan.

Hire people not only from the traditional audit skills but competencies that relate to the organization needs.

Training programs and material should be available in other languages. In some countries English is not widely used.

Issues and needs might differ per country.

The CEO must demand competency from internal audit and need a minimum guidance of training and competency.

Provide a global benchmark where the internal audit activity has developed in order to internal audit departments to evaluate themselves against this.

Institutes consider important to educate the internal audit committees and create awareness on the roles and importance of IA

Legislation is important to support the profession.

The twinning program is seen as an excellent vehicle to share competencies with less developed institutes.

Practitioners run workshops based on their field expertise for the candidates to IIA certifications as part of preparation courses.

Twinning program could be a mean to increase the visibility, capacity development, improve the competency of the smaller institutes, etc.

CIA challenge exam (first delivered for accountants)

Find the right person to deliver the message in the appropriate way.

Encourage programs at universities. The challenge is making accessible the program (education credentials, price)

Rich out more universities and other groups.

Create guidance/training/though leadership for multiple audiences (mature, stablished, developing), and in multiple languages. It is important to provide support at the regional level as well as global level. The model of one size-fits-all is not working.

Credibility is fostered by professionalism, and The IIA should be at the forefront of leading a profession that is dynamic. We need to have material that changes fast to meet emerging needs, and solidify the fundamentals.

Training in other languages. Trainer and attendance material.

The latest technology (social media and other) IIA needs to teach how to audit them. For example the use of a system that can analyze large amounts of data in minutes.

As auditor we need to stay ahead of emerging risk and technology.

In some countries it is good to be ahead, but in other countries is not so good because the economy (and country) are still developing.

Auditing culture is not a priority for some countries that are still developing the profession.

Smaller companies (smaller countries) do not need sophisticated training or technology- it’s nice to have awareness but not necessary to be proficient or have guidance.

We should not use the level of maturity from a country to conform with mediocrity



Each institute should communicate what they need. For example, artificial intelligence. If we want to get what we need, we need to ask for the specific needs.

Core internal audit values such as CIA ability to set the professional identify early on; Network with sister organizations – building alliances.

Emphasizing the term “professional” is key to advocating

Language is a barrier – to sharing messaging

More access to accessible (free) content

Advocate at the University level to better understand the gap between IA and EA

Core internal audit values such as CIA ability to set the professional identify early on.

Network with sister organizations – building alliances.

Better communicate the toolkits available such as Competency Framework, Auditing intelligence suite on executive center; Translations on the toolkits are important

Training internal auditing basics

Minimum standards on what an internal audit professional should possess.

Specific training on different sectors

Focus on millennials an talent management

Auditing intelligence suite - The executive center, good tool. IIA Global should be better in the communication about this. How do we sell it to the internal audit professionals?

Mapping the training programs in the different institutes by Competency framework.

Provide focus on soft skills such as leadership, communications and interpersonal relations.

Offer more education/awareness on the Competency Framework and provide the tools to fulfill its benchmarks.

The IIA must insist on compliance with IPPF. It should not weaken compliance requirements; The IIA must recognize that professional development needs vary not just based on maturity, but also regional needs, cultures, etc.

Two step: o We must identify needs. We need more tools and help to identify needs. o Provide support to develop (fulfill) what is needed. Challenge is that those needs can be

quite varied.

Concentrate on step one and identify stakeholder needs.

Different needs and maturity levels create challenges. For example, for some Chinese auditors it is common for them to facilitate payments (bribes).

We must hammer home the need to follow IPPF standards.

It’s all about the standards. Disagrees with discussion about whether standards should be mandatory, comply or explain. External auditors have their standards. There is no comply or explain. You have to comply. They have to work with their standards.

We’re still saying it’s too much work. Everybody should just respect the standards. You don’t have a choice. We need to be more convincing.



Question 3: How is the three lines of defense model perceived in your market? How could it be enhanced? What role should internal audit fulfill in the Second Line of Defense?

In some regions, they do not understand the 3 lines of defense model- some are not aware of the

models and some areas are not well received at all.

In some regions/industries, the understanding is basic but there is little information about it in

the market.

Some advocates do not believe that the internal auditor’s role sits in the 3rd line of defense but in

the second line of defense.

It is becoming a generally accepted tool – better understanding of the relationship between the

responsibilities… a lot of blur areas between the 3rd and second because 2nd line is weaker.

Ensure that the 2nd line of defense is not weak – and need for collaboration with the 2nd line of


Model is good for the financial services industry. Lines are blurred on who should be doing what. Need to educate stakeholders, board members and directorship bodies on the benefits and value of the model.

Normal rule for the financial sector. Give assurance of the 2nd line of the defense. Comfortable

with the criteria. Outside of financial services not widely accepted. 2nd line is considered weak.

Model is fine. Creates opportunity and risk could create more confusion. Lines are blurred as to

who should be doing what. IA is seen as first line of defense not second. Confusion with the

model inside of organizations. Less mature industries need to refresh the model. Assurance,

audit and advice. GRC – A. Articulate the value of the three lines of defense. Educate our

stakeholders about the anticipated benefits from having the model. Model is a management and

leadership tool. Educate directors and board members. Coordination of our efforts to create

holistic view of assurance. Develop relationship with directors and board members.

3 LoD – participants believe it was known in their market, however some industries don’t know

it. Some companies combined both the 2nd line and 3rd line, Re what IA can do for the 2nd line,

the IIA needs to provide clarity so IA will not compromise its indolence

3 LoD – participants believe it was known in their market, however some industries don’t know it

The word “defense” was not preferred in French. It was translated into “control”

Some companies combined both the 2nd line and 3rd line

Re what IA can do for the 2nd line, the IIA needs to provide clarity so IA will not compromise its indolence

Utilize the integrated approach/report to prevent silo and foster collaboration within the companies; IA can take the lead to integrate company-wide risk assessment approach, instead of doing that by various functions



3 LOD is important, but there needs to be flexible; Some say it’s more applicable only to financial services. Second line does not always exist and internal audit must take care of it; Are there more lines (4, 5 or 6)?

