Quality assurance audits in pharma industries

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine



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Presented By ,Rasika.Walunj

M.Pharm(QAT)Modern College Of Pharmacy Moshi

DEFINATION Quality audit is defined as a systematic and

independent examination to determine whether activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives.

OBJECTIVES OF QUALITY AUDIT Pharmaceutical manufacturers commonly

use audits as an effective mechanism to verify compliance with GMP regulation (GMP).

GMP audits with two important goals 1. Audis are intended to verify that

manufacturing and Control systems are operating under a state of control.

2. Audits permit timely correction of potential problems.

3. Audits can be used to establish a high degree of confidence to remain under an adequate level of control by managements

PRINCIPLE To evaluate the manufacturer’s Compliance with

GMP in all aspects of production and Quality control.

Performed routinely as well as on special occasions, e.g. in the case of product recalls or repeated rejections

ITEMS OF SELF INSPECTION Personnel Premises including personnel facilities Maintenance of buildings and equipment Storage of starting materials and finished products Equipment Production and in-process controls Quality control

CONTINUED……… Documentation Sanitation and hygiene Validation and revalidation programmers Calibration of instruments or

measurement systems Recall procedures Complaints management Labels control Results of previous self-inspections and

any corrective steps Taken

TYPES OF QUALITY AUDIT The quality audit system mainly classified in three

different categories: 1. Internal Audits 2. External Audits 3. Regulatory Audits

INTERNAL (FIRST PARTY, SELF) Purpose of Internal audit:- To Ensure that adequate Quality systems are maintained To asses compliance with the C-GMP’s and firms standard

operating procedure To achieve consistency between manufacturing and

testing facilities To identify problems internally and Correct problems

prior to a FDA inspection

DESIGNING OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM In a pharmaceutical facility for internal auditing,

you require to check mainly two things namely 1. Activities carried out by different departments2. Documents maintained by these departments

EXTERNAL AUDIT Purpose of External Audit Confidence in the partnership arrangement Ensuring that requirements are understood Reducing the risk of failure Carried out by company on its vendors No legal requirement to conduct the audit External audit have experience of GMP as well as

regularly audited by their certification body

REGULATORY AUDIT Purpose of Regulatory audit:- Networking and confidence-building

between national inspection authorities Development of quality systems Work

towards global harmonization of GMP.

ROLE OF GMP AUDITS IN Q.A AND Q.C PROGRAMME What is to be audited Auditors review SOPs Employees pracices and behaviour Compare master specifications against

compendial and regulatory requirements Verify the test data and validation testing Validation test reports are compared against

raw data  

BENEFITS WHICH ARE DERIVED FROM AUDITS ARE GIVEN BELOW Assuring GMP compliance Detecting Potential Problems Effecting Programme improvement Increasing management awareness

AUDIT FORMAT AND APPROACHES Manual GMP audit methods can be divided in to

categories Checklist format GMP regulation approach Systems analysis method

CHECKLIST FORMAT Use checklist as GMP audit guides and reporting

finding. Series of questions or instructions are grouped in

to logical order. Blocks may be used to record answer and space

may be provided to make comments.

GMP REGULATION FORMAT The basic elements are derived from the following subpart

of regulations Subpart B: Organization and personnel Subpart C: Building and facilities Subpart D: Equipment's Subpart E: Production and Processing Controls Subpart F: Production and Packaging control Subpart H: Holding and Distribution Subpart I: Lab controls Subpart J: Records and Reports Subpart K: Returned and Salvaged drug

WRITTEN CRITERIA AND SOP Formal written SOPs should fully describe the

details for carrying out the various audit functions.

Effective use of written criteria to ensure that conditions and practices remain under a suitable state of control

SOPs should establish The responsibility for audit data review Personnel responsible for recommendations Decisions concerning corrective actions.

PLANNED PERIODIC FREQUENCY Each firm must establish the optimum

time interval between audits based on several important factors like .

Intended purpose Objectives, scope and depth Prior history of audit finding. Two types of visit Can be done

depending on the type of audit:- 1. Announced Visit 2. Unannounced Audit


Announced Visits: Advanced notice is given before the audit. It is not persuasive for two reasons :1) The employee covers up the problem. 2) The person makes major adjustment in

their behavior Benefits :- Audit efficiency is improved from advance

notification Necessary records may be organized and retrieved in the preparation for the audit.

Key personnel become available


Unannounced Audits To view conditions and practices that is normal or

customary (representative) as possible. For observing employees behavior as well as

observation of equipment's and facilities. Benefits :- Allows observation of normal condition and practices

SPECIALLY TRAINED PERSONNEL The following personnel factors deserve systemic

attention :1. Defining auditor Qualification Documentation

training skills and Experience. 2. Selecting audit teams 3. Maintaining auditor awareness levels

DEFINING AUDITOR QUALIFICATION Selected based On their knowledge Experience in manufacturing and QC principles as

well as years of first hand experience dealing with GMP matters.

Essential auditor skill is aware of Firm’s SOPs and Knowledge Integrated by various departments.

DOCUMENTATION TRAINING SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE Two formats Scientific Principles Training under chemistry, engineering,

statistical and pharmaceutics GMP GMP training may include the cumulative

knowledge from years of experience This knowledge comes from Daily activities Formal training sessions

SELECTING AUDIT TEAMS Limitations of Personnel audit : Experience and knowledge, which is individual. Emphasize on familiar issues as well as particular

area Team is required for cover many different

systems and large amount of data. Composition of team will vary depending upon

the nature and scope of the audit .


Leader is usually a senior auditor who has extensive knowledge of the firm’s operations and exhibit strong leadership qualities.

Team size depends upon Firm size Total no of products manufacturing and control

system Breath and depth of the audit. The Audit objective

REPORTING AUDIT FINDING Audit reports should contain complete details of

the program detected. Corrective action is taken to eliminate problems

and to measure the overall adequacy of the audit program uses reports.

There are two important reporting phases:- 1) Preliminary reports during the audit 2) Final report to the management

REFERENCES1. Pharmaceutical Dosage forms:

Parenteral medication, Revised and Expanded. Edited by Kenneth E.Avis,Herbert A.libermann and Leon Lachmann,Volume –3, Second edition , Page no:-363-420

2. Quality Manual, D. H. Shah, First edition, Page no:- 184-216


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