Qcl 14-v35s-collegecanteen-kitchen banasthaliuniversity-RadhikaAgarwal

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Submitted by: Anshu Verma, Radhika Agarwal, Raksha Srivastava B.Tech, Banasthali University, Rajasthan.

5S College Canteen-kitchen

INTRODUCTION TO 5S5S is a method of creating a self-sustaining culture whichperpetuates a neat, clean, efficient workplace. 5S consists of five different phases and it was created in Japan. The names of the phases come from Japanese language and all of them begin with the letter s.



THE 5Ss :Sort (Seiri) • No unnecessary items at the workplace:

“When in doubt, throw it out!”Set in Order/Stabilize (Seiton) • Anyone can instantly find, take, and

return any needed item:“A place for everything, and everything in its place”Shine (Seiso) • Deviations become visual by cleaning:

“Cleaning = inspection; Cleaning with meaning”Standardize (Seiketsu) • Visualize the 5S standards in the

workplace: “Make the best way the easiest way”Sustain (Shitsuke) • Everybody follows the standard until we

have a better one:“Stick to it!”


Main point in this first phase is simply to sort everything. Sort means that you remove all items from the workplace that are not needed for current production or transactional operations.

“When in doubt, move it out.” Examples of Sort

Defective or excess unneeded items that accumulate . Outdated or broken jigs and dies. Worn-out bits. Outdated or broken tools or inspection equipment. Old rags and other cleaning supplies. Outdated posters, signs, notices, and memos.


SET IN ORDER/STABILIZE Set in order means that you arrange the items that are needed in the area and identify them or label them so that anyone can find them. Target of all this action is to

eliminate pointless searching, improve safety at work and make working environment better.

“ A place for everything, and everything in its place”.• It determines and identifies the location of each item.


SHINE Shine emphasizes removing the dirt, grime, and dust from

the work area. This is a program of keeping the work area swept and clean of debris. A clean work area promotes improved morale and instils pride in the team members.

Guidelines for Shine: Each work team should establish their own measure of clean.  Establish a regular schedule for routine and deep cleaning.  The entire team participates. Ensure that every crew has adequate cleaning equipment.


STANDARDIZE This stage is destined to create procedures and routines.

Purpose is to take in use and maintain all that, which is created earlier in sorting, stabilizing and shining. Target is to change constant methods into standards which employees are expected to obey.

“Do the right things the right way, every time!”

*• Standardization is used as an opportunity to standardize normal work activities and develop work instructions.  

SUSTAIN Sustainment is usually the most difficult part of 5S. The

attitudes and activities must be institutionalized and repeated until they become part of the culture and the fabric of everyday work. 

The list below summarizes eight common tools that help with sustainment. If you open it, close it. If you turn it on, turn it off. If you unlock it, lock it. If you move it, put it back. If you borrow it, return it. If you use it, take care of it. If it belongs to someone else, ask permission. If you make a mess, clean it up.



• Improves safety• Promotes flow• Reduces cost and searching time • Improves quality • Better working circumstances• Rising comfort • Enhances teamwork

• Upgrade productivity• Reduces inventory and space• Rise in organization image• Exposes problems• Tackles waste• Enhances self management


•Too often the 5S philosophy is confined to one classroom training session or, at best, used as a one-time implementation methodology that then dies its own death due to negligence.

•5S is not a list of action items that has to be reviewed at some interval of time. Instead, it has to be practiced as a daily activity, which requires concentration, dedication and devotion for sustaining it. Otherwise it turns out to be poor.

• A proper and step-by-step process has to be followed to make 5S a practice and a success. 

Canteens practicing poor 5s methodology can be seen everywhere. They follow a lot of bad habits in their day to day work such as-

They do not store their most frequently used items in the most accessible places.

They do not keep their working area clean which promotes the growth of bacteria.

They do not store items at proper places which makes the working area look like a haphazard place.

They do not follow activities which are up to the expectations of the customer.


Multiple and extra utensils and devices are kept in the cooking area.

Commonly used items( plates, cutlery,

glasses) and infrequently used ones(special tools) are kept collectively.

Improper placing of small items(like kitchen clothes, scrubs, bottle caps).

No proper maintenance of fridge(fresh and rotten vegetables are kept together).