Second line report to the management. If we try to be the second line the profession will lose.

How it is perceived is also connected to the level of maturity and dependent of which the sector.

Dimensions are important. Some industries need more experienced Internal Auditors, in these areas we can provide risk assessment.

Private sector perspective – Visibility in every line. Message to the public and the stakeholder that we should keep dependence and objectivities but still visible in all lines.

Second line is doing the job of the management. First and second should cooperate more. Third line however is focused on assurance, assurance based on the risks that first and second has. We should not be doing management’s job.

It’s a powerful model to explain the role of internal audit, but some stakeholders and audit professionals do not understand how to apply it; The model addresses the assurance side but not necessarily the advisory side.

Clarify and separate the independent assurance part from the 3LOD – not to assume management’s role.

3LOD should be applied regionally and industry specific. Additional guidance on who is responsible. The Position Paper is not practical enough

Clarify the role, compliance functions and business owners and 3LOD – IA role in 2nd LOD –

3LOD model is dated, not much help. Really are 2 roles (management and IA) IA should not take on management’s role

Clarify and separate the independent assurance part from the 3LOD – not to assume managements role

If not a heavily regulated industry, the 2LOD and 3LOD run together

Guide to promote the same message around the world

If not heavily regulated industry, the 2LOD and 3LOD run together

IIA needs to clearly communicate difference between 2LOD and 3LOD

Invite mgmt. to a COSO class

The three lines of defense is a useful document and the stakeholders understand the model, although; Update the design on the model with a modern touch; Include this in an educate stakeholders toolkit.

We need to sell the model to our stakeholders. This should be a toolkit for all three lines of defense, management board and the board committee.

The three lines of defense is a useful document and the stakeholders understand the model, although;

Update the design on the model with a modern touch.

Interact with the stakeholders? Include this in an educate stakeholders toolkit. We need to sell the model to our stakeholders. This should be a toolkit for all three lines of defense, management board and the board committee.



Change the words, the language needs an update as well

The IA role in the second line; Chief Ethics, not Compliance; It’s depended on the sector; It’s a fine line between the second and third line of defense.

The three lines of defense have a negative connotation. It is not perceived as added value, but as an unnecessary cost.

There is not enough understanding of its purpose – blurred lines between roles.

There is much more to defense in its application. Need to review semantics to truly reflect its role and intention.

Some parts of the world still need to educate about 3LOD; In other parts of world, there is a blurring between 2nd and 3rd lines; Concerns about independence have to be weighed against diminishing internal role too much and having competitors move into that space.

3 LODs needs to be refreshed with regard to compliance officer. In past few years, the role of compliance officer has been maturing. In some companies the CAE is the compliance officer. In others it is separate.

Should compliance be move toward to 3rd line to be more independent of management?

We face constantly developing efficiency requirements. Governments are expressing that we need to do more, to add more value. Creates pressure on internal audit to accept more responsibility and tasks.

When you have a certain power within an organization and new tasks come up. Someone will take it. Still competing on status. When something like this is offered, we need to consider whether we want to take it on or not.

For example, one affiliate participant said he ended up with all the ERM responsibility at his office.

In my country few internal auditors understand the Three Lines of Defense. In public sector few people have comprehension of the 3LOD. In private sector few know about it. The IIA has to do a better job of introducing it.

Concerns about independence have to be weighed against diminishing internal role too much and having competitors move into that space.

Question 4: How could we better coordinate advocacy efforts globally, regionally, and locally?

Theme B: Effectively aligning, coordinating, and supporting advocacy efforts across the global network Global partnership with other organization like ISACA.

Best practices can be shared globally.

Focus of global advocacy committee should report to the board on regional advocacy level.

These bodies should be empowered to support their affiliate at the region level.



Global advocacy committee should have their priorities identified and coordinate with regional

groups and empower them. Local affiliates should report back to their regional body who then

can report back to global advocacy committee.

Need to understand and have a unique approach to some institutes because they are at different


Identify key messages to advocate around the world and prioritize to get more leverage for the


Need better communication between chapters and affiliates. Create a platform to share how

advocacy is performed. Leverage existing resources that the IIA has developed. Combine efforts

regionally and with associated organizations.

Lack communication. Create platform on how members can advocate. Linked in platform established but not widely used.

Advocacy platform is not communicated or shared with affiliates. Too much material distributed. Targeted communication when tools are launched. And send out teasers. Very clear view and plan to influence and work with our stakeholders. Staff has background in advocacy. Focused strategy on advocacy. Australia.

Networking. Use discussion meetings with CAEs. IIA Institute Leader Connection.

Shamika set up and hasn’t posted on the sight in quite a while– need to be more active. Need the value proposition formalized in order to advocate. Peer to peer network. Use regional bodies to support local advocacy. They need resources.

Reach out though regional bodies, (ECIIA, FLAI, etc.) for advocacy efforts. As an example, the ECIIA has a common jurisdiction. But, ECIIA may not be as efficient for others. What we do regionally is not necessary aligned with IIA Global. We should consider more coordination with global and have a common target (i.e., non-executive directors). Also, we need a common objective between global and local.

In Africa, we usually have CIA breakfast and hold roundtable discussions. We invite company leaders and CAEs. Then, the local institutes can set up local meetings with the global leaders.

