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Anti- TraffickingHumanR E P O R T - J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 1 6

Akash Das, Programme CoordinatorAnti- Trafficking ProgrammeHuman


Design Layout: Akash Das



An effort to curb modern Day Slavery of Displaced People

Diocese of Durgapur, CNI

Each and every morning we are blessed with; is a chance given by lord Jesus to rectify our mistakes and to follow the path of truth, as end is uncertain: Amen

David sits in Goliath's armor after defeating the giant. Scripture Reference: 17

David and Goliath - Story Summary:

The Philistine army had gathered for war against Israel.

A Philistine giant measuring over nine feet tall and

wearing came out each day for forty days,

mocking and challenging the Israelites to fight. His

name was Goliath. , the King of Israel, and the

whole army were terrified of Goliath.

One day , the youngest son of Jesse, was sent to

the battle lines by his father to bring back news of his

brothers. David was probably just a young teenager at

the time. While there, David heard Goliath shouting

his daily defiance and he saw the great fear stirred

within the men of Israel. David responded, "Who is this

uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the

1 Samuel

full armor



armies of God?”

So David volunteered to fight Goliath. It took some

persuasion, but King Saul finally agreed to let David

fight against the giant.

The giant cursed at him, hurling threats and insults.

David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with

sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in

the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies

of Israel, whom you have defied ... today I will give the

carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air ...

and the whole world will know that there is a God in


As Goliath moved in for the kill, David reached into his

bag and slung one of his stones at Goliath's head.

Finding a hole in the armor, the stone sank into the

giant's forehead and he fell face down on the ground.

David then took Goliath's sword, killed him and then

cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their

hero was dead, they turned and ran.

Points of Interest from the David and Goliath Story: David's faith in God caused him to look at the giant

from a different perspective. David looked at the

battle from God's point view.

When the giant criticized, insulted and threatened,

David didn't stop or even waver. Everyone else

cowered in fear, but David ran to the battle. He knew

that action needed to be taken. David did the right

thing in spite of discouraging insults and fearful

threats. Only God's opinion mattered to David .

Questions for Reflection:

We are facing a giant problem of human trafficking

which seems impossible to us. Stop for a minute and

refocus. Can you see the situation more clearly from

God's vantage point?

Do we need to take courageous action in the face of


January - march 2016

2Akash Das, Programme CoordinatorAnti- Trafficking ProgrammeHuman

Design Layout: Akash DasReport:

January - march 2016

insults and fearful circumstances?

Do you trust that God will fight for you and with you?

Remember, God's opinion is the only one that matters.


If we study the story carefully we will clearly see that

Human Trafficking is equal to Goliath “The Giant” and

the Anti Human Trafficking program of Diocese of

Durgapur is like “David” the one who believed in

“GOD” and never doubted the power of the creator.

Goliath did not challenge David personally but it was

David who could not bear the insult of his lord and his

fellow men by Goliath. No one in this world asked

David to fight with Goliath rather they doubted and

underestimated him.

Diocese of Durgapur under the Good guidance of The

Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Probal Kanto Dutta has taken

the proper measures by giving shape to the noble

thought to fight and Curb Human Trafficking through


This program has walked down the death-valley of

human trafficking for a fairly nascent period of three

years and has already created milestones along the

way, with the sole purpose of glorifying the name of

the Almighty.

Human trafficking has many faces; it's our humble

request to all the readers and the churches to come

forward and stand up against these inhuman acts of

trafficking, which exists everywhere. Find that God

gifted talent inside yourself and stand up for God's-


At the end of our lives we will not be judged by how

many diplomas we have received, how much money

we have made or how many great things we have

done. We will be judged by “I was hungry and you gave

me to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was

homeless and you took mein. I cried for help and you hold

my hand. <


Locals prevent 2 girls from being trafficked, three traffickers held at Hematabad Police Station.The local people saw two men and a woman standing

with two school girls. Their behavior made the other

people around, suspicious about them.

So they called the police suspecting human trafficking activity. Later when police came and inquired, the two girls said that these three have promised them to provide acting jobs in the movies and TV serials. The three accused committed that they were trafficking these girls for sexual exploitation and prostitution. The traffickers were taken in custody by the Hematabad Block police, charged with IPC of human trafficking Acts. The local court has extended the period of police custody of these traffickers for further interrogation.Previously, Jameli Sarkar was saved from being trafficked; she was lured with false marriage proposal. Once again PREVENTATIVE measure has saved two more innocent girls Puja & Lakshmi (named changed)from being trafficked, its due to our awareness campaigning's in school, villages that these people could identify the traffickers and take the right decision, in time and prevented these school girls from being trafficked. <

Case StudyCase Study Victim's name Prokash HasdaGuardian name Daud Mardi.Main accused are Benejita, Teresina (Aunty) and Raju Bargawala (Husband of Benejita).



