QlikView 9.00 SR4 build 7469 Release Notes

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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QlikView 9.00

Release notes QlikView / QlikView Server 9.00 SR4


The QlikView 9.00.7469 is a Service Release (SR4) based on 9.00.7440 (SR3). The service release contains all components of QlikView, QlikView Server including all clients as well as QlikView Publisher.

Cross-release compatibility

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR3 build 7440.

Environment compatibility

QlikView runs on Windows XP or a more recent Windows OS. With service release 2 (SR2) support for Windows 2008 R2 is added.

New functionality

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR3 build 7440.

Support materials

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR3 build 7440.

Bug reporting

All bugs and comments on this release should be directed to support@qlikview.com.

Backward compatibility

The compatibility issues listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257 still apply.

Known issues

Several of the known limitations listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257 still apply. See below in the release notes of the initial release.

The following issues or limitations were identified at release time:

QlikView Server, Publisher and Management Consoles

Windows Server 2008 has port 4747 turned off by default. QVS will then fall back to HTTP tunneling which may have an adverse effect on performance.

If you install on Windows Server 2008 make sure that you are not tunneling "by mistake".

QlikView 9.00

Late in regression testing we found that the Enter key may push the wrong button when you add recipients to tasks in QEMC if you are running IE8.

If this happens, you can either turn on compatibility mode in IE8 or click on the magnifier icon to search for matching users (see picture below)

Bugs corrected

A number of bugs have been fixed. The following are the main ones: Bug ID Title

22454 Distribution pdf will not generate pictures correctly

23639 No config menu under Repository in QEMC

23915QEMC Status / Tasks screen not showing more than 10 tasks when configuring Triggers as "On event from another task ".

24756 Remove embedding license

24870 Attach / Detach in plugin not available for document objects

QlikView 9.00

25301 Developer & IE Plug-In Calendar Vertical scroll arrow keys or slidebar grabbed with a mouse on "Year" does not work.

25308 QEMC startus tab displayes wrong confusing error message for the task details

25338 Highlight labels in chart not working in Scatter/Bubble charts when viewed in Plug-In.

25383 Runtime error - pure virtual function call

25422 R6025 - pure virtual function call - IE PLUGIN

25597 Linest_m function very slow in v9, fast in v8

25617 PE message in spite of a leased cal

25696 UserID/Password in plugin blocked by IE settings

25889 QV script log doesn't show date/time format as in regional settings

25909 Document CALs and removal of applications holding a document CAL.

25940 List boxes disappearing

25985 no task list on the qemc/qmc

25990 Wrong field value when using INFO SELECT from Oracle db

26034 Ajax Client adding extra lines to Title/Caption in ListBox

26123 Open a document made in 7.5 via 8.20 qlikview server in a 9.00 SR plugin does not work

26125 Autominimize does not work in qvs 8.20 using version 9 SR3 plugin

26164 Identity is misspelled in QEMC - Documents -> Source Documents > Distribute > Loop Field in Document

26190 If running DSC under an accont not having permissions to read the AD you will get no error message in QEMC

26194 OnSelect Feature in Application, Publisher Reload reduce the Data

26203 R6025 – Pure virtual function call

26206 copy full table to Excel hangs/crashes Microsoft Excel

26268 IE Plug-In - Server Bookmarks properties, “Show” checkbox

26427 Chart - "Text on Axis" the values are over laid on top of one another.

26439 QEMC\System\Setup\Command Center\Repository\Migrate checkbox throws error

26446 wrong condition of Reports-Menue when switching apps with CRT+TAB

26458 Incorrect value when doing selection from search object in AJAX

26528 Treeview search deliver wrong results

26552 Clearstate not working after safe and re-open

26562 Save gives temp file

26603 link no longer exists in 9

26624 Can not create QVD on 33-character field with 600 000 000 unique values

26626 Wrong values are displayed on the bars in v9

26686 QEMC - System - Setup - Command Center - Repository: Settings for backup not being saved

26780 Bookmark opens wrong sheet

26791 Open in same window - QlikView action

26794 Publisher PDF generator PDF-XChange3 results in Uknown Printer Error in Task Log

26829 Not possible to create instance of Qlikview.Application

27058 Internal Inconsistency, typ D qlikview server restarted

27067 After upgrade to SR3 tasks not responding

27085GetDocBookmarks against server should include server bookmarks just as GetDocBookmarkNames and GetDocBookmark does

27232 Report menue entry points to wrong report or causes IE crash

27340 opendoc.js does not support https and/or proxy in good way from accesspoint

27409 Lost connection to server when erasing a selection Ajax

27443 Hidden Bookmarks

27456 Problems with allocated memory in pivot tables in QV 9 SR3

27623 List box with tree structure with action OnSelext does not work with External-Run Macro

27685 daily triggered task did not start

27733IE-Plug-In - 8.5 plugin incompatable with V9 server - Print functions fail with error "Server Communication lost, closing document"

27783 Totals on Last Row - partial fix for ajax.

27794 Bookmark defined in one application is shown in another application

27796 „OCX module is prepared for unload,- cannot create object“ when closing Plug-In

27813 Current Selections showing selected values of wrong application

QlikView 9.00

Release notes QlikView / QlikView Server 9.00 SR3


The QlikView 9.00.7440 is an upgraded Service Release (SR3) based on 9.00.7320 (SR2). The service release contains all components of QlikView, QlikView Server including all clients as well as QlikView Publisher.

7440 replaces 7436 as the preferred version for QV9 SR3 but 7436 continues to be a fully supported version.

The bugs fixed since 7436 are listed below.

7436 was the second Release Candidate for QV9 SR3 and was released to correct a logging problem with the QDS service and a serious problem with document chaining in Ajax

Cross-release compatibility

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR2 build 7320.

Environment compatibility

QlikView runs on Windows XP or a more recent Windows OS. With the previous service release support for Windows 2008 R2 is added.

New functionality

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR2 build 7320.

Support materials

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR2 build 7320.

Bug reporting

All bugs and comments on this release should be directed to support@qlikview.com.

Backward compatibility

The compatibility issues listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257 still apply.

Known issues

Several of the known limitations listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257 still apply. See below in the release notes of the initial release.

The following issues or limitations were identified at release time:

QlikView 9.00

QlikView Plugin for Internet Explorer

• Internet Explorer 8 can work better if you turn off the process isolation feature. See the following link for more information: http://blog.httpwatch.com/2009/04/07/seven-things-you-should-known-about-ie-8/

• Interaction between objects loaded into Internet Explorer can lead to an inferior performance. Removing the Acrobat Reader object has been found to significantly improve stability for the QlikView Plugin for Internet Explorer.

QlikView Server, Publisher and Management Consoles

• When QDS is clustered the following events may appear in Windows event logs. They should be considered as "normal" logging messages.