For Haiti, use website to communicate information.

Identify those who travel, identify these strategic messengers (Richard, Chairs, Directors, global database). We need to “same message.” Regulators like to hear from leaders outside the region.

May countries have best practice advocacy. We need a way to share our best practices across the world.

May is Audit Awareness month and it would be helpful to have information provided in advance to develop programs to encourage all affiliates to intensify advocacy efforts during this month.

Continue regional efforts through affiliate organizations, however, events like Global Council is important to sharing information and assisting in the advocacy efforts in their specific regions.

May is Audit Awareness month and it would be helpful to have information provided in advance to develop programs to encourage all affiliates to intensify advocacy efforts during this month.



Sharing ideas on how others in the region are investing in advocacy efforts with successful results since each region may have different needs and focus requirements.

How to share the competency framework across all industries and regulators.

Continue regional efforts through affiliate organizations, however, events like Global Council is important to sharing information and assisting in the advocacy efforts in their specific regions.

Need to support more for the CIA.

There is no much coordination in terms of advocacy efforts between global and local affiliates. The IIA global developed something like global advocacy platform; affiliates translate the paper. But issuing a paper and translating the paper is not a solution for advocacy. Each country needs to identify key influencers.

The IIA global developed something like global advocacy platform; but collaboration is not about issuing a paper. We need to understand each country’s difference. Translation of the advocacy is not a solution

There is no coordination in terms advocacy efforts between global and local affiliates

Our approach should be systemic not isolated. We don’t know who our targets are. Each country should identify the targets (key influencers) and report to the global and customize or create their own message if needed. We need to create alignment and leverage each other’s efforts a cohesive approach.

We need do more collaboration with AC association.

Consider rating agency for the advocacy, such Standards & Poor’s…

More coordination and much better communication is needed.

Start local and expand globally. Share more success stories

Strong publications are helpful

Affiliates should share more research globally, leverage the research foundation o Unanimous feedback that research from the Foundation is far too slow and less credible

How can Global connect better with Audit Committees?

Advocacy workshop in Dubai (opportunity to share success stories)

Advocacy summit (affiliate advocacy professionals) at global council

Database of advocacy information to share information more freely.

More connections with audit committees (or whatever organizations they are associated with)

Should there be a type of membership for Audit Committees?

Can we help our member to get on Audit Committees?

Update on what is going on in North America

Honorary memberships for different stakeholder, invite to conferences, special meetings focused on key stakeholders.

Help with supporting affiliates with speakers that can deliver the right messages.

Pinpoint our common spheres of influence! Bring together a clearer picture of where our influences are strong; Coordination: Some messages need to influence through multiple bodies at the same time to make an impact.

Success-factor for IA is connected with the governance structure. Pinpoint the forums where we can advocate the value. How do we get one-on-one with the




Advocacy efforts on esma-level. (esma?) Advocacy research report to find the common requirement to set up an Audit function Advocacy efforts through public interest? Internationally vs Regionally. Intersai: the bodies are connected to local. Where are our spheres of influence? Bring together a clearer picture of where our influences

are strong. Some messages need to influence through multiple bodies. Small shifts can make a big shift, but how do we align on the difference levels.

• Forum as a source of information. Forum can grow with different bodies that unite and collaborate on a particular question.

• Establish a map over what different institutes has achieved. Find key elements that are connect the successful efforts.

• IIA Global needs to listen and engage regional and local activities; There’s opportunities to

better sharing, locally, regionally and globally (all levels).

Advocacy will probably be locally for each country as each country is independently legislated. Guidelines could be provided.

Cooperating and coordinating with regional organizations in order to calibrate the advocacy support and its importance.

Cultural differences exist in countries. Advocacy could be done maybe locally and regionally.

Workshops given to create awareness of the profession.

Case studies would be helpful to aid in the advocacy efforts.

Global could help lobbying for the profession like the IMF and other organizations and help to leverage the importance of the profession.

Tools that might be helpful in for the members and for members to advocate on their organizations: continuous development, Global should listen to the local institutes issues and needs.

Could also group the Institute from countries with same languages (Portuguese, Spanish, English, French) when training, bringing speakers, etc.

Larger Institutes collaborate with smaller Institutes.

Local institutes could use specific help in developing advocacy messages for specific organizations such as stock exchanges.

Advocate the profession at the local level. Explain to the local government, other institutions about the IIA. Promote our profession.

Preparing a consensual marketing plan. Than educate the top management of influential organizations.

First of all, the communication with The IIA should be 2-way, because coordination does not mean telling everybody what to do and how to do it. The IIA should facilitate efforts, but should not mandate a plan that may not fit the needs of the institute; The IIA should create toolkits that can be customized and translated to fit specific needs. We can also benefit from having a calendar of activities to suggest what every institute should do to deliver similar messages at the same time.



The platform is nice and provides good ideas. Very helpful being able to copy material and customized to local audience.

Advocacy is number 1 for all of us. Whether while doing training, seminars or any other activity, we need to include advocacy.

The chapters should assess their own needs for advocacy. Is some countries we need more advocacy and we need to work more with the governments to promote IA.

Local chapter and regional bodies should identify specific needs.

Require to have an advocacy plan to become an institute.

Leave it to the institutes. Provide examples, material, etc. but don’t try to coordinate all.

Local institutes know the local needs better and can play to opportunities as they appear.

Coordination doesn’t mean telling everybody what to do and how to do it.

Advocacy must be develop more.

Have successful institutes present during global council.

Facilitate – don’t mandate.

Toolkit should be in other languages.

Create a calendar of checklist to guide efforts. List of key activities – suggest what can be done.

