

The use of the “behind the scene” studio location to show the artists are usually used in freestyle videos on the internet or remix or cover videos, these locations are recognisable with artists very into their music and it’s a personal window into the making to the music we listen to, it is also linked into the internet (2.0) generation where YouTube is the main site used for music consumption.

The use of other locations such as the park and outdoor stage was a sort of documentation as well as a performance as we are with the artist just sort of hanging out and getting a performance.

We used Andrew Godwins music video theory specifically to construct elements for our music video along with genre conventions. Rapid cuts and genre related visuals compliment the music and amplifies the music and performance shots amplifying the lyrics through performance shots showing medium close ups of our “stars” creating a sort of “a star image”, giving the video an iconic, low budget, “do it yourself” feel that can relate directly to our target audience. We decided to not use any intertextual references since the track is a throwback in itself with modern artists lending vocals.

We used performance shots dominantly to create a star image of both actors/singers, as well as adding a slight voyeuristic touch it is also another convention we have decided to include in our video. The minimal storyline and visuals are challenging the conventions in a sense that the story line and visuals are meant to be a fast and not 100% clear, just glimpses to imply the idea of a flashback or memories flashing on screen to give a loose narrative as the song itself has a loose narrative to its lyrics.

Editing techniques are inspired by me looking at dubstep video “shot yourself in the foot again” by Example and Skream. The cuts are on beat with the music and compliment the melodic bass. Our editing technique uses the cuts in the same way but superimposing two images to give a better sense of disorientation and a flashback quality where you are not quite sure what you are focusing on rather than showing a full on narrative.

To compare our video to another music video skip to the time frames given in the next slide

1:15 2:15

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