• Exception=System.Exception: Could not create lock

• Exception=System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '\\Machine Name\QlikTech\Publisher\Qlikview Distribution Service\LoadBalancer.xml.lck' because it is being used by another process.

• The code that determines group membership has been changed which leads to a change in behaviour. The wording from the developer is as follows: "previously we scanned the members of the qv admins group which didn't support indirect membership, and no we changed to checking the users group memberships which does support it. the old solution was realtime while the new is only as up to date as the latest login. so the real issue was that the user hadn't relogged since joining the group."

• It is no longer possible to install and run QVS on a Domain Controller. The Domain Controller has no local groups so the membership check described above will not work. As an interim solution, we have created a special build of the "QlikView Management Service" that can be run on a Domain Controller. It is available as a ZIP-file from the download site. Just replace the installed "Qlikview Management Service.exe" with the version included in the ZIP-file.

• Very late we found out that the editing of tasks is slow if you do it one way, but significantly faster if you use an alternative way. The fast way is to select the task in the left pane in the tree view instead of just selecting the document. See pictures below

QlikView 9.00

Bugs corrected

The following bugs have been fixed between build 7436 and build 7440: Bug ID Title

25276 Performance optimizations for handling many small requests in the server

25798 Error exporting document layout

25803 Open URL does not work in the plugin

25829 Cannot run QlikView Server on Domain Controller

25907 Ctrl + Select in Multibox - Ajax SR3 - Connection Lost

QlikView 9.00

A large number of bugs have been fixed. The following are the main ones: Bug ID Title

17306 Expression dialogue box

21037 Sort order when using folders

21233 My Server Bookmarks using the Promote- / Demote by Drag and Drop

21463 IE Plug-In in IE6 not working with Variables in a Slider Object

21511 Cannot select more items than the height of the list box/straight table

21751 Losing parts of stacked bar charts using log scale

21752 Graceful refresh and List box styling

21887 Avaliable Windows Option

21895 Background Color does not work in case of Scatter Charts with two dimensions.

21949 Resizing the height of legend box in bar chart

22027 Unable to open a qlikview file in version 9 32-bits

22049 Preserve scroll position does not work

22095 QV 9 release notes in PDF does not allow copy paste or search

22466 Money format don´t working in a chart

22479 AJAX Client does not respect "Custom Cell Format"

22603 No numbers on low values using horizontal bar chart

22620 QV crashes upon script reload if auto-save after reload is activated

22698 CPU usage increases a lot when mounted share does not exist

22752 Thumbnails do not work when a file is reloaded with /r through commandline

22780 Background pictures on Trellis chart combined with dynamic image not working

22786 column of a straight table

22842 Multicolored unavailable for Trellis

22846 Text and image objects do not update dynamically in report editor

22961 Incorrect display of Labels on the axis (Horizontal orientation bar chart)

22970 Security level for the macros won't be saved if you set them with CTRL+SHIFT+M

23020 Data in bar chart

23166Developer 9.0: Loose all of your selections within in a List box when selecting anywhere within the list and scroll to the bottom of the list.

23257 Current selection box not displaying choosen columns

23264 List box could not be drag and drop to excel

23344 Wrong Report menu displayed in Plug-In

23403 Edit Groups crashes model

23494 Tabrow overlays objects

23582 User bookmark does not remember sheet when using Include Layout State

23592 Sheet tabs not displayed correctly in Java client bot in IE and Firefox

23628 cordinates in status bar is missing for charts

23663 Perserve Scroll Position are not working in single column List box with TreeView

23672 Slider object not displayed in generated client page (Ajax) in IE8

23744 Problem with dynamic update + Drawing of chart failed internally

23745 Layout import crashes the Qlikview

23782 Diagram with minus values only show the positive values and not data points

23826 Missing icons in Ajax client

23872 Recalculation when resizing chart or add remove sheet objects

23876 Can´t use Danish characters when running DMS

23880 Opening Ajax from AccessPoint with japanese/chinese characters garbles the title

23881 Chart link passes double byte chrs to URL without URLEncode

23885 Directory Service Connector logging

23897 Auto install for IE Plug-In Client is not working after editing opendoc.htm

23900 Server object dialog not storing changes through plugin/local client

23902 Hide Tabrow is ignored

23915 QEMC Status / Tasks screen not showing more than 10 tasks when configuring Triggers as "On event from another task

QlikView 9.00


23948 Changing a chart to a Trellis, and back to a normal chart breaks the chart legend.

23968 wrong name and path in the XML for example pages in spanish

23972 When running scheduled tasks QlikView Distribution Service allocated memory grows constantly

23974 unable to distribute to a domain name as tfs@qtsel\flo "@"