Lobbying with large institutions by IIA global providing local affiliates opportunity to leverage the relationship; Better coordination with IIA global due to resource constraints (human/financial); Being clear on which resources (among all the affiliates globally _who is in positions of knowledge) are available to them; Sharing best practices and failures of advocacy efforts

Partnering advocacy efforts with Central Bank on Local level informing value of CIA

Lobbying with large institutions by IIA global providing local affiliates opportunity to leverage the relationship

Better coordination with IIA global due to resource constraints (human/financial)

Being clear on which resources (among all the affiliates globally _who is in positions of knowledge) are available to them

Sharing best practices and failures of advocacy efforts

Use the toolkit; More knowledge, literature, white papers, etc to be the tools to help advocate with stakeholders

Use the toolkit

More knowledge, literature, white papers, etc to be the tools to help advocate with stakeholders

Different level of maturity of the profession, different levels of knowledge and education – therefore, need regional (not global ) messaging; first local, then region, then global because development is different in latin america

Distribute and communicate the toolkit and advocacy platform. Better communication on the toolkits and documents that we already have!; Encourage the institutes to work with the advocacy platform and toolkit to come up with a strategy nationally.

Distribute and communicate the toolkit and advocacy platform.

Encourage the institutes to work with the advocacy platform and toolkit to come up with a strategy nationally.

Translation on the advocacy platform and toolkit.



Training and seminars with the Global Executive committee and Richard Chambers in the institutes

Consultation with IIA Global about the “how to”

Sharing experiences in the regional affiliates

Create a platform to share best practices.

Promote global/regional initiatives and how to leverage impact.

We need to be present outside of the echo chamber by focusing advocacy efforts on influencer and stakeholder groups; More concerted efforts in advocacy in the public sector to promote IPPF over INTOSAI standards.

The IIA has the answer. The promotion and defense of the profession.

Internal auditors (front-line practitioners) could better support advocacy. We need to make the effort.

It has to come from the top. You (global) are the voice. Globally everyone has to understand we have one global institute. Global needs to get with INTOSAI.

More proactive advocacy in the public sector, especially working with INTOSAI.

Need to stress IPPF is applicable in both private and public sector.

IIA global should reach international organizations, standard setters for external auditors. It is usually external auditors who influence standard setting. We need to reach out to Big Four to help tell about internal audit’s abilities and scope of services.

Stronger voice of IIA Global to influence external audit’s ability and scope.

Look for opportunities to influence global influencers to try to change views. For example, corporate responsibility reports. Who should be provide assurance on those? Some say internal, some external. I think they won the game.

Chairman traveling and speaking to internal auditors. He should be traveling to conference of others (non-internal audit). Would have more impact.

Finnish saying, “Similar kids play well together”. In other words, IIA Global should discuss with global influencers. Regional groups should discuss with regional influencers. Local groups should focus on local influencers.

We need to be present outside of the echo chamber.

More concerted efforts in advocacy in the public sector to promote IPPF over INTOSAI standards.

Question 5: What is needed to better support advocacy efforts globally, regionally, and locally?

Need to take a snap shot/pulse of where advocacy is at this time globally and also at the regional

level based on similar questions – these bodies can get feedback from local level affiliate.

One perceived value proposition for all – one message



Use existing resources such as Tone at the Top. Use regional bodies to support local advocacy. Peer to peer training. Define value proposition statement.

Peer to peer training, use Tone at the Top, Regional body utilization to support local advocacy. Need defined value proposition.

Use Global Assembly to communicate the flow of information from the top down to affiliates as well as to members.

Important to have representation at both affiliate and global level to support the needs/growth of the smaller affiliates.

Use Global Assembly to communicate the flow of information from the top down to affiliates as well as to members.

Alignment. Lessons learn from benchmarking, what works and what doesn’t work from other affiliates. A sharing database would be very helpful so all affiliates can share their best practices.


Lessons learn from benchmarking, what works and what doesn’t work from other affiliates. A sharing database would be very helpful so all affiliates can share their best practices

GAIN questionnaire looks at internally, not beyond the AC. We ought to consider and expand to other key influenced parties.

Advocacy efforts should be delivered on a local level. The platform for advocacy is limited. Better coordinated efforts, and communication.

Case studies (real life examples from Institutes how they have done it, sharing success and challenges); Tool kits (check list) to evaluate their level of effectiveness by mature level.

Developing institutes need regular visits from global leaders who have a greater influence on the local officials and governments.

International companies apply the international standards. They will follow the IIA Global messages rather than the local institute’s one.

The IIA would visit for instance once in 5 years, or at their major events the affiliates in small countries. This will increase the advocacy program, and participation on new initiatives.

Customize the IIA global messages according the local conditions.

Use GELT and Institute Relations to make sure information is shared with every institute. For example, when The IIA establishes relationships with large organizations; Take advantage of visits by board of director’s members to schedule meetings with targeted organizations or government representatives, and to promote the profession (give CIA certificates to show the importance and maybe advocate that way).

Cascade down to region or country level relationships with other institutions.

To be more present locally we need to coordinate meetings from HQ.

Publish the Global Advocacy plan.

Recognize opportunities and take them.

Advocacy costs and regions don’t have the resources, set up a regional framework (offices) supported by IIA Global; Better coordinated efforts between IIA Global and Regionals bodies to help the regional bodies to support local efforts due to maturity levels.

Advocacy costs and regions don’t have the resources, set up a regional framework (offices) supported by IIA Global



Current regionals bodies such as ACIIA are not strong enough

Better coordinated efforts between IIA Global and Regionals bodies to help the regional bodies to support local efforts due to maturity levels.