Akash Das, Programme CoordinatorAnti- Trafficking ProgrammeHuman

Design Layout: Akash Das

The storyOne day Prokash aunt came to Daud Mardi's house and said that Prokash is growing up and he needs to get into some job or work. So she will take him with her to Haryana and let him work in her husband's hotel. So Daud Mardi agreed and gave permission to take Prokash, thinking that his grandson will soon start earning and will live an independent life. So Benejita took Prokash to Haryana along with her. But within few weeks Prokash called his Grandfather and started crying and said that he wants to come home, he neither likes the job nor the behaviors of his Aunt and uncle . So Daud Mardi called Benejita and requested her to bring Prokash back but she harshly replied that she does not have time to drop Prokash back.

So One day Daud Mardi went to Haryana, after reaching Benejita's house, he was informed that his grandson stole a sum of Rs 20000 (twenty thousand rupees) and fled from there the night before.

Daud Mardi was surprised to hear that because he knew that Prokash did not have that kind of mentality of stealing. He was a quite & obedient boy. As Daud Mardi was alone and an alien to Haryana he had no other options other than to return home quietly.

It is obvious that Benejita and her Husband has kept Prokash in some secret place and narrated a false story to Daud Mardi.


January - march 2016

Mass awareness


The event was greatly successful and very fruitful

because of the unbelievable turn of audiences came

to witness and learn about Human Trafficking. The

schools inspite of having board exams participated

with great enthusiasm. The women's SHG group

formed a team by taking women from different

groups; it was quite surprising to see that local men

also joined the women's SHG team. Hope we will

keep up with our work and do the necessary to spread

awareness and stop Human Trafficking <

The main motive of the drama competition was to visualize our case studies and let the audience and participants think about trafficking that is taking place right under their nose, which they fails to identify. <

TranslationNAME OF THE NEWSPAPER: UTTOR AR SARADINAnti Human Trafficking Program, Kaliyaganj, under the

good guidance of Diocese of Durgapur, CNI, organised

a drama competition. It was designed to make people

more aware about human trafficking organised on TH

Wednesday the 10 February, 2016 at Kaliyaganj Block,

District North & South Dinajpur. Four schools and

women SHG Groups took part in the competition. The

theme for the competition was Human Trafficking.

Through the drama competition many of aspects of

Human Trafficking were brought in-front of the

audiences. In this competition Guest who shared their

valuable thoughts were namely Mr. Arun Kumar Dey

(Kaliyaganj Municipal Chairman), Councilors

(Kaliyaganj Municipal Chairman), officer of

N.A.B.A.R.D, Press club Secretary and Head Teachers

of the Schools and Akash Das (AHT Programme

Basudev Roy(AHT-Animator) giving prize to the paticipants of the drama competition

Akash Das, Programme CoordinatorAnti- Trafficking ProgrammeHuman


January - march 2016

Design Layout: Akash Das


Livelihood support

School awareness campaign

To stop the trafficking of these displaced people and

other poor, marginalized people we have to help them

raise their standard of living. The most of the poor,

marginalized and displaced people are daily labours,

or hawkers or seasonal workers and are illiterate. So

what we are doing is acting as a link between the

government institutions and the poor people and

helping them to get the benefits of the different

government schemes.

These schemes are offered by the government at

different times of the year, for the betterment of these


Kaji Sahanaj Banu (AHT - animator) has formed many

women SHG groups. In the past month she has

submitted documents of 10 women SHG groups in the

Minority cell office at Balurghat for minority loan of Rs

1, 50,000 to each group. This will raise the standard of

living of these people and will prevent migration to

some extent <

To all the readersHuman trafficking is the most inhuman act of humans. If the traffickers are to be blamed for performing these Inhuman act then we are to be blamed too for doing nothing to stop this crime. Diocese of Durgapur has raised its voice through AHT, program, now its your turn to take a stand against this crime. Please raise your voice because its the Lords Child who are suffering.

Those who trust in God will never perish but will receive eternal lifePlease identify the talent that THE LORD has blessed you with, and act according to your strengths. For David never doubted the lord and defeated the Giant “Goliath” not with any weapons but with the talent that he had. For God does big things through small instruments

Kaji Shanaj Banu (AHT - Animator) with the Women of SHG groups

We are not asking you to start a big movement, you all can start at individual level. Kids that you see on the roads and streets are at more risk of being trafficked or may fall into the trap of anti-social. At least you all can spend an hour educating them. Teaching them the value of life and importance of being loyal and good to others. Guide them, help them grow in a safe atmosphere. Give them your old cloths, blankets and other things which is of no use to you. The food that you waste at your house and restaurants, pack those food and give it to them. Help does not always mean financial help or to adopt, its your passion/ will to help. There are so many ways to help.

Don't just be a philosopher of change, be an instrument of change. Be a part of it.

Remember every child imitates what they see while growing, so the way you behave with them today will ensure the behavior you will get from them tomorrow <

thOn 19 March, 2016, the first ever school awareness

campaign through essay writing on Human Trafficking


manoharpur, North Dinajpur. The basic things about

the human trafficking are clear to the students. They

have the basic ideas how to keep themselves safe from

the being trafficked. The teachers are eager about the

essay writing and they have decided to take extra

classes on human trafficking, so that their students

can perform well in the essay writing. By doing this

they will perform a continuous awareness campaign in

the school.

Many schools are appreciating the idea of essay

writing. Teachers have requested that if we could help

them with few books on human trafficking, so that

they can learn more about human trafficking and

teach the students <

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