23980 Symbol input greyed out when choosing Expression Default as number format

23986 HRESULT E_FAIL was returned by the COM object.

23999 Subsequent openings with same user are slow on QVS

24028 Activating "Show Minor Grid" in chart is very tricky

24046 Groups doesn't work in Mini Chart

24048 Task Triggers - Tree view not working when having more than 10 dependencies.

24058 Edit Expression Dialog opens very slow the first time

24065 File wizard for crosstable doesn't show full load statement as seen in the Tutorial.

24088 QlikView Server Events log file entry "302 Warning Caught ... exception in: .\ChartFunctions.cpp at 2952"

24120 Table box: Different behaviour in 8.50 vs 9.00

24144 When printing a chart with arrows then the arrows become really big.

24160 List Box Size and position are changed with OnOpen Action

24186 License lease and login prompt

24192 Macro Trigger OnPostReload doesn't work if you have more than one document opened

24202 Search Object not sorting properly

24203 Adding a group to QlikView Administrators group does not work

24204 If you create a object in plugin you are not able to resize it in Ajax

24220 Set reference in a gauge chart with needles

24248 URL link to Access Point within QV doesn't work

24256 No drop down list in Cyclic groups Icon for Pivot table

24273 Input field in a Straight Table not updating properly.

24275 show value in the expression does not work

24291 Action Open QlikView Document creates wrong URL in AJAX

24299 Launch action not using parameter field

24309 Division by zero

24311 When adding a blank named virtual directory to QVWS, it is not saved

24318 QMC - Weekly reload is ignored

24321 List Box using Groups (Drill-down or Cyclic) will lock QV if you change Sort more that once

24338 Multibox content doesn't update on selection (AJAX)

24348 French localization DLL can give crash with leased license

24354 Unable to remove a collaboration sheet in plugin

24364 AJAX: Data not shown correctly in Pivot table

24377 AJAX displays pivot table column incorrectly

24379 supporting tasks without publisher license

24382 Max Number Shown works different between 8 and 9 max numbers

24388 When you run out of document cals, the tab document cal will disappear from document not having any document cal

24399 Drag & drop object from QlikView Developer to PowerPoint prompts for license.

24400 Long labels are pushing chart area together

24412 Export to Excel on Japanese OS changes character representation

24413 Last execution - time difference in AccessPoint - UTC problem

24414 Time difference between QV 8.5 and 9 when Exporting to Excel

24417 Installing QVS are the webfolder and QVclient installed under wwwroot

24422 File cant be opend in Qv9 x86

24430 Out of virtual memory when opening in version 9 works fine in 8.5

24456 Larger exports to Excel via Ajax client result in web page error

24463 Upgrading QVS9 to SR2 overwrites root document folder

24482 Missing action - Clear field option missing

24484 Level wrong after maximized object.

24526 Document/User Reports using IE Plug-In client hangs IE browser

QlikView 9.00

24530 Filename() function in help does not specifically state it is for use in script only

24540 Renamed XML files causes QVW file to run with errors

24545 Bookmark with an Advance Search function will crash Developer after saving, closing,and reopening QVW file.

24546 Macros no longer attached to application when upgrading to SR2

24548 New or reloaded qvw files show GMT timestamp in AccessPoint instead of computers clock.

24560 Wrong date format using Reloadtime() function

24583 Java client crashing QVS v9 with apps brought forward from 8.xx

24590 AJAX performance very slow for large qvw file

24595 Bug in the Build your first QlikView 9 Application online training

24634 QMC has a memory leak if left open overnight

24637 Publisher upgrade tool adds a "1" to the servername

24644 Reset index takes longer in 9 vs 8.5 using IE plugin

24681 QlikView on the web > support, with Swedish as interface language, opens the wrong web page

24705 When using multiple tabs in IE wrong report is shown

24706 Qv fails to open document with "Out of virtual memory and/or logical memory"

24717 Japanese characters not coded correctly when mailing through QlikView

24744 Reload last day every month skips a month

24755 Reference lines outside drawing area of chart

24766 Performance problem with set analysis Minus operation in V9

24767 chart disappear when changing window size - drawing of chart failed internally

24771 Custom user and group get lost after service restart - Custom user login not possible

24849A Trellis Scatter Chart's Regression line (Linear Trendline) showing the same angle even though data is different in each chart

24862 Copy sheet option in IE Plug-In

24871 Internal inconsistency Error Type D

24880 Allocated memory exceeded with many expressions in straight table

24881When creating more then one Directory Service Resource you can only use one specific username and password for all DSC paths.

24883 Cannot manually enter SQL Server instance for QVPR repository

24894 Debug logging don't start as it should in DSC

24921 Drawing of chart failed internally in Combo chart

24944 Hard-coded dates in QlikView Operations Monitor.qvw

24945 Objects - Current font size is not displayed

24947 Ajax: Thin Scrollbar in bar chart and application Freeze

24954 Multiple simultaneous QlikOCX instances causes failures

24958 Saving file with High Compression causes out of memory - lots of memory available

24984 QVS not releasing page file memory

25018 Pie chart displays error: “Drawing of chart failed internally” when using different types of Dimensions.

25032 Shifting fields in cyclic group gives error "Drawing of chart failed internally" in pie chart

25036 Calendar Object has issue with Section Access and Data Reduction using Ajax Client - lost connection to server

25037 Japanese characters not working in log files

25045 Drilldown in a straight table causes plugin to crash.

25065 Trellis chart - Cyclic group

25066 Trellis chart - Dimensions Limitations, Max Visible Numbers

25105The functions GetSelectedValues, GetPossibleValues, GetExcludedValues, GetExcludedSelectedValues return different values with QlikView 8.50 and 9.

25116 QlikView Crashes when clicking "Edit groups"

25122 Text object expression calculation differs between 32 and 64bit environments

25152 Slider/Calendar Object - Issue with IE Plug-In and Ajax Client not selecting Date

25165 Wrong position for List box in OCX

25201 Object Memory Exceeded in Server makes the server crash

25203 QVS crash with Internal inconsistency, type D

25235 Distributing to invalid recipient results in 'inherited' permissions from parent folder instead of distribution settings

25314 Conditional message in chart not refreshed if no data to display the chart - Using Ajax Client

25430 Variable change when save

QlikView 9.00

25539 Export to Excel in AJAX client not working. Save As dialog not showing if running IE7 / IE8

25735 Technical limitation for document CALs should be replaced with legal text

Release notes QlikView / QlikView Server 9.00 SR2


The QlikView 9.00.7320 is a Service Release (SR2) based on 9.00.7257 (SR1). The service release contains all components of QlikView, QlikView Server including all clients as well as QlikView Publisher.

The 7320 build is the third revision of SR2. Prior to its release, the builds 7314 and 7319 have briefly appeared on the download web site. These builds have however both been revoked.

Cross-release compatibility

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR1 build 7257.

Environment compatibility

QlikView runs on Windows XP or a more recent Windows OS. With this service release support for Windows 2008 R2 is added.

New functionality

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR1 build 7257.

Support materials

No changes since the release of 9.00 SR1 build 7257.

Bug reporting

All bugs and comments on this release should be directed to support@qlikview.com.

Backward compatibility

The compatibility issues listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257still apply.

Known issues

Several of the known limitations listed for version 9.00 SR1 build 7257 still apply. See below in the release notes of the initial release.

The following issues or limitations were identified at release time:

QlikView Desktop

• List boxes using “Preserve scroll position” may cause erratic behavior of QlikView after a data reduction has been made.

QlikView 9.00

QlikView Server, Publisher and Management Consoles

• If you wish to use the QlikView Access Point together with the Microsoft IIS instead of the built-in web server, special attention is needed for the security configuration – an app-lication pool must be created. See further in the server documentation.

• A cluster of QlikView Distribution Services (QDS) does not always work correctly. Deadlock of files can in some cases occur.

• Clustering more than 2 QVS:s has not been fully tested. Initial testing shows that there might be issues there.