Set in order/Stabilize

Improper placing of items. Inadequate grouping of similar type of

items e.g. Beverages, Sauces and Spices are kept

together at one place. No labels are provided on items e.g. wrong

choice is made between sugar and salt in hurry.

Infrequently used items are kept in walkways. e.g. cartons and sacks of food items make the kitchen congested.

Unnecessary items are occupying space in the canteens and cooking area. e.g. parts of cycle and electronic devices, chairs are kept here and there.











Cupboards, racks and drawers are greasy and dirty with no regular cleaning.

Counters and sinks are simply cleaned with water and no use of disinfectant is there.

Personal hygiene not maintained by cooks and food-handlers(aprons and gloves are not worn by them).

Street dogs are roaming and insects are present in the food court.

Proper dustbins are not used and waste materials are not thrown into the dustbins.

Prepared food are not provided suitable covering.




Cleaning is not done on regular basis.Important necessities are not directed

and labeled(like water taps and coffee machines).

Safety measures are not taken or even if taken then not tested regularly(like fire extinguishers, alarm bells, first-aid kits).

Gas stoves and pipelines are not taken care of.

Traditional methods are involves for cooking leading to environmental problems(like firewood, coal).







Sustainability is a not so easily achievable goal because planned out procedures and strategies are not followed for long term.









Red Tag Method is among the best program to follow in the sorting phase. The removable or somewhere else storable products can be marked with a red tag .That tag tells for example name of the inspector, date, demand, reason of the tag, storage place and disposition date. We may even use different colour tags to differentiate.

Also one may follow a Quarterly Self Inspection Checklist– Canteen-Kitchen.

Safety Inspection – Identify issues that can cause harm - a proactive management strategy that can identify and record circumstances and conditions (hazards) that may cause harm or create loss.  










When putting things back, think about where you use them and how often you use them. 

Daily items should be stored near the point of use. Consider putting them on the counter, or most accessible drawers/cabinets.

Special tools should be grouped with other like-items and put on high or low shelves. Lighter things are easier to lift on high shelves. Heavier pots and pans are easier to place below. 



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The cupboards and drawers should not be kept dirty.

 Annual wipe down should be done. It is suggested to use a microfiber cloth and mild cleaner.

 Counters can be cleaned similarly. Disinfectant should be used to wipe counters and sink daily, especially after preparing food. 

Once the storage areas are clean and fresh, it is time to figure out what goes back where. 

Dustbins should be used.

Gloves and aprons should be worn while cooking and serving.





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If you are using bins for keeping related items together ( like baking items), you can put labels on those bins. 

If there is a coffee maker that you does not know how it works, you can post directions on an index card on the machine or in the box of coffee tools. 

To give directions to the customers you can label locations for the items on the counter or mark the zones with different sticky note papers. 

 Safety measures should also be taken like keeping fire extinguisher, first aid etc.

You can put some flowers or a plant on the counter which will give your stall an elegant look.






The final step is the never ending Sustain. 

Remember, 5S is a continuous and iterative process, so if it does not work at first, you shouldn’t be disappointed and must continue practicing it.

Whatever changes you introduce, should be practiced on regular basis and consistently.

1.We learnt the beneficial 5s methods which help us in transforming a messed up place to a standard one.2. We learnt how sorting things can save time and make things convenient.3.The importance of cleaning and maintaining hygiene.4. We should think twice before planning to eat something from the food court.5. The way food is prepared and served is more important than the food itself.6.A proper and step-by-step process has to be followed to make 5S a practice and a success.7. Cleaning indirectly helps to check or inspect each and every part and place. Hence, it should be a habit. 8.Dedication, commitment, devotion and sincerity are needed in implementation of 5S on daily basis.9.The 5S's are an acronym for re-organizing an area or workstation so you have what you need (and just what you need) at the point of use.


Special Thanks To:Agarwal Canteen, Banasthali University.Annapurna Canteen, Banasthali University.Eat-n-Joy, Banasthali University.Fun-n-Frolic, Banasthali University.

Picture Credits:Offline- Anshu Verma,Radhika Agarwal &

Raksha SrivastavaPictures marked by (*) in the Upper right

hand corner have been taken from internet.

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