Have to train the CAE, and train the staff how to advocate; Advocacy is every day in their jobs (in their goals); formally and informally; Get others to advocate how they have found value (stakeholders say how found value)

Have to train the CAE, and train the staff how to advocate

Have to work in the high levels, and the detail levels

Advocacy is every day in their jobs (in their goals); formally and informally

Main issues are internal audit professionalism and stakeholder education – need toolkits for presentations

Prepare general information for government institutions on The IIA and what IIA is

External audit audits yesterday, we audit tomorrow (IA audits tomorrow)

They audit yesterday, we audit tomorrow (where they is external audit and we is internal audit)

Get others to advocate how they have found value (stakeholders say how found value)

Overlap in training and conferences. Better communication and coordinate in the regions.

Blogs in Spanish and other languages.

Translations on all the documents

Collaborations on Theme’s regionally on the training, seminars and conferences.

IIA Global needs to provide how-to tools. Smaller affiliates depend on such resources.

Create an elevator speech that easily captures the essence of internal auditing.

Encourage regional collaboration.

Leverage IIA’s speakers/leadership to foster partnerships with local organizations, regulators and public sector.

Support material on advocacy needs to be tiered to reflect different maturity levels and efforts of affiliates; More newsletter, social media and even website templates to support outreach

In public sector, The IIA must focus its efforts on having IPPF recognized as the only internal audit standards (work to convince INTOSAI).

It would help to develop a tool for sending out information to members, e.g. a newsletter template, social media primer or a plug-and-play website template for affiliates.

The tools, resources can be developed for different instances related to maturity of the institute. Sometimes, a tool might not be used if it is beyond the maturity model.

Tools can’t be one-size fits all. Tools should be scalable.

Questions 6: How could The IIA better address the needs of audit committees, boards, and other key stakeholders?



Partnering with other groups (i.e. ICD – Institute of Corporate Directors) that can influence

/communicate the value proposition to board members -

Vehicle to train, disseminate training /educating board committee and members – best in class

around the world.

Develop publication/papers/content with partner’s organizations – at local level. (i.e. AUSTRALIA:

Audit committee – guide to good practice – 3RD edition)

Bring directors or regulators to internal auditor conferences so they know the value of the


Tone at the Top is a great tool. Advocate to have auditors sit on boards. Partner with directorship bodies.

Tone at the Top is a great tool. We don’t use the IIA resources enough. Target non-executive directors. Articulate the value proposition. CAE has the ability to play the roles to bring forth. IIA should sell to directorships bring value to boards.

Advocate on auditors sitting on boards.

Understand IA’s objectives and ensure they are in line with AC and organization’s needs. Integrated reporting may be a good tool to create alignment. Better documentation on CBOK stakeholders report, and add broader audience.

Everyone has the responsibility; but the IIA has the obligation to train the members on the soft skills

Understand IA’s objectives and ensure they are in line with AC and organization’s needs. Integrated reporting may be a good tool to create alignment.

Better documentation on CBOK stakeholders report, and add broader audience. We have multiple report for each individual stakeholders (?), the IIA needs to integrate them in one report. It is a great tool to have a conversation

Competency framework has not shared broadly

Educate Institutes continuously on how to engage and educate their stakeholders; From the demand side we need to set expectations and criteria that stakeholders should look for in their internal audit department.

Actively have global IIA participate in local visit/efforts. We need to tell them what to do – create awareness of what they need to look for.

The IIA can help, but needs to understand that the IIA should not engage directly with the AC.

Should be an entirely local activity of which the advocacy platform provides the common relevant materials – considering culture; Be clear on global advocacy targets who they are and the messaging; IIA’s role could be to push/train/support the affiliates to perform the advocacy role locally and publicize successes.

Should be an entirely local activity of which the advocacy platform provides the common relevant materials.

Need to consider local cultures and that is best understood at the local level with use of common relevant materials.

Be clear on global advocacy targets who they are and the messaging.



IIA’s role could be to push/train/support the affiliates to perform the advocacy role locally and publicize successes.

Need to get to a small, easy definition of what we do and who we are; others do not understand our role; IA do training for AC.

BOD members have more responsibility for risk, so a natural fit; they realize they need IA so they are the best advocates – want to work through audit committee

Need to get to a small, easy definition of what we do and who we are; others do not understand our role

You can work in IA and not be trained as an IA

IA do training for AC

Key studies together with the audit committee members on trainings and conferences.

Institute of corporate directors in Philippines got training for audit committee members called Audit Committee Effectiveness. IIA Philiphines are in a collaboration with institute of Corporate directors.

Can IIA facilitate a platform on education for the audit committee and board members? Or a document/video or other tool for the institutes to educate the board and audit committee members.

There’s a need to give auditors a greater voice/resources within their organizations.

Questions 7. What services/activities/resources should be more centralized/regionalized to better serve our members?

Theme C: Assess The IIA’s global operating model, volunteer structure, and supporting financial model


Example: Training Center X

Magazines, membership processing, accounting, finance


Global capacities (Training, seminars) X Global should play a role and work in partnership with regional bodies


Should have three categories – Global, regional and local. Member facing activities should be regional and local. Certifications should be central and regional. Advocacy tools should be central, regional and local. Training should be central and regional. The role of the regional bodies are not clearly defined and the bodies lack transparency.


Example: Training Center X

Member facing activities X Should be local

Certifications X X

Advocacy tools X X Delivery should be local/regional



Webinars - training X X

What is the regional body function or role? Financial model ill defined. Lack of transparency.

Who controls how they operate? Need guidance on the role of the Associate organizations.