Bugs corrected

A large number of bugs have been fixed. The following are the main ones: Bug ID Title

19304 Black Line on image when Copy Image to Clipboard used on sheet (Tab Row)

19763 Stacked bar chart with show others

20599 Thousands & Millions symbols not working / showing on gauge and pie charts legends

20760 Numbers on Data Point in vertical way

21012 Report printing to PDF

21074 Related to work item 17616 - Gauge Chart displayed incorrectly through print preview

21251 Legend symbols for line chart

21440 Alternative number formatting makes decimals disappear

21892 Maximum Inactive Session Time with Tunneling

22079 Pivot table does not display properly in the Java client

22170 axis label and "Money Symbol" overlap with Axis

22242 Borrowed user CAL doesn't work with dynamic update

22377 Scatter (Bubble) Chart - When Animate, legend displays wrong info & hover window does not display data

22398 Qmem:// images in a QVW

22682 AccessPoint showing No Server when you are working without network connection.

22704 Using QVD Store function in v9.00.7119 script along with specifying what fields to send from resident table results in general script error except for a couple exceptions

22716 Difference in null values on 64 and 32 bits

22762 When opening Java applications from outside network you will get Server not found.

22872 Typo in QVS manual, page 202 (204)

22921 Demote a Action of a Button will freeze QlikView

22965 Disappearing legends in Trellis charts

23150 9.0 Developer & Plug-in: Vertical scrollbar in a Multibox or List box does not work while pressing and holding down the control key (CRTL) and left mouse click inside the scrollbar.

23272 Conditionally Hidden Objects Still Always in QVPX XML

23276 Search Object keeping obsolete field names as active

23312 Using section access with QlikView AJAX ZFC

23368 Alert - Trigger Level: "Message Change" doesn't work

23454 All alert emails sent from QEMC >System >Setup > Distribution Services > Alert Mail say The job "[Job Name]" in title rather than task name

23492 Macro triggered OnSelect for a field runs when document is reloaded

23534 Last reloaded and next reload in Access Point not showing correctly

23536 Setting Distribution Service logging level to "None" does not stop task logs being created

23574 URL bookmark doesn't work when running anonymous.

23576 Hide Excluded in list box - not properly displayed in Ajax

23626 Tasks Get hanging in running state

23629 Dynamic field list for search object does not work

QlikView 9.00

23636 The Call Center example doesn't work in 64 bit

23640 Problem with LINEST_M and LINEST_B functions in 9SR1.

23641 On Post Alert - No email sent when reloading app from QVS

23646 Cyclic group in List box shows field name instead of label

23647 R6025 - pure virtual function call when open and close report

23650 Strange char in calendar object in QV x86

23673 Expressions don't calculate in straight table

23675 Calculation condition unfulfilled - Custom errors are not working

23679 ConvertToLocalTime() does not reflect Microsoft's year 2007 additions to DST and TZ's information.

23687 Problem with input value

23690 Ajax export to Excel timeout after 60 seconds

23709 Text overlaying other text fields in Trellis chart.

23711 Session killed over session CAL is a bad error message in Session Log if using User CALs

23713 Trellis chart is listing null values

23719 Trellis Block Chart fails in AJAX

23727 Q4C license with 2 document and a mount does not work as expected

23735 Clustered environments not working

23737 Gauge in a straight table isn't updated

23788 Plug-in clients get server connection lost after reload

23823 Straight table : Expression =only(column(3)) = QV Crash

23836 Document crashes QlikView

23848 Hierarchy not working when selecting data from OLE DB or ODBC

23884 error when you try to download a application from access point with a Small Business Edition QVS

23886 Objects are not redrawn after reload by macro

23891 QV x86 crashes when opening report

23914 Download don´t work when using Universal Groups on the Domain

23942 Partial Reload gives wrong frequency for the values.

23949 Large QVW slow performance/CPUs pegged in QV/QVS v9 SR1

24026 Exporting input fields from an Input Box to excel result in duplicate/identical 2nd & 3rd columns

24027 If a user is in "Quarantine" and tries to access a document on the server, the server fails and has to recover by restart.

24050 Difference in how QlikView reads XLS vs. XLSX (Excel 2003 vs. 2007)

24128 Bookmark Object does not work in pre-generated AJAX page

24149 Bars in dimensionless bar chart disappear when using the mouse scroll wheel.

24338 Multibox content doesn't update on selection (AJAX)

24348 French localization dll with leased license can result in a crash

24425 Section Access not working properly

The bugs with IDs 24338 and 24348 were fixed in the 7319 build. The bug with ID 24425 was fixed in the 7320 build.

EDX changes

In SR2 the requirements to be allowed to request EDX has been changed. It is no longer neces-sary to be a member of QlikView Administrator group. Create a local security group called “QlikView EDX” on the machine where the QDS is running. Members of that group are also (the QlikView administrators can still call EDX) authorized to trigger tasks using EDX.

QlikView 9.00

Release notes QlikView / QlikView Server 9.00 SR1


The QlikView 9.00.7257 is a Service Release (SR1) based on 9.00.7119 (IR - Initial Release). The service release contains all components of QlikView, QlikView Server including all clients as well as QlikView Publisher.

Cross-release compatibility

No changes since the release of 9.00 IR build 7119.

Environment compatibility

QlikView runs on Windows XP or a more recent Windows OS. With this service release support for Windows 7 is added. For QlikView Server however, a server OS e.g. Windows 2008 is recommended instead.

New functionality

No changes since the release of 9.00 IR build 7119.

Support materials

No changes since the release of 9.00 IR build 7119.

Bug reporting

All bugs and comments on this release should be directed to support@qlikview.com.

Backward compatibility

The compatibility issues listed for version 9.00 IR build 7119 still apply.

Known issues

Several of the known limitations listed for version 9.00 IR build 7119 still apply. See below in the release notes of the initial release.

The following issues or limitations were identified at release time:

QlikView Desktop

• List boxes using “Preserve scroll position” may cause erratic behavior of QlikView after a data reduction has been made.

QlikView 9.00

QlikView Server, Publisher and Management Consoles

• If you wish to use the QlikView Access Point together with the Microsoft IIS instead of the built-in web server, special attention is needed for the security configuration – an app-lication pool must be created. See further in the server documentation.

• A cluster of QlikView Distribution Services (QDS) does not always work correctly. Deadlock of files can in some cases occur.

Bugs corrected

A large number of bugs have been fixed. The following are the main ones pertaining to support cases: (The description is in some cases truncated.) Bug ID Description

15980 Script statement - "Star is" - statement crashes QV (x64) on open.

17000 Pie Chart numbers on data point - When there is only one other value if using number on data points, this should be presented as the data name instead of "others" and pres...

17381 Chart Drawing Fail - Making a date selection will cause the chart to fail internally. A selection of other charts work.

18701 Pivot table with pivoted dimension dropping row - A pivot table in a pivoted state will drop the last row

20000 Loop causes QV to crash - If a Loop is detected in the loaded data structure, Qv crashes.

20768 Numbers on data point - Total - The total of numbers on data point does not show.

20838 No GUI for managing documents in a Q4C license.JAD I have made a very basic GUI but since the whole functionality needs to be revised this have to do. In QMC an icon will app...

20903 Numbers on data point does not show correct format.

21148 Section Access and Groups Exception - If one tries to view a group which includes a field which has been excluded by Section Access, the user will receive a crash. Log in wi...

