QR Codes

Post on 06-May-2015






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Using QR Codes in the classroom.


QR Codes in the ClassroomBlue Valley Educational Technology Team


Teacher Web Page

Place a sign on the classroom door with a QR Code to your classroom web page.

Include your contact information too.

Trophy Case

Place a QR Code in the school’s trophy case next to the trophy.

QR Code takes users to a video of the championship game or the award presentation.

For Parents

Create QR Codes for parents to scan school resources.

Connect with Books

Place a QR Code on book covers for students to scan.

Link to a website about the author, video or other information about the book.

Learning Stations

Place QR Codes in different stations around the classroom. Each code takes students to different online activities - graphic organizers, videos, web sites, etc.

Project QR Code

Send students to a web site by projecting a QR Code on your screen from your computer.

Participants scan the code and the web site launches.


During the research process, students create QR Codes to quality resources during information gathering. QR Codes become a great way to sharing the resources and providing a dynamic “works cited”.

Good job!


When completing a task or goal, students scan a code for a badge. For example, if they get question(s) correct, they scan a code to become the expert of the specific area.

Link codes to messages that state,“Good job!” or “Thank you!”


Link a QR Code to quality student work.

Place a QR Code on the assignment sheet for students to view samples.

QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Students scan codes to send them to different locations. At each location, students locate a new code to scan.

Students will need mobile devices.

Utilize the QR Code Scavenger Hunt site.

Check Answers

Students check answers by scanning a QR Code to reveal the answers.

Extension Activity

Provide QR Codes on assignment sheets for extension activities.

QR Tic Tac Toe

Scan the QR Code to answer a question from the reading.

If correct, students mark the game board with a token.



Students create a document or audio file describing their artwork.

Place a QR Code that links to the file on the piece of art.


Attach a QR Code to a math worksheet. The QR Code can take students to a video tutorial.

Digital Portfolio

Link to a student’s digital portfolio or a particular student online project.

Bulletin Board

Place QR Codes on bulletin boards to link to student work like videos, slideshows, etc.

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