Technology Optimization X X


Need to recognize there are different level of maturities across affiliates and chapters. Some less mature affiliates/chapters may need different help that more mature affiliates/chapters. Europe is a good lab in this area, having matrix countries across Europe. Some institutes are small and not larger enough to provide basic membership or training separately. Training”: Need for webinars to support those that cannot travel (at satellite affiliates); would encourage senior management to provide training to their staff. Guidance/Thought Leadership: Regional organizations sometimes cover too large of region and not able to provide the thought leadership for all regions. Ethics Webinars needed at a central level.


Example: Training Center X

Training X X Need for webinars to support those that cannot travel (at satellite affiliates); would encourage senior management to provide training to their staff.

Guidance/Thought Leadership X Regional organizations sometimes cover too large of region and not able to provide the thought leadership for all regions.

Ethics Webinars X

Speakers visits X Have translators if they are not native speakers to learn from other regions/global


Identify key products and services, then decide whether they need to be central or local. Consider the differences of each regions and balance the resource needs; The IIA needs to invest more in Africa for the long term professional growth.


Contents X Specific to local regions However, it is a struggle. An affiliate with a big number of staff can do it itself; others prefer a central model

Contents X Bigger affiliate. Less intervention from the global

Competency model X

Certifications X



Training X X


Would not work for mature Institutes. Don’t below members would accept it; Members only will join if they see value. Not all Institutes can provide value at the same level; What do the Institutes get from HQ? There is clearly not a good understanding of what they are getting for their money. There is a perception that the cost of affiliation keeps going up and they are not seeing what services they are getting beyond the Standards. The regional bodies (ECIIA, AFIIA, etc.) are confusing and inconsistent. How do they relate? What is their role? Disagreement on what their role should be. Managerial…supporting. Adds a layer of expense when many institutes are already losing money. Need to look at the volunteer structure. CREA came up as an example of a very large committee with very little output. Question on if we are effectively using our resources. Are there other structures (taskforces) that would be more efficient both in time and money? Overall perception that people don’t want to change the current model.


Members feel like they are members of the nation institutes. It has to be delivered locally, it is not contradictive to one another; More engagement, more coordination from IIA Global; More experienced sharing between the institutes; Financial resource constraint; IIA network of institutes in the strategic Sustainability (IIA Global) Sustainability (IIA Local). Obligations to serve two masters especially if they pull in different directions. Global should play a bigger part in coordinating the Networks; IIA – IIA networks – Sustainability. Smaller institutes are not as heavily rooted so for them it is easier to follow the IIA Global strategy; Main issues are the pricing, what is the goal, the profit of the certification. Regional pricing structure; Improvement between the practice and the university’s. Who will help us in the IIA Global?


More activities: regional x


Sharing recourses x

Identify the common lärande

Coordination/collaboration x

Delivery should be local x

Regional pricing structure x

Bargaining power, Global can for x

instance pay for survey tools

Maturity model; based on the x ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL needs of the “category”


Different pricing for the same product, affordability. Each country economy is different; Coordinating efforts in order to avoid duplicating efforts from the same projects or reports developed among different institutes; Coordinating with larger Institutes shared services. Develop a core curriculum (training). Common tools to leverage, systems, membership, training, governance.




Example: Training Center X

Different pricing for the same product, affordability. Each country economy is different.


Coordinating efforts in order to avoid duplicating efforts from the same projects or reports developed among different institutes


Coordinating with larger Institutes shared services. Develop a core curriculum (training)- Common tools to leverage, systems, membership, training, governance.


Mentoring model from larger institutes. X


There was a general feeling that people having the IIA certificates were not aware about the availability of CPE based online training.


Example: Training Center X

IIA to be more responsive to changing conditions around the world. Reduce the gap between the leaders of affiliates and the members’ needs.

Involvement in legislation development X More guidance from IIA Global

After setting up an institute it will be helpful to have more strategic guidance from the Global.

Everybody must have a good understanding of the global strategy and demonstrate the local implementation (difficult to align with)

How we make sure the local strategies are aligned with the global one, and implemented in the right way.

In some institutes the IIA Global must have more input than in others. Ex. Validating the local strategy.

Advocacy ambassadors per region to be the face of the profession, to advocate he profession.

Education programs offered worldwide We may find what services are available worldwide

Specific notes over changes in training materials –make it easier for translation in local language.




Better access to CPE based online training. EX. for ethics


Offer tailor-made services and resources depending on the size and maturity of the institute. Some things should be regional to create synergies between large and small institutes. Invest in regional / local offices to promote the profession and conduct advocacy. New institutes require funds to establish and grow.


Everything X Be as local as possible to be more effective

Everything X Small institute need help from Global for everything

Advocacy X

Training X More cost effective if centralized and subsidized

Membership X


Need good examples/tools for practice (not just theoretical papers); Need language diversification from global (products in Spanish, tools in Spanish, etc.). Make IIA more decentralized; make sure if reporting is due to Global that it is needed and really valuable, otherwise report less so can focus on services. Develop a program to train IIA boards; help IIA boards do a better job.


Example: Training Center X

Translate core information

Develop a program to train IIA boards; help IIA boards do a better job


Membership invoicing for the institutes that don’t have staff

Difficult for the institutes that don’t have staff to collect membership fees. Can global provide this to the institutes that have the need?

e-learning platform for all members x x

Translation on training material, toolkits and documents


Social media for the institutes without staff x Although, the social media

Share application and systems x x In Europe, the institutes are doing a pilot on the workplace for CAEs. All institutes and affiliates have their own financial systems and so on. It would be a good idea to share more of the systems.



XXXX Provide options to lower costs – for example the Bookstore has high overseas shipping rates. Need to develop royalty/copyright opportunities to print abroad or develop digital books. Develop more opportunities to collaborate with academic institutions.