21427 Numbers on data point pie chart - Number on data point does not reflect the total of first dimension.

21430 Not able to see positive values in numbers on data point in a Bar chart - See Ref app: If you have both negative and positive values in a bar chart the positive values on numb...

21506 QV crashes when doing count(field) in advanced search. In debug version an assert (FldExpr.cpp Line: 7876) is given when 'count(' is written.

21836 You get a success message when you insert an expired QVS license. - If you try to insert an expired QVS license you get a Success message but the QVS goes off-duty. This is ...

21848 Reload of documents with section access does not work without publisher license

21883 Report editor report objects no longer dynamically update - Report editor report objects don't update dynamically

21899 Module Functions That use Active X Are not working the load - No system access when you run the macro from the script. Please see history for more info.

21903 Filename with åäö is written wrongly in event log

21911 Exporting bookmarks in more dialogue - In more bookmarks dialogue on a server document: Under Document bookmarks I can see the document bookmark but can’t export it. Under M...

21929 The action Open QlikView Document n.f. when open in server - When using the action Open QlikView Document when in Open in server mode, there is an error message Failed to op...

21939 Plug-in doesn't work if you tunnel over a different port

21951 Aggregated null values in Set Analysis cannot be used as an expression to sort by.

21974 Sorting with Y-value and Expression in Pivot - In a pivot table, if one selects to sort by an expression, then selects to sort by Y-value, the "Y-value" selection should ove...

21995 Printing of gauge in banded report does not update pages dynamically.

22014 Problem with the char set a problem that a Greek letter ‘Π’ is not recognizable when it is preceding by capital Greek ‘X’.

22026 Problem accessing properties in minimized pivot table - If you minimized a pivot table and then try to access the chart properties from the minimized chart icon there will b...

22042 After upgrade QEMC runs extremely slow - Every request made from qvs\publisher is authenticated, this is not really needed and will slow the speed down.

22104 QV9 doesn't create virtual folders in IIS - Sometimes the virtual folders are not created on 32-bits installation of

QlikView 9.00

QVS 9 even if you select a custom installation.

22242 Borrowed user CAL doesn't work with dynamic update - Get 80004005 / Method 'DynamicUpdateCommand' in object 'Doc' failed when doing a dynamic data update when connecting to...

22252 Table File Wizard - There is a bug with transform in the table wizard. Follow the steps in the example file.

22255 Pie Chart numbers on data point - When there is only one other value if using number on data points, this should be presented as the data name instead of "others" and pres...

22256 Group settings editor - In the group editor, if one field in the editor is disabled and promoted or demoted to top or bottom and edit one of the other existing fields, there...

22260 Dimension Legend cut off for different font sizes - Different font sizes of the dimension legend, the legend values will be cut off and end with “…”. Change the font size an...

22271 Sorting bookmarks in More bookmarks does not work - If you try to ion one of the columns, for instance Name, in the More bookmarks dialogue, this will only work for the Docu...

22272 Diagonal labels on x-axis - Certain characters on diagonal labels on x-axis are truncated when close to the axis (partially fixed).

22277 R bug export - bug I export test

22301 Calculated dimensions in pivot tables results in "allocated memory exceeded"

22302 Security error in internal application http://www.qlikview.com/customers.aspx - Page freezes If you open Error Console you see the error Security Error in avq.js line 1145

22371 Drill-Down Group Issue - It was discovered that drill-down group behavior has changed between QlikView 8.2 and 9.0. Users expect the drill-down to stop at the lowest level t...

22372 Publisher Standard 8 vs. QlikView Server 9 - I have a customer complaining about the new Publisher 9 (formerly called "Standard" i.e. unregistered) doesn't have the same func...

22401 document log is not created on reload with publisher XXX / XXX Problem - and I think bug ID XXX is the same problem -----

22443 Failed to connect to command center when entering a Publisher license and click Apply and the QVPR database is an older version. - You get "Failed to connect to command cent...

22456 Selection in Grid chart does not work - Selection within a Grid chart does not work

22596 Input field contents changed on document close - Input values are replaced with sequential numbers and the input field becomes a normal field after you close and reopen the ...

22623 Change size of gauge chart - In version 8.50.xxxx when creating a gauge chart, if you hold down ctrl+shift, you’re able to resize both the Title of the chart and the gauge i...

22650 Solid red boxes when printing more than one page

22705 Object fail with "Show Other Row" -Line Gauge Representation - If you create a straight table with a simple dimension and expression and then present the expression as a Lin...

23021 QVD files created by macro in version 9.0.7119 cannot be loaded by QV 8.50.6299 - The application in the archive runs a macro which will create a qvd file. The QVS is vers...

23077 QlikView 9 Server install - QVS and Publisher on separate machines - Please see steps below from THP. Screenshots and original email are here: \\Qtit\support\Supportattach...

23137 Updating license does not renew LEF - If a QVS license key is updated, for example Eval removed or more CALs added and one wants to apply the new info to the running QVS you...

23160 Q4c-DMS-Custom Users - Section Access- logon.htm - Customer are running Q4C license, he also want to use logon.htm in AccessPoint together with custom users and DMS mode. Th...

A complete list of fixed bugs including the corresponding support case numbers can be found in “QlikView 9.00 SR1 build 7257 Fixed Bugs.qvw”.

QlikView 9.00

Release notes QlikView / QlikView Server 9.00


This document covers QlikView build 9.00.7119. The release contains all components of QlikView, QlikView Server including all clients and QlikView Publisher.

Cross-release compatibility

There are no known issues using a 9.00 server together with earlier clients (7.52 and later). How-ever, proper client-server compatibility with versions prior to v7.52 cannot be guaranteed.

There are no problems using a QV.EXE version 9.00 and earlier versions in parallel on the same computer.

QlikView has a common file format for versions 6, 7, 8 and 9.

The iPhone client needs to be version 1.1 or later to work properly with a QlikView Server 9.00.

Environment compatibility

Windows 2000 is no longer an officially supported host OS. However, in some cases the QlikView Desktop may still work just fine.

Support material

Most of the new features in QlikView are already documented in the English reference manual PDF and help files found in the beta MSI packages. The QlikView Server reference manual has been updated with all new features and is included in the MSI package.

Bug reporting

All bugs and comments on this release should be reported through our normal support channels, e.g. through a mail to support@qliktech.com.

Backward compatibility issues relating to 8.50 and previous versions

• The Management Consoles for QlikView Server and Publisher have been completely replaced by new QlikView Management Consoles. You must start the QMC in order to register a license for the QlikView Server.

• The AJAX client has undergone major restructuring and extension. AJAX pages do no longer need to be pre-generated as in previous versions. This also means that the URLs to invoke a document with the AJAX client have changed.

QlikView 9.00

• The built-in anti-aliasing on fonts is no longer available. However, proper anti-aliasing through font handling in the operating system still works. For best results, choose a font that has anti-aliasing.

• The function “getExclucedCount” is calculated in a new way: A field value is now considered excluded only by selections in other fields. If the field value is grayed due to a selection in the same field, it will instead be considered an Alternative, a state that does not add to the “getExcludedCount”.

• The function BitCount has been modified. The function now returns the values interpreted as a signed 64-bit integer instead of as a signed 32-bit integer.

Known issues

The following major issues were identified at release time.

QlikView Desktop

• If domain groups are used in the field NTNAME in Section Access, these will only work for groups in the same domain as the one to which the server belongs. Members of groups in other domains will not be granted access to the document even though they according to Section Access should have access.

• If the data model contains circular references, QlikView will not be able to de-couple one of the tables (introduce “loosely coupled”) to resolve the problem. Instead QlikView may crash. Also an explicit “loosen table” in the QlikView script will fail. The work-around is to remove the circular reference from the data model; i.e. change the names of the linking fields in the QlikView script.

• The Real Time Data Update does not work properly in the 32-bit QlikView Desktop. The update is made correctly, but it is not possible to make selections at the same time. However, it works fine on the Server and on 64-bit QlikView Desktop.

• If an INSERT (using the Real Time Data Update) is made in an empty table after the script has been run, QlikView will become unstable. The work-around is to save and close the application after the script run, and re-open it for the INSERT.

• German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish QlikView Desktop will be shipped with version 8.50 of the QlikView Reference Manual PDF files. The updated manuals will be available with version 9 SR1.

• The Help files are continually updated and the latest versions of these files can be downloaded from the QlikView homepage.

QlikView Clients and client-server functions

• All new features are not yet fully implemented in the Java client.

• If the Real Time Data Update is used on a server and the client uses tunneling to connect to the server, then the server cannot push changes to the client.

QlikView 9.00

QlikView Server, Publisher and Management Consoles

• If the computer on which the QlikView Server services runs is disconnected from your domain controller, you have to run the services as a local user rather than a domain user.

• After a server installation you need to log off and then log in again. The reason for this is that group membership in Windows is defined when you log in and membership in the QlikView Administrators group is needed. If you use a service account that never has logged onto the computer, you will need to reboot to make Windows create that profile.

• Using a QlikView Server without a Publisher license does not allow for configuring your Directory Service Connector. This means that you cannot combine the DMS mode with access to groups. NTFS and DMS to specific users still work as expected.

• If you have Skype installed and it is using port 80 you cannot start the QlikView Web Server. You can either change the port that QWS is running on or stop Skype from using port 80.

• If you have a Microsoft IIS running on Windows XP, you cannot start the QlikView Web Server on port 80. Hence, you either have to disable the IIS or change the port for the QlikView Web Server. For this you need to manually change the config.xml of the QlikView Web Server located by default in “C:\Documents and Settings\All

Users\Application Data\QlikTech\QvWebServer”. The Port tag and the TunnelUrl tags need to be changed. If you want to use port 4080, the tags should be:

<Port>4080</Port> <TunnelUrl>http://_:4080/scripts/QVSTunnel.dll</TunnelUrl>

• The Upgrade tool for upgrading your QVPR database is not run automatically after installing. You need to manually start it to upgrade your database before you can start using the software or create a new database.

• Distribution to Organizational Units is no longer supported. When upgrading you will be asked to select a different recipient.

• The documents located in subfolders to the mounted or document folder are not displayed in the correct location.

• Usage of IIS instead of the QlikView Web Server, for hosting the AccessPoint and the AJAX pages, is not yet fully documented.

• The account used for running the services need to be a member of the Local Administrators group.

Recommendations on how to upgrade a Server and Publisher environment

When upgrading an 8.5 installation of both Publisher and Server it is important to do the upgrade in the following order.

1 Make a Backup of the Publisher database, the QVPR.

2 Uninstall QlikView Publisher 8.5 - Leave the Publisher database, QVPR, in place.

QlikView 9.00

3 Uninstall QlikView Server 8.5 - Remove the virtual directories created by the MSI either by selecting the option in the 8.5 un-installation or by manually removing them.

4 Run the MSI for Server 9.0 - This will include all the components needed for running both Server and Publisher.

5 Run the Upgrade tool to upgrade your QVPR database - It is recommended that you backup your QVPR before running the upgrade tool.

6 Log off and then on to the system - This is needed as access to the Management Consoles is decided based on membership of the local group QlikView Administrators, and Windows only checks this during the log on process.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

New functionality in QlikView 9 The QlikView development team has again listened to the ideas and suggestions of users, customers and partners. As a result of our development and your comments, we are now ready to present QlikView 9 with more than one hundred new features and improvements.

We believe that there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Most of the new features are presented more in detail below.


Test Server license A special license type has been created for use with QlikView Server for test purposes. A QlikView Server running with such a license will have the full feature set and performance, but the word "Test" will be superimposed on all charts and added to all object captions.

QlikView Server migration mode A setting has been added in the QlikView Management Console allowing you to temporarily run two clusters of QlikView Server services, sharing the same license during migration between versions.

QlikView Personal Edition With QlikView 9.0, everyone is free to create QlikView documents for perso-nal use. Hence, a normal QlikView desktop can be run without purchasing a license. There are no limitations, except that it is not possible to open QlikView documents created by other users. Nor is it possible to import an entire layout from an xml file.

Technically, every QlikView document is now saved with a user key – infor-mation defining the user and the computer. A QlikView Server or a QlikView User License (a bought license) can open any file, but a user of QlikView Personal Edition can only open files with the correct user key.

Should you change computer, you will not be able to open your old docu-ments with a QlikView Personal Edition. However, you will be asked to re-cover your files instead. The difference is that a new user key is generated and used for subsequent files. QlikView will accept four (4) user key changes.

Collapse of Developer, Professional and Analyzer A consequence of the introduction of QlikView Personal Edition is that the difference between Developer, Professional and stand-alone Analyzer is no longer relevant and the three levels have been removed. Everyone has the right to run a QlikView with developer capability.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

However, the functionality of corporate users can still be limited through deployment options stored in the registry.

Evaluation The 15-day evaluation of QlikView Developer has been removed.

License lease from QlikView Server The standard way to distribute a QlikView User license is to use a Named CAL on a server. The client will then get a license lease from the server, valid for 30 days and enabling all functionality of the QlikView Desktop.

Server and document administration

QlikView Server with integrated reload QlikView Server now comes with integrated reload scheduling capabilities. The product previously known as Publisher Standard Edition has been discontinued, while the capabilities it offered are part of the standard QlikView Server install package.