XXXX All countries who spoke at a recent FLAI conference expressed concerns about the lack of qualified instructors for all training, not just certifications. FLAI identified the problem, but not just a regional issue. We don’t need specialize CIA, we need CGAP, CCSA, CRMA, to strengthen 3LOD. Certifications are very North American-centric. If IIA global wants to provide global service is should be more specific to regional needs, e.g. Latin American services, Asia services. You don’t have to have them on site necessarily, but those regional differences should be accounted for at Global. This could provide solutions for more than just language services. Instead of centralize or regionalized, may want to look at grouping of services based on language similarities. Insisting on English-only study materials will only push non-English speakers to competitors (e.g., Gleim). For many affiliates, membership resources (revenue) only cover 4 to 5 months in expenses. Needed training resource and several regional conferences to cover expenses. Without new material for training, we can’t do more training (new courses). For example, more affiliates could provide quality assurance services if training were available, but there is not enough support.


Training X Global speakers database

Certifications X Need to address local needs for demand as well as translation of study material into local language.

Training materials X Need global training material database.

Language/translation service X X Could be regional cooperation based on similar language.

Financial resources X HELP!

Developing training courses X X Provide crucial financial support.

QAR X Provide crucial financial support. Make it easier to happen. Remove barriers to getting qualified reviewers.

Question 8: How could we provide greater mobility and more consistent service delivery to our members across the global network?



Consistent service delivery by partnering less mature with more mature– encourage capacity

building to ensure consistency.

More effective ways to monitor the impact at the local level and what affiliates are doing.

Use technology to leverage and expand our footprint. Recorded presentations and make them

available for a small fees (i.e. conference presentations or regional conferences). Would also

help market the international conference so people see the quality of the programs and value.

Technology enhancements. Need quicker turnaround time for translated materials. The cost of transporting product from global to affiliates is cost prohibitive. Need clear standards with the ability to execute according to regional and local markets.

Technology enhancements. Speed for translations of books, etc. Transportation cost of material from global. It is fixed fee no matter what or how many you buy.

Create a repository of topics. How consistent do we want membership to be? Need to take into account maturity. Need clear standards but execution can differ.

The whole process should include the Institutes (This is a very important point). We need to use technology more instead of traveling all over the world to meet. A lot we do as committees should be leveraged more virtually. In Europe, we are working toward one global system, allowing our countries to connect remotely. Need a plan for each institute.

The challenge is for smaller institutes. We had in the past an Institute Training manual. That could be useful for a chapter president. Each institute can use as a blueprint.

We do not have a strategic plan, three to five year for local institute.

Does the global institute provide any industry related materials? Currently, it is in English. We have not figure out how to get beyond language challenge. Institute can join as an AEC center.

Translation of all information in a timely and accurate manner is critical to getting information disseminated to their members.

Schedule of when to expect updates from Global (ie. Standards, Certifications, Core Values etc.). It would be helpful to know when to be prepared to share information in order to share information at the same time of English speaking members.

Translation of all information in a timely and accurate manner is critical to getting information disseminated to their members.

Schedule of when to expect updates from Global (ie. Standards, Certifications, Core Values etc.). It would be helpful to know when to be prepared to share information in order to share information at the same time of English speaking members.

Markets are different, so the affiliates should also share their schedules and/or important information with Global as it may be relevant for Global to share as well.

Very important to communicate initiatives to affiliates in advance.

Recognition, make them proud, Appreciation letter from global to thank the volunteers at local level, the letter should copy the bosses of the volunteers, even a press release and share that at national conference; Complimentary training and CPE hours.

Recognition, make them proud

Complimentary training

CPE hours



Appreciation letter from global to thank the volunteers at local level, the letter should copy the bosses of the volunteers, even a press release and share that at national conference

Members feel like they are members of the nation institutes. It has to be delivered locally, it is not contradictive to one another.

Focusing on what is universal to all. E.G. IPPF, CIA, baseline competencies and support a better understanding of these amongst stakeholders.

Succession planning is not present in all Institutes.

Question the value of the CIA in the marketplace and stakeholders. Need to strengthen the importance of the Certification in order to make it relevant.

Design an app that allows access to all global services and information.

Having advocates available in regions

Better use of social media

Design an app for better accessibility and to link all website sections.

Enhancing and leveraging the global speaker database

Ensuring the Standards are provided consistently

Central knowledge space globally – leveraging through social media

Language is a barrier to sharing – need financial support

Leveraging technology

Global IIA create a network with peers in other countries with CAEs from foreign companies to bring knowledge in.

Create an IIA online university

IIA university, online university

Invite other members to do QA in our country – peer reviews

There is interest in Chile in QA in the banking sector (Mariano) Sharing good practices don’t come from IIA. That’s a shame. “Global best practices”; Examples

The IIA needs to embrace technology and offer more virtual training and conferences; The IIA is in danger of losing younger audience if it relies on pricier in-person conferences.

Appreciate the physical meetings and seeing others in person, but we need to take advantage of technology to provide service.

We should start using videoconference, reduce our carbon footprint, and be more resourceful.

One or two physical meetings a year is fine. More focus on video. We should start thinking of alternatives to physical meetings.

Need to adopt the technology to make it happen, for example, FLAI does a monthly Skype meeting focused on one subject. They provide an opportunity to identify regional benchmarks.

More and more, there are fewer reasons to meet in person.

If you want to get to know new people and new places The IIA must become aware that young people don’t care about travel to do training.

If they don’t get it from us, they will go somewhere else.

In next five years, we won’t have much training.

Everything is free in the internet, the young people won’t pay.

We are definitely behind in the area of webinars and other online training.



Questions 9: What aspects of the current operating model and supporting financial model should be maintained or changed to increase our influence as a global organization and profession?