QlikView Publisher improvements The product previously known as QlikView Publisher Enterprise Edition is now licensed as an add-on module to QlikView Server.

The Publisher Module has been optimized for more efficient utilization of multiple execution instances.

QlikView Management Console (QMC) The new integrated QlikView Management Console is the result of customer feedback and major usability studies. Completely built around modern AJAX technology, it will run in a browser and without reliance on e.g. Microsoft IIS. We have strived to reduce the number of available settings to those most commonly used by customers, thereby producing a cleaner, more intuitive interface.

Even without the Publisher Module, the QMC will feature a page for basic reload scheduling. If the Publisher Module is installed this will be expanded to a wizard style interface for setting up Publisher tasks.

The QMC handles only one instance of QlikView Server service and one instance of the Publisher distribution service.

QlikView Enterprise Management Console (QEMC) The QEMC gives you full access to all possible settings for QlikView Server and the Publisher Module. It also lets you control multiple instances of QlikView Server service and multiple instances of the Publisher distribution

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

service from a single management console, by means of an integrated tree-control.

Just as the QMC the QEMC is built around AJAX technology and will run in a browser. Also here extensive usability studies have been done prior to implementation.

For Beta1 QEMC is in alpha stage with only some features developed.

Document default scheduling for Publisher When designing a QlikView document it is now possible to define a default reload schedule in the Document Properties dialog. This can in many cases reduce the administrative overhead of setting up a Publisher task when adding new documents to the server. From the QEMC you may accept a proposed schedule with a single click.

QlikView Server SNMP support QlikView Server is now enabled for monitoring from third-party software via the SNMP protocol.


New QlikView AccessPoint The all new QlikView AccessPoint has been designed as the principal interface where all users should find and open their QlikView documents. The AccessPoint is available with QlikView Server.

QlikView 9 has the ability to bundle essential document metadata including active sheet thumbnail (optional) so that QlikView AccessPoint can use it for presentation of the documents. The resulting GUI is less technical than its QlikView 8 counterpart and more usable.

Improved load balancing support QlikView AccessPoint now has the ability to sense current load on several connected QlikView Server services and direct the user to the most appropriate server instance.


Full collaboration support in thin clients The possibilities to create and share user sheet objects have been extended to the AJAX and Java clients. The new functionality includes the possibility to access sheet object properties.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

User sheets In addition to user sheet objects there is now also the possibility to create user sheets.

Granular sharing Previously, sharing a user object always meant making it available to all other users of the document on a server. With QlikView 9 it also becomes possible to share to a selected list of users.

Collaboration object undo/redo The layout undo/redo function has been extended to user objects.

Updated collaboration pane The collaboration pane has been updated to cater for the new possibilities listed above.

Performance and scalability

Removal of 2 billion records limit The hard limit of maximum 2 billion records in a table has been removed. The amount of data that can be handled in QlikView 9 is only limited by available RAM and CPU power.

Selection and calculation performance Major optimizations have been made in the areas of field frequency calculations, show alternatives and for common chart aggregation operations.

RAM utilization performance Storage and caching algorithms have been optimized to use available RAM more efficiently in QlikView Server.

Real-time data update

Dynamic Data Update For the first time in QlikView history it is possible to programmatically update field data in real-time without running the script. Via a new API and more or less standard SQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE commands, any QlikView field data can be updated directly in RAM. On a server the updated data is pushed out to the clients.

This functionality is freely available in stand-alone QlikView but requires an additional license on QlikView Server.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

Integrated reporting

Report distribution from QlikView Publisher QlikView Publisher can now be used for setting up tasks mailing PDF documents with predefined QlikView reports.

Report printing from AJAX and Java clients QlikView reports can now be printed from both the java and the AJAX clients.

Script features

New table file wizard The table file wizard has been completely revised for improved usability and function.

Improved select statement wizard The select statement wizard now has an improved supports for the generation of multiple select statements.

Load from field The load statement may now use a previously loaded QlikView field as data source. This feature can be quite useful e.g. when reading data from web pages.

New script functions The new Attribute function allows you to extract file attributes, such as id3-tags from mp3 files and exif tags from jpg files. The function currently supports attribute extraction from mp3, wma, wmv and jpg files.

The new GetFolderPath function can be used to extract the path to a wide range of Windows standard folders, e.g. My Documents etc.

Store into text file The store into statement has been amended to allow output to text files with a delimiter of your choice.

New option for log files An option has been added allowing you to retain multiple versions of script log files, each named with a time stamp.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

General features

Clear button The function of the Clear button in the toolbar has been improved. As default, the Clear button will work just the way the Clear button has always worked. However, you may at any time set any selection state as a start state and use this as Clear. On a server deployment it is also possible for client users to set their own override Clear state.

Export/import document as xml The possibility to export and import QlikView documents (excluding data) as xml has been added. This feature may e.g. be used for facilitating use of third party version control software with qvw files, eliminating the need to check in very large data sets.

Preview in table viewer It is now possible to see a sample of table data by right-clicking on a table in the table viewer.

Relative change in input fields The input syntax in input field cells has been extended, so that you can easily express relative changes and changes in percents.

Document chaining A new action (see below) has been added making it possible to open a new document from inside another document and apply current selections from the old document to the new document. This feature of course works both in stand-alone operation as when working from a QlikView Server.

Layout features

Actions Action is a new entity in QlikView 9. They are derived from the old button shortcuts, which they also replace. Apart from offering a much wider range of operations than the old shortcuts (including most common operations on sheets, sheet objects, fields and variables), you may also define a series of operations within a single action.

The introduction of actions should greatly reduce the need for macros, which is good since macros are never efficient from a performance point-of-view.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

Gauge, text object and line/arrow actions The new actions are not restricted to be used on buttons. Also text objects, line/arrow objects and gauge charts can be given actions, which are executed when clicking on the sheet object in question.

Action trigger The macro triggers of previous versions of QlikView have been replaced by action triggers (see also under actions above). This gives you the possibility to build quite elaborate triggers without the use of macros.

Triggered macros in previous versions will be automatically translated to the triggered actions running the RunMacro action when loaded into QlikView 9.

Search Object With the new search object you can search simultaneously in multiple fields (or even all fields in the document). Hits are dynamically presented, as you type, in a tree-view list field by field. Selections can then be made in the usual manner.

Search substring highlighting The search result from a text search in a list boxes or a search objects is now displayed in an improved way: The match of the search substring is highlight-ed in the result list.

Tree-view list box This is the logical extension to the hierarchy resolution script prefix introduced in QlikView 8.5. When displaying a field containing hierarchic data in a list box set to this mode, you get a full tree-view structure, where you can expand, collapse and make selections in either nodes or leaves.

Chart features

Indirect set analysis Set analysis in QlikView 8.5, although very powerful, was restricted to stating direct selections in a field. With the new extensions in QlikView 9 it also becomes possible to state selections in a field based on selections in another field. You may e.g. express selections such as “Select all possible values in Customers based on a Sales last year”.

Mini charts Sparklines are small line/bar charts inside a straight table cell. You specify an extra dimension, separate from the main chart dimensions, over which the expression is aggregated and plotted as a miniature chart.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

Trellis charts Trellis chart means using the first dimension of a chart as iteration dimension for producing an array of charts. Any type of bitmap chart can be made into a trellis display.

Dynamic chart backgrounds The background of a chart can now be dynamically calculated. This opens up possibilities e.g. for map backgrounds that update with selections.

Show condition on straight table columns Instead of just having fixed hide or show status, you may now specify a dynamically calculated show condition for straight table columns.

Clickable URL links in table cells A new representation mode 'link' lets you transform expression cells in straight and pivot tables into clickable links. The normal selection on click behavior is disabled in such cells. It is possible to specify a display text and a URL for the link in the chart expression. The display text will appear underlined, to indicate link status.

Box plot wizard A new wizard has been added to facilitate the creation of box plot charts.

Upgraded defaults and themes QlikView 9 includes several improvements in terms of defaults for new objects and upgraded design themes.

AJAX client capabilities

Pre-generation of AJAX pages no longer needed The need to pre-generate AJAX pages for QlikView Server has disappeared. QlikView Server will display documents in AJAX when called upon, just like it has always done with the Java and plug-in clients. This takes away most of the migration worries between versions, which have so far been a potential problem for QlikView AJAX deployments.

Collaboration objects The AJAX client now has full support for all types of user objects and shared objects. The new user sheets are also supported.

Property dialogs Property dialogs are available for modification of user objects. Instead of just copying the property dialogs from the installed clients, we have designed a

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

new type of dialogs, which we believe will be easier to use. It is for example possible to have property dialogs open for several objects at the same time and e.g. drag and drop expressions between them.

Layout compliance with installed clients Additional layout features previously not supported in the AJAX client have been added, e.g. support for

• OnOpen message alerts,

• gauges in table cells,

• images in list boxes,

• semantic list boxes,

• x-axis scroll in charts

• balloon pop-ups in charts,

• right-click menu on cycle icons,

• right-click menu on fast type change icons,

• free-floating current selections window,

• bookmark toolbar,

• maximization of sheet objects,

• automatic truncation of text in cells (as in installed client).

Many graphical improvements have been made, e.g. a complete overhaul of the multi box.

New layout features In addition to the above new layout features from QV9 have naturally been implemented also in the AJAX client. This includes e.g. the Home button, spark lines in tables, button actions, tree-view list box, clickable URL links in table charts and the new search object.

Report printing QlikView reports can be printed from the AJAX client.

Performance improvements The AJAX client has received further optimizations for considerably improved performance in terms of speed and rendering.

Java client capabilities

Collaboration objects The Java client now has full support for user objects and shared objects. Property dialogs are available for modification of objects as well as undo/redo commands and design grid. The new user sheets are also supported.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

New layout features Additional layout features previously not supported in the Java client have been added, e.g. support for gauges in table cells images in list boxes.

In addition to this new layout features from QV9 have naturally been implemented also in the Java client. This includes e.g. the Home button, spark lines in tables, button actions, tree-view list box and clickable URL links in table charts.

Report printing QlikView reports can be printed from the Java client.

Performance improvements The Java client has received further optimizations for improved performance in both communication and rendering.

The UI look has been consolidated to look the same regardless of which platform the client is run under.

Mobile clients

For the first time it will be possible to bring along the power of QlikView analysis on your mobile phone. Our approach is threefold; in order to cover as many platforms and needs as possible.

iPhone client The native iPhone client available from Apple’s AppStore offers a completely new interaction paradigm for QlikView. It optimizes the use of the limited screen real estate while maximizing the use of the iPhone’s innovative user interface. Sheets are no longer graphical entities, but rather used as a collection of sheet objects. You navigate between sheet objects using cover-flow, having one object in focus at any time but still getting context and feedback via miniatures of the other objects below. Turn the iPhone to horizontal position to zoom in on an object, shake to clear selections and so on…

Java Mobile client Whereas the iPhone client will work only on iPhone (and iPod Touch), the Java Mobile (J2ME) client will work on the vast majority of all current mobile (smart) phones, including Blackberry and Symbian phones. The main requirement is that the phone has a Java Virtual Machine. This client is more conventional and presents the QlikView sheets more or less as you know them from our traditional clients. Although the experience will be best on large touch-screens, the client can actually be used even on phones with only a numeric keypad.

What’s new in QlikView 9.00

AJAX on mobiles Finally there is the option of running our standard AJAX client on mobile devices. We see a clear trend that more and more mobile phone browsers will handle modern AJAX applications in an acceptable manner. Mobile Safari on the iPhone was the first example, but others have followed. This solution may be considered on selected mobile platforms.

Application Programming Interface (API) The QlikView API has undergone changes and approximately 170 new methods have been added which reflect the new functionality in version 9. These new methods are listed in the new API guide. The API members listed below are obsolete and should no longer be used. For backward compatibility, they can still be called by adding the string _OBSOLETE at the end of the method name. IChartDimensionDataDef.Hidden IDocumentProperties.OnMacro_1 IDocumentProperties.OnMacro_2 IDocumentProperties.OnMacro_3 IDocumentProperties.OnOpenMacro IDocumentProperties.OnPostReduceDataMacro IDocumentProperties.OnPostReloadMacro IDocumentProperties.OnSelectionMacro IExpressionData.Hidden IFieldProperties.OnChangeMacro IFieldProperties.OnLockMacro IFieldProperties.OnSelectMacro IFieldProperties.OnUnlockMacro IFrame.OnActivateMacro IFrame.OnDeactivateMacro ISheetProperties.OnActivateMacro ISheetProperties.OnDeactivateMacro IVariableProperties.OnChangeMacro IVariableProperties.OnInputMacro ITextObjectLayout.FgImageSettings Button.AddField Button.RemoveField IButtonProperties.Append IButtonProperties.Application IButtonProperties.ExportNumberFormat IButtonProperties.ExportType IButtonProperties.FieldList IButtonProperties.FileName IButtonProperties.KillOnExit IButtonProperties.Labels IButtonProperties.Macro IButtonProperties.Memory IButtonProperties.Parameters IButtonProperties.Separator IButtonProperties.ShortcutField IButtonProperties.SuppressMissing IButtonProperties.Type IButtonProperties.WorkDir IDocumentProperties.Font IDocumentProperties.MinimizedObjectStyle IUserPreferences.DefaultMinimizedObjectStyle

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