From a financial perspective it is not broken but can be improved by being more effective

because it is too bureaucratic.

At the operating model level–not broken but IIA could be more responsive to needs of affiliates.

If Global Board reduces in size, that the responsiveness is not being affected.

CCMS platform has always been programmatic (a “dog of the system”)– has done more harm

than assist.

Escalate issues that are repetitive to be higher on the level of priority

Technology. Visibility and presence of global leaders of the profession. More visits from global.

Global should visit smaller institutes. Advocacy will lead to influence.

More visibility/presence of global leaders of the profession. The influence of advocacy. Advocacy will lead to influence. Need more visits form global. Not just at large conferences. Stagger visits to institutes.

The IIA should explain the current operating and financial model so participants can provide feedback; Encourage the IIA distribute its revenue to affiliates of the future and affiliates in need.

The IIA should explain the current operating and financial model so participants can provide feedback

Encourage the IIA distribute its revenue to affiliates of the future and affiliates in need

Financial model – one fits all or rich helps poor? In general and theory, more matured affiliates should help less affluent affiliates. But they also spend more resources to translate the materials from the IIA

Maybe two different models – base model and “advanced level”; each receives deferent levels of benefits.

Not sure what are the interactions between federations and global in terms of supporting local affiliates

There may be a fine line of the IIA being a standard-setting body or a service provider

The Affiliates need to do their homework and not overly rely

The IIA should be more transparent about where the monies go. The institutes pay, and should be part of deciding how resources are allocated to help the developing institutes/countries.

Needs to transparent on where the resources go.

We all pay-in and help decide how to allocate the resources. Have a plan.

Nothing wrong using money on small institutes coming from large institutes.

Better to have local resources to establish a more effective team. Global support the staff for a short period until the institute is fully established.



Sharing sponsorship opportunities for entering into a new markets – sharing a database of multinational companies.

A team from IIA Global (3-5) to visit less mature affiliates and stay 2-3 weeks to assist in speeding up operations, used for advocacy, share best practices, etc. mentoring teams one for operations, standards and education.

Increase price or volume – should focus on increasing membership so affiliate monies could be invested locally.

Core products and services are key to supporting strong local engagement – would like to see how costs are used, more transparency.

Crowdfunding initiatives?

Regional approach is important for benchmarking, messaging, training, conferences, and even strategic. A volunteer-based organization may be an issue due to cultural differences. We need to change the way we communicate with members and convey our messages; Localized branding; Standardized training on core competencies; Financial model works.

Questions 10 (originally shown as Q4): How can we enhance and better leverage The IIA’s volunteer recruitment process and structure?

Target different leader groups and provide the value proposition more effectively. (i.e. Chief


Affiliate subsidizes X amount of money for volunteers on global committees to encourage them

to attend global meetings.

Thought leadership


Target the CAEs of large corporations who are engaged to be Board volunteers

Passion for the profession

Provide incentives to volunteers – discounts on books, conference attendance, etc. Rationale and transparency around the decline of volunteers. Model that will include small institute participation.

Provide incentives to volunteers – discounts on books, conference attendance, etc. Rationale and transparency around the decline of volunteers. Model that will include small institute participation.

Barriers include the need to speak English as well as the time and financial support required.

Barriers include the need to speak English as well as the time and financial support to attend meetings. This typically would only be senior management, so difficult to attract the younger auditors.

Have the affiliates recruit locally, incentivizing younger members to get involved and possibly offer to pay to attend regional conferences/events to grow them in the volunteer ranks.

Global exposure can be potentially attractive to the younger members. \



Developing and growing succession plan and clarify the criteria in selecting volunteers.

Communicate the current IIA’s volunteer recruitment process as the participants don’t know our current model

Affiliates are not aware of the criteria to be a volunteer

Have fewer committees, or reduce the size of committees to help them be more effective/active; We need to add more resources at The IIA to support the committees and provide valuable services to members.

Fewer committees.

More action oriented – use task forces instead of standing committees.

Not enough HQ resources to serve committees.

Committees are too large to be effective / active.

Institutes should be aware of candidates and participate in the vetting process.

Developing and leveraging a common database with competencies and skills, demographics to also help with career pathing, etc.

Have to sell the benefits of what volunteering does (which will help you in your career); Need to find a way to include millennials ; Want regional IIA CEOs to get together in committees (like European CEOs meet); but not part of regional body (not FLAI) ; Have a regional board or shared services across region ; Need IIA to provide research about the profession ; Feel isolated, need a permanent presence from IIA global; more permanent help

10% of members engaged in Norway, WIIFM – they have a board member with a big role in career advancement

Get to promote yourself at the same time

Small peer group within the company; but your peer group is out at the networking level of the profession

Have to sell the benefits of what volunteering does (which will help you in your career)

Norway has to say no to people

Need to find a way to include millennials

Have a course for corporations so you train them –

Feel too strict, without flexibility and leeway

Want regional IIA CEOs to get together in committees (like European CEOs meet); but not part of regional body (not FLAI)

Have a board or shared services across region

Need IIA to provide research about the profession

Feel isolated, need a permanent presence from IIA global; more permanent help

Special discount for board members and volunteers on the international conferences

Millennials, invite them to field trips to different companies

It’s easier for the institutes with staff because those institutes can match the volunteers with task forces, committees and projects that can be professional development for the individual.


Assistance from HQ to develop a volunteer recruitment process.

Improve governance – there should be transparency in the nomination process.



Market the value and benefits of volunteering.

Promote the principle of giving back to the profession.

Provide means to ease volunteers’ tasks, such as an event management tool, member management tool, communications tools – small affiliates depend